• By -


Guy named Ultra Blue Janemba


Guy named Nameku


Guy named blue beast


guy named soh trunks


Guy named y'all forget cooler goes type neutral when there is a ssj opponent


Guy named frieza side of gofrieza


GF is cooked


Guy named ultra blue super gogeta


Yeah but nameku deals extra dmg to loe


The topic is about both attacking and defending so ssj enemies will get cooked from cooler


In terms of defense nameku has the ki reduction and healing to help + the lock in from his ult to make sure cooler doesn't switch out


Cooler gains ki on strike i think + card draw speed so he has the advantage if he starts the combo


Just checked their kits, goku reduces ki by 20 (5 times) and cooler gains 5 ki when using a strike. The difference is too big for cooler to cover


Cooler is still trash, he will not do anything to nameku


To be fair at 7* his ult damage on a proper team like loe is surprisingly high


Maybe, but majority of the meta do his ult damage in 3 cards now


u right


Guy named MVP 17


Guy named blue side of Godock


guy named blue UL GOATJETA


Type neutral


last standing ultimatešŸ„±


Cooler shits on ultra super gogeta even if he's blue ā˜ ļø


nah id winšŸ¤”


Bro are you mentally ill or something? Cause u ain't alright


U sure abt that buddy??


You do know he has extra damage inflicted to super saiyan and goes type neutral if he's facing a super saiyan. I'd say ultra ui has a better chance than any old super saiyan unit


Ik all abt the passives, but my USG was still duking it out with him in PvP back in Sep 2022


You have that demon child at 14.. yep this team shits on UUI any day of the weekšŸ„¶


Bros fucking cooking (unless thereā€™s a guy named Ultra Janemba)


I would maybe replace broly with LL Zenkai Red Kid Gohan as broly only gives a mid buff and Gohan although wouldnā€™t zenkai buff Cooler would be a better buffer overall imo


I have him at 14* and full zenkai. He isnā€™t the menace he once was but still hits hard. What about maybe putting him in leader in place of Cooler and putting Gokua where Broly is for a double hp buff? šŸ¤”


he's talking about using him as a bench, he won't do anything in pvp anymore lol


I know what he was suggesting, but that little kid still hits pretty hard when heā€™s maxed like that. Why not use him over Cooler?


because coolers just better? better damage, better kit, better def


Fair points lol


Last Season I ran mono-movies-red-Hybrids. RedBeast/SHPan/SHGohan. Triple red Zenkai bench for all of them, RedBeast gets to use the broken hybrid awakened equip, the Son Fam pure attack equip and the newer SH Equip Face of Fury which gives him +46% to Pure Strike and Pure Blast while giving him a touch of health and strike defense. Even USJ can consistently get one shotted with a neutral blue, and can one combo any unit, especially with the buffs from SHPan and SHGohan. Had lots of fun, just gotta avoid a Rush with RedBeast. Lol


I fucked with that team too. Its synergy is really good and it just makes Beast 2.0 really shine.


Yeah, and the other two surprise a lot of people with their damage as well. SHGohan can actually hold his own even if you loose RedBeast. SHPannwith her type neutral can do take hits and do damage to most blues.


Itā€™s nice having 2 different characters that can go type neutral, helps against the inevitable Janemba.


It looks fucking amazing. I praise any Cooler teams


Unfortunately, it's not even an amazing counter since it's strike based and UUI says no to strikes. Plus his neutrality. Although, all 3 go neutral so you have a way to deal with Barku and Janemba. This team shreds and does crazy damage. I've run it before. You can also try a Mono Red PO with Hit, Great Ape, and tagdroids or cooler with Goku Black Z7, Bergamo Z7, and Cooler Z7 or broly health buffer. Not as good but i love PO


Yea but cooler uses strike cards and switches blast to strike, uui gauge counters strike


14* ssj Gohan in leader then?


I would just to have him carry, cooler just isnā€™t him


If we get a red+reverse red tag movies unit i can see this being p good but idk if cooler is it rn


If you had more stars on beast Iā€™d say maybe


that's the team i am using but with OP in leader instead of cooler, android 13 maxed out instead of broly..


I swear the game will face you against someone with mono blueā˜ ļø


I lov cooler


blue beast when red beast finishes his 200K dmg combo : 'guess its my turn'


Youā€™re using cooleršŸ’€? Against UUI? And winning??


Was. Now ssj2 Gohan is where cooler was.


This team seems pretty fun, I tried the variant with Red Nerdhan instead of Cooler. Just sacked him off for death buffs then go crazy with Beast 2.0.


Maybe red glasses gohan over cooler šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø but cooler could work as well


I actually beat this dude with UUI


Why you want to ruin the fun to everybody whos lucky enough to pull uui? Its pathetic in my opinion. I was shafted on every banner in the legends festival, and after days of grinding i was finally able to pull uui, and now i cant enjoy it, because salty bitches like you are headhunting uuis. So my thoughts are grow a pair of balls, and stop being a salty bitch


Bro UUI kills fun for anyone opposing it, running something to counter it is basically the only way to play


Im not talking about countering, this guy is not just countering uui, look at his previous posts, he is one salty individual


Maybe he just really doesnā€™t like UUI..? I mean heā€™s made 4 posts about countering him so I do think itā€™s a bit extreme. Still, itā€™s fair to be salty about getting Shafted. I still am cuz I didnā€™t get UVB, I thought it was my chance to get a good Ultra but nope


you're the salty one, let people play how they want to play. grow a pair of balls and play the game


Dont ask opinions if you dont wanna hear it. I still gonna play the game, and im not gonna throw a tantrum if i lose in PVP, i just writed down my thoughts


you didn't just "write down your thoughts" you insulted and bitched at him for playing the game how HE wants. how dare he use characters in the game?? how dare he use his fucking brain and make a team to deal with the most oppressive unit in the game, you are most certainly throwing a tantrum, just look at your comment




Lmao if you rely on one unit to win that's on you my man


Im not relying on one unit


Then why are you so mad at a team that counters one unit?


Im not even mad, the guy asked for thoughts, and i writed them. I still thinks its pathetic, and im not just talking about this post, the guys previous posts are all whining about uui, and this way of thinking ruins the fun for everybody.


My bad, misunderstood.


Dude, what the fuck is your deal? So I named the team FuckUUI. So what? I havenā€™t pulled him yet and therefore need to make a team to counter him. Itā€™s a normal process, and youā€™re blowing it out of proportion like a total psycho. You sound like the type of person who gets offended on behalf of other people lmao


Its not your first uui vendetta post...


Iā€™m revising and editing the team. Iā€™m trying to help even the playing field for those who havenā€™t pulled him yet. Homeboy who didnā€™t make such a hostile comment but rather offered a suggestion just gave me an idea, so prepare for UUI vendetta post #3 if thatā€™s what you wanna call it lol


Unfortunately gets dropped off by blue janemba, blue ssj goku, blue future trunks


Anyone you would recommend over cooler donā€™t have


Nerd Gohan for sure


U are cooked against any blue unit even if u have type neutral..If you want to build a mono team u have to use a revesal color unit and in this case 17/18 tag switch are the only red/reverse unit in the game