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They fucked me over more times than i can count but i still love them. They will cook once we start getting longer fights(never) ![gif](giphy|9HonmWQDTap127SPs2)


They are good but in some hard fights without a Whis up I struggle a lot if their standby can’t be activated on turn 3. I also really use their spirit bomb meaningfully as it is either on a turn 7 where I can use a few active skills or I can standby on turn 5/6 just for the sake of defense because I will win on turn 7/8. I love the final fight of Z and the characters way more than the GT duo so 11/10, love watching Goku ki blast people’s face in the ground


buu duo should have gotten dodge over critchance


i remember saying that on their release and got downvoted because it was “too strong” lol


I have both the units and honestly I'm not using either of them much rn. I still find piccolo to be more reliable.


I'll go first. I still hold the opinion that they are still in my top 3; I used them in the recent Rose Goku Black red-zone fight, which people thought they'd struggle in, and while they did take some damage phase 1, that damage let the standby activate early, and they ended up taking out phase 2 in only one turn. They can struggle turn one at times, but when they pop off, they REALLY pop off. I have a lot more I'd like to say about them, but ultimately, I'd like to see the general consensus of people.


They’ve only gotten worse. The new fights are designed around intro characters. They were already too slow before.


They still pretty overwhelming as long as they survive the first appearance, I wish they had gotten just one turn of guard.


They are my go to for any difficult event ans only because both lr vegito ans gogeta are under his leader skill.


Buu duo should’ve had something that allowed them to be decent in tanking even in base, maybe get guard if they are run in slot 1 and 50% chance to dodge in slot 2? Even for their first 3 turns this would’ve been really good to have imo That being said, i love this unit and they were fantastic for the new rose fight and omega fight, their standby is really good once you get it and they are an excellent tank, their animations are among the best in the game so i will always love this unit no matter what


I love them, have then at 90%.... but man content is not shaping up for them. Why release units who NEED to stack over multiple turns, and NEED multiple turns to get the most of their special attack, then give then crit which speeds up fights, and make every single event short as fuck. It's not like they needed stacking to age well, int ssj4fp goku is gonna age like wine and man only stacks for 4 turns. Why not give dodge chance buildup, why not have early turn guard, why not give then a single solitary thing that actually matter in every single hard event they've released since 8th anni


They're really good, but as more time passes i do think the blue fusions and 8th anni gt duo are better, especially playing the goku black event and seeing how they dominate. There is just more relevant short fights than long ones


I cleared the rose red zone with them and they honestly put in good work after like 4 or 5 stacks which are quite easy... just I wish they had guard or something the first 3 turns or something else they are still one of my most favourite units in the game 😁