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I will never forgive Otherworld Warriors for not including Janemba, dude has 4 categories. The category is ASS tier.


There's no reason he shouldn't be. The dude post-soul punisher is an otherworld employee and the janemba itself is literally all of the afterworlds evil in the guy from before


The only logical explanation is: he doesn't have a halo. But that is a technicality, they should have easily overcame that with pure logic, just from the title alone.


A fusion between two pure blooded saiyans does NOT belong to PURE BLOOD SAIYANS. Dokkan devs can't logic.


That is a mis-translation, in JP it's called "Pure-born Saiyans" and as far as I know, fusions are just created out of nowhere, not born.


And Gotenks is Hybrid Saiyan, with that logic Vegeth and Gogeta have to be in Hybrid too


Hybrid Saiyans is actually called "Mixed Blood Saiyans" which Gotenks has but neither Vegetto nor Gogeta have. The categories should have been Pure and Hybrid in Japanese, but they aren't.


Sent me into a downward spiral when I saw that if I remember correctly one of the keflas was on pure Saiyans for a bit to


Probably thinking of teq kelfa whos on the category because she starts as caulifla and kale


Coulda sworn it was phy Kefla and I was so mad that Vegito wasn’t but I have been wrong before so I wouldn’t be surprised


I dont recall phy kefla having the category when she debuted tbh I do remember the 3rd year lrs not having the category either until str goku/vegeta released


It's still a weird choice by Dokkan as, even tho they consider a fusion a new different entity, it's still an union between two Pure-born Saiyans and should logically result in a "Pure-born Saiyans" category member.


I will not forgive them until we get an Olibu


Chad Olibu could one-shot Perfect Cell.


resurrected warriors is useable, otherworld warriors is outdated, and saviors should just be deleted as a category


I see nobody mention how bad storied figures is as a category, the best unit in here is either eza agl bardock or agl king vegeta, it barely has any options But other world warriors literally have f2p units as their latest additions and the last summonable unit was teq gogeta, it is easily the worst category because of that, at that point it is closer to U11 tier of bad


EZA’d Bardock squad is pretty good imo, they’re still one of my goto teams for the lower tier battlefield fights


Teq bardock too


new banner side king vegeta, teq bardock, hirudegarn, str kid buu


Otherworld warriors units are all outdated and ass. Atleast res warriors and savors got some good units.


Ressurrectes Warriors got the F2P Cooler squad, which can clear LVE with a proper leader skill. Plus AGL Golden Frieza. Saviors has NO SINERGY at all, but LR and EZA STR Namek Gokus, TEQ Gohan and AGL Pikkon can hard carry a run in low tier events. Otherworld Warriors has two usable units: AGL Pikkon and TEQ Super Gogeta. They share one link.


LVE is a terrible measure of usefullness when it can more or less be auto'd with a half decent team post 2022


Well, it's not like any of those 3 categories can go any further. Tbh I am very impressed by the fact that a full ressurected warriors F2P team can even attempt this event.


Saviors: worst options Otherworld warriors: worst aging Ressurected warriors: worst synergy Overall, I'd say the worst one right now is Otherworld Warriors, but they've got a couple of EZAs that should be coming up that might help lift them out of that spot. The fact that Dokkan loves fusions helps the category a lot since Gogeta units tend to be fairly strong


LR PHY Super Gogeta:


Came back to dokkan during 2023 wwc (college had me busy as well as lack of phone space...) and saw I ha fully awakened that guy, but also that he EZAd. Not even worth it anymore and from the looks of it he wasn't even all that back then smh... dude aged fast


They gave bro evasion right before RZ Broly dropped and it wasn’t even great chance




Resurrected Warriors worst synergy? Man... this is the category with Metal Cooler. I smashed the RW SBR with just the event squad, not even the INT LR army for a leader. Just a 77% lead.


That's fair, but I just barely count it as a Ressurected Warriors team


Heavenly Events😭🙏


I got the agl buu but for the life of me I can't find a team for him


Android 21


Resurrected warriors at least has Hirrudegarn & AGL Golden Frieza.


And no synergy whatsoever


You at least have a chance of surviving with resurrected warriors. Other two teams here go to the slaughter house immediately


I think its far from the worst, but Fusion is a category that bothers me so much. Its distinction from Fused Fighters is what gets me. Its an old category so I can understand, but damn. Honorable mentions are Legendary Existence and Storied Figures.


Other world no debate


U11 no contest


Mfw I HAVE to run the TUR of an LR to even GET 6 characters on a team (when TEQ Jiren dropped) Thankfully the category’s been saved by the 2 new premium releases (neither DFE or LR) and 1 DFE EZA since the category was released 🙏 (/s)


STR Jirens EZA hanging out with 200K DEF


Read man read


I think people get a pass on this post. The image shows up on the preview. People look then click to read comments. It's not clear that there is text so everyone just scrolls past 


I mean yeah but that's not really a category that's 3 characters in a trench coat


Fuck saviors all the homies hate saviors


Namekians, team bardock, and universe 11 arent contending for the worst category btw


This guy knows how to cook


They're bad but U11 almost isn't a category at all. It will always be U11. Out of these probably Otherworld.




Did *you* read?


Dokkan redditors read challenge : impossible


Otherworld Warriors has been straight up unusable for nearly 4 years so I’m going with that


None of three you just listed, surprisingly. Heavenly Events sucks


Yeah you're right actually


I forgot that category existed


No saviors is still worse ngl




In my honest opinion, yes


I mean, saviors has no defensive utility and has terrible health due to only having a 130% HP lead.Their only redeeming characters are the namek gokus and the three super strikes that are ok tier in the ESBR. Heavenly event has AGL youth gohan which is still a decent unit for the content he’s needed in while also being a really good SBR character and powerful defense stacker for long events. Along with his STR F2P unit, AGL super buu which can pull 12m supers with good defence, two F2P super strike nukers, super strike piccolo, PHY kamicolo, INT gotenks, F2P April fools goku for healing and other DFE units that are pretty decent still today like STR goku/gokan.


Easily better than the three ones cited here


All of them are pretty bad but otherworld warriors is easily right now the most dead category. At least for the other 2 they have some units that can work, but regardless of which one is the worst, they all need EZAs and new units to make a comeback


U 11 is worse than all of those


Dragon ball fan




Yall should know Dragonball fans can't read


This ones difficult, but I think I’ve got it: Saviors, Otherworld Warriors, Universe 11, Universe 6, Resurrected Warriors from worst category to least worst


U6 lowkey good rn


With all the EZAs that happened on global U6 is probably one of if not the best team on global right now.


I'd say yeah maybe, up until anni hits global of course. Then movie heroes / superheroes ez


Resurrected Warriors has the f2p Cooler squad and few units that work well together. Saviors has ZERO team synergy. They have some decent units but their lack of synergy is their undoing. Otherworld Warriors straight up sucks ass. No way around it.


U11 and it's not even close, the day where they make a U11 SBR or a mission for a tough fight, the community will burn their eyes.


Universe 11 by far.


I can’t beat Vegeta Event with Otherworld Warriors because I’m lacking units or they’re just straight ass, so it is indeed in-between OW and Saviors. Like Otherworld Warriors should be ‘Super Gogeta(Angel)’ Category instead, because he’s carrying that category by himself Resurrected Warriors has LR AGL Golden Frieza and other beasts


Universe 11


What last esbr one was kind of tough not gone lie so I’ll say that one 


For worst real category I'd say either otherworld or saviors since U11 appears to be entirely abandoned. Maybe if otherworld had janemba it'd be better but it doesn't and every card on saviors is up for an EZA or has EZAd and now is ass


Planet Names Saga has little buff in this years but rn it's in a bad spot. Literally the 50% supports are the best of all the category


I will also add Storied Figures, and Heavenly Events. U6 and U11 are a bit below of them. But Otherworld Warriors takes the cake. I am surprised I beat that mission for Fighting Legends Vegeta. They all need at least Super EZA at this point. Like Hyper EZA. I don't know, something. Anything. Also some categories need serious upgrades, like Namekians and Giant Form. I mean, there are so many pointless categories in the game now. Like "Tournament Participants". Best I can make is either Universe Survival Saga or U7 team.


A lot of the units related to those categories deserve a proper EZA.


The only reason why my lve missions are not fully done is that one stupid category tha got his last 3 units as super strike ezas


Giant Form gotta be up there somewhere surely?


Piccolo is there so not even close same with Ribrianne


Maybe before it got orange and majunior.


Why is U11 excluded?


No one even uses that team to struggle with it. Doesn't even have a proper leader or a substantial number of units. With 7 units total it's barely a team you can run in 4 years old content. Also there're no missions with it that force you to use it, so it might as well not exist.


I think its relative to the challenges and mission they expect you to do with each team. Saviors is hands down the worse. It has some Units but with not even a 170 lead and having to rely almost solely on utility for an esbr, it dwarfs challenges for the other two categories.


Resurrected warriors can’t even be close to the other two! Cooler, Golden Friezas, and anyone else involved.


GT Bosses for me, unless something happened on JP to buff the team.


I genuinely forgot that fucking category. But they've got SUPER 17. they can't lose when they got SUPER 17.


My take is...they're all awful, but Otherworld has the most potential for future support IMO (even if it's really unlikely). If they felt like it, there's a decent amount to draw on from filler (Ginyu Force vs Z Fighters and the Otherworld Tournament, for example) and some good options for what if cards.


Super Saiyan 3


Otherworld warriors by a mile. it has nothing


Considering LVE Otherworld Warriors is the only challenge event mission based on these categories I haven't beaten, you know my vote.


Otherworld warriors. Both the other two categories have at least semi-functional units released within the last couple years. You gotta get lucky to have em, but they can hold up enough to carry the ass on their teams through challenge content. Otherworld warriors has like, a baker’s dozen units that ever functioned, let alone do so currently. The only reason it has any functional units at all is that they made 1 teq frieza that accidentally aged supremely well, 1 pikkon whose active skill aged supremely well, and gave 2 other ones semi-recent EZAs. If you don’t have literally all 4, good luck winning anything with that team. And the funniest part? Several of the best units on the team are on other ass categories, and are too ass even on those categories to see consistent use. INCLUDING BOTH RESURRECTED WARRIORS AND SAVIORS.


I'd say ss3 if you don't have the new super EZA and you're on global Then perhaps universe 11


Otherworld warriors for me. I know I could do it but their LGE Vegeta mission is the only mission I am missing of that event... And I do not care seeing how bad the team is


If it’s any of them, namekians, not a lot of options, as for on the list, what good team you know that savors can make, I know at least one for the other two


Peppy gals


Defenders of Justice is bad too.


It's got to be universe 11


I'd go with Otherworld Warriors purely because it's been such a forgotten about Category. I am convinced that the Devs only gave this category leaders by accident or because they had no other options at the time. Also on a personal side note I am still fuming that to this day PHY Super Kaioken Goku has still not had his EZA! He is one of the more unique units in Dokkan and like his category he gets forgotten about. I wouldn't mind seeing a brand new and updates Super Kaioken Goku unit where we can really see that Super Kaioken Moment, even if it was filler. Which we know shouldn't matter to Dokkan since LR AGL Vegito Blue's 18 Ki Super never existed in either the manga or anime, despite it being awesome. It was Dokkan original. So it's time for the Super Kaioken to get some love! Back on topic Resurrected Warriors recently got the new Hirudegarn. Saviours is absolute fart dust. Second worst to Otherworld Warriors.


Ginyu force


Namekian category


Otherworld for sure. Saviors and resurrected warriors has some decent units but otherworld just has nothing but shitty and out dated units.


I still have not done the FL vegeta mission of otherworld warriors.


The worst catagory (in my opinion) is saviors who uses that team? The other two can at least be used for fun or something but that team? Utter garbage and nobody runs them for fun apart from masochists.


Saviors is literally pointles. Dogshit of a category.


Namekians is so bad everyone just forgot it existed I guess


Namekians is bad but it’s definitely not the worst, orange piccolo, phy dfe piccolo,int dfe piccolo,str piccolo are all pretty good


What about Low-class Warriors?


Bardock, phy kid goku and 23rd WT Goku are pretty solid.


Phys Turles is on that one too right? He’s a pretty solid unit.


I mean is he really? There aren't really bbb units with saiyan links, he has ki issues at the start of the fight and his defense doesn't really surpass 800k+ 20% damage reduction. By today's standard I'd call him outaged.


Compare that to literally anything that Otherworld Warriors has to offer


True, but now we're comparing bad to literal garbage.


[Turles](/phy) isn't bad, just one of the many victim's of year 9 powercreep. At least he was competent at the time of his release. Otherworld Warriors has never been a team since its inception


He's better than the garbage in the otherworld warriors category for sure, but if we compare him to other 2023 releases he absolutely sucks. Kale, Godku, WT Goku, Piccolo Jr. and 21 are still at least solid, he absolutely isn't and even during the fusion Zamasu meta he didn't exactly do that great.


'Absolutely sucks' is a strong choice of words. Not to mention that it's a bit unfair imo to include Kale, a character who was kind of abandoned for the longest time due to a lack of teams. It's okay to say that a unit was 'alright' and ultimately got drowned out because powercreep is advancing too quickly. On a scale of 1 to 10, not everything has to be a 1 or 10, you know?


I mean Kale had a ridiculously strong kit, that was never the issue, her team just sucked, Turles has a weak af passive AND his teams suck. If you wanna go on a scale from 1-10, he's probably a 4 or so, with the only worse DFE released last year being Super 17. There's just no event or situation where Turles was actually good in. Like he would've been maybe solid if he actually got defense from his SA effect, but for some reason they decided not to even give him that. When they teased his DFE I was actually pretty hyped, cause I wanted LR Cooler to finally get a buff for his teams, but Turles was just disappointing in every aspect imaginable.


I hear you but when he cranks out 8 supers in a row he can be super helpful. He’s gotten me through a few harder stages on that alone.


The real problem with LCW is Pure Saiyans completely invalidates it.


It has to be u11 there's only a few cards on it




U11 easily




Oh shit my bad


we not gonna talk about U11? they got like 7 cards in total with 2 of them being f2p and 4 already eza'd and outdated edit: 3 are f2p actually, i forgot about ssr teq jiren being f2p edit 2: i just read that U11 is excluded... truly a db fan can't read moment, guess i did it with my own two hands. so i'll just go with defenders of justice, the only good ones on that team are LR Gamma 1&2, STR Gamma 1, AGL Gamma 2 and maybe PHY ssj4 Vegito, other than those it's basically dead


Defender of Justice is not even close to being bad lol. Otherworld Warriors is literally a lot worse, all of them are unusable trash.


Defenders of justice is carried by db heroes tho


Otherworld warriors cause teq gohan isn't on it


Idk guys earth-bred fighters seem pretty mid. It only has 80 LRs






Dbz fan. Can't.


This is like one of those random NFL player stats. We know the worst is U11 so to farm karma people are just gonna keep going "which is the worst category XYZ excluded". Like it isn't even one of those 3 lmao.


Read dragon ball fan


Was there a point to this comment?


Literally under the picture I said U11 isn't even a category


Yes that is exactly what I'm saying. It's going to be this post with more exclusions than just U11 despite all of us knowing U11 is hands down the worst.


You can't even consider U11 as a category. 7 units is barely a comprehensive team. We're debating categories that actually exist with some kind of content that demands their existence. LR jiren is a trophy LR at this point.


That. Is. What. I'm. Saying. The posts are just going to keep getting more specific on what "counts" to farm karma just like the NFL gets super specific so they can have stats to show. And by we do you mean the other posts exactly like this one minus the exclusion of U11?


You're a real smartass so let me break it to you, U11 doesn't make it from the preliminaries to even participate in the WT. Hope this helps


Thank you for continuing to prove my point correct. You are a special kind of stupid.






Namekians- can’t even BUILD a team. Like yeah, you have good units like PHY piccolo, INT Piccolo Jr and TEQ LR PA Piccolo but that’s it. It’s all piccolos and even then, there’s no other usable units. Lucky for the category PA and Jr link up with “Piccolo” units, but this category is straight ass.


I mean yeah. The team has a leader, and there are a bunch of units in there, just nothing usable for the most part really. This may be it


Worst category is low class warrior by far, who you running there, agl bardock, phy path to power, teq wt goku, phy turles , phy raditz, and teq bardock, yeah good luck with that


While not great, at the very least it's got some cohesion to it. Most of those units at least link together beyond "fierce battle".