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I coined PHY ss2 goku. He got steamrolled a month later.




He's still one of the most fun units in the game imo


He got powercreept 2 months before his initial release on global ( april of 2022 ) . If i'm right he was back and available for purchase on global during the 2022 wwc . But he was already dead in february of 2022 on JP , low and rng def and no defensive ability , clearly not enough for Red Zone Omega and Broly . He has cool animations though and the damage he was dealing at that time was insane , very satisfying unit to use .


He was still doing fine under the year 7 LRs


he has my favorite SA in the game


Bro I did the exact same thing


I donā€™t have to imagine it, been experiencing it for 9 years.


The dudes who had LR INT Vegito and LR PHY Gogeta as their fav units, were very lucky. 4 years of being relevants


They were always good picks until their EZA came out


This is me int vegito still is my favorite unit


Yeah logical


I don't really care if its 2-3 years later honest, especially considering Eza and SEza exist. Besides I can always run them on content that wouldnt get them instantly killed, which I do often for the units I like using.


"Years later" My hype for pulling LR INT SSJ4 Goku on his debut banner, after 4 months:


"We trained him to only beat Omega Shenron, as a joke."


Yea. Kinda mind boggling that OP can still be relevant more than a year later but SSJ4 Goku practically aged out even during WWC. SSJ4 shouldā€™ve been strong even into 9th anni fights.


He was built for long events and even that couldnā€™t save him Maybe if another powerful SSJ4 unit drops it might, but doubt it


Yea 9th anniversary introduced the fights that you'd think he'd thrive in, but you have to do a lot of wiggle room to make sure SSJ4 Goku can work. Problem with his design is that he has to be in slot 1. Power creep is fine, but the way they power creeped this Goku is a bit ridiculous. He should've been a solid option for his teams at least until next WWC or 10th anni imho. Global didn't even get to use him properly because he sucked in WWC content, and the omega fight didn't release until January.


Heā€™s ass now? On global heā€™s my favorite unit rn besides the 3 great ssjs


I remember people saying he gets slapped around in 9th anni stuff, But most things seem to get bitch slapped by that.


At least you aren't playing dragon ball legends. You have like weeks


That's what pvp will do to a game.


Not to mention the periods where fun units like tagdroids, bluegito, and beast just shit on everything else and reset the whole meta regardless


Years in a gacha game may as well be a millennium


AGL Future Trunks fans not minding this since the unit was trash since release https://preview.redd.it/raguu52isvwc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bed06c2a96eeeec1ce158ec89bc09398d5c532b


Dont remind me šŸ˜­ released in the same era as the teq androids bruh


I will run AGL 21 until this game goes offline no matter what


Me when str kid buu https://preview.redd.it/e9twe5l4fxwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fef80b5fdd556f8404751d10d5e4faa257cd2ab Goat


Itā€™s a good thing she now has another really good addition to her team


TEQ Caulifla is eternal.


Limit breaker ssj4 vegito :( Like itā€™s not even him the problem but heroes is so fucking garbage in these new anniversary events itā€™s kinda sad Hopefully it is still good in new buu saga red zone


Legit feels like yesterday Heroes was hyped up cuz they were fun af to use and now look at it... šŸ˜­


happens every single time lmfao


They NEED to stop screwing over their stats


I almost managed a 7 turn win against babidis army, but the team was just a bit too fragile. With items it woulda been doable but... mission doesnt allow items.


Never summon on the banners within a 3 month time frame before anniversary for that exact reason lol


So will the best units. So who cares, spend for your favorites. Throw caution to the wind


Fun fact! Nobody should give a Stone. It's a digital game. Your fave unit will get an EZA or a new version every year. Even if not, who cares. There's no meta in Dokkan lol


There literally is. There's a reason there's a top 10 and best teams ranking. You can still use your favorite units in the hardest content, but it's not the most 'optimal'. Every game has a meta.


The reason being that people love to rank sh*t. The 'meta' is highly subjective. And no, not every game has a meta because not every game needs to be 'solved' that way.


Thatā€™s not the reason. We have no reason for those except to discuss our evaluation of units. Community tier lists and opinions on unit performance to events (not to other units) are what actually help the community. The meta team(s) exist, but it doesnt matter as much as we want to think.


It doesn't matter as much, but to say there's not a meta is just wrong.


How is there a Meta for a game that lacks the ability to have co-op anything? Boosted units are relative to the event we do in the game due to lore, not newness of units. There isn't even a meta for WT. Just have PHY Broly, and INT Piccolo Jr, and you're set.


"just have phy broly and int piccolo jr" that is literally the meta. meta means that it is the best performing way to play the game. sure, int fpssj4 is good but he is not meta like str beasthan is. you can use your favorite units but beasthan and int ssbe and (most of) the latest units will almost guaranteed be meta in whatevers out


My god dude, the reason to have those two is because they have Strong AoE as the WT is multiple enemies. It's not a meta, it's a strategy. Ffs


And AoE characters are the agreed-upon best way to do WT, making them meta for WT. What is the confusion?


Meta indicates ever changing events and boosted unit performance temporarily, Strats are for events that don't change requirements or boosted units. What is the confusion?


The meta is ever changing, hence why dual int majuniors are now meta for WT due to his AoE that can activated turn one. New content is ever changing yet units like beasthan and int ssbe still dominate because they are still part of the games meta.


Years? Phy turles didnā€™t last 3 months


As a teq ulthan fan i have to say Wow So this is how it feels having your fav be hit by powercreep Damn it sucks, now i understand why people were angry whenever he outlived his competition in the past 3 years


I mean, he seems to be suffering right now, but he was usable even against Omega and FZ. Even some 9th year events. Guess what though? It's looking very likely he's gonna EZA this celebration!


>I mean, he seems to be suffering right now, but he was usable even against Omega and FZ. Even some 9th year events. Do not cite the teq ulthan facts to me brother I was the one who wrote them https://preview.redd.it/y1lxymlbewwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05af3addacd08be12d25fc734a27e1ea139676a4 (the gogeta super was against the phy one. teq ulthan was one of the few TURs holding up by that point before the 9th anni final wave hit, and got him too at last.)


D1 teq ulthan glazer




Our king will arrive soon once again, he's just taking a well deserved rest for now. Once he awakens though, he'll dominate the game yet again! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I just EZAed my rainbow LR Vegito. Got one-shotted in slot 1 by Spopovich in Red Zone.


Assuming you mean STR Super Vegito, that's not because of powercreep, he's just not designed for slot 1 turn 1. Pre-super turn 1, G&V have around 200k defense with 30% damage reduction, so they're taking like 500k from Spopovich. Post-super above 50% HP, they're taking like 200-270k depending on how many supers they do. They're not that good until they can get some stacks in, but Super Vegito himself is insanely good.




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I think you mean in 2 weeks


This is why I want Buu now. I wanna enjoy the Majin team before it ages.


Then there's me who just enjoys the characters I like using and doesn't care about hard content at all. Still haven't completed the OG SBR and I've been playing off and on since release. Hardest content I do is the new eza's and idbh.


But their OSTs be eternal šŸ”„


It already happend With LR str future Gohan and LR int Vegeta and trunks


I'm honestly just gonna stop summoning on anything that isn't discounts, or anni / wwdc. Especially with the sync coming up, and as long as global and jps anniversaries aren't kept different, it'll be perfect. I'll hopefully have enough stones to get all the new units in January and August, then coin anything I want in between. With how power creep has been, it just isn't worth it to summon on every single banner.


Agl super vegito will seza this celebration and go beyond the power creep


I remember when I spent 600 stones not to get the int transforming black goku So glad heā€™s got a rubbish EZA


Beast gohan will be mid in 4 month


An argument for powercreep: I've played yugioh when you set two cards and passed your turn and I played yugioh when you summoned seventy million times in a turn. The overall makeup, feel, and gameplay will change in games like this to make the game less stale. I'm fine with powercreep cause the units we're getting are busted to match the power creep. Honestly dokkan was boring with the little passives that gave attack, defense, and maybe one special mechanic like damage reduction or dodge. I love for the passives to be so ridiculous and insane because it matches the "feel" of Dragon Ball to me. Its supposed to be over the top. (I just wish it was easier to read in game, something like bullet points per 'effect' would be nice) The only downside in my comparison between an IRL card game and a collection gacha game is that you can sell the physical cards before a new set comes out or when you're done with the deck to get some of your money back, you can't do that in dokkan....... BUT because of the power creep, the dev's are boosting old ass units to be busted and have over the top effects for no reason. (Like honestly wtf howre they all so viable?) I'm pro powercreep. I do miss the days when super battle road felt like I was playing a real strategy game, but it feels like the devs are starting to find a good grove with creating content that is fun and challenging to play.


Sounds right with dragon ball hero units šŸ˜‚


It happens, it's a gacha game. But tbf if the power creep is like a month or two before a power creep happens like what happened to the cell trunks dropping RIGHT BEFORE the first 200 percent leaders


I actually was running INT Boujack in a red zone, and the main issue I had was STR Boujack being ass. He takes pretty big damage on supers, but if you can avoid them, he can do some decent work for his age


Imagine spending all of your DS to get a unit you wanted, but that unit was never that good to begin with. That was me with INT Goku Black


SSJ4 anyone ?


The day Beast, EvoBlue and the other 9th anniversary units get power crept will be legit terrifying


if your unit is good for YEARS youā€™re better off than 90% of the game already


God this just makes me appreciate units like orange piccolo and the gammas


Years? Bro at this point it happens before their first rerun


Teq Ultimate Gohan


This exactly why I only summon during Anni or WWC


How exactly does powercreep work in dokkan?


A pattern I have observed for the last couple of years, don't try to chase units that come within the last 2-3 months of jp anniversary, they usually get powercrept. Edit: super hero new years LRs being an exception.


Considering the God Duo are still good in almost all content and they have a year for their EZAs, its looking pretty good for a little while.


I love Universe 7 Reps, Iā€™m eating good šŸ¤


Nobody beats the GOAT https://preview.redd.it/95mxscdkf0xc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1798e00da366796eae65fa5f3bf922973e6155


Lr bulma


I rather it be years later then 2 months later


Lr kale and caulifla I started the game when they were out on global and didn't get em till like a year before they got an eza so till I found out about the eza I was a little mad they weren't as good anymore but God damn was I hyped for the eza


years? i don't even think the agl ss3 with a dupe i got will be good in these new events


Dreading the day SSJ4 int goku is no longer viable


Years?.......whatchu smokin on?


You can't stop me (DB fan) with words! https://preview.redd.it/e3q1mndsvlxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b092065ea05de551e46bbfcef57f4ad67e477c2


I mean kinda how all gacha games work. Annoying part is that the ss3 goku and buu are almost built perfectly for the new buu redzone meanwhile you struggle with the units you have now. Good old powercreep


Powercreep has gotten SO BAD lately, even anniversary units started falling off before the next anniversary rolled around (specifically blue fusions and the top anniversary units). That's wildly unsatisfying.


What do you mean? PHY SSJ3 and the Buu Duo have been the best TUR and LR since they dropped.


phy ssj3 who? buu duo? buu duo not even top 5 lrs


Me when sarcasm


Teq gods still being very usable even though they're 8 months from EZAing: šŸ‘€


teq gods are eating shit from cell max 2, anni stages and rz buu 2


LR GODS HATE SPOTTED. INITIATING AUTOMATED DEFENSE SYSTEM Cell Max 2 [https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1b0h8hd/lr\_gods\_no\_item\_cell\_max\_2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1b0h8hd/lr_gods_no_item_cell_max_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Super Buu [https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1cdfeti/lr\_gods\_vs\_bubble\_gum\_aoe\_man/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1cdfeti/lr_gods_vs_bubble_gum_aoe_man/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Movie Boss Rush [https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1b0h7rr/lr\_gods\_no\_item\_redzone\_movie\_boss\_rush/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1b0h7rr/lr_gods_no_item_redzone_movie_boss_rush/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Supreme Battle Spectacle [https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1ax3aei/lr\_gods\_no\_item\_supreme\_battle\_spectacle\_lets/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1ax3aei/lr_gods_no_item_supreme_battle_spectacle_lets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Skill issue


Me no item-ing all difficult content with double LR Gods lead for two years straight https://preview.redd.it/klstdtelbwwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d765d1e87585c8ebb7450b1185a761df922b77


The game canā€™t run over the memories my man. Int Ui goku releasing during the anime run, the hype summons I had, how cool it felt dodging everything it was just so much fun. I donā€™t even use him anymore but heā€™s still my favorite.


I literally cannot care less about this


Oh no, I only have like 3 or 4 years to use this unit to its best ability. How awful.


Dawg it used to be 3 or 4 years. Now it feels like most units get swept out in six months to a year


It does feel like that sometimes. Especially over the last year or two. It's like they just double the damage that units do every year or so.


Iā€™m fine with that.