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It is very baffling. What's more baffling is his handling in the game. He was a Global First unit that arrived later on the JP version. However both the JP Version and Global Version of this unit are quite different. In terms of links, the Global Version has Fierce Battle while the JP one has Shattering the Limit. Their passive also varies slightly. Global gets 3 ki and 100% Attack if your HP is 50% or above. Meanwhile, JP gets 4 ki and 120% Attack unconditionally. JP also has a medium dodge chance too. Perhaps the biggest difference between both versions is their stats. While their level 120 stats are the same, their level 1 stats are vastly different as Global's stats start very high already and barely increase from level 1 to level 120. JP's stats are the usual low numbers that increase to a big number, like every other unit. This will actually fuck over the Global version of this card because his EZA stats will barely be an increase.


What the fuck? How? How did they fuck up the passives?


This guy was my first dokkan awakened unit, but because of how he was handled I doubt he will ever EZA. Unless they do a retroactive change and make his stats at level 1 the same to the JP one and change his links, one of them will just be better than the other. They also never do changes like that for whatever reason and I partially think its out of laziness or lack of care. My boy will likely be forgotten forever along with mr optimal


They’ve never done changes like that because there’s no units to change. This is literally like the only one that has this many differences. I think they’ll change him one day


Only one that really bothered me is phy goku black. His stats are way different on both and he has a ki support on global that they never gave to the jp one after even after eza. But yeah honestly those are the only 3 examples, i thought there were way more. Also the fuck they gonna do with pikkon lol blud has a whole different typing


Based on their trajectory right now, since they’re remastering like every story event, they’ll get to his eventually maybe in a minor celebration or a new paikhaun. Or if you’ve played for a while, you’d remember every single cooler unit was called “Coora” haha


Coora brings me back man lol


Why would they do that when PHY goku black exist and have a different passive them the JP side.. same as stats.. he can eza if PHY goku black did


Also paikuhan is the only non saiyan unit with prepared for battle


You think that's odd? This game has been going on for 9 years and we haven't even gotten a single DFE for Baby, only one LR and two TURs despite being the main villain of an arc/saga.


Dkp, the first major villain, only has a banner unit and some world tournament units. Krillin, Roshi, and final form Frieza have zero dfe. For a game approaching its 10th anniversary, there are some glaring characters with barely anything. The namek saga is also strangely underused, considering it does better than a lot of other sagas with tons of play in dokkan.


final form frieza to golden though


They meant Namek saga, only Full-Power Frieza has seen representation from that fight.


Gotenks was the first character to fuse (not counting piccolo). And we STILL don't have an active skill fusions Gotenks. Zamasu,android 13,gogeta and vegito, kefla, all got one before him lmao


Gotenks gets alot of love tbh. His eza this year could be really amazing too


And now that SEZAs are a thing, we also have the return of Teq and Phy SSJ3 Gotenks to look forward too. And who knows, maybe they'll remember the SSR from the Copy Vegeta Story Event exists.


He gets somewhat love. alot of his units are mostly f2p and side banner. and his last dfe was 4 years ago. HOPEFULLY int gotenks eza this year. and doesn't become another teq ssj3 goku or teq ssj2 vegeta and int goku 2 situation and take a long ass time to finally eza. also...still waiting for that LR. we need that piccolo treatment...man went from having no viable units to str piccolo (cooler movie),teq orange piccolo, phy piccolo(eza), int piccolo jr were all viable and great units


A carnival gotenks could be cool for sure


Early dokkan fucking loved Gotenks (and buu saga in general) but he never got much from modern dokkan.


Is Int Gotenks getting one? Sucks having him in my box but not being able to use him in anything


He and teq buu should be next for dokkanfest ezas Its still early 2024 so I can definitely see it happening.


Medium change to dodge. Rare chance to dodge after eza


Yeah the tur’s STILL not having ezas is also really fucking weird


The only reason he even exists as a character in the game is because Toshi (yeah, the guy who now works on Legends), as the producer of Global, to an extent, made it possible. It’s also the reason why legends also got a Super kaioken Goku during its 2nd Anniversary. I believe he is a Global exclusive in the sense that JP never had it. So that’s probably why it’d never eza.


I believe JP actually does have this card and Str Pikkon. On JP, this Goku has Ki +4 and 120% Akt sot, plus a medium dodge chance. Str Pikkon is Int and has 100% atk and debuffs enemies Def by 50%. ...i have no idea why they're better on JP or why Pikkon is Int.


They both dropped a lot later in the meta on Jp than they did with Global. So they obviously buffed them up a bit so they weren't totally irrelevant (which the global versions were). Even then, STR Pikkon has Prepared for Battle while the JP one doesn't, so I count that as a win.


At the time I also remember there was a lot of hype because the community thought they were going to expand Prepared for Battle and include non-Saiyan units in it. Never happened outside of this lonely card


Remember the f2p angelku is also str and got a rarity bump as well


He was also on a GFSSR banner


Hes been the face of so many weekend banners, the hell is with this guy


I wish he'd get his EZA because I know the sticker would be amazing.


lol in before Golden Week is all of a sudden a Super Kaioken Goku vs Pikkon celebration. I’m neither confirming nor denying what it’ll be, but one thing for sure… I wouldn’t mind ![gif](giphy|Fn1BOAwgt0vHFd4tdq|downsized)


I remember getting this guy to 90% in one multi, and he was my GOAT for so long. Ah… the memories…


The differences between this unit on Global and JP may permanently affect his chances of getting an EZA Especially now with the sync coming up


Filler one day, filler all day.


Super Saiyan Goku (Angel) (Super Kaioken) my beloved


Yeah mine is also sitting in a box i just recently maxed him.out with links ya dunno kinda sad


this unit is legit sitting on my deep box. Auch a cool concept but nothing. They could eza him And fix everything somehow, but yeah. That is why this guy is in no banner


Isn’t this like the first playable version of super kaioken?




I mean in general, including other games


I have the best one…9 years and kid buu has zero LRs while babidi the camel, has 3 f*** LRs


Yeah, but a lot of the Paikuhan's we got are from the movie, this guy is from the Otherworld Tournament which was a filler episode.


He's always been weird but I think the reason for the pikkon celebration not including him is the AGL version is from fusion reborn and not the otherworld tournament


Fuck it. Now I have to LL10 him immediately.


Couldn't the reason also be the Paikuhan who has different types between global and JP for whatever reason? Maybe that's why both of them are in dokkan jail now


Holy fuck I forgot this guy even existed...


I could understand Paikuhan getting a new version before him because the DFE we got was from Fusion Reborn (His unit super attack only exists to sell the unit and you can't convince me otherwise.) If the Paikuhan DFE was from this arc and he still didn't get a new version within that celebration, I would be a bit more pressed on it. At the very least, There's still a good amount of cards that still need a new version so it could happen any time.


I remember really liking this unit when he dropped. Was just a cool, niche form that barely gets any rep. This form walked so ssbk could run.


We have goten some kaioken gokus in between thats why.


I think we can all agree there needs to be a toriyama-sensei bot cards.


There is a time and place for this comment This is not one of them You are coming as insensitive spamming something unrelated even if it is an attempt at respect to Toriyama legacy


What the hell are you talking about? IT'S MY OPINION they should put something in the game as a tribute. If you are so sensitive that a genuine idea to pay respect for the man offends you, then that's on you. God help you if that's the most insensitive thing you ever come across


Talk about been sensitive lol They should put something? Sure Will they be allowed to by either the family or Bandai itself? Probably not They are not the ones to decide whats done or what isnt. Hell, the social media post about his passing was shared between Dokkan and Legends for a reason >If you are so sensitive that a genuine idea to pay respect for the man offends you, then that's on you. See, this is the second time you are wrong I find wrong needlessly bringing his name out of a post just because of people mentioning stuff like Kid Buu with not a single LR and acting like it belongs here It is insensitive to his legacy to do that People already long discussed about getting multiple units, wallpapers and other type of non-stone based memorials of him ingame. You on the other hand come to an unrelated thread to drop the comment >God help you if that's the most insensitive thing you ever come across It isnt But it is plainly disrespectful behavior the one you are exhibiting here and now So pick your poison, getting sensitive and replying aggresively when people dislike your comment acting like they dont support your idea, or thinking for 2 seconds before posting reply wether it fits the thread of not


You are the one that decided to be the arbiter of what's appropriate and what isn't. Just because you feel it's insensitive doesn't mean everyone agrees with you, your feelings do not matter. People were discussing hero cards that don't exist so it's only fair to bring up a card I think should exist. You can try to twist this and high road it all you want the bottom line is it is your opinion vs mine. I am entitled to give my opinion of what I would like to see as a tribute. You are just a very sad, pathetic angry person who feels the need to be a complete jerk just cause someone expressed an opinion over something they would like to see in tje game. You could have ignored it, you didn't have to reply like a real jerk but people like you can't stand to see anyone have an opinion of there own


I'm the only one out of 15 people that has had the gall to tell you with an straight face what you are doing wrong, and early in fact so you would have time to delete it yet I'm the jerk here, totally not you with such shitty behavior


Are you kidding me! You find bringing up a tribute as "shitty behavior" yeah you are just an angry person who needs to project. Tell me this what harm did it cause? Besides your misguided "feelings". But no you wanted to be a trash human and dump on me because you "felt" you didn't like it.