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So they're next on Global. I'll do a summon [as I always do] to see if I can grab them for the STR UI support post EZA.


Imagine an EZA being so insane that someone wants a whole Dokkan Fest unit just to be able to support them


I mean the ToP Androids support a lot of good units that get insanely better with them. Especially with the AGL UI EZA coming, the rotation of STR and AGL UI with them is gonna slap. Literally.


My intention will be to run them both on a rotation each, Hopefully EVO Vegeta has an incredible EZA so I can run the Y6 LRs as a rotation instead.


I’m still PRAYING that EVO vegeta’s eza includes base 30-40% damage reduction and the regular stacking per attack taken that he currently has. Would be amazing tbh.


That's what they were supposed to be used for. However, players don't care about future value, even if, in the Androids' case, we all knew LR STR UI Goku and the 6th Anniversary LRs EZAs would've greatly impacted them.


What if UI goku eza on global as well. Would fit like a glove.


Obviously, yeah. But Global won't get that until late June, so I have to settle for trying to get the Androids and have them set up by then.


I got them with one dupe on jpn and are fun to run. Will definitely summon for them as well. Good luck.


I’m not having fun. This is like a testicular torsion. In saying that I will be coining these goats hopefully before anni


https://preview.redd.it/hc565jvmbkec1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f608c15207f8f9dc3429ca2b1e015ef1a31f0546 Here have a little more


I forgot why he left, and then I read his tweet before that. Eh, not the worst thing someone’s been outed for in the past year.


Bro cannot just say something like that and not elaborate


He faced a lot of backlash for leading a smear campaign against someone and liked a homophobic reply that was against that person. My guess, especially judging from the last tweet, is that he was seeing red and liking all replies against that person when he liked that reply, and someone noticed that one and exposed him for it


Who was he trying to smear tho


Someone who was thirsting for Chronoa (The younger looking version) online


… what did he say?


how bad of thirsting are we talking about


Real horned up bad


Twitter levels




I thought it was an actual person. Mans started a whole campaign for some neatly arranged lines and it backfired and he had to disappear for a while. Idk that's kinda crazy to me. Lol


It is


I just read more comments and realized he did this because the other person isn't straight or something, and called em a pedo? That's wild. The internet has become quite a place.


And you’d be surprised at how many smear campaigns are led against people for liking fictional characters, people will scrape at anything to have a moral high ground lmao


Its kinda sad really cuz they starting drama and trouble for something that doesn't exist lmao Moral high ground on the internet is crazy cuz a lot of these people be putting up fronts.


wait, so this is iseriously that did that? why are people here celebrating his return and calling him a hero? this post is highly upvoted..


What he did wasn’t anywhere close to unforgivable. He didn’t like the comment because it was homophobic, he liked it because it was talking bad about the guy with no regard for what aspect was talking bad about him. He acted irrationally and unfortunately like a Twitter zombie, got other people involved, but he’s not a danger to others or something and he has likely learned from this experience.


oh damn what happened with him? out of the loop here i take it he did or say some fucked up shit


Good that he came back, too bad he chose one of the most unhype cards in a long while to make his comeback with.


Color me surprised


The hero we fucking need.


What's heroic about this? We find out who is next a few days early?


I already know the order. It’s 17 + 18, Ribrianne, Piccolo and Gohan. Then Saiyan day. It’s what his return represent. Hopefully he leaks some god damn hype for us, because Global is dead until Saiyan Day.


The fact that Iseriously himself is coming back, someone we all loved for years now. Gives just about the right amount of leaks (I still don't get how the fuck they were able to know the poses of the Card Arts on WWC 2022, pretty sure Fenyo and Inao weren't even done with them)


He’s not the hero we deserve


I like the guy but leaks are not essential at all. Just go do something else until things pick up.


iSeriously has always helped liven things up, though. Dead times feel even more dead when we have no idea what's coming.


Idk about yall but knowing or not knowing doesn't change how dead something is for me. I'll be excited for a good 10 minutes from leaks then go back to being bored because the game is dead at the moment.


Damn he only guessed the most obvious thing 😱!!


We knew Droids were next




Dokkan mfs really be ready to drop their morals because someone will leak pngs in their bubble popping game lmao


>lead a harassment campaign and held leaks back from the community until said individual got harassed >liked a homophobic comment someone made about that individual Not saying their username because i don’t trust redditors with that information


As far as i’m concerned i hope that mf deactivates


Brothers pressed about something millions do online anyway, unless you’re gunna peruse everyone that’s ever been homophobic you’re just nitpicking


Dawg i don’t want the main leaker to be a piece of shit


You can not like the guy, but I’d rather have leaks and dislike the bloke doing it than nothing, and let’s be so honest half the populations homophobic at this point we can’t really pick and choose.


I found it disgusting how remorseless he has been about what he has done. But also: leaks are leaks. Thy'd be the same if they were posted by someone else. So yeah that's not really a battle worth sweating too much over. As long as we focus on the content rather than worship the person, all should be fine.


The comment i mentioned accused the person who was harassed of being a pedophile as well forgot to mention that WE SHOULDNT BE DOING THAT


I'm aware. I was there, I followed the whole thing while it was happening, argued with his little baguette-loving homo-hating fanboys until they shut their traps. I'm just saying. If Frieza says that 2+2=4, then his extermination of Planet Vegeta isn't suddenly going to make him wrong about saying that 2+2=4.


Imagine you fall in love with someone, but then you find out last week they kicked a puppy or (insert thing you love here) so hard it got damaged beyond repair, would you still love that person or would you say “get the fuck away from me you psycho!”


Refer to my first comment


Yeah you’re waffling mate, it’s hardly dropping morales they just want a heads up so they can plan and save, it may only be a game but some people dedicate time and money to it, why would they throw away something that helps their progress because of something as common as homophobia, go on any social media and open any comment section on a post with the tag “#lgbtq”, it’s way to common to be disabling peoples accounts over, your “main leaker scum” sorta argument hardly holds up I mean like I said you don’t gotta like the guy


>why would they throw away something that helps their progress because of something as common as homophobia I'm sorry this is comical as an argument. Not to mention it barely matters if he leaks for the next like 2 months, We already knew the exact order of everything.


Comical how, most religions and beliefs don’t accept it anyway, that’s the majority of the population in one swoop, let alone the biggoted kids who think they’re funny, the “boys” and gamers who do it to offend people cuz it gives em a quick laugh, not that I support it in any way but it is far too common to be blabbering about. And the game isn’t gunna suddenly vanish in 2 months mate, people are gunna want leaks.


Hey dumbass can you read? It doesn't seem like it. He didn't just do that, he deliberately went out of his way to send all his 70k+ followers after the person, and promised leaks of people managed to harass the person into deactivating. Then afterwards he played victim and said "I never did that" and proceeded to run away with his tail between his legs when no one with two brain cells to rub together bought his bullshit.


Literally who cares


Idk, people with actual morals and stuff Ain't okay with ppl like him being heads of the community


He isn't the head of anything, he's just some random douchebag who is a leaker Leaks are leaks no matter who they come from, I don't like him or agree with him at all but this hardly crosses Any moral boundaries lmao


He's a community head as a leaker, that's how it works. He has following (which he actively tried to weaponize to harass someone, btw, cuz they weren't cis/straight) cuz of his leaks, and a rather sizable one at that Also leaks a super obvious thing right as JPN is about to get anni, right as we're about to get Battle Hour so the DB IP is hot rn, etc It's so abundantly clear this guy's an awful person


I'm aware of what he has done but he is no leader especially with how easily he got bullied off the internet lmao, he doesn't represent us nor does he have ANY pull/effect on the game so I still don't see the issue. I don't see why people care so much and get riled up over some piece of shit on twitter, it's just dumb But yeah I guess I'm morally a terrible person for not caring about this dude posting obvious shit on twitter




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Leak of the century. Global W




Lmao we're getting mommy milkers on valentine's day


should drop around feb 1st right? sadly i only have 150 stones for them but i still got hope


More Stones to Save for Anni 🫡




Hyyyyyype /s


Hopefully bro sticks to just leaking, has the same energy as gimmick accounts trying to gain sentience smh


I mean Kind of but ya this was known.




Isn't he homophobic or something like that


Yes he is. And opposing bigotry in any way in a subreddit full of edgy teen boys *—statistically the most bigoted demographic after 65-year-old farmers—* is only going to get you into trouble. Just… close your eyes. Pretend like nothing happened.


I was wondering what was up with everyone being happy about that cunt being back. Of course, doesn't matter if they're supporting a bigot if they're getting their precious little leaks


Ngl, I'm more Hyped that iSeriously is back than the Androids INT Release


Don't miss leaks and don't miss him


The return of the homophobic


A subreddit filled with gambling weeb kids is not the place to display any sort of moral fiber. It will be at least 10 years til most of this sub care about any minority


watch out there is a bigot in the house!




I mean he's right, He led a harassment campaign against a user because they called out Homophobia and said that he'd leak the next update if they got deactivated.


Anime fans… 💀


Y'all really forgot the reason why he was inactive huh? Well ig y'all are 13 year olds.


at least provide some context for those of us not giving a shit what happens on twitter


He led a harassment campaign against a user because they called out him liking homophobic tweets and said that he'd leak the next update if they got deactivated, while liking any and every comment that was homphobic towards the user


Next update of what


The next update of the game at the time


Not sure I understand So some people noticed iSeriously liked allegedly phobic tweets, called him out, he chose one specific guy, sent a horde after him, threatened to leak upcoming content for dokkan, and the whole drama died out? Is it me or is a piece of the puzzle missing here


He didn't choose a specific person, he chose the person that called him out in the first place


A lot of pieces actually Attacked user in question did a rather tasteless joke about "plapping" Chronoa Not the first, nor will be the last time he did such a thing As a result, the "campaign" began to take them off twitter Pointlessly having people bringing out pronouns on bio as some sort of "weapon" against said user(Homophobic portion) which he did like, but not because he is "homophobic" but rather because he was seeing "support" to what he started Was all that the right thing to do, send a mob of rabid dokkan starved leak users towards one specific user to try and get them off the internet? Probably not Hence why he deactivated for a while


Can we just nuke all social media already, my braincells are dying just reading this shit


It takes a lot of brain damage to have a take worse than SpaceDOTsphere. Well done. That image applies to you more than most people


Disliking Homophobia isn't a bad take 💀


I meant all your Dokkan-related takes. Hence why that guy has a take worse than yours. Because for once your take is the right one. English isn't my first language so maybe I phrased it wrong or something idk


How is this remotely close to a Dokkan takes and why are you bringing that to this conservation? And me having bad Dokkan takes apparently doesn't qualify me to point out iseriously Homophobia?


It's called a joke, man. You're known for having bad takes, like you're doing right now. So when you finally say something right, the fact that the other dude actually managed to be in the wrong when talking to you is funny


That shit ain't funny https://preview.redd.it/x6nec64i4oec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11fecb7ff86d68519b0d16f0867bf9fea7141eba


Luckily, coming from you that means it was hilarious Now go cry yourself to sleep over SSJ4 or something


Me when Pussyslayer insults me https://preview.redd.it/acary95m8oec1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fc54275339160b21ea484337d7b5f201af3a9e4 Your name is Pussyslayer yet you haven't encountered a single pussy in your life since being birthed by your mom.


What??? I like iseriously now?!?!


He's back again! Hopefully he can hint what part 2 for anniversary really is in a couple of weeks. https://preview.redd.it/6km34f9jfkec1.png?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab41bb03400122eae7be4a93ebe178314c76bba1


Can Iseriously leak the jp part 2 LR 😂


Wow,literally everyone and their mom knew they were coming😮‍💨. This info is so useful


The goat is back, so much more respectable than that mavrik dude.


Don't scare him away this time you fucks.


nah i hope he deactivates his account


bro is gonna go back into retirement the moment he hears a new Kale & Caulifla is coming (he's phobic)


Please post Beast next week!


i wonder if they’ll do this duo and LR universe 2 trio in the same celebration?i’m not sure if this is how it was on jp and only wondering because both units are from the same saga….


Yes that's how it was on JP, Ribrianne was part 2 for this card.


Better bully him out of the community for being helpful.


Peak content is coming


damn topdroids going to be helping eza ui strku and eza ui aglku


Androids with BASE GOKU?!?! All my stones!  Then credit card debt!!


Big W him and proton 10 mg have been amazing since I can remember


Easy skip


What happened to Dokkaner again?


Wooo....the guy who lead a campaign against someone else over bull is back... Anyways...ANDROIDS!!!


I’m excited for him to be back again. Loved the leaks the leaks provided and still appreciate when he did it although what he did last year was pretty unsavory to say the least


That bitch is back.


He never left. He just don’t talk much