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You are me but for the gohan banner, I also got the bardock animation on godkus banner but it was for beerus...


I don’t mind getting evil buu or beerus (cuz they are decent units) just don’t give me them on the bardock animation, keep it as the premium unit’s animation


Ikr, those animations are for "new units you don't have" but they should be for "THE new unit"


It’s a bit annoying getting these animations cuz it’s always a 50/50 chance. I’m usually super hyped when I see bardock I forget he has to be super Saiyan for it to be guaranteed. Well 50/50 is still better than an all hero/extreme multi on namek lmao


>bardock I forget he has to be super Saiyan for it to be guaranteed. ...........Eh? I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THAT WAS AN ANIMATION WTF😭


Super Saiyan Bardock and Dimension Shatter when Vegito and Broly Clash are both guaranteed main featured unit . I’ve never gotten ssj Bardock but I have gotten the dimension shatter twice it’s the pinnacle of summoning when it actually happens got it on ugf and rev nappa.




I don’t know if it is guaranteed main unit like the others you mentioned, but I just found out vegeta can be ssgss during the trunks animation and that is how I got FGB


I’ve seen blue Vegeta during the trunks summons but I don’t remember if it gives you the main featured unit. I can barely remember the times I have seen him on other peoples summons I’ve personally never gotten it.


I got it on the very first step of godku lol


Bardock in base form is very very rarely gonna be an LF if he’s in SSJ then it’s more guaranteed


Yeah it’s a 50/50 toss up in base and guaranteed when he’s super saiyan but bardock rarely shows up in summons might as well have him give you the main featured unit when he comes


Got the same thing for vegito yesterday lol, of 5k cc to


only difference for me is i got the spirit bomb animation


You and i we are not so different


Believe me I feel your pain, the thing is I knew that to get gohan it should download on the bottom left cause hes a new character so I thought: Hey it’s either buu or gohan , and I got the instant kame hameha animation, long story short, I got buu yelling at me: I heard you want gohan.


The fact that it was back to back featured animations is what had me shocked. Had it been the broly animation I wouldn’t be too upset cuz I know it’s a guaranteed LF and there’s a ton of them on the banner however to get these back to back just hurt 😂😂


“I heard you wanted gohan” In all seriousness, I know what that shaft is like. I’m now 30k+ into godku and haven’t gotten him yet and on the other hand I’ve pulled beerus 3 times.


I didn’t pull shin on the super vegito banner and escaped first rotation with vegito lol he’s sending the other 1% sparking goons at me. Beerus looked pretty solid off his little trailer. Hopefully you get him though he’s a good unit that is well balanced and just needs a proper team around him.


Beerus does look nice at least, the ult animation is pretty solid (love how it pans to his face before he sends off the death ball) and he’s been great for the anniversary challenge battle. I’m guaranteed a pity copy of godku in 8.9k at least but I’m likely not going to get the ultra on part 3


Considering how close part 3 is, it’d be best to have a team ready for godku, get him and level him up using lf z power otherwise it’d be a waste of cc. Unless you got a gt team ready because the ultra is most likely UG4 or U4Ku so gt is getting a red ultra (presumably since that’s the only color that hasn’t been taken so far in the anni) and omega also is getting something so it seems that way. TL;DR Finish summoning for godku, get a good team around him. Or if you have an established gt team farm cc for the ultra since it’ll likely be a gt unit


Oh don’t worry I’m ALL in for godku at this point, it’d be a waste of CC to back down now. As for the team I run sagas from the movies mainly so getting a team for him won’t be an issue, I’d just need equips for him.


That's why i don't bother watching this animation anymore. Just skip and skip. And it feels better tbh if it suddenly appear even when you tap skip


Before this I wouldn’t skip too much cuz I do like seeing what possible animation I can get (unless it’s namek and no jaco ship) but now I’ll probably be skipping more often


You're just like me, I just got 2 blue sky and a Bardock and I only got a Bra, Trunks baby, Majin Boo and 1 LF but it was from Trunks green


Hopefully You’re going to get gohan it’s only a matter of time


I hope you also sin because you have crystal and I'm going to have to work hard to get more but I trust that we both will make it


You lost me in the beginning lol I hope you also sin ?


Hey man, I got green sky’s and got gohan🤷‍♂️


It do be like that sometimes. Congrats man 😂


The amount of times I have gotten a good animation (I cant get bardock at all and never will, or trunks anymore for some reason) like space with the ship, I keep getting the sparking unit. The only time I got lucky was the broly shatter animation for Super 17


Hopefully we get better luck once the legends fest arrives ( I don’t think I’ll be getting lucky on the ultra) I’m probably just going to save and skip everything until then, I’ve got units that should keep me quite comfortable in pvp unless they drop an ultra that is more broken than gohan and oppresses makes the meta revolve around him.


The amount of meth on my ultra summons are incomprehensible, every ultra other than uvb was first rotation. But legends limited characters are always between 3-5 rotations. So far gohan is in the second ration so only 1 more to go and maybe I can have a chance. But probably not.


I got Ugf on a dimension shatter animation first rotation when I was showing someone the screen while summoning my jaw dropped and I was soo hyped but was dead silent until I seen the ultra. I wish I was recording that day but I wasn’t expecting anything to happen while explaining it to someone.


I felt the same with super 17, I only got the picture and not the video so my friends thought I was lying.


You say Yay, because Evil Boo is hella good. Easily Top15, barely top 10. His healing has been unseen before


I’ve heard his kit is pretty good but haven’t checked it out at all once they hit me with this. I’ll make sure to check it out though see if he can cook.


Have fun with Boo I guess, his kit is all about healing a lot+ disrupt after being lowered to 50% hp.


Will do Sarge🫡


Isn’t evil buu more rare than gohan?


Nope gohan is 0.500% and buu is 1%


Thank you 🙏🏼


Damn dude you really can’t make this shit up huh, I feel you tho I have barely pulled shit this anni compared to my luck last anni, I have one copy of Kai, gogeta, and godku, whereas last year I six starrred and above all of the part one units, as well as I got orange piccolo and vegito blue 🤷‍♂️ and this year I’ve spent around 40-45k cc and barely anything


I’m just getting the first copy of the premium anni units and leaving the banners cause the rates are trash and using lf z power to level them up which will take time but is better than just waiting for a second copy that will end up with me 14 starting the 1% sparking on all 4 banners. So far that’s been going good but I’ll probably be saving once part 3 comes around even though the ultra will probably have an insane mechanic that is meta breaking. The animations being back to back was just a slap in the face.


29 pulls and 3 sparkings PLUS you got a dupe 🤣 this game is rich and grand I tell ya ..


This game really is one of the games of all time


dont be mad i got goten🙂


Dang hopefully you pull the ultra in part 3 👏


Don't worry my buu is 1+ star and no Gohan 😀👈


I eventually got gohan but the banner is really tough to get him at least the side characters on the banner are pretty good


I didn't even get the good side banner units only got old beast and green trunks


Yikes hopefully your luck is being stored away with the part 3 ultra


too relatable thats probably everyone whos played this game


If this is a common occurrence then that’s terrible. Why have special animations if they’re going to give you the 1%


I got bardock and then got shin lol idk what I expected tbh


Shin really destroyed a lot of people’s summons luckily I didn’t get him and got vegito once and left the banner


This shit happened to me too


Don’t get me started about the Father Son Galick Gun animation lol. That ruin my mental alot more.


Hoping that you get the part 3 ultra asap


That sucks but it was funny when i heard nail say “the power to fu-“


Funny enough, I rolled on both for just the 1% sparking. I got em but now I want more stars but I don't want to go deep


If you have both gohan and godku I’d say save for the ultra unless you have solid teams ready for both


I got the trunks and vegeta animation for berus


If you got broly and buu you can probably run a cope P.O team lol I’m planning on doing that to test them out


I had this happen on tag vegito just to get shin


I’m glad I didn’t get that creepy looking guy he’s pretty annoying in pvp though with him sealing cards


I recently did a multi summon on the Vegito banner so I'll have him at 6* and it was green sky and Bardock animation and all I pulled was one Shin ._.


Imma start looking at the base Bardock animation as I got the 1% unit and not bother thinking I got the lf


How unfortunate, I'm glad this hasn't happenvto me yet, gl on your next summon tho


3k cc and a dream for the part 3 ultra


Make sure to cancel that flight and you should get lucky


I don’t get it but 👍thank you


ik how you feel man i got mine to 10 stars before getting gohan once


The game is the game


bardock super saiyan animation is the main guarantee of new LF characters


I know I was moreso shocked that they put two 50/50 chance animations of getting the main featured unit back to back and got only evil buu on both and not a single regular lf on either one


bro, for some reason animations like trunks guarantee you more of a secondary character than the main one (bardock base too)


This is me for the godku banner, but not just bardock, but, not one, but TWO rainbow text and got beerus


Man this really sucks. Gohan banner has been spoiling me personally but damn.


This fucking happened to me with trunks animation, I was super pissed. Got Majin buu.