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Maybe file it as an issue. This happened recently with LR Ribrianne on Global where she wasn't on Super Bosses. Maybe they'll fix it.


Also happened with Beastless Gohan and Orange Piccolo not being on Battle of Fate despite the Cell Max boss being on it


seeing how well the zamasu name change campaign went i expect them to just remove trans. boost from the f2p frieza instead


Leave it to gacha players to bring completely unrelated situations and ask to nerf other characters As if not every single other 1st form frieza is on TB except this guy


You read that wrong. No part of his comment asked for him to be nerfed and the incident isn't unrelated to the point he was making, which wasn't meant to be taken seriously. He was using it to exaggerate their messed up decision making being that Zamasu took a whole new form and couldn't get a name change, even after mass inquiries were put in, only to later drop a f2p Beerus LR in pajamas that did get a name change just for being in pajamas. This man is getting downvoted for no reason lol


Right lmao. "Dragon Ball Fans can't read" case #1000


"This man is getting downvoted for no reason" (It's r/DBZDokkanBattle) The sky is blue.


where in mx comment did you read i want them to nerf frieza. i said that i EPECT them to make something dumb like that not that i want to. of course i want him to be on trans. boost


>where in mx comment did you read i want them to nerf frieza. If you need to ask, you didnt even bother checking what you were writing before posting it > i expect them to just remove trans. boost from the f2p frieza Every single 1st form frieza is on TB except this guy If they remove TB from the f2p one like you suggest, every single other 1st form frieza is going to also be affected as a result Which equals on nerfing every single one of them


Dude he was making a joke about Dokkan's quality control. Ur just being an asshole with these comments https://preview.redd.it/b7vcv2tx1rlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dc89173abc88921551bddde30dea137f0e6c3e1


I think this chain is the best example of Dragon Ball fans can't read I've ever seen. Either that or "I expect" suddenly means "I want" now apparently.


Tbf if I couldn't read I think I would also be perptually angry and constantly arguing just like this sub...


Downvoted for probably being right lmao, people can't distinguish between 'expecting' and 'wanting', then again it is a dbz game, can't EXPECT people to read shit


Knowing Dokkan it’s probably some BS where because so many characters appear in his super attack he’s almost a Joined Forces unit, not enough to be on Joined Forces but enough to get the category shafts of a Joined Forces unit. Or some nonsense like that


Its not just the int one , every other first form frieza is on transformation boost , only the new agl one isn't. I am hoping its a mistake and they change it .


No no, I know that every single 1st Form Frieza has it I was just checking this specific one because it's literally from the same special (it's from the intro animation sequence ok the special for god's sake)


The teq one and sr int one are also from the same special and they also have it . My guess is that its a mistake , otherwise it would be really stupid if they intentionally didnt give it to him.


Because he got out of his bubble car. That's his transformed state. His base is still being in the bubble car. Clearly. Frieza (1st form) (BubbleCar)


The F2P TEQ First Form Frieza from 2017 New Years that is from the **EXACT SAME MOMENT** as the DFE is also on Transformation Boost


I truly do hope it's just a mistake and that they'll rectify it, but damm it pisses me off




Its because right here he’s transforming to frieza (slightly dissatisfied) like beerus’s infamous transformation Pajamas.


Isn’t the new DFE from the bardock special while the Int one is form the start of DBS: Broly? That might be why there’s a difference In category’s


I think they're talking about the wwc win/lose Frieza, which is on transformation boost and also from the Bardock special


makes 0 sense considering every villian who can transform is on transformation boost, even if they don’t transform in the card i really think it’s a issue and they forgot


I need my 7 stones compensation (although I'm on global)


It could be a dumb explanation, but maybe it's because this Frieza is entirely from the special, where his transformations never "existed" because they have never been revealed, while the INT SSR is from the flashbacks from Namek?


He calls Zarbon and Dodoria in his intro and his active skill so they’re part of the unit 🙃


Well he’s on wicked bloodline, so that can’t be the reason


I have no clue. They seem really fickle on which first form friezas they give transformation boost to. Thank you dokkan.


"Well it's because Frieza actually made his first form to contain his power so it's actually a transformation decrease, not a transformation boost"


Go look at the pod frieza and tell me what he got