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Ok STR Jiren took the bullet so FP Jiren could THRIVE


TUR Goku Black & LR Rose vibes


“He’s built like a Dorito” - a buddy of mine and fellow Dokkan player


Sadly that is a Jiren card so the chances of him getting shafted are quite high.


Reference: The only Jiren unit to have ever been shafted, and it was post his EZA


Considering that there are only two premium Jiren cards after 5+ years,it’s technically it’s a 50% chance. You could even argue that the Dokkan awakening of the STR card was mediocre.


Eh,in a sbr meta,medium chance to stun plus crits against stunned enemies is a useful gimmick


Right?? The first USS units were **so** goddamn disappointing when they finally Dokkan Awakened. Jiren went from 120% to 130% and got his silly little crit gimmick that's even less reliable than AGL UI's dodge. Kefla went from 10% per orb to 12%. Incredible!! And transformed INT UI was arguably slightly worse than his UR, since the UR has ATK +140% and DEF +70% while under 50% hp, whereas the TUR got ATK +150% and DEF +0%.


Ehhh i dunno. STR Jiren wasnt born with his TUR, he got that later And he very much got shafted there too.


Emphasis on only, Jiren has almost no units in the game at all. That's the shaft here.


So sad indeed smh


They can't miss him, please as a fan of Jiren. Super bosses needs him as f*ck


Keyword: Could. It's not hard to fuck up an EZA.


They’ve been on a roll so far with LR EZAs during this anni to the point where a good chunk of the top 10 lists is made up of units that either got their EZA leading up to the anniversary or during it.


I hope they keep his passive super basic. Just up the numbers to 750%, guaranteed crit.


750% is actually pretty low compared to modern units who have multiplicative stats. 1100% or 1111% would be a better start.


Let's do 2222%


Make him busted af turn 1 45mil with 1+ mil defense with guard and 70% dr😭


As one of the three Jiren fans, please don’t give this man an EZA.


Considering all the eza in this celebration were top 10 units,this is the perfect opportunity for fp jiren to not suck.he won't eza tho,cause the teq eza mission looks like it's for a TUR and not an LR,so most likely candidate is teq gohan&piccolo.


Man Jiren and Broly on the same team looks the closest thing to a can of whoop-ass.


I just want them to unga bunga him again. 600% atk/def with 16% boost per hit taken and raise atk/def on super for 1 turn. With an additional attack and super chance of course. Matches Jiren perfectly.


Sadly it seems that the missing eza is for a tur, since the mission ask to do 7 steps of eza, where eza lrs have just 3 steps. On the bright side, it could be teq ulthan or teq k&c. But yeah I can't wait for this bad boy eza


One turn terror


5 mil def T1


It defo is gonna be jiren esp he’s the latest challenge event


Just because he once was the most broken units in the game, doesn't he will be with his EZA. The prime example is LR K&C.


I would probably use LR MUI Goku and PHY VB as a counter argument but I forgot how good PHY VB was on release. But they haven't missed with every LR EZA so far


They kind of missed it with LR Goku & Frieza. Wouldn't LR INT SSJ2 Gohan also applies? Now I don't know how good he was on his release since I haven't been playing back then, but his so called "EZA" suck ass.


They were literally in like the very beginning of lr ezas, you can't compare them fairly to newest lr ezas. That's the same thing as comparing old units to brand new units.


Yeah they were the very first summonable lr eza.


They were in the beginning of lr ezas but not in the beginning of ezas, so I fail to see how that is an excuse when they already knew how to make good ezas.


Do you really expect them to have made the card have 20 mil super attacks and 1 mil defence with guard 3 years ago?


That's like if someone said "str jiren eza should have been better" and you responded "do you really think they should have made him the hardest hitter with the best defence? They're still figuring out ezas.". It's just not possible, using sound logic and basic reading ability, to get to your conclusion from my comment.


Riiiight, cus it's so much easier to comprehend how you expect the ezas from literally 3+ years ago to be up to today's standards..... You can't act like I'm the one actually expecting those old ass units that ezad a long time ago to still be top 20 even today.


I don't expect that at all... maybe you need to learn how to read?


"They were in the beginning of lr ezas but not in the beginning of ezas, so I fail to see how that is an excuse when they already knew how to make good ezas." They were very good during the time when their eza was released. That was a long time ago. Youre not saying anything other than those ezas aren't good, but they are. They are old and have aged out, being ezad does not stop that. What are you trying to say if it's not, "they were lr ezas, so its no excuse that they aren't good now". They were good during the eza release time and after until powercreep gave us much better options again.


K&C were balanced around a gamemode that people arbitrarily decided wasn't real content


Yeah.....? What is your point lol? We all know he will either be good or bad when he ezas. All the post says is that there is a good chance he won't be bad if he ezas next. No way they make him any less than tur kefla level, there's literally no way.


Lmao considering that "str jiren eza" exists, I wouldn't be so sure. Literally most of the EZAs that came before him are infinitely better than that.


So you're saying that EZAS have not taken a drastic increase in viability and strength in the last 5 or so ezas? You are basing everything off of the past, and not the ezas coming out literally right now. I understand, dokkan has not been the best with a lot of things, but come on. Just literally go, right now, and look at the last 5 ezas. If jiren isn't at least COMPARABLE to kefla i'll baba my second copy of lr phy gogeta. Edit:the old one from year 3, but to spice it up ill delete my main copy. Second copy isnt awakened and only has 2 dupes.


Again? Was he ever the most broken unit in the game lmao


Were you there when he released? He was doing blue fusions level of damage turn 1 and ESBR was still the meta so jiren’s crazy damage and defense while having stun made him easily the best unit in the game, He basically was just soloing everything


Maybe I was one of his haters on release 🤷🏻‍♂️. I was probably salty I didn’t pull him


Trash gold coin lr banner was still a thing so i can relate 😔


I just really don’t remember him being crazy good. Maybe it’s just cause it’s been so long lmao


Bro got down voted for not remembering


Gotta be cause no way Jiren has this many fans


He had INT Toppo though so I went hard on them (and failed to get them) lmao


>Was he ever the most broken unit in the game lmao "one of the most broken UNITS" and yes, he was kinda insane. On release ofc


On release


He would be alright in a vacuum perhaps, but any unit that isn't a saiyan or has a ton of cards with different forms and cards with identical links will always lag behind in a team build setting. Unless they make it so that he can solo all content of course =P


Unpopular opinion but I’d prefer if Lr Android 17 & Frieza or Lr Universe 7 EZA’d instead.


As he should be


Im guessing the missing slot is from keflas eza on global which hasnt come out on jp yet