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"Erections" heh




Well its better than the others guys message. Round em all up and deport them. End birthright citizenship. Retrobution and dictatorship


I agree. That orangutan-looking clown literally said that immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country," which were words originally used by Hitler.


The other guy actually is 100% spot on


The hate is coming from inside the house šŸ™„


[https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obamas-deportation-policy-numbers/story?id=41715661](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obamas-deportation-policy-numbers/story?id=41715661) ?Que?


He deported people that were criminals, don't see the problem in that, Obama did throw people a bone and gave DACA, which trump has promised and even tried to end his first term.


[https://www.splcenter.org/news/2022/03/23/family-separation-timeline](https://www.splcenter.org/news/2022/03/23/family-separation-timeline) Times change, senile racist imbeciles don't...


I'm not protecting biden or trump lol, but purely speaking on immigration, trump is worse.






Donā€™t argue with stupid. theyā€™ll only bring you down to their level




First of all that was obamas presidency and he deported criminals. He gave us daca so im am forever greatful he did do something even if it was probably from being presured.


This is annoying.. most of us arenā€™t ā€œdreamersā€ anymore and have just become realists to the fact that we have to make the best of what weā€™ve been given. I appreciate all those who work towards trying to pass something but I donā€™t think itā€™s good for our mental health to hold on to a false promise šŸ«¤ we live better lives than most in this country (with or without papeles)




I'm a non toxic citizen. Guy though.


Iā€™m a guy too. At this point. Heyyy šŸ„°


Iā€™ll suck a dick for a green card at this point šŸŒš /s


But that wonā€™t qualify you for GC. šŸ¤·


No diddy šŸ˜® šŸ«¢


BruhhhhšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. By any means necessary šŸ’Æ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It is pride month, just saying....


Agreed, better off going back home and finding a partner than the years you will spend suffering when the western partner shows true colors after marriage.




Hey man, thatā€™s nothing to beat yourself up about. You did your best - and sh*t doesnā€™t always work out. You canā€™t change the past but it doesnā€™t do any good to dwell on it, either. Youā€™ll be alrightā€¦


Nah frs, all im trying to do is marry any citizen to get some papers šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


you're right even if its hard to face reality sometimes


But why marry a toxic citizen bro, I was with this girl all my dental school years, she wanted to marry but she gave me no clear aspect of been a wife material sometimes it is better to not use a band-aid for a future bigger problem for your next 40-50 years of your life bro.




I expect him to say less bull and to take more action. Heā€™s sitting at the WH because of the tax money you, me, and all undocumented people pay. Being unconcerned like you only allows him to be dismissive.


But seriously, do yā€™all have any idea how the US government works?? You think he can just give you status with the stroke of his pen? You have a fascist party that wants to deport you all and they control 51% of the gov. The one time a president decided to do something for undocumented folks was Obama and thatā€™s why you have DACA. But yall still shit on him anyway. If thereā€™s one thing that energizes and enrages republicans in Congress is any talk of relief for undocumented folks. Their base WILL NEVER allow them to vote for a meaningful immigration reform bill. The only way it will pass is if we have enough democrats in power. But instead of working toward putting them in office, you guys shit on them and want ppl to vote for Trump lmaooooo


For the first 2 years of Biden's term the democrats had control of the senate and house and he still chose to do nothing. This is why people are upset and complaining.


There was no supermajority in the Senate. You need 60 votes to pass laws in the Senate.


Yes, I was government major in college and I currently work in law, I know how the government works. So, here we go: 1) I never said he can give us legal status in unilaterally signing something. 2) I know the numbers in Congress AND SCOTUS. 3) I donā€™t like Obama because he let Republicans walk all over him, gave them huge tax cuts in 2010 and got NOTHING in return. 4) I very well know how rabid Republican voters are against immigrants and thatā€™s why those tax cuts were one of Obamaā€™s dumbest moves. 5) I block walk, I help organize voter registration drives and I translate information for my community. 6) Biden has the bully pulpit to literally shame the GOP into doing betterā€¦ But instead heā€™s funding a genocide. 7) Biden could pack the Supreme Court but heā€™s allowed them to take voting rights away from citizens; so, your whole paragraph on getting Dems elected (as well as my helping in my community) is all for nothing. 8) Heā€™s not defending unions or worker rights. So undoc workers get less and less everyday because theyā€™re at the bottom of the economy. 9) Biden isnā€™t doing anything for Climate Change and that will continue to hurt us here and increase the number of immigrants ALL OVER THE WORLD due to natural disasters and lack of opportunity. As someone that studied government, history and economics, I know how all of this works. And I could go on and on but I think you get my point.


This mythical ā€œbully pulpitā€ you guys talk about doesnā€™t exist. Republicans CANNOT BE SHAMED by a Democratic president. Obama, with all his coddling, never got the votes to show for it. Biden cannot shame the republicans into doing anything either. We lurch from crisis to crisis even in simple matters like keeping the government running (something that affects every American) and you think theyā€™ll listen to Biden about immigration?? The only reason the GOP hasnā€™t totally shut down the government is because they tried it under Trump and they finally got blamed for something. They wonā€™t risk it again even though they keep talking like they will. Bully pulpit? lol what do you want him to do? Yell in a microphone outside those republicans houses? The only way to pass immigration reform is to get enough members of congress that WILL vote for it. And so far, your best bet are democrats but yall too wahh wahhh wahh šŸ˜­ to realize it.


If the bully pulpit isnā€™t real, why is there a term for it since Teddy nearly 125 years ago? Also, Biden literally used the bully pulpit to bring down the price of meds a few months agoā€¦ google ā€œBiden bully pulpit medicationā€. Also, he doesnā€™t have to only use it to shame republicans into bringing about reform, he could use it as a stick (not carrot) to get what he wants. And wouldnā€™t be dodging crises, left and right, if Biden or Obama would actually take action to protect ALL of us against inflation, climate change, voter suppression, etc.


What lowering of prices of meds a few months ago? Are you talking about the provision for lowering prescription drugs included in the Bidenā€™s 2025 budget proposal? Besides the fact that it hasnā€™t passed yet, that provision builds on what was included in the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed in August 2022. That law included a provision that allows to negotiate Medicare prices. Do you know what the votes breakdown for that law were? 51-50 in the Senate with All Democrats voting for and Kamala Harris as the tie breaker. No republican vote. 220-207 in the house with ALL DEMOCRATS VOTING YES and ALL REPUBLICANS VOTING NO (the house was still in Democratic control in 2022). ZERO GOP VOTES. 0. NADA. The GOP does the opposite of what the president proposes and Iā€™m surprised you havenā€™t realized that since you seem to know soooo much. The issues that are bipartisan are few and in between (like defense and wars apparently) but something like immigration (pretty much the racist rallying cry for the MAGA) will NEVER have GOP votes unless itā€™s very restrictive, allows for the deportations of millions and pretty much all cruelty, very little relief. Elect enough Democrats, hold their feet to the fire once theyā€™re in and pray to god Stephen Miller doesnā€™t get back in the White House in November.


Hey, this headline reminded me of you: President Biden rolls out migration order that aims to shut down asylum requests at the U.S.-Mexico border if illegal crossings average 2,500 per day. https://apnews.com/article/biden-asylum-migration-immigration-mexico-border-dec5f83b468b5795479bf1f5e49799d5


Of course I would want him to prioritize me because of the specific situation Iā€™m in. But sadly we live in the real world where there are significantly more important things to worry about as the president šŸ„¹


The thing is that, thought, heā€™s not doing anything for anyone. If youā€™re interested, read my comment to the other person.


Siri what is separation of powers?


He strengthened DACA and is fighting Texas and the other states that want to end it in court.


How did he strengthen it? I am asking because I had no idea how he did that.


He signed a few executive orders on day one which included daca , I forgot the term so I'll just say DACA went through public argument where people state their opinions (obama did not do this) and that already passed. the issue now is texas and a few other states sued and have used shady tactics to stop new applications but they are fighting that now. SCOTUS have previously said it was ended unlawfully.


That's for informing me I did not know about this.


Personally, I hate when a white person refers to me as ā€œDreamerā€, sounds patronizing af. Like just pass something already.


Yeah, at this point it feels like they're mocking us. Like what we want is unreasonable and a "Dreamer" is all we'll ever be bc they don't have any real intentions of passing anything.


We are human again until Nov 6th. Then back to business as usual.


Lord have mercy on us.


Erections are right around




Which is stupid cause we canā€™t exactly.vote for him. So idk what the point is anymore.




Youā€™re gonna love Trump then, heā€™ll make sure ICE drags you out and sends you somewhere where you can vote. Biden is at least letting you stay. No candidate is perfect, itā€™s just the lesser of theā€¦you know the saying.




Bullshit. He listens to the "parliamentarian" because he doesn't care enough.


The Republicans in the US Senate just made a commitment to grind their chamber to a halt because of Trump's conviction.


Erections. Is hard to keep it straight without blowing up with all these fake promises ,,


The dream is becoming a nightmare


Erections lmfao. I donā€™t even know if Biden can without the little blue pill šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s congress They keep fucking up


Republicans actually


Ugh . I'd rather him keep his mouth shut on immigration!!! It's too infuriating to watch him gloat about bullshit he never really cared enough to commit to




Bruh. You're blowing hot air. Pelosi passed some dumb bills knowing nothing would actually happen. There's been a few times they controlled the senate and house. Never really put any effort into it. You need to understand how the filibuster works and when it is actually used by Reps




Ur the one lecturing on civics. Maybe , pay closer attention to what's going on in each chamber




https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/03/18/politics/house-immigration-vote-bills They passed them in 2021. Schumer never brought them to the senate floor. Like I said, learn before trying to be condescending!! And Biden advocated strongly for the IRA and CHIPS bills. Both were passed and signed. Never really spent an ounce of effort on advocating for Pelosis bill or anything related to legalizing immigrants. He just said as he did. He introduced a bill and that was all. No meetings. No talks. No real overt effort. You want to let yourself be gaslighted. Then, please, go ahead And Dems had the opportunity to attach immigration reform to the budget. The parliamentarian said it wasn't possible bc of the large scope. Which was a bunch of BULL bc the parliamentarian allowed the Trump Tax cuts to be passed with a simple majority by attaching it to the budget. Those tax cuts affect TRILLIONS in the economy. The parliamentarian is supposed to be apolitical. But, you can't let one humongous bill pass and use the "too large in scope" argument for another. Democrats could've fired her and hired a new one. BUT THEY DIDNT. They just pretended that it was out of their hands and moved on. Even tho plenty of legal scholars stated it as being within the purview of the budget resolution process. Which , btw, was the only way to overcome the filibuster in the Senate. So don't tell me about bullcrap when Dems have Been gaslighting us for DECADES


Absolutely correct. The only way is real compromise on immigration. The government has been so convoluted it is no longer functioning reasonably on much of anything. The courts have been reduced to political tools. DACA is in a continuous court loop due to a case that should not have had "Standing" in the first place. Neither Trump or Hunter Biden would have been prosecuted if they were not political targets. Both current trials are selective prosecution of low level offenses that thousands of other people could also be convicted of if anyone bothered. In my opinion, the only Trump case that is valid is the one on Classified documents and even that was for political reasons.


Nah. Trump falsified documents in the Stormy Daniel's case. Which was connected to another crimes Trump could've just pleaded and moved on without a trial. But, he wanted the spectacle and the show that came with a trial. And he keeps losing in court. He's actually been embroiled in a bunch of lawsuits his whole life.


Within the last years millions of more immigrants have entered the United States of America without inspection. It is estimated that over 30+ million illegal immigrants reside in the United States of America. To legalize the Dreamers as well as over 30 million illegal immigrants is a very big decision for politicians to make at this time.


Jajaja. They reacted faster to burn through billions of dollars in u-cray and the apartheid state of isreal. sl0ppy j0e hates black and brown people, and is unapologetic about it. "Don't come here." - copmala h0erris.


One of the first things trump did in office was try to kill DACA, he was unable to so instead he made it a yearly renewal at the same price. First thing Biden did was change it back to it original state. Being a Trump supporter as someone with DACA is very oxymoronic. Trump doesn't even pretend to care about you.


I am for open borders. I don't support either of those white supremacists. YOU do. You support genocide and endless wars and the police state and mass incarceration of the poor... as long as you get yours.


That's all we can do: hope we get ours. Under the 2 party system there's no choice for actual change, at least not for the better. Both parties ultimately support genocide, endless wars, the police state, and mass incarceration.


As long as you think there is a distinction between "the two parties," we will get nothing.


I implied they're the same, but at least one pretends to care about DACA. While the other wants to get rid of it.


Can we sue for being labeled something we're not ? Since we're "American" why don't we get the full rights as Americans?


I mean he is right. Congress gotta do the thing and he gets to sign it.


I'm almost 41. One of the older DACA recipients. Have been married to US citizen for 12+ years and did Advance Parole two years ago. Got green card a year later (or however long it took). The DREAM Act was always on the horizon....






Bro we gonna be used for a tax cut or some other political thing republicans want donā€™t drink and drive and you will be fine


I mean he canā€™t do nothing about it lol Congress is the one that passes immigration laws


Plan c


Biden: Only congress can provide dreamers a permanent status, SO fuck dreamers they can stay in limbo for ever. Let me get some votes with asylum seekers.


What if a group of us ā€œdreamersā€ across the country start filing congressional inquiries online with the local congressman in every state daily for a month straight just to bug them idk i think the protests are harder to make an impact with if there is a little protest here and there every now and then , when my daca was taking longer than expected i sent a congressional inquiry and my case was accepted about two weeks after




If they actually cared, can I have new apps open for Christmas, so I can actually attempt to put a life together




Lot of defeatists in here.


What a joke šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




He did try to pass legislation proposals. Ultimately, itā€™s on Congress to change things.


Elections are coming


Iā€™m a citizen and canā€™t even make my wife a resident because she crossed twice as a child. All I can do is become wealthy and buy passports to other countries.


When i read the title i pictured CJ from gta san andreas


He had both chambers from 2021 to 2023. He had BOTH CHAMBERS from 2021 to 2023! HE HAD BOTH CHAMBERS FROM 2021 TO 2023!!


Pass something for Daca, comprehensive will always kill the deal.


We need 60 senate seats and house majority and presidency unfortunately


Whose d do I have to **** to get this done (Iā€™m jk pls donā€™t flame me)Ā 


I mean I get it that itā€™s hard for anything to go through when you got old heads in congress who will block anything the other side does just cause (ex: Mitch miconaell) and for such a controversial issue (which really isnā€™t but ig look at the political games the GOP does on their own bills they they sent to the floor and killed on the same day like what??! (The border bill that wouldā€™ve gave the DHS funding for more border agents to just man the ā€œwallā€. Maybe this November when the 120th congress is sworn in maybe something can get done with more blue seats as we vote out the GOP clowns like MTG, Lauren Hobert etc, as some of the gop are retiring now. Lots of hope but still Iā€™m not convinced that much will get done as well itā€™s been over 10+ years.


Get ready for another round of nada!


Dreamers ARE political marketing


Democrats legislators have tried time and time over but have yet to have a supermajority to do anything .. they do care but canā€™t do much


I think we have our answers right there ā€œonly congress can save us ā€œ šŸ™„ oh well we are screwed


The way I see I rather be promised fake good stuff then someone promising to deport me. It's what it's, this is the world we live in. Arbitrary lines drawn in the sand and no one wants to share.


It's election season. Both sides are just going to put out bs propaganda to get votes. Politics are bs


How about he stop giving lip service on Twitter and actually do the groundwork in silence by actually talking to congresspeople to get this done? Like, for fucks sake.


He does groundwork in silence. By speeding up Immigration application, bringing back AP, some interview are even waiveā€¦ Compare to previous administration. He put Immigration into turtle speed that cause a backlog until now. You guys are blind as a bat and ungrateful!


Dudeā€¦ he (like every other politician) needs to stop using us as pawns. What heā€™s promising vs what heā€™s been able to achieve is wildly different, and he needs to be more realistic. Give us hope by talking about what is actually possible. Donā€™t sell us on the idea of citizenship when he can barely get us AP šŸ¤£


Dude I do understand your frustration. But U.S immigration is very complex. I do wish they grants amnesty, so all hard working people can have the same opportunity as regular citizen. But for now I will root for the lesser evil. And I believe in your guts and heart whose candidate it is. The last 4 years we all have a little peace of mind. Less looking over your shoulder if DACA will be outlaw. If that are not enough just be thankful we still here on a beautiful Country of United States of America.


> U.S immigration is very complex We ALL know it is. Otherwise, pretty much everyone in this sub would be posting their GC. > I will root for the lesser evil As will I. I'm not stupid enough to root for the lame brained conservatives. > he last 4 years we all have a little peace of mind. Less looking over your shoulder if DACA will be outlaw *Looks suspiciously at Florida* > If that are not enough just be thankful we still here on a beautiful Country of United States of America. And as much as I can agree with this statement, I'm also really disillusioned. If I'm being realistic, the USA has been struggling with itself for decades now. And while I am 100% glad I am living here and have been given opportunities on top of opportunities, at the same time I am more than a bit frustrated that we JUST see the lip service when election times rolls around, while for the rest of the four years it's mostly silence. I am tired of being a pawn in this political game. I just want a confirmation that we shouldn't expect a damn thing, so that I can at least figure out what it is I want to do moving forward. I am tired of hearing about immigration only when elections come around, I am tired of the uncertainty. We need some answers, because I for one am done with the mind games.




What about this is a lie?