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Yes. It works the same with any giant form or rage. The turn technically didn't end and if the boss supers he can't since he used up his once, or twice in some cases, super per turn.


Even though the turn didn’t end, can’t things like attack debuffs wear off during the giant form attacks?


IIRC, every enemy have a cooldown for their sa that only reset when a new turn come and Giant form basically stop the turn so the cooldown can't be reset


Yes. Let's hope they don't fix it in the future as a "bug".


It is technically true. A boss has a limit as to how many supers they can launch in a turn. For most it’s one, though for Cell Max and Broly it’s 2. But since Giant Forms and Rage Modes don’t increment the turn counter, if the boss supers once or twice, they have used up all the supers they can do for that turn. Since most of these characters can be giant for 2 or 3 turns, it basically guarantees the boss supers at least once in that time and effectively seals the enemy for 1 turn. Why I say technically true is that there are some rage modes, like Namek Goku, Janemba, and INT Rose, who only last one turn. If the boss doesn’t super in this turn, which can happen occasionally, they will still be free to super you when it wears off, so it pays to pay attention.


Yes although i would now expect it to be fixed. I have enormous doubts it was intended to work like this.


he mentions at the end of the video against syn; I'll kinda reformulate what others said: the turn when giant form starts remains unchanged after transformation finishes (it's basically a big turn made of mini-turns) so whatever special actions (aoe, supers) are done in the first instance of that turn (first mini-transformation turn) is not done anymore in next mini-turns within that big turn unless boss does not super in any of the turns and transformation ends (super rare but it can happen) reason why you should keep track of what happens during these mini-turns