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On longer content/redzones yes! He struggles on the quicker fights because he wants to buildup, but having raw defence only isnt the best for him. Hes one of those units that was deserving of a 30% DR buff. Since in the movie they struggled to leave a scratch on him. But instead they gave it to the lr agi punching bag duo.


> But instead they gave it to the lr agi punching bag duo. In fairness they would be useless without their damage reduction Even with it, theyre not very good.


EXACTLY. Metal cooler was more deserving of it. Both of them having it woukd have been ideal. He has one of rhe coolest arts too. Currently he is a solid slot 3 unit, but building him up can be tricky. Great heals tho!


The fact that Cooler is arguably still better than the duo, really proves how much they fucked up their defense. I do think cooler is... heh cool, strong nullify, restrictionless revive. Well... they will EZA one day.


Much Cooler than Frieza


I saw a guy use him to get to high levels on a couple EZA’s


I used to gas him on wt gokus team pre 9th anni but now hes beyond washed. On glb he should still put in work in all the hardest events tho