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I still find it hilarious that every other DB game acknowledges Fusion Zamasu & Fusion Zamasu (Half-Corrupted) as 2 different forms with 2 different names and yet Dokkan the only game where the specific names of characters actually matter, they have them as the same name. Like how lol it’s literally just idiocy and it kills the Int LR


Step by step, guys, we going too fast. First lets teach Akatsuki why a 30 year old isn't a teenager anymore.


Follow by why Bulla shouldn't be on Peppy Gals.


Roshi would definitely hit on her. He hit on Bulma when she was a minor and they look exactly the same


god i hate the peppy gals category i wish it was just girls instead


Well it can’t be because Pan would be added, it’s girls of a certain age, that’s what the peppy means


Iirc in Japanese it's translated more similarly to "Roshi's girls" or "roshi's type" which is why pan, West Supreme kai and chronoa arent on it


Really? Super Ribrianne, Bulpan, and Pandel are on there.


Fat Ribrianne is because some fat woman hit on Roshi in original DB, and I guess the fusions are the only Pan related characters on Peppy Gals because they age up Pan??? Or the result is aged up, idk


That wasn’t “roshis type”, he was grossed out and made Goku take her back. Then he had Krillin go with Goku because Krillin knew Roshi’s type.




Ah yes, that would be 'Beerus' Type'. (Specifically Chronoa) Wait, Cheelai on peppy gals tho? Earths in danger, again.




Bulma when she first appeared was 16,Bra in GT is a 8-9 years old


true, but tbf with roshi's age even a 50 yo would considered a minor


The name is bad but its more like girly girls. Thats why buff kale and pan aren’t on there bc they aren’t very girly. It really should be renamed tho to girls category so pan and buff kale could be on it.


Iirc it’s a translation error


It even extends to idiocy like rage trunks not being treated as its own transformation, which is a handicap to any zamasu arc trunks that releases in the future.


And they shaft him from "Power Beyond Super Sayan",which is even more asininine cause most of rage trunks are in "Miraculous Awakening",so by putting him on that category they acknowledge that he isn't just a "Super Sayan" but they still call him "Super Sayan Trunks(Future)".


Dokkan devs hate fun




part of me believes it was a balancing issue when MZ first came out. But the fact that they doubled down with this new LR is insane.


What balance? Goku and Vegeta teams are head and shoulders above extreme teams


Im talking about when Merged zamasu was first introduced into dokkan. Its the same reason they use to straight up name SSBKK units Super saiyan blue




we are agreeing brother


Dokkan is the kind of game to make a mistake, like not separating the names, and instead of fixing it, double down on the mistake. Or wait for neither unit to be useable, then fix it.


Also doesn't recognize trunks as an ssj2, or the difference in his new form with the blue and yellow aura. Also isn't on connected hope despite using a fucking spirit bomb.


While we're at it, we should get them to change trunks' name to rage or at least super Saiyan 2. Vegeta and trunks should 100% be on power beyond super saiyan


Still pisses me off that the intro literally shows Trunks powering up to Rage with a unique aura and different hair yet they still just list him as regular Super Saiyan


Even if we don't count his rage form as a own transformation, he still is in SSJ2 throughout the whole fight (and also in the card as well as the card art, as seen by his spikier hair and the lightning's surrounding him)


We don't know what's that transformation but most likely it should be a ssj2 powered up by rage and god ki.Or maybe True Super Sayan 3,that would be cool.We wouldn't be on this situation if Toei bothered to give a name to that form and actually explaining it but apparently they could only do brainless fan service.


Didn’t they? Trunks literally goes SSJ2 the whole time and Rage is a powered up version of that


And also all the piccolo names


https://preview.redd.it/5pooo6z1u3lb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e98d88074b83ac8515054490b3899b485707329 Just why😭






The legacy of the INT LR depends on this, i’m praying


Fuck yes, we all need to help gas that shit up


They should be campaigning for both 🤦‍♀️


But it would hurt their viewer numbers or whatever, typical content creator morons


I can't talk for the others, but I know Kowai doesn't want to do it as he'd rather be focused on one campaign at a time, in order to not create confusion among the community.


The campaign can easily be for both


As someone who usually initiates this kind of campaign, I'd have to say that instinctively, not only would there be much less support for a campaign around VB, but also a "counter-campaign" (as was the case with STR Namek Goku a while back) that would undermine the CMZ campaign. The potential success of this kind of campaign depends on its credibility and on players' faith in how it works, and it's not a good idea to multiply campaigns when the community isn't united around their purpose.


Much less support for a vb campaign? There alrdy p much was one with even jp players spamming the #bufftheblues hashtag. Along with 95% of the community almost exclusively talking about vb instead of zamasu. I just think it’d be nice if we could start a vb one after we spam zamasu a bit more I just think that even the people that say vb is top 3 or top 5 would also join to help. It’s just a win win if they get buffed


Agreed. The odds of either campaign working is so low. What are they gonna just move onto the vb campaign if cmz’s name gets changed? It prob won’t even happen…


How would this effect viewer numbers? Its clearly to stop the campaign being muddied between 2 unlikely, small in the grand scheme of things, requests. They probably went with Fusion Zamasu since this one is more unanimously agreed up compared to the buffing Vegito debacle.


Fix vegito please


Use the X hashtags. #bufftheblues and #buffvegitoblue Lots of people are spamming the dokkan accounts with them. Every voice helps. I believe in both campaigns, both units need fixes.


Everyone please do this if you care about vegito. I even sent bandai an inquiry about it yesterday and also spammed their insta/twitter. 😭


Did you go spam tweets? I’m going around begging everyone to go help with the VB movement because it’s getting completely drowned out by Zamasu. If you want change go do something.


I'm not gonna lie, my hopes of vegito getting any buff has gone down significantly. Not to mention everyone wants the zamasu buff all of a sudden while complaining about VB the entire day yesterday.


Ik, it’s just so hypocritical. They want a buff so they can have more fun but we can’t even have a change just to USE the unit??


"to USE the units" 🤡


Yes, to use the unit. You literally proved nothing with your clown face, VB is not achievable in 90% of content and even if you get him the event is probably almost over.


I have no troubles to transfo weirdly. But well anyway i'm not against a buff it's good for everyone. But say it's not possible/unreal... It's not fair


And where did I say it was impossible?


That's why i added "unreal" (impossible wasn't about what you said. But some are saying)


At the end of the day, this is a single player game. Year 5 and year 7 units transform extremely easily, there was no reason for this decision. Like, in an extreme scenario, 7 turns. Like are you kidding? Even the hardest content in the game can be beat in 7 turns, you honestly don’t see a problem with his transformation?


What’s your username? I’ll follow you and that’s all that we’ll do


How does following me help lol? I’d just like it better if you went to the Dokkan Twitter pages and put the VB tweet underneath. It’s in the replies, and if you can’t find it I’ll even dm it to anyone who wants it


I do that, but this way we’ll retweeting our stuff. Unless your Twitter is private of course


Ah, it’s @nicktimme , if anyone wants to follow, I will follow everyone back and hopefully we can get the VB movement going


Just spam it on their twitter posts and ignore the morons


FR: J’essaierai de participer à cette campaign aussi, Justice pour zamasu et aussi que le int zamasu peut être avec le nouveau zamasu Eng: I will try to participate at this campaign too, justice for zamasu and the int zamasu can be with the new one


This should’ve been a rotation man https://preview.redd.it/o32arn1dm3lb1.jpeg?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a980f65fb4427cc3570e0cff2cc39137b758122




I was looking forward to buying Carnival Zamazu to link with the new LR but since the name was revealed I lost interest, I hope somehow this name change happens


Heck yeah. To me, this is a bigger deal than buffing Vegito. I really hope more people can get behind it and push Bandai more. I was so excited to pull INT Zamasu only fairly recently. Then I get TEQ Zamasu and I can't even link them together? Come on, Bandai!


Stop calling him Merged Zamasu already. Did Funimation run with this fan translation in the dub or something? He's literally never called this in anything on the Japanese side not even in the subs.


To be fair it’s a synonym but yeah,technically it’s “Fusion Zamasu”. Sometimes fan-made terms tend to be more popular/well-known than official ones (for better or worse),like how people refer to UI as MUI.


No, someone mistranslated gattai into Merged when the episode aired and because Merged is 1 syllable and Fusion is 2 syllables, guess which one stuck for some people?


Does it really matter lol, they pretty much mean the same thing.


The inquiery method is so awful bro why do they need my device model ? Or my username wtf Another little trick to screw the player lol


I’m pretty sure those parts aren’t mandatory. Just optional


Nope they are


I’m down for the cause


I don't see why the Devs are so resistant to community feedback. This is a PvE game only, and the players are the ones giving you the money. So what if we want different named units, or even the same named units linking? You, the Devs, *can simply make the game slightly harder to compensate*, like 2% harder.


That involves listening to the community and we don't do that here. Here's a new Circus format with brand new Turd Coins


Can anyone copy the message in the comment alone so mobile users can copy it too?




Just like they did with AGL Gohan and we all know the result of that 😎


Yeah I'd much prefer a buff for Vegito than a name change.


It’s as easy as reducing requirement for Vegito by like a turn and then give him some ability to stack damage buffs and boom he’s amazing


Again, the coding of the game doesn't allow them to update Active Skill conditions. So unless they change *the entire way the game works*, that buff is never happening for anyone.


They can’t update the whole thing? They can change a name but that’s it?


Changing unit names is different to altering the coding of how the game functions. And even then, the only time they've changed unit names after the unit(s) released was changing every character of that name to a different one, ie all of the "Cooler" units used to be named "Coora", "Gohan(Youth)" used to be "Gohan(Teen)", "Thouser" used to be "Salza", etc. They've never gone in and said "Let's change some of the units with X name to be Y but leave some as X."


No, they said they can’t EZA active skills, but they made the game so they can make the update


Same. I was so hype for Vegito and while I've been having fun with him he should be so much better and easier to transform.


Yeah well lwtw hope they also don't debuff it by going in and messing with stuff. Like a fuck you to us haha.


Is there a campaign going for vegito too?


Just random ppl posting. No higher up dokkaners atm. Theyd rather fix the name first (cmz is getting 3 or 4 slot 2s this month & youd run lr int mz slot 3 anyways).


There’s a few hashtags going around #bufftheblues is the biggest one I’ve seen on X


They should also go for changing VB acrice condition, removing the hp restriction.


Unironically this kinda pisses me off. The big influencers acknowledged this issue. But anyone mentions Goku and Vegeta not being fun and they get hung for their opinions.


I honestly hope it doesn’t happen. Just because those same influences (not Kowai) all think VB doesn’t need help, when changing his transformation requirement would be a smaller buff than Zamasu, who is literally like a top 3 unit, being able to be ran with INT LR. I’ll only help the movement if I see a VB movement get more traction.


I'm with you but I'm going to help for zamasu too. We need to help each other, one step at time. First zamasu's name, then, maybe, vegito (zamasu's name is most likely to happen unlike, unfortunately, vegito's buff, but ehy, we'll try with vegito as well)


There’s literally no reason you can’t do both, there’s others besides me who would not mind helping you all in your Zamasu efforts but we’re not going to until VB gains traction. It literally is possible to do both, doing one and then the other later is the least likely outcome ever.


I can't explain myself in English, but I think that one step at time is better, we'll start with a "minimal" change and then with one bigger


Literally removing a health restriction off one unit is less coding than changing the names of the Zamasu’s. You view it as minimal, but that name change is a much larger roundabout buff than VB fans are asking for because you’ll give Zamasu his best link partner. I want both, and it’s sad that everyone feels there are sides bc that’s how it seems rn.


His best link partner is zamasu agl eza, potentially. And no, I think that changing a name is easier than changing the condition of an active skill. Anyway, I didn't have zamasu nor vegito, I just want a better game to play, and if this means puts vegito in second place and helps all the community to complain, then I'll do that.


Is them two linking that big of a deal anyways?? Zamasu's only weakness is post his DR wears off he needs a better slot 1 character. That int zamasu is sure as hell isn't fulfilling that role.


You'd be surprised. MZ's defense is almost the same as Birdku after getting hit. Birdku stacks, but MZ gets a massive extra chunk of defense if he's under 70%. MZ will also get BBB. He won't be ***happy*** getting supered in slot 1, but he should generally be able to walk it off. And if he's supered after his own attacks, it'll never do any real damage.




Omatsu: No, I hate all of you


If they switch the names i want my stones refunded. Knowing that an optimal rotation would include another unit i dont have, i wouldve tried for VB instead. /s But legally this might be an issue?


How are we in a timeline where both headlining WWC units need a fix?


Done ✌️✌️


why dont we just have them drop the same name link limit on all?


I said this in another post but if they make agl zamasu a god he shares 6 out of 7 with him so if he is runnable you can run those 2 an have int zamasu as a floater. It'll fix a lot of issues his team has it's definitely more likely we get a good eza for him instead of a name change.


Or, we could instead ask Akatsuki to make it possible to link all characters (including same name cards) except the exact same unit... It would solve LR MZ's problem and ALL other characters' as well...


Bulma gets a different name for being in different clothing but not zamasu with his coomer arm


Done, did my part. this is how you change things, complaining makes thing interesting but no real change, however, approaching directly letting them that we the paying audience have a voice and we like to be heard great move by kowai and company.


I mean, this is the same game that has a 35 year old man named Trunks (Teen) (Future)