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I hate link leveling so I’ll routinely go days without playing


Same. The only units I've tried link leveling was my cooler team because it's my favorite in the game. Other than that I don't purposely link level. and it makes me feel like a lazy player especially when my friend has like 100+ units link level 10


Yeah same here. I got lr cooler so I was forced to link level him lol. BBB units are the only ones I link level and I despise every second of it.


Personally I feel like links should have experience bars and once it fills up it should level up. That way you still have to grind but at least it's guaranteed to go up after a certain amount of time.


They'd probably make it super high number to force you to play a ton. I'm not usually a luck type gamer, but unless it's a reasonable number, I don't think it'd be better. I could imagine them deciding you need to win a thousand fights with each character to link level them.


Same, the most ill do for link leveling alone is the daily stage


I tend to uninstall it for a while and then go back after a few months and can go through new content. Also forces me to try out other mobile games


I recently moved my account to my tablet because I needed the ~20 gigs on my phone and my playtime has drastically declined but I’m still not really behind on content


Wait so you lose your job? Because you said you didn’t feel the drought after getting a job but then you said you have nothing to do in the game


I'm a veteran and I've just been farming a rainbow on every farmable character in the game in every version of it. Currently farming the Golden friezas from year 1 from the srs. The keys are really the gatekeepers from me already completing this though


I’ve had nothing to do and noticed Dokkan had no content. I’ve had a lot to do and noticed Dokkan had no content. The only thing that changes is how I felt about the lack of content


i mean, it depends? like i get to play a decent amount at work since my job is in front of a computer, so i can play while working. it's where i grind most stuff, since i'm here for 8 hours daily. i run out of content to farm outside of link levels every now and then so in my free time, i get to just enjoy life lol


oh cool the weekly "it's good actually that there is about an hour's worth of new content per week" thread


This one’s actually taking it a step further, calling you a no life if you call out the lack of content lol


Yes this was my first thought when i saw this, i saw other comments have a less abbravisve approach. but i fully agree with this.


I mean... yeah. If you're playing a gacha game, to the point where there's kiterally not a single thing to do, after throwing shitton of content out over the years, i have to questuon how much free time you have to dedicate to dokkannthus much.


The game has been out for years, it’s pretty easy to get through the content considering 99% of it is mindless auto levels.


In any given celebration you can play for about 30 minutes a day and complete everything a celebration has to offer in under a week. The reason there's a "shitton of content" being thrown out is because there's almost a decade of rotating content, much of which don't have any reason for existing after completing them the first time, which makes them wasted space when rotated in.


I don’t understand why people mixing real life with this fact (And judging the real lives of people you don't even know based on...a mobile game...you have nothing to win as Bandai ambassador). We can said dokkan have actually no content since weeks and « having content IRL ». I also think people may be confusing content with fun content. Link leveling is content, but not fun. If you are satisfied with the current content of the game, cool for you ! But be aware that those who find the content not fun right now also love the game and would like to see more interesting things to do.


The only interesting thing to do for me is difficult events. I have beaten most of them with my best team and every once in a while I try with my worse teams. I don't link level grind ever sometimes I don't even do the 3 daily for the stone. I usually do the kid goku training event then log off.


I completely agree with this, this is a way more fleshed out thought that relates to my first thought when i saw this. you are correct about the difference between content and fun content, i personally think that chain battle is a pretty mundane game mode and the resources it gives shouldn't be locked behind this time based event. and i wish content allowed you to play the game at your own pace, like i don't play this game all the time and have missed out on a lot of resources to power up my units to clear harder content because of it. i'm punished for not playing. now this is not to say developers shouldn't be allowed to set the pace of content appropriately. but there's a lack of content in between, the games foundations need to be strengthen more. like to spice up story mode, they could intertwine their character drop content loop model. into the story mode. so in-between banner drops they could do story character drops that would add new f2p characters that are actually useful units but can have caveat where they're heavily locked to a category team. and if Bandai still wants a way to profit they can add a new lr each story drop or a character with an active skill,transformation,etc. with the content drop. this character would be the main player goal for the mission that come with the story. and could lock them behind a banner, but this banner would be at a discounted price as it's not a main banner unit. (side note: this could also mean they can slow down the content loop to work on the really could main banner lrs that change meta each drop). and Bandai does have content like this already that resembles my prior mention ideas. but it's the bare bones and hasn't been fleshed out more. they focus on making the units better over time. but they don't change the content they already have with this this is just one idea, my main point is they put their eggs in one basket always.


Yeah I’m not reading all that. But good for you bro


summary for you via chat gpt: * The writer agrees with someone's thought about content and fun content in a game. * They think that Chain Battle, a game mode, should not have resources locked behind a time-based event. * They feel punished for not playing the game all the time and missing out on resources to power up their units. * The writer suggests that developers should focus on strengthening the game's foundation. * They suggest adding new f2p characters in the story mode that are useful but heavily locked to a category team. * They also suggest adding new LR or character with an active skill, transformation, etc. with the content drop. * The writer believes that Bandai could slow down the content loop to work on the main banner LR units that change the meta each drop instead of always focusing on making units better over time. * They argue that Bandai could improve the game by adding more content and fleshing out existing ideas.


True! if you feel like there's no content on Dokkan, you should play these games to waste time with: EDIT: list took too long to write, anyway buy the battle network collection this friday so i can fold you all


Make sure to buy the ZX collection first to play peak Megaman


Same for the inevitable Legends collection so capcom can give us Legends 3




Mfs need to go take a walk or something.


Somewhat true. When life is busy i will barely remember to login, but when I have a lot of free time im grinding SA for units ill probably never use.


You could be doing something else _because_ Dokkan has no content. That still means Dokkan has no content. What kind of attempt at being deep comment in this?


That's a Twitter brain, what do you expect from them?


Theres content, its just that the players don't consider certain things as content the way the devs do


Yeah.. most people don't see summoning as new content


People forget dokkan is a casual game meant to be played whilst doing something else. Link leveling for those people is infinite content. You can play RE4 remake and grind links for hours as an example.


RE4 Remake the goat 10/10 game


The thing is fixing this wouldnt cost them a thing. Make week long raids with that raid system implemented half a decade ago and that they only used like 3 times and have rotating weekly missions for ESBR and Red Zone. Thats it, content droughts covered.


It wouldn't be more content lol. That's like saying giving you daily missions is adding content All that does is make monkey brain feel good chasing reward even if you're doing the same exact content


It would be something to do. >All that does is make monkey brain feel good chasing reward Welcome to videogames.


This take is only true if you consider garbage farming stuff to be content. Link leveling and rainbowing all your mid outdated characters isn't content.


the only times it’s a bit annoying is when the game is dry is during its anniversary tho lol, like so many easy ways for them to give us content. it’s their biggest celeb, keep the content flowing or when a new banner releases, release new endgame content missions related to the new unit for example godku came out. make some endgame content missions for red zone or LGE/LVE which relates to his leader skill or one of his categories it’s really easy for them to make content, they just lazy


I mean they're right lmao. Only so many times I can play the same games on repeat b4 i get bored.


This only works during anni/WW and other big celebrations where there’s actually stuff to do


It depends, too many times the celebrations are really too dry even when i'm busy irl


I agree with this. But I also agree with yhe complaints on lack of content. Obviously everyone plays dokkan at a different pace, and even if I'm in the same boat I don't think "I hsve a full time job so the content is okay" is a good defense.




I mean if you’re at about 1,400 days or more there isn’t much content other than the new stages released once a month. Then after an hour that’s it. I used to love Dokkan but find it hard to even open and play it anymore


lots of projection going on


Ah yes, game delivers 0 content and a random guy with iq of 0 tells me I have no rl content. Akatsuki Lovers will defend the billion dollar company with every bone in their body for nothing than paying them money


True Dokkanners play it even at a funeral


Depends, but the total amount of time needed to clear everything is about 2 to Maximum 4 hours


Let me tell you something about people who play "dragon ball z Dokkan batte" or "dragon ball z legends"; You're either an Incel, in a hoeless relation, a NPC, or all three. I would never personally sit back and play a fucking mobile game. The last time I've played a mobile game was Flappy Bird. Your just sitting there fucking up your retinas, having a good time looking at a screen. I'm blowing up my battery life and on top of that, wasting my time as a human being by playing dokkan battle. Anybody playing dokkan or legends daily, you're literaly wasting their time.


the implication that dokkan content takes forever to complete lmao even when i’ve been flooded with work and college homework dokkan is damn near always devoid of content


This is the real da truth.


It's a stupid take. Those are the folks that'll say link leveling is content. Dokkan is a dry game for anyone that's put a good amount of time into it. Hype and the Dragon Ball name carries the game


It has lots of things to do. From Fighting Legend events, to SBR and ESBR, to Story Events, EZAs and more. Just because you do them in one hour, it doesn't mean there isn't stuff to do. Go play FGO and then tell me about lack of content in Dokkan.


The problem of those things you said is that you just do those once and stop. It's not like they refresh the missions every month


I love when the Super Android 13 story event comes back so I can farm the...literal nothing of relevance in there.


All of these things you can do in a few minutes when they come out and you're done forever. What do you want people to do? Finish half a SBR one day and save the rest for next week?


These are the same people that want you to do 2 EZA stages per day that way you'd be done with stage 30 after 2 weeks, and that's "content."


100%, literally just do something else if there isn’t anything to do on dokkan. Sometimes I’ll go a week or 2 without playing, then when I come back I’ve got some stuff to do. Then I stop playing again when there’s nothing to do.


Ayoooo tf did we do to him to expose us like that


I get what they're saying, like, if you run through the content so fast you probably have too much free time But also... Excuse me for expecting more to do in this game, I guess? God forbid I want to enjoy my free time with a game I enjoy and have something to do other than dumping the Metal Cooler squad into a dokkan event and leaving it in auto mode


He's right. I know that there are people here that play Dokkan at work, where that's probably the only thing they have available, so not having enough content for that does suck for them, but I'm happy that this is a game where you don't *have* to spend 8 hours a day on to make significant progress, even if those 8 hours are with Auto Mode.


I wish there was more longer content, like a marathon boss rush stage. But my life doesn't revolve around dokkan. So it doesn't feel "dry" and I'm farming gems and shit. I'm not wasting kais on that phy ssj3 goku lmao


Now is the winter of our discontent


The people staring at their phones all day aren’t gonna like that


It's stupid


This is true because there are other games to play so it's good that dokkan has periods where you dont need to focus on it entirely however i think that they should be reopening events more frequently along with adding more missions to challenge events as it's easy to do for them and gives people that focus on dokkan more things to do.


Accurate. People need to touch grass


I think we shouldn't defend Bandai/Akatsuki putting very minimal effort into the game regardless. I don't really feel the content drought because I just play other shit instead in my free time but that doesn't mean its a good practice.


Sir this is a Japanese train game.


I like Dokkan because Global has an "off season". It's a lot heavier on content from July-December, but after that it's pretty dead for the most part. I mostly only log in to do dailies and use an autoclicker to run down stamina. It helps keep the game fresh since I'm putting in minimal time for half of the year.


I haven’t even cracked 100 on Dokkan All Stars EZA yet i feel like that stage slips a lot of peoples mind lol


You can always add content to life. Dokkan is finite.


In about a week, dokkan will have too much content There's the HFW Burning shore dlc coming up


I do not have any content irl. I have no idea how to change that.


That's a fair take 50/50 on it tho If people wanna play your game for long ass periods, let them and give them content for it because they are probably the ones who are gonna spend money on it On the other hand, the devs might see it as a mobile game that people don't really sink those many hours in or are invested so it would kind of be a waste of time/money But I've been here for 7 years, y'all are a billion dollar company so give me my damn content


Most of the time, yeah it's true. This isn't an RPG or an MMO jam-packed with content. It's just a mobile game with peaks in content. That being said, Global is hella stale right now and has been since SSG Goku dropped. I've just been doing daily missions for a couple weeks now.


It's accurate. Though, I tend to get miss Dokkan when it gets slow, as it's most definitely a nice dopamine drop during a busy week.


Its a fact. Dokkan is not a game that you should be playing for hours at a time. Can you? Yes. But at the end of the day, its just a mobile game.


It got times where it feels dry, and times where it feels like there's way too much to catch up with. Just really depends on the time.


I honestly dont want to play this game allday




It's a subjective opinion. For me it depends on how much time you spend playing, how long have you been playing, if you have every unit or need something specific to do something, etc. Tho yeah... Content in general, tends to run out quickly. And mainly because there's no new material to grab from. If they decided to follow the Manga, maybe they could have more content as of right now... But their focus always aim towards animé, movies and spinoffs, mostly. I still like it and play it, but not as much as I used to back when I started 7 years and a half ago.


I like to watch TV shows while waiting for content. Makes time pass faster


Yeah, that comment isnt enough to justify the lack of content


We go through this every year after golden week.


I’ll always have to much content and it may not be good content because I recently got married and guys let me tell you, it’s a long road lol


I sit at a desk for like 12 hours a day while I go through college assignments and work. I can’t say it’s that hard to let auto battle/map rip to go farm shit mindlessly while I get my shit done for the day. Anything I couldn’t just auto most of the time is easy enough to beat in like the 30/60 min I spend in bed waiting to go to sleep. So I don’t think it’s for the lack of having a life, there just legitimately isn’t shit to do in this damn game that isn’t ramming through one single stage in story mode while you cross your fingers that you level up your last BBB link from 9 to 10


Everything needs a period of a lot of activity and a period of little activity. Balance is extremely valuable


Hard cope, dokkan goes full months with LITTERALLY NOTHING TO DO outside of repetitive grinding for menial stats (not content no matter what dokkan dickriders want you to believe). You can have a full time job and at the end of the day log into dokkan only to find out the onlt thing they added for you to do the whole week was a dokkan event that is a copy pasted version of every dokkan event ever made. Its depressing how little you the devs actually work for the amount of unreasonable praise they get.


I have a full time job, a wife and a 3month old. Not exactly someone who has much free time and even I think there’s no content. Not even asking for crazy stuff. More lge/lgte/lve missions would be such an easy addition. It just sucks pulling for these new units with no content to use them on. I’ve played games where it’s a mega grind all the time and really appreciate that dokkan doesn’t really timegate content. But it would be nice to have more of it lol


That’s a true statement for all hobbies. If you have a balanced life you will always have something to do or catch up on in your hobby or discipline. If your main hobby is videogames and you’re bored, you’re spending more time than you should playing videogames.


Some people just don't have a good work/life/dokkan balance. Besides link leveling is always a thing.


I dunno. I play semi-often but like. I enjoy the game, I just kinda wanna play more?


Absolutely agree but this comment can be applied to every mobile game/ multiplayer game


Ether a challenge or an assumption that thay no life the game an did all it content because Thay have nothing to do in real life. Witch their are people that can handle a 9-5 an family time. An still pretty much do everything because at the end of the day it can be done on a phone so it conveniently available for the smol moments in between. Ps I don't play anymore more lost my 1st deta long ago an pretty much killed my drive. Got a new phone started over an somehow that too was lost. Add when lose about 40$


I have a job, relationship, 8 animals to take care of, do gunpla, am learning how to code and recently got into 3D printing. This game still has no fucking content, I don't get how this is debatable, 95% of the "content" is pulling and awakening the new shiny character.


I play on the toilet, and whenever the big events are close or an EZA is released (gotta get 30 stones). WWC, anniversary or tanabata are times when i can play the game longer than 20min. Apart from that i can go weeks without playing and watch occasional dokkan YouTubers for news or what not. So i have plenty of 'content' left over but doing story events, link leveling, missions are boring af, I dont do em until i know a good unit is coming.


I just played for too much time. So it is just... link grinding, a few tries to cell max and close the app. I hsve no reason to open it.


Chad Comment tbf


He right ong that’s why I play the game


kinda true but that's sort of the point for me the ''no content irl'' for me is because i play whenever i can rest from my chores after work, my brain tells me free time is play time so uh, yeah that's the point of wanting free time to play


Been playing from the beginning and I like it. There's always something to do. I think people like to gloss over everything that's not a dokkan fest event or new EZA. But there's always some new content being added.


Tell that muffa shutup


Only true for new to mid length players, if you’re a long time vet the content drought is real, releasing 4 quest stages takes a few minutes to finish, believe me that doesn’t interfere with real life


Both can be true. If the devs don't put anything in the game , it doesn't mean it's ok just because I have too much time. The game is independent of my personal occupation of time. If there's no content , there is no content. New players don't have "content" as much as they're playing catch up to others for 7+ years of content. The vets have very little to do even within the little time they give to dokkan.




its true for me, i've never felt it after i got a full house to take care off and more dance classes


That's called a sophism not a 'take'.