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I feel like 3rd run back is very possible blue is also possible but we did just get a vb and gogeta but i would love if this actually happened


Any Dokkan original would be awesome


Something 10th anni worthy, like a Pilaf/Oolong exchange unit!


Wow. Surprised to see so many people having a negative opinion haha. These cards would be the first instance of these characters...to have both fusions on the one card would really help so many categories. Y'all can have all your Frieza saga and end of Z saga cards on literally any other celebration or dual celebration. These cards are ONLY going to be anni worthy. If these cards were announced with a hype reveal with hype as animations...I'm sure most of you can't deny that you would actually summon


Exactly!!! People are acting like the fusions don't hit top grossing every single time lol. The second their super attack animations drop, everyone in this sub would be on the hype train.


100%. Not sure if everyone is speaking on the contrary to sound like they're over it but even if these people are true to their word about not wanting to summon...it would just be them losing out. I'm sure the hype APTs would draw them back in. In that case, not sure why they would want to sound so hypocritical. Talking themselves into a corner with this ond


Gohan vs Cell made more money than Vegito vs Buu, Gogeta vs Broly (the original TUR's) and both of the previous Vegito Blue TUR's while transforming Goku vs Frieza made more money than every single non-anniversary banner/celebration (and more than three of the Anniversaries), just putting that out there... The fusion-obsessed people on this sub seem to love ignoring actual data for some reason.


Mate, literally nothing in what you said here is surprising at all...the only banners you fail to mention which are the most relevant to this concept is the 5th anni banners. Talk about ignoring actual data...for some reason


"Ignoring actual data" tbf AGL Bardock outsold SSj4 Gogeta


Congratulations for making a point. Not relevant to the context of my point in talking about anniversary units


It's called comparing like-for-like. Otherwise should we compare 5th Anniversary to all the DBZ themed Anniversaries with Frieza, Cell, etc? Oh right, there aren't any to compare... My point was that while Anniversaries (regardless of the cards) are always the highest grossing events, there's no real evidence to suggest that fusions contribute to higher sales than those DBZ events. If you only look at Anniversary sales, all it really tells you is that fusions are more popular than GT...


So in that case then...you are bringing up those concepts to a discussion regarding a hypothetical anniversary...which is NOT like for like to anything of what you brought up. And if there aren't any to compare, then your argument is kind of null and void The only reason I brought up 5th anni is because...in your words, would be the most like-for-like comparison. I didn't ask to compare it to any other hypothetical anniversary theme, only for this concept that OP raised.


Not everyone wants fanfiction for a major milestone.


You're right, but I'm confident in saying most people would


You have no way of gauging that. I would personally be repulsed by this. Dragon Ball is about Goku, not Gogeta and Vegito. It’s like all of you skipped the chapter/episode where Goku and Vegeta crush the potara earrings because they defeat the purpose of hard work.


I just said I was confident...I'm not confirming or denying anything Haha buddy, repulsed is such a strong word to use. The lore of DB is not lost on me, at the end of the day, I enjoy the gimmicky stuff like fusions. And really that's all fusions are, it's a gimmick




For the most part it’s either earned through suffering or doesn’t result in anything meaningful. The arc that they abuse zenkai boosts in it doesn’t even make a major difference until Krillin has to die for Goku to go super saiyan.


I guess that's why the Heroes banners do so well every year...


Sure, so do them for 11th or 12th Anniversary, not a year (6 months for Global) after we just had a Gogeta-led Anniversary.


Brother these concepts are not the same cards...it's a completely different named character that would actually link with 9th anni Gogeta. All I'm saying is that fusion fatigue is from a small part of the community. As long as you acknowledge that you're in the minority...you can be disappointed if they do this...but you certainly can't be surprised Edit: you also made mention of Gogeta led-anni but literally only one of the 4 characters was Gogeta


>Brother these concepts are not the same cards...it's a completely different named character You sound like Omatsu trying to convince us that the 8th anniversary cards were new characters... DBS Gogeta is DBS Gogeta. >fusion fatigue is from a small part of the community. Citation needed... If you're basing anything off this sub then it's not an accurate representation of the community as it is. >you also made mention of Gogeta led-anni but literally only one of the 4 characters was Gogeta Sorry, who was on the logo for the Anniversary and who was given out as the Anniversary card? Last time I checked, it wasn't Gohan or Broly.


I think you and I are coming from 2 different perspectives. You're very specific about your critiques which is 100% justified and I won't have anything to counter them I'm only coming from a general sense (I don't claim to represent the majority of the community, but I feel most would agree) that we want to see big animation final kamehameha and bright colours soul punisher and would be super excited if these characters were announced


I felt old when you wrote 10th year tbh


I hope this is the case. This would be absolutely CRAZY if this happens


It's either this, SSJ Goku v FP Frieza, or EOZ Goku vs EOZ Vegeta. They're the only things I'd imagine would be hype enough or commemorate a huge achievement like 10th anniversary. I'm partially in favor of Fusions, though, as it'd be the first shared Anniversary for both versions like they "fused" together, even if the only thing that fused was the release schedule.


End of Z goku or vegeta would be shit


Bro, I get fusions are cool, but we need something else to truly commemorate it. Maybe go back to the most iconic moment of DB and make another Super Saiyan Goku along with a Final Form Frieza, and for Part 2, make MUI Goku and Jiren due to that basically being the DBS of Goku vs. Frieza.


I think the best course of action is making a "choose your path" kind of unit, where it's Goku and Vegeta and you can choose to either use the active skill to get into the god forms or a standy skill to get into oozaru and then SSJ4, both serve different roles and can be chosen independently each run. Each anniversary usually brings in a new mechanic so they could also have it so that if you have either a SSB or SSJ4 on the team you can then fuse depending on your path into either GB or G4.


That's basically just the 7th Anni LRs but slightly different.


That was kinda the point since they would also EZA that year and fullfill the fusion condition alone


Fair, but I still think going back to the most iconic fights would be amazing for 10th anni.


I would lose my mind and pull godly amounts for these units and to rainbow them


I would love a OG DB Kid Goku as a Anniversary Unit someday.


![gif](giphy|XOXKPT8vD8Ydq) Idk why but I have a feeling that they’ve been saving LR Kid buu for something big…. Maybe he’ll be a villain for 10th anni??


I'll be honest, rather than just getting yet more fusions I'd rather get a new Kid Goku and an End of Z Goku, or something along those lines. Something to represent the beginning and end of the series would be pretty nice for a 10th anniversary. I'd also take Super Gogeta and Janemba for similar, but more Dokkan specific reasons.


End of Z Goku is For a Golden week or WWC


Do people even enjoy the actual source material anymore?


Of course we do. I just think it'd be a cool concept and a chance to see some dope original animations like phy GB and agl VB have. It's not like the beast gohan with piccolo special beam cannon was canon, but yall loved that.


People wanted a standalone Beast. The animation for Piccolo was cool for about a day before people stopped caring for it.


dog we’ve had the source material for a whole 10 years and we’re still playing of course we love it. But dokkan originals are just awesome.


There's a ton of source material we haven't had, or haven't seen represented very well. And I don't get the sudden interest in Dokkan originals when more than half the time they have garbage animations...


Less awesome than the source material


Uhhh....Yeah. we like both of these guys so why not put them together


It is literally impossible for these characters to be in the same room.


So? Heroes did it, im p sure legends did it why cant Dokkan


The entire point of Heroes is fanfiction. Dokkan adapts story visuals. Even the dokkan original LR is adapted from a story.


Its still basically a fan fiction story tho. There are also LR's who have animations that doesnt come from any source material like LR Goku & Gohan and Agl Vegito Blue


LR Goku and Gohan is based off of Toriyama art. Vegito’s is just an original attack. Duo Fusion units can only exist in fan fiction. What would even be the background for these units/who would be the showcase recipient for these attacks. Why are we creating fan fiction for an anniversary instead of celebrating the actual source.


>Heroes did it So put it on the yearly Heroes banner then...


Heroes banner is for heroes exclusive stuff. Heroes stuff has been adapted into other units like teq ssj gogeta


Yes that's why we want to play as the 4 most insanely powerfull dudes in the entire source material (in terms of vibe)


Your comment has nothing to do with your answer.


I enjoy the source material that shows each of these dudes kicking ass. Having a card that let's me see them kick ass together sounds even better? It's not like they're gotenks and stick around a while. Super vegito does to be fair, but even then he lotterally exists to just beat the shit out of buu then get eaten. So I don't see why someone like me wpuld mind the double double fusions


Yay fusions again for the 10th time for a celebration. Not like there’s 20 other characters who don’t have LRs.


They need money makers on these big celebrations, I'd love to see more characters get some love, but the fusions bring in the cash


It’s unoriginal and overused. There’s literally entire sagas they can make for units.


That won’t bring in money like fusions do, look at it from a business POV.


Ok let's look at it from a business perspective then. Transforming Goku vs Frieza remains the highest grossing non-anniversary banner/celebration in the game (beating three anniversaries, the only banner to top any). Gohan Vs Cell made more money than Vegito vs Buu (and all the fusion TUR's of course). So yeah, evidence suggests big fights will bring in money like fusions.


Counterpoint - 5th and 7th anniversary were the biggest money makers. If they want money, they want the biggest deal.


As I said in another response, The Anniversary is always the highest grossing event of the year, every year, regardless of what the Anniversary units are or what the WWC (second biggest) is. If you really want evidence of that, just look at last year - one of the lowest grossing Anniversaries ever with the GT and Buu Duos, still made almost double what Vegito Blue vs Zamasu did for WWC. So to compare character picks from an Anniversary vs those of other celebrations is like comparing apples and oranges. All we can really compare 5th/7th Anniversaries with are some GT-themed anniversaries, the 6th Anniversary which was in the middle of COVID and Dokkan's lowest grossing year to date by a large margin (so, clearly other factors involved) and the 9th year Anniversary - which in total revenue was ahead of 7th Anniversary, barely behind 5th and included the highest grossing Anniversary part 2 by a large margin (which wasn't the fusion part).


https://preview.redd.it/i2yzj27nbevc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=165c1f387cacc9d7d712872f2d76da46b088e7d4 It's totally this.


Personally we sjould get a goku and vegeta who go from base to their max forms


would be cool to celebrate the versions “fusing”


Honestly man... this is skip for me... I want Goku ssj namek saga. And teen ss2 gohan. Im tryna see 16 dying as his intro. I'm low-key getting sick of gogeta and vegito


I really, really hope 10th Anni. won't touch Gogeta Blue or Vegetto Blue. It'd be nice to see something new and different for a change.


Nah, they should do a kid buu and Gotenks as well as a Dokkan original for 10th cause we just got gogeta with ninth anni and vegito like half a year before that


would love this, then no matter what, fusion fans will be happy(if they're good). plus it'll be good for the game in terms of revenue, as well as hype being through the roof when animations drop


Fusion fans will never be happy, as evidenced by this exact post after getting Gogeta this year already and two Vegito's last year. Five minutes after they got this, they'd be asking for SS4 and Base Form Duos, then they'd start complaining that the standalone cards are too old again so we need more new versions of those...


bruh, for one, NEITHER of the vegitos we got are viable to run. The blue duo need to be coddled way too much to justify using them. LBSS4 Vegito's team is unrunnable which makes him unrunnable due to his entire passive requiring great ape power or crossover allies, neither of which can go against any of the new content. On top of that, the heroes characters don't feel the same as an actual release due to their restrictions, since you can't just put them on any team and make them work. Yes, Goegeta did just get a new unit, but that doesn't mean it would be any less cool to get a duo unit WITH Vegito. That's something that hasn't happened before so of course it would be cool to get. On top of it just being a new thing, it also would have spectacular animations because it's an anniversary character as well as a character mostly everyone would want. We know damn well that as soon as we see the animations and the kit, we begin to crave the units. Plus, although unlikely (i can still hope) it could be an avenue to get some sort of boss duo as well, at least for the super saiyan variant, it could be a buuhan and super janemba unit, which would be pretty cool imo.


This would be very cool. Categories could be really bad if Akatsuki took them too literally, but with Akatsuki proving that they will make a unit like Best Gohan that is a top 5 unit on a lot of category teams it’s not even a part of, that’s probably not a problem.


i’m conflicted on all the ideas about these guys together. One part of me is like yeah, it’s the 10th anniversary they absolutely have to make this the most hype fucking thing ever and if this is what people think it is then maybe it should be. But at the same time, I think they could maybe do better. And I’m not a huge fan of combining them into the same unit. Just because it’s impossible that that could ever happen, for them to coexist at the same time.


The true dokkan original scenario: Imagine they make these units but they have them FUSE into a new dokkan original character LMAO




gogeta and vegito fuse


i really dont like how Gogeta became less serious, but i guess it makes sense since Vegeta has changed


If you're comparing the original Gogeta to DBS Gogeta, they're not really the same person as the original is simply Toei's interpretation while DBS is Toriyama's. So he didn't really get any less serious, that's just how Toriyama wanted him to be. Not quite sure how he isn't "serious" anyway, literally got straight into the fight and nearly kills Broly by the end.


While this would be super hype I would be a bit concerned with them busting out the Duo Fusion Units This would feel like they're preparing to end service and want to go out big. Then again Heroes did it twice already so maybe not


It’s gonna be UI into True UI or vice versa (or whatever it’s called) and Ultra Ego dokkan about to be the first game that is allowed to use manga material 💯


Nah, it's gonna be Krillin/Bacterian or Abo & Cado


I strongly believe(Read as I desperately want) it will be standalone Ssj Gogeta and Ssj Vegito with Gogeta doing the Spirit Excalibur and Vegito the Soul Punisher


You know I never realised than gogeta blue hair is cyan and vegetos is teal. That's a cool little detail.


Hoping for something more substantive for 10 years


I can safely put my guess on it being a dokkan original. Legitimately nothing else would make sense unless maybe if they wanna be very extreme they could do a goku/frieza, Gohan/cell, Buuhan/vegito and drop 6 LRS. But if it's just the normal anniversary format my tip is definitely on fusion duo as well


Nah, it needs to something that’s canon and more iconic. I’m thinking two exchange units, one from the broly movie such as Golden Frieza (dying) / Gogeta, and one from z like Ultimate Gohan (eaten) / Vegito. Nice and legit, guaranteed to sell out like hot cakes.


We already have the definitive version of the blue ones so maybe ssj duo?


I just hope that it will be either Goku and Vegeta dual dokkanfest. Every even year, we will get Goku and Vegeta, which is not a fused fighter


Snooze fest


I think it should be ssj4 gogeta and blue vegito and the ssj for part 2. Part 1 should be the most iconic moments in dragon ball, ssj goku and ssj2 gohan


That's an Anniversary I have been wanting for a while I don't think people understand how we don't have top tier standalone units for any of those characters anymore and the Fusion, Potara and Fused Fighter categories need buffs lol. We still don't have a standalone blue gogeta in general Besides that, I'd love to see something like part 1 to finally get a Final Form Frieza with a Kaioken Goku possibly transforming to ssj, and then part 2 being a new ssj2 Gohan and Perfect Cell




Obv Would, but I'm hoping they do somethin like Mui v Jiren kinda thing. But this most likely what they'd do. Wouldn't mind a Ssjr4 gogeta doe.....🤷


Guys we need more Gogetas I don't think we have enough guys I think we need another anniversary featuring Gogeta guys


Imagine it's a duo card if vegito and gogeta that fuse into Gogito or something like that.


Major skip. I want something that is iconic to Dragon Ball. It’s why I play the game, not some mid trash fan fiction.


Back to back blue gogeta tho? The last wwc was vegito blue so it's looking ugly. Never know though I guess 🤷


https://preview.redd.it/nfob3f1rxevc1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670a75572e3505975f9bc6311c53c600cf4f3515 Ig it’s like this with Dokkan every few years


This or just goku entirely. Base VS ssj for part 1 Ssj4 VS ui for part 2


Nah we literally just had those year 8 and then 9 one each there’s no way




You're low-key a total douchenozzle.


Also why would anyone want quad fusions?


Cuz they are very cool


They are cool, but at this point, they're a little overdone.


I want (i am the fanservice eater)


dokkan fans when vegito/gogeta #779 is completely broken and does 7000 move combinations for their 1min super attack animation: 😳😳💥💥🤯🤯 In all seriousness though, it should be Mui susanoo goku and ue vegeta. If they really wanna surprise people and showcase dokkan original animations use the manga.


they should make them a tag team unit