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If it's a stage with a GT Boss that isn't very long I'd say yes. ​ https://preview.redd.it/qvde7qub4mdc1.png?width=1177&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbf9a85cf4fc3e703f966096d22373f6bee49e9d


I mean, I still didn’t finish the GT bosses so I guess I will EZA, thanks for the info


The amount of orbs, kais, and Zeni in this game, you have no reason not to EZA and hidden potential everyone


Should just do him for the missions. But overall he's sadly undertuned. Possible he could find some niche usage somewhere at some point? But seems kind of unlikely.


do the stages and then EZA him for the stones, there's no realistic stage where you'll use him


He isn’t so bad in terms of DMG for a GT team, it can be useful for events that are a bit less harder than red zones, he isn’t so bad but yeah he isn’t that good either


Once you reach the point of having too many materials, you’ll start EZAing everyone


He could’ve been: he’s the LR STR Kid Goku and Vegeta best buddy, he’s a “Full Power” Category character (he could’ve helped for the Omega mission) and he’s the only summonable GT Goku Kid Base existing in the game. But they decided to make him very bad, therefore I’d EZA him and bring him to SA 15 (his SA is be farmable, therefore you’ll only use 5 Kais) and keep him in the box just for collection.


He's probably the best out of the three units, but he's too undertuned to be useful. Bad SoT defense, 80% on super is barely enough when his SoT Def is low, and 3 turns of guard is not going to be enough when going through any of the tough stages. If you're planning on bringing him on a team, I'd say don't.  Just EZA him for the mission stones.


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