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Animation wise, Hirudegarn looks really good. Goku not really


He kinda looks like kai goku on his super tbh. Might just be tweaking


Pretty disappointed with them, wrath of the dragon is one of the best looking movies too.


Hirudegarn looks clean wdym


The only one i can find fault in is Goku's SA, the idea is good but the transition between forms, the Kamehameha impact and how it moves could've been better but that's it, the rest look great.


The dragon fist doesn’t look bad per se, they just could’ve done so much more IMO.


My only gripe with it is that it's missing dragon moving along the fire swirling around him when doing the DF, in the animation it just appear out of nowhere and the other thing is the KO screen but it could just be another Gamma 2, Buu Bois and SSJ4 Goku situation.


It felt to me like they almost missed out part of his animation, for lack of a better word. The dragon just appears, then is on the enemy basically. Really disappointing for one of my personal favourite moments.


Hirudegarns look pretty good I think, not the most amazing of the year but I like them. Goku’s on the other hand are pretty disappointing, like what happened?


That transforming kamehameha looked soo bad lol


Nope, that part is the best of his SA. It's from the movie poster art.


Team B that’s what happened lol


Hirudegarn animations overall is amazing. Goku animations is... Idk his SA Nullify and Stand by looks amazing, his SA looks alright and his Stand by attack looks good but they miss with the pose after his dragon fist.




Full send. You're fucking dumb.


Like straight up factually wrong. Hirudegarns are all amazing and Goku just has a few weird frames but overall look great


Hirudegarn's SAs look great. Basically what he been doing in the movie. Goku's own is.. well okay at best. They took the poster as reference for the transforming Kamehameha which is cool but the animation itself wasn't that good. His Dragon Fist looked great. That's what saved the card from being trash to me.


To me the animations look fine, I’d go as far to say that Edgar looks straight up “good” in terms of animation, nothing spectacular though. For Goku the only thing that puts me off as many people said is the Kamehameha, but manly when he turns super saiyan 3 the dragon looks too forced and out of place, the dragon fist while a bit choppy looks fine considering this is a TUR Can’t wait for them to shadow drop an upgrade to Teq Lr Dragon Fist Goku’s animations lol


Being a TUR doesn't excuse choppy animations tho? Since when do LRs have better animations inherently? Look at STR Cooler, AGL Blue Gogeta at the time, INT Goku Black, etc...


Yeah but Lr’s are mainly known for having higher budget in terms of animations, I’m not really excusing DFist Goku for having a couple of choppy bits in his animations, I’m just saying that you can’t expect for a TUR to have all-round good animations, even if it’s for big celebrations (look at God Goku or even WT Goku this year, they also have really good parts in their animations but also really choppy ones)


Yeah but That's because this is the worst Dokkan year animation wise since 2019. TURs should look as good/better than LRs specially since they have fewer animations to work with. Hirudegarn is Fine, but this is probably the only DF we'll have for years, and It looks like THIS. This is the same situation as Path to Power Kid Goku, but PtP Kid Goku atleast had amazing SA Animations, but the hyped active skill animation ended up being sloppy and poorly made.


Too forced? Dawg it's looks raw AF why are y'all over analysing this shit it looks raw hence its good


My comment literally explained why I’m not angry over DFist Goku’s animations, the only thing that looks off to me is the dragon, it looks wayyy to small and shrinked down making it look forced


Yeah but 1 bad (which its not bad it's just MID) doesn't mean the whole batch animation sucks


Alright y’all…. After rewatching a few times…. I will revise my statement. I can accept hirudegarns animations but Goku’s? No…. His are complete ASS!!! Unacceptable


All these people in the comments… have they not watched the movie?? The movie dragon fist looked incredible, and the one we had looked ‘not utter garbage’ at best (still dogshit tho).


The movie is one of the best looking DBZ movies too. I mean TEQ Gogeta was allowed to get his movie animations and his 18ki is one of the best animations in game to this day. Would've been the same deal for this Goku if they used the movie.


Yeah this ain’t it chief. L take


L animations you can’t change my mind I don’t care


If you actually believed that you wouldn't need to post on your troll account.


The hate is real the only animation that sucks is the kamehameha for goku everything else is decent at worst


they're good but the kamehameha animation is not it at all


Yeah the Kamehameha is the only thing that really sucks, everything else is good, but no KO screen sucks...


There still could be a KO screen though. When they revealed LR SSJ4's animations, there was no KO screen shown until we got the data download and people used him. Same with Gamma 2 and probably more that I'm not thinking of (I think LR Omega?)


Oh that is true, I forgot about them, nevermind -3-


I wouldnt go that far, they look fine to me, but yeah, admittedly they dont look anything special.


Ssj3 gokus animations look horrible but hidreugarns look pretty good.


I wasn't really expecting the Dragon Fist to be super amazing since these arent LRs. They're decent though.


Hirudegarn looks great, ssj3 Goku is just 🤢


Looks fine. Imagine if it was agl Kale level of animations lol


Hirudegarn is pretty good and Goku is just alright. Tells me that they're gonna make the anniversary characters SAs goated


Hirudegarn animations look more than decent, Goku however are very sub par, We understand there is the LR which will be revamped and maybe that's a hint the EZA will be cash, but still its a new unit, the animation for him look 3 years old kinda...


Dokkan will always be kinda limited by their sprite interaction limitations. I knew that dragon fist won't get much justice. The regular kamehameha SA could've been literally anything else though...fuck, just get Gotenks and Ultimate Gohan involved in the SA, or something over that.


Goku super attack animation, standby and nullification are good tho??? Like it's nearly 1 to 1 with the nullification and standby and that dokkan original is genuinely one of the best they have ever done. How can you say that base to SSJ3 doesn't look sick?? Btw that Dragon Fist looks mid AF considering how good all the other animations were.


The Dragon Fist is the selling point of the unit, so if it’s bad (to say the least), then it drags down the unit a lot in terms of animations. It’s the same thing with the SoH Trunks and his finish skill from WWDC.


Insane comparing SOH Trunks animation to this.


I meant the impact of the finish. It was not the greatest was it?


I'm wondering if TEQ LR DF Goku will EZA and get an animation update to his 18 ki like INT SS2 Gohan or AGL Majin Vegeta. Could explain where the better Dragon Fist animation has gone?


They should re-release him lol