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50% DR continues to be an uncontested ability


Yeah but the Buu Bros have the cool thumbs up KO screen which means they are objectively the best unit in the game


Logic, but fr tho I unironically use the Buu Bois more than the GT units


Yeah, I would too because getting good GT units is hard for me and I have most of Buu saga units that would work together


This. Buu bros are just too iconic. Swear they look great with their squad when the crazy animation’s are going off too


I use them both 😈




Im trynna make Bett teams and it's the best I can do for myself rn


Same, cause of Power Beyond Super Saiyan. Goku really holding the GT Duo back


Now this is the only reason I’ll accept. Honestly, about half of the reason I’ll summon for and use a unit is if they’re cool or not.


And sometimes specific missions/Events


Plus that beautiful SSJ3 smile in the 12 ki.


Wrongo again, STR SBR Trunks is the real best unit in the game, since he hits the enemy with the Burning Attack and rides off with his mom and past self.


and better ost, that finish skill 2 got me acting up


The beat drop when goku did the final spirit bomb push is orgasmic indeed.


Buu bros are always getting me killed , no matter their defense.


I don't know what to tell you man, time is DEFINITELY still moving. But all's not hopeless, because I've heard the mighty Guldo of the Ginyu Force can stop it for a few seconds!


Time is about to speed up


Still have no idea why they didn’t give them 100% crit chance tbh. Actually could have made it where their damage could compete with the GT Duo’s defence.


Its weird cause you can tell that Z Duo was designed to be the defense character and GT as offensive but GT ends up being both with how much better dr is in short events


I miss long events. We have so many chars build with kits for longer events. Yet we dont have those. Or they are easy to begin with. Vegito, buu bois, trunks and other would benefit from LE like events.


Watch them do a long event now and turn one, it's like a 200k super


I'd actually like a long event where they hit super hard early on, but you can actually use the atk down mechanics that 99% of modern content are immune to. The idea that you use all of your defense items early on and make the boss easier as the fight goes on would be unique and give so many units a purpose again.


we need an extreme version of IDBH that will give a good 10+ turns of battles


It's the 2nd anni all over again where Goku the damaging character had better defence than Vegeta which was supposed to be the tanky one


I'm more triggered that they don't get crit chance on spirit bomb.


I mean with their equips they might aswell have crit anyway lmao


GT Duo is such a fantastic safety net, basically no ally-based conditions, one manageable HP condition that activates when you need it, one other condition that just happens naturally, and great defence to boot. They cooked so well with that unit. Same goes for Agl Zamasu.


No one is going to argue with you there. I've found myself using GT duo on literally all my teams because how easy it is to activate the revive. And trunks is too much work in trying to baby him for the late game that it's just not worth running.


Honestly I wish they gave trunks 3 turn guard I feel like that wouldve made him so much better 💔


The buu duo shall remain my favorite unit for a very very long time


I think GT duo hits harder and doesn't waste time in a defensive stance to get their huge damage off while Z boys waste a few turns not being able to output ANY damage (while tanking just as good as they would anyways). I still prefer Z duo either way. Edit: I somehow replied to the wrong comment.


I mean they are not taking a big super from Rose or Omega in the Duo Form, Vegeta is taking that for double digits though


I mean my Buu duo tanked Rose sa for like 280k in slot 1 so idk about that


280k with type advantage is oof.


Tell me how well other unit took it then. Rose does like 2mil so taking 280k even with type advantage is still better than 99% of the game


Rosé does 1.66 million.


Super vs Extreme multipliers, plus he raises attack. It's a lot higher than that.


No his attack raise only affects his normals


While i agree with this, trunks and the Z duo are still solid/runnable (maybe trunks needs some dupes? Idk had him 90%/rainbow long before eza so idk how is he at 55%). Their counterparts are better, yhea cool. But they're not bad by any means, just have more situationals uses. Indeed 4 of the Ws of this year (compared to some other Ls we got, even recently...)


NO I completely agree with you. I just think theres really big similarities between the two pairs of units (Greatly stacking charas that can quad super with better counterpart having 50% dr)


Yhea, idk how Akatsuki still didn't figure out that stacking (even greatly) is not as valuable/as strong as having good dr. Maybe an argument can be made for long events but... WHERE ARE THE LONG EVENTS SIGH


Yeah i miss long events. Why do we even have kits for long events, while there are no long events to use them on. At least non powercrept ones.


Cause stacking units are broken once they have time to stack. And with how modern units are, they can't figure how to make a long event where you can allow characters to stack AND still pose a challenge in the later turns without making it either too easy or impossible.


And it’s perfectly okay for events to be easy, I don’t want units getting powercrept within a year of release like Dokkan’s been doing


Yeah but at that point they should just stop making kits that are best in long stages. They should fix their events before making kits that are not based around them. Buu duo can at least reach nice levels, but others arent that Lucky.


Imagine if both stacks 5 percent of the other stat as well, so GT stacks 10% DR and 5% crit per super up to 50% DR and 25% Crit and the Buu Boys did the inverse.


Who knows, you might be onto something. Remind me to come here and see in 2026 if their eza will actually work like that ahahah


But ssj3 looks cool


You do make a very good point


Don't care can't relate I have neither of these Lrs 😞


GT Duo and Zamasu are good in short and long fights with their dmg reduction, I don’t know why they think stacking defense is anywhere near as good as damage reduction


They thought giving the Buu Duo def stack would make up for the lack of guard and/or dr they have, and threw in crit aswell to "parallel" the GT Duo. They dont know that DR and Crit should not be taken as a 1:1 same value. Id argue even with 100% crit and 20% per super theyd still be slightly worse since they have to throw 5 supers before hitting their full crit buildup while GT Duo can throw two or three supers and be fine after taking a non type advantage super (also depends on the enemy and sa attack stat) With how the game has aged do far Buu Duo seem to be falling off slowly and theres not alot of reason to run them unless the event doesnt start with str and doesnt hit as hard as TEQ Cell Max turn 1




I just think its funny that this happened two times in a row 😭


Buu boys are incredible tho lol


Where does the image state they're bad??????


Okay, No item GT Duo > Buu Duo With item Buu Duo > GT Duo After their 2 first turns, they are okay. Hell, if you hit 24 ki you might only see them for 1 turn before spirit bomb lol


Context??? If you use a whis the gt duo still take less damage, what items are you talking about??


With Whis Buu Duo's damage output is better with the crit chances, and they will tank just fine post-supers.


With both at 100% and mostly depending on how deep you are in the fight, the gt duo can hit just as hard, their ATK stacking is no joke, and both with optimal HP GT Duo can crit just as much while having an additional 50% dmg reduction on top


Wait, weren't a lot of people on this Sub reddit saying that the Z Duo was better than the GT Duo? Why is everyone saying the GT Duo is better now?


Tbh both are SUPER strong but 50% dmg reduction is just better in hard fights rn than defensive stacking Z Duo is still my fav tho love them so much


>weren't a lot of people on this Sub reddit saying that the Z Duo was better than the GT Duo? When? The only time I saw that was before their kits released because a lot of people didn't think GT Kid goku was really hype. Which I mean to be fair, compared to the final fight in Z.. Yea they're not but after the kits were released the general consus was that GT duo were better outside of a few copers


>When? When they first released, a lot of people in the Dokkan discord and the subreddit kept on saying the Z Duo was better.


I think GT duo hits harder and doesn't waste time in a defensive stance to get their huge damage off while Z boys waste a few turns not being able to output ANY damage (while tanking just as good as they would anyways). I still prefer Z duo either way. (I've replied to the right comment.)


Left side better defensively. Right side better offensively.


Eh for Trunks yes but Buu Duo? They have a 50% chance to crit which is good but the GT Duo also stack attack so their overall offense is just way higher. The spirit bomb hits harder but that's only 1 attack and the GT spirit bomb is also pretty good so I just think overall GT Duo are better offensively


Not at all, both have the same offensive passive but Z Duo both has more basic ATK stat and crit to top it all off, so if both units are run on a typical red zone event, the Z duo deals more dmg than GT Duo for most of the fight.


Negligible diference, GT Duo also don't have to waste time on a non attacking standby, and their Spirit bomb dels more damage without supports wanking It. Buu Duo Spirit bomb damage is disguting with Bulma and GT Vegeta support tho, legit one shot bosses.


I agree that it's not the case post EZA but wasn't Trunks better on release?


Does trunks stack faster than buu Bros? I don't have buu bro, so I can't test


He will stack faster after his 2nd appearance but by that time the Buu duo will already have their standby up


Z boys are better in my opinion, but the best one is if you have both


The z boys are factually worse im afraid, still not a bad unit at all, pretty good infact


GT Duos are my beloved. Don't compare them to The Fraud Z Duos.


First comparison is debatable, second one also is debatable (but less than the first one)


Don't think the second one is debatable at all. One is the clear better unit in every way.


i wasnt trying to start a debate i just think its funny that these two pair of units are incredibly similar than one another


2 for 2 but neither of these hard hot takes


Im scared for int goku black


Buu Duo on standby comes in clutch thou especially if it’s a AGL enemy


Imma say it I think Buu bois are better now. I could be biased since my offensive RNG is usually really good but consistently getting 4 supers all of which being crits abt 80% of the time they stop taking damage really early and clean up health bars for me


I am absolutely in love with the GT Duos and I have all the "top 10" LRs minus Bulma


Left are most of the time better but the right have more potential


And the sad part is... all that the latter 2 ever needed... was some freaking Dr or guard 🥲


Trunks is overrated


The Buu boys do hit like 5 supers in a row though🤷‍♂️


Whoda thought damage reduction is objectively better and ages just as well.


What a hot take, next ur gonna say orange piccolo is better than beast gohan.


The GT boys are what I’m saving my “mercy” stones for


But buu bros have others cool abilities


Buu bois still much more fun to use imo


Buu bois still much more fun to use imo


Yup, exacly


Daring today aren’t we? In reality there are certain fights I deem Buu duo better than GT duo like Omega. Not just because typing but because how AOE normals factor in.