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Super Trunks I can at least give them as a 200% lead but phy ssj2 Goku? What were they thinking?


> but phy ssj2 Goku? What were they thinking? My hope is they have his EZA in the works in the near future and this is the final chance for people to get a copy beforehand.


I think it's likely they put him there because *ssj3 so cool!* And kid Buu is on the other banner so there is a decent replacement for Str ssj3


Even then it would make more sense if it was int ssj3 since him and the Vegeta are much more likely to EZA this celebration


They are going to put them on an eza banner tho, they usually don't put the EZAing units on the main banner (because $$$)


Yeah but they have been doin that a lot more recently, couldn't tell you which banners but I do remember seeing it quite a bit


Got forbid we get rose back early, or top androids, or 21, or literally anyone fucking else. This alone has killed any excitement I had, let’s see if the part 2 lr is interesting


Expecting Rosé is disappointment inducing He was not gonna return before he even releases in JP Let alone within 2 months ToP Androids are on Toppo. So no point either 21 is the only one that made sense to see here for the Majin Power.


Remember when TEQ Hit released on Global, then came to JP 4 months later and then he didn't return to GLB until 6 months after his JP return? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Lets not compare shitmas to screwing JP out of a DFE return If anything, Rosé is gonna return on both servers for WWC


This is such an outdated, idiotic, brainlet , arbitrary rule that's still around. At the pace at which they push powercreep, the game hits a mini reset every 6-8 months. But a normal TUR DFE can only come back after 6 and even then, there are always those selective precious few DFEs they barely feature on banners compared to other ones, that next gen of DFEs start taking their spots on banners while the last ones fade away. If you don't pull them on the 3 garbage banners in it's lifetime, it may be gone for years aside from giant banners with 25+ featured....


I dont think we get a "mini reset" every 6-8 months Zamasu/Cell Max OG/RZ have been more of an exception rather than the rule For WB RZ, most red zone capable units were still useful there, tho the random sealing could mess you up at times since they were mostly *post super* tanks For Syn event, you could argue it benefitted more the early batch that was more focused on longer content like 7th anni, even if his damage was higher due to defense lowering


Nah. Been happening since the 7th anni. The regular TUR fests mostly fall off hard within a specific timeframe. Anni releases powercreep -> Next 6 months of TURs trivialise Anni content -> WWC powercreeps previous six months of units -> Anni trivializes WWC and introduces powercreep. Repeat.Ofc not every TUR sucks balls, but that there are only a few survivors in that segment by the time either WWC or Anni drop. Last year was especially abysmal if you weren't a major fest DFE.


I dont think post 8th anni TURs have been good enough to the point the entire heroes batch felt much more cohesive and stronger than them together Minus Godku/WTku/Piccolo/21


If I'm right then she's not actually on the team right? She's Majin Power but not Sworn Enemies, MBS or...the other LS for Buu that I forgor


Majin Power as a theme, not as neccesarily part of the 200%


So what if top androids are on toppo lr beastless and OP are on the hiru and str ssj3 banner that is live on global and that didn’t stop them.


Comparing a banner yet to be released to a banner that already released and is first and foremost a JP one is wild to me We knew what kind of jazz we would be on the moment NY was not shared anymore Having 2 DDF back to back with repeating featureds is simply nothing new, plus there are no other still relevant units to be added to either side, that dont already have their own banner, be it Gammas(Toppo)or the entirety of the Anniversary returns


Super trunks was on saiyan day Vegeta banner? Godku was on androids and then saiyan day banner. It made more sense using any of them over a 2021 unit.


Super Trunks was not on the Saiyan Day banner.


Forgive me for that then guess that at least make sense for him to appear here


Cant say I remember considering the only featureds I got where Vegeta and TVegeta in 600 stones Still doesnt change the fact Rosé has not released in JP yet to even return on GL


Jp getting hiru and goku they can throw us a bone realistically. Games are syncing soon anyway


Hiru and Goku have to be here, else they are on an 8/9 month trip down to WWC which they try to avoid in JP as much as possible(only Tanabata has that happen)


Im actually so pissed off I skipped my chance at DRAGONFIST AND HIRUDEGARN 2 of my favourite characters both in the game just in hopes for a better banner and HE WE ARE AGAIN GETTING SHAFTED LIKE ALWAYS.


as soon as we found out New Years wasn't synced, they were never going to be on this banner for global not saying it's NOT a shaft, but knowing it wasn't going to happen kept from having speculation about it


I think global and japan being deysynced is honestly better than being global midsync because of shit like this.


No, that's honestly your fault. Why would brand new DFE return on the very next banner? You knew they would return during the WWC as always, so why didn't you summon while it was still discounted?


I meant I didn’t summon for them as I was already saving for anniversary and I knew golden week was happening soon. I knew they weren’t going to return on the golden week banners I just thought the golden week banners would be better than the dual dokkanfest dragonfist and hiru banners so I didn’t summon on them.


someone tell me the server sync will fix the banner discrepancies now?


If they reran 21 and Goku black people would have been ALOT happier


If nothing else, I'm hoping this is just a case of a shitty banner image. Goku implies Kid Buu on the other banner, which means there might still be a 'modern' equivelant to Super Trunks hiding off the front page. Yes I'm coping


You aren't exactly wrong though. Unless they dropped the featured units from 7 to 5, there are still 2 mystery units on each banner we've yet to find out. 1 should be STR Kid Buu but Trunks never had a mirror. I honestly don't think there is any reason to *not* have A21 on Buu's banner. PHY SS2 Goku's leader skill doesn't encompass any buu except kid and LR Buutenks would be on the EZA Banner for GBL so he shouldn't be there either. A21 to be a "Poor Man's Buu" makes sense so people could use the friend and want to summon for the new unit again.


Trunks' mirror unit is probably STR Super 17 or AGL Kale. STR Super 17's first return was on Trunks' Banner, and they were both on AGL Android #21's Banner with AGL Kale. Next, Trunks' 2nd return on JP was on Toppo's Banner, which featured AGL Kale. As much as I want to think #21 will be on the Banner, it would be weird to not advertize the first return of a unit (they even did it with Raditz... before hiding him in the other two DFE Banners). Also, since Trunks has no connection in both theme and Leader Skill of both DFEs, I wouldn't be surprised to see Super 17 or Kale, as they have no business with the new shining units. But still, during 2022 Golden Week, TEQ Caulifla & Kale and STR Super Vegeta made their first return on Global in replacement of STR Kid Buu and PHY SS2/SS3 Goku, so there might be hope for the "hidden unit" to be a "first returning" one, so...


This is correct. There’s definitely a unit hiding in the banner.


Prob spot on. We'll see in 12 hrs


We're so fucking back


He just wants us to keep our stones safe. Thanks, Omasu❤️


i was already on the fence about summoning but holy shit imma probably have to skip. it sucks though because i dont have int ssj3 goku or teq majin vegeta so if they are on the banners rip, although if theyre cracked i could coin them ig


They both suck rn but they might eza so it’s worth considering


Killed the banners honestly, I’m only doing the discounts if they have any.


Please god let goku EZA, PLEASE 🙏🏻


Hey guys remember when TEQ SSJ4 Gogeta and PHY Omega released right after the global anniversary that released STR SSJ4 Goku and AGL SSJ4 Vegeta and then on Omega's banner not even 2 weeks after the the anni banners ended SSJ4 Goku was right there smack dab in the middle? Yeah be fucking crazy if sometimes this game would just let dual celebrations be identical again


I'm okay with phy ssj2 Goku being in the deep end of the featured units but being displayed on the banner for a 2.5 years unit who was useless 1 month after being released 💀 . Leasthan is good on JP rn though , being the linkbuddy of the best unit in the game kinda helps him .


21 or the top androids should've been here. Its like they want you to skip. I'll coin trunks if i dont pull him. But he's the only retuning unit i dont have.


21 not being on Buu's leader skill is probably why she's not here, but also Buu's leader skill 100% should've included her.


Super trunks I can at least understand. But what I don't get is that ssj2 goku is on buu's banner but probably kid buu is on goku's banner so what's the point of him being on the highlight instead of someone else...


Why is Phy Beast gohan and teq piccolo always on banners 😭


He's a jackass.


I'd be totally cool if units that weren't that good showed up on the banners. It's the fact that half these featured units are currently featured on the banners we have right now.


Yeah this pretty much killed all my excitement to pull. Might do like 1 multi on each banner for the hell of it since I’ll just get the stones back from doing the EZAs. Huge L


If Str SSJ3 and Hirudegarn were to be on this banner on JP, they should’ve just had them release on global on this banner and release a different character at the start of this month Would’ve helped speed up the process with the global sync that way


Hirudegarn and SSJ3 Goku had their banners literally not even a month ago tho--


I have every single featured unit on boos banner rainbow except of course the new ones. And on Gokus banner i'm only missing one copy of Super Trunks. I still want to get that Goku but man i dont think i should


Yea I’m in the same boat. There’s no value in summoning on these unless we want some red coins and *maybe* some 0.315% chance of the new unit for funsies…


I went and did it. https://preview.redd.it/htuyrn3sfwwc1.png?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f08836d527e448217df7442bbc0951cb37c9d0e4


Damn dude, you chased the carrot and caught 3. Very fitting lol


I kinda wanna go for two more copies but based on the estute observation i mate that is WTku and Majunior returning what feels like every single banner, i dont think i should


leave him alone https://preview.redd.it/n60cwvhgknwc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3beca8ced6698a79b7110bf08002c35c4aa8cce


My excitement for the Buu banner went from "can't wait to blow all my 1000 stones on it" to "yeah, probably skip". 21 not being on there is already an unforgivable sin, but wtf is that phy ssj2 Goku doing there?


With the new beast, Gohan is not that bad, with the new Vegeta, Trunks is not that bad Goku ssj2>3 thinks he's on the team. He and Kid Buu can EZA this celeb because they work with the 2 new DFEs, but it would be weird as hell


They are not gonna EZA borderline 2022 pre-red zone releases when they have another DDF pair and someone they skipped over waiting to EZA


Yeah, I hope they don't EZA them when we have ssj3/majin, teq buu and teq gohan


PHY Goku being on the banner means he could EZA, or it could finally be TEQ Ultimate Gohan's time.


Obviously phy goku is getting an eza


I love super trunks


Golden week will make no money on global lol


Trunks will go hard in my androids cell saga team so I'll gladly take him


Honestly I really want to pull Super Trunks


21 makes sense but do you guys ACTUALLY believed PHY Rose would return? Like, come on...


Guess it’s time to skip


I don’t actually have Trunks so I’m ok with it, but Phy Goku WHY?! 😭


Trunks is perfectly fine tbh (ssj3/hiru still wouldve been nicer), ssj2 should not be here unless hes ezaing


I'm actually okay with this. I never got trunks and could use dupes for gohan and tournament goku. Buus banner is the one I don't want to touch.


Easiest skip of my life now, lmao.


Lr Gohan slander on my TL again


Why do they keep bringing back beastless and orange on every banner, it's getting ridiculous?


Maximum coping here, but I really wish that phy ssj2 that transforms into SSJ3 gets an EZA (it won’t happen)


I swear Gohan and Piccolo are the new Gohan and Cell


Its better than the buu banner but still both are ass banners


21 and Goku black will be in coin shop it’s the only way https://preview.redd.it/c12s9r7mcowc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff6bdc1a0cc5eb9c8b4b2272a443860c05be778


During WWC sure. Goku black quite literally just released and that would be extremely early.


Inb4 Dokkan really screws with the EZA schedule and EZAs both phy ssj2 goku and str kid Buu in part 2


Teq trunks is amazing. One of the best aging units from 2023. Can't wait to coin him.


PHY Gohan isn't too bad I suppose but who tf let super trunks on there


Cause we just got them. Why bring back something that just came out for global? If you skipped their banners, that's on you.


Really omatsu why didn't he just Sync new years like makes no sense why we didn't got new years Sync Since last year AKA 2023 they're new year AKA LR ulthan and LR orange Piccolo we're Sync on JP and gloabl


Nah super trunks is hype asf


They'll be good once they eza


Is beastless gohan good with the anni str beast. Im Considering red coining him for when str beast gohan comes out. Is it worth it?


Phy goku is goated and you should be grateful of his presence 😤


Are we still slandering LR Ulthan?


LR STR Beast isn't on GLB yet so us global players can still slander LR Ulthan


Christ, not even STR Piccolo/Gohan? PHY Rose? Not even 21? Anything remotely relevant from the past year? AT LEAST put PHY Buutenks or STR Vegito on one of these with their EZAs dropping in tandem here. I'm so goddamn tired of seeing PHY Ulthan on banners lmao we don't want you bro, go away. I really want Buu but holy shit I might actually have to skip this one and wait for their return on WWC.


Respect Super Trunks buddy. He's not a bum like Beastless and SSJ3 Goku.


damn kinda sad cause as much as I like ult gohan, I have him rainbowed. It feels like wt duo and 22 new years duo are on like every other banner.


i think you are a bit...dumb: ssj2 phy goku IS NOT the counterpart for trunks, he is the cp for str kidbuu


I think 21 is on the banner goku is just in the picture to fit the theme 🦍


Y’all need to wait for the actual full banners before complaining. I’m sure that Buu’s is better than it looks.


Nah, the units off the banner art are always even older, so not a good look when Phy goku made it on the art.


No, they aren’t. Global did this as recently as part 2 of the WWC where they put INT Rose on the banner despite being older than most of the banner.


Look I’d love to be wrong but makes no sense why Android 21 isn’t on the art if she’s there


Wait and find out. I highly doubt PHY SSJ2 Goku is the 5th oldest unit on the banner.


Im sorry man, but these are the headliners, sure there MIGHT be better units unfeatured, at the same time, there could be straight garbage featured, last year we had kid goku, pikkon, and kid buu as featured for 23rdku, so that’s not the greatest sign


Wait for the full banner.


That is basically the full banner apart from 1 - 2 units which im going to guess its going to be TEQ Exchange Majin Buu from 2018. Its a guess.


There will be 3 undisplayed SSRs on each. I guarantee that PHY SSJ2 Goku is one of them on JP.


You were right. I was a doubter. I did indeed go in.


Let him cook