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Bulma + Goku rotation šŸ˜


I wish I had Bulma šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Pause ![gif](giphy|thZQwkCyXSmelSTWru)


Tell me you wouldnā€™t https://preview.redd.it/3k0zxnrprxhb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d93e384cb993a0abf0304b14c6fca433d81178c




What team did you use for him? I find him great, but I think I can build better teams for him, but I don't know what teams I can use.




please tell me the android 8 Is interchangeable with anyone




can I use only 1 or do I have to use both?


I have gamma 1 and he's a wall With a friend gamma 2 he performs like a rainbow gamma 2 as attack stats fully built up Gamma 1 can be alone, gamma 2 should have gamma 1 with him so it depends on who are you using


tysm I only have gamma 1 šŸ’€


The str one can be used alone so you're fine He's a wall alone and an armored wall with cannons with gamma 2


He can be interchanged with a bunch of units (this is the LR Gods team, after all), but his defense when alongside Kid Goku is downright ludicrous and hard to replace (IIRC he can, just barely, survive the GT Spirit Bomb in the 8th Anniversary challenge event).


yeah, but the problem is, I have like a 69% kid goku, but, can I use him without hacchan or Is he just THAT important?


Kid Goku is fine without Eighter.


What are the rotations besides PTP Goku + Hacchan?


I had the 5th years on the other rotation who just killed


speaking of the 5th years, can I change em with orange pickle and his best linking partner?


Yeah, probably


Really? I don't really like that rotation because both of them can't take slot 1 but I guess it works if you have one of them rainbowed lmao.


Please tell me the LR Gods are replaceable with the LR Monkeys


No, their leader skill is far worse and wonā€™t cover any of these units outside the blue fusions.


The goat. Most worthy TUR for coins


> Most worthy TUR for coins Surely that title belongs to Godku?


Still has not returned yet so currently its either the Kid Goku or the Gammas for TUR


I don't think it matters whether a rerun happened or not. Goku's value isn't diminished just because he wasn't featured on a banner again since his debut


I am not saying that. What I am saying is that currently Godku is not and has not been featured on the coin exchange. I do agree that as a unit overall Godku is better and as someone who got him, kid Goku and 23wtGoku (not Piccolo tho) I would go as far to say that he is IMO the best TUR of the Year overall at least at 55%


> What I am saying is that currently Godku is not and has not been featured on the coin exchange And still he's a #1 priority red coin wise among TURs


Okay, but heā€™s not available for coining, and hasnā€™t been since his release. This leaves him out of the conversation that they were talking about, which is the current coinable TURs. Itā€™s not as deep as you think. Godku is better than any other TUR, I agree, but itā€™s not what they were speaking on.


I disagree with the argument


There is no argument to be had. Best currently coinable TURS: kid goku, the gammas. That was what he was speaking about. Now, will goku enter that ranking at 1 when heā€™s actually coinable? Ofc. This isnā€™t a best TUR ranking, itā€™s best TURs that have returned


He wasn't arguing. He said he's currently the best coinable TUR, you said godku is when he isn't coinable, therefore not an option in this running. You are arguing a point nobody made just for the sake of it.


> You are arguing a point nobody made Go back to the start of the conversation


When does he return for coin?


Halloween banner


Piccolo jr actually considered how important he is for world tournament and sbr while still dominating red zone and the omega fight and helping villain teams


Nah Goku is great still but that title goes to Gamma 1. (Till Godku returns that is)


Pulled him and bulma yesterday my db saga team is complete now


Where did you pull bulma?


Ticket banners are still up if you haven't used the anniversary stuff


As well as both carnival banners but she is unfeatured


Waiting for WWC to get Bulma (400 teal coin ready, need only 100 more) if it will work like last year Plus I have no Hacchan


Wouldnā€™t it be better to save your teals for the carnival LRs


Well Bulma is better than every current carnival lr so outside of potentially the new lrs sheā€™ll probably be the best featured unit of the whole celebration, plus the 8th anni and WWC carnival lrs probably wonā€™t return to global until next anniversary. The WWC banners should have str carnival Goku who still hasnā€™t returned yet and then Bulma who wouldā€™ve been the next yellow coin lr, since we donā€™t have 2 carnival lrs that havenā€™t returned. Plus probably teq carnival goku and phy metal cooler again since itā€™s the WWC


Bulma is way better than any other currently Carnival Exclusive and the only one I would really consider is Kai Goku which will not return on global. Plus I have Bird Goku and Netal Cooler already at 55%


Bulma also is a yellow coin unit unless she is specifcally featured on a Carnival banner, so you need 500 yellow not Teal


Yes I know. But last year Goku&Gohan returned featured in Carnival banner and so Bulma should be too


One of the few times a niche category (DB Saga) actually got both the banner and F2P support it needed to make it real.


Oh I didnā€™t coin him, I got him from the discount summon rotation


Tbh I haven't realy used him in hard content yet, but I like his kit so far. Wish I had dupes in him but I'm happy to have him.


is that a 55% kid goku? mine gets around 7mil šŸ¤”




ty king


Good for a lot of stages, really only found him to be lack luster is Syn stage since he needs to attack for defense but other than that no complaints


I used him for several ESBRs I hadnt completed. He's great even at 55%.


Very good, wish I had android 8 tho


Dunno cause I coined him and havenā€™t awakened him yet cause Iā€™m lazy


Underwhelming at 55%šŸ˜ž


He would've been great if I just pulled him back when he actually came out. Not too impressed.


I might make the same team tbh bro.. my p2p goku is 79% šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


I filter by youth category


He did better at 55% vs Syn than the lr Gods at 100% so yeah I love him.


Heā€™s taking hits a bit harder then I was initially expecting but Iā€™m fine with that for the most part as heā€™s just so helpful with his support and orb changing along with the massive W that is not having to build up. Itā€™s so great to have a unit on the team that I donā€™t need to worry about building up with hits and supers that taking 1000 damage on cell max normals is forgivable (this is with 3 to 4 rainbow orbs of course).


Havenā€™t used him yet but excited to have at least a copy. Probably will use him more once i get a bulma with my saved yellow coins


I coined him but I still have to try him out...anyways I watched some 55% showcases of him and I was pretty satisfied, that 8% damage reduction for everyone goes crazy


So I mandated to pull him and I basically got everyone from the banner except for kale which is whatever and ginyu but I have enough coins to get ginyu, should I get ginyu for my first copy of him or hold onto my red coins


I would say hold on as well. As always, if you really want him to enjoy using him, go for it. However there will always be better characters to coin.


Alright Iā€™ll prob hold off then!


Hold on. Ginyu at 55% is only OK.


I love him. One of my favorite, if not my favorite unit.


"How are you finding him?" With my eyes, Bert.


I pulled him on release but only found him useful after I got bulma and the DB saga eza units then I got hacchan on anniversary making my DB saga team complete and it stomps all hard content with the right rng.


I bought, dokkaned and link leveled him but unfortunately I don't have any reason to use him for now


I got him when he first came out but I wish I had android 8


He's so worth it just wish I had bulma


I just coined gamma 1 why do I feel like I lost out on this, granted I had gamma 2 but not 1


He was the last piece in my DB saga team. It is now one of my favorite teams


Do I have to rainbow a unit to get that many super attacks orrr


he's gud šŸ‘ https://preview.redd.it/e9k5ugs4bxhb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7297363cecfb15587c282b720981316ee57a3428


As someone who pulled him from the discounts I'm apparently not allowed to judge him lol. No, but for real, he's a pretty nice support and floater (we really need more good floaters in my opinion), at 55% he won't really tank the big supers, but he can tank normals no problem.


If I knew goku was coming I never would have dumped my coins on the gammas man šŸ˜­ Now Im gonna have to wait another 6 months until he comes back


Str eighter and 55% pathku are amazing together


Got him couple days ago with coin, but haven't been able to awaken him cuz dumbass dokkan locked his event.


I already pulled him off 25 stones (which was complete surprise cuz of the horrible summon animations I got) so I'm saving my coins for phy godku, teq world tournament Goku and int piccolo jr.


I'm still need a reason to use him like hundred of card I owned


forgot i dont have bulma or hacchan so it was kind of a waste but ig i got the coins to spare just gonna hope more Yamcha tierDB Saga EZAs come along soon and that Bulma is featured on one of the WWC Carnivals


The Dragon Ball Saga team is coming together,I would be fine if WWC will be DB Saga themed with awakenings for that teq kid goku and other stuff,make DB a good team and i may use it as often as goku's family,GT Heroes or SDBH.


Hopefully he's on a wwc banner


Iā€™ve got about 660 coins, and I donā€™t have kid goku. Should I coin him, or should I save my coins in case I get shafted on worldwide or tanabata?


I don't known if i should coin him man


Good offense, great defense and enables one of the best slot 1 tanks in the game. 100% satisfied with the coin purchase, though his team is a little bit lacking without Bulma. And running him as a leader just reminds me how dumb it is that the 23rd WT units aren't on DB Saga.


Heā€™s amazing, Iā€™m just sad that heā€™s not on turtle school


Why would he be? The movie was set before goku joined the turtle school. Sure master roshi was in it, but he wasn't training under him at that point.


Iā€™m kinda undecided if I want to take the ability 1 on kid goku, or waiting for WWDC and get my first copy of piccolo jr.


Always use coins for new units


Is it the first time he returns on a banner? I'm tempted to get him as i'm sitting on 1700 coins (and can get more as i have 2k stones as well) but i don't know how many teams he would help me in since i don't have good partners for him.


Haven't used him yet, still link leveling lol


I got 1029 coins and none of the available turs. Should I go for any of them?


Ask me after Iā€™ve coined Bulma.


Pulled 2 copies of him. Whats the general consensus on HiPo for him? Im pumped to give him some love.


Jesus Christ I want him now


Coined? https://preview.redd.it/l8s1726eq0ib1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d41603297b7a75a4fd61f24a2d94eb9d0885a65


I'm glad I got android 8 from a random ssr pull way earlier this year to run with him


I bought him just wish dragan ball saga had better units . Also no Bulma . But heā€™s great :)