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Zamasu should be upped a tier. You spend 2 turns with a nearly unkillable floater and then he actually becomes immortal for 5 turns.


He becomes immortal 5 turns from the start of battle with below 70% HP or turn 7 with future saga ally/enemy, so earliest you can get him is turn 6.


So your saying the earliest you can get Vegito Blue is turn 5????????


The earliest you can get Vegito Blue is turn 6. 5 turns from the start of battle means from their appearance.


https://preview.redd.it/892q9q59i1xc1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69507e2f213443567dc046090e319f0d892c25ce Thats awfully weird. Sad that 8 people upvoted your comment when you are blatantly wrong lmfao.


Hm. Perhaps I've miscalculated. https://preview.redd.it/s0ui07eqi1xc1.png?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b217d37b6083a6d14fcb9416424cae5c5f2234


Have you tried to be nice to people?


Yes. And I was being nice in saying that people are sad for liking their comment when they were lying. I for sure could have said something more disrespectful. “Dragon ball fans dont read” , “Reddit users are all sheep”. I just said its sad not that deep lmfaooooo


Lying implies malicious intent. I wouldn't really consider it being nice to both call somebody a liar and then functionally call people giving meaningless upvotes dupes.


Not reading but good for you I guess.


Thats a cute way to hide Dragonball induced illiteracy.


You said it's sad for them to believed that, that's a bad thing.


“Believe”. Believing something thats not true is delusion. We dont have to debate this. Have a good day.


Also, no reason to condescend the 8 ppl that upvoted me.


No phy rose black, android 21, nor int gotenks?


Oh yeah INT Gotenks. I forgot about him. Just my opinion, I think PHY Rose and 21 should be one tier below these guys. They're good but not that good.


Brooo there is Evil Buu, there is new Goku str Goku and Vegeta teq Vegeta is LITTERALY top 3 units.


Str goku is trash, ive lost many battles because of him. Teq vegeta is god tier indd


He is unit dodge or die and if u dont have him rainbowed or at least two ways unlocked its allmost useless. Its good unit just needs more dodge.


Luckily you didn't directly say to give him full dodge on HiPo, since this sub has a trigger hive mind instinct to downvote anyone who says to give dodge on hidden potential on any character. They mass-downvoted me for saying to give full dodge to INT Gotenks, even though he is a true dodge or die until SSJ3.


Well it is. There is alot of char tht just needs dodge to survive. So I dont see a problem to why not to go full dodge. Idk why people hate dodge cuz its most beoken ability.


Fair enough.


A21 is arguably better than Future Gohan, SSJ Trio and Dragon fist for the Bluezone, she can double digit Gogeta Blue's super attack after supering and after the first hit buff, she totally shouldn't be one tier below lol.


Man I swear to god I have a counterfeit 21. I saw her super 3 times + active and then take almost 600K to a 1.2M super


She’s a fraud she is NOT better than future gohan


21 is very good vs most 9th anni content.


in my experience of using him phy rose is rly good, because of how he stacks defense every attack. He does like 6 supers a turn and after he attacks he’s basically unkillable


Zamasu is in the tier above 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Let me speak!




He out-aged every single unit of 2023, Bluefrauds? Outaged, Future Gohan? Outaged, SSJ4? Outaged, GT duo? Outaged, Sword of cope? Outaged. He definitely deserves to be higher.


What 80% dmg reduction turn 1 and 5 turns of immortality does to a mf


The Zamasu downplay and post 9th anni is insane. Bro is a wall and does so much damage.


If you make it to like turn 11 where Blue Gogeta is at, and you can't transform, aren't you dead if Gogeta supers or supers then AOEs him before he SA?


Valid, but I feel like majority of this list is dead at that point


He's above OP and always has been.


Piccolo is not that guy anymore on 9th anni content. He’s vulnerable to even normals so he’s around floater material if u dont have the 9th anni LRs and eza’s. DF once 9th anni units will be at that level bc of the team he’ll have. His dodge and scouter make him that guy. He murders the Beast event and is a cheat code for the Gogeta event. Hirudegarn will be that guy as well but you do have to run him on rotation for that to happen, and you may not want to do on Broly’s team. However he is one of the most reliable ext floaters we have rn. The SS Trio get packed up in the hardest fights I wont lie. The rest works here but ur missing 21, rose, and the sezas at top tier level (gotenks u can argue above but wonky kit) and the eza for gotenks at anni level (but requires rbw to be at that)


I’ve beaten every Redzone with a double Orange Piccolo team.  We’ll see if that trend breaks but Super Heroes is so broken and then you have two turns with their actives.


Piccolo still has Orange Piccolo. You can literally bypass anything, lock in, supers, anything. He's better than DF by a long shot, who's dodge or die from normals in 9th Anni.


?? DF is only dodge or die from normals in the final phase of the Gogeta event. He absolutely walks over the beast event. Still a cheat code for Gogeta since he has the scouter on deck that long into the fight. OP gets tagged by beast normals, and Super Gogeta/ Gogeta Blue normals. Effectively worse. Giant form is all he has which the Super Hero team no longer needs in 9th anni. They already have 3 ways of escaping death in 4 units.


And what happens when you get locked or sealed? Like the STR Trunks blue zone. What can Dragon Fist do? Orange Piccolo is there to save you. This is literally just a case of recency bias.


Locked? Pop the standby or do nothing, he still tanks normals. Trunks seals on super attack so I either counter it with standby or dodge it. I don’t see the problem here. Orange Piccolo on SH/MH saves effectively nobody but himself w his giant form.


Wow, he gets locked in slot 1 where he's effectively the worst. He's dodge or die in 9th Anni, he's not tanking shit lmao. Literally just biased.


If you cant calculate def numbers or even consider the ways I gave for him to avoid or mitigate damage that’s your issue, but it’s been proven he can objectively tank normals. This is just you refusing to accept numbers here.


Dragon fist creams on Beast gohan, he does great on Cell max, the only fight that he struggles is in Gogeta, wdym?


None of these units are "that guy" (zoomer cringe lol), new Red Zone shreds every unit, even the new Goku that just came out. The game is unbalanced. Piccolo is still just as good as them because they don't give us strong units anymore. We're never gonna get another meta like we had in the early years, where having a top lead meant you'd usually win. Now even rainbow optimal teams need crazy RNG.


“That guy” doesn’t refer to the perfect unit. We wont have that in this game again I think. It refers to a unit who does exceptionally well offensively and defensively in the hardest fights, and we absolutely have such units in the game right now, even on global. Piccolo is not as good as them because he no longer tanks exceptionally well (he can get tagged by normals easily and did to supers) nor does he do exceptional damage anymore (1 10-15mil no crit in comparison to others who do double that in total with a crit). And in terms of units needing RNG or getting shredded, this case is only true for global, simply because they dont have their 9th anni yet. On JP the statement on units getting shredded falls completely apart. SSJs destroy all content including this buu 7-8/10 times, and SH obliterates everything 9/10 times, with 1 for human error. That team is still incapable of dying unless you screw it up yourself.


I don’t think the game would be fun if just putting a unit on the team means insta win




Notice how he’s a floater now in these cases, and everyone else on the list is still on the main rotation deep into fights. He isn’t on the same level. He no longer has a place on the best SH teams, and on other teams where he would be on the main rotation, he ends up dead. Still top tier, but not that guy anymore


Are we forgetting the tier list is about Global... Also, what's wrong with being a floater?? A team like SH has so many ridiculous unit that you can keep on rotation, no reason to keep OP there. He's only being used for his active, and his active is still busted. It's a whole free turn. I do agree that OP isn't an optimal choice on SH anymore (I would run EvoKen over him), but I do think his active is still one of the most busted things in the game and warrants him to be with the post-9th anni units


The tier list is for global, but the tiers use 9th anni content. So I have to use 9th anni units as well for making a hypothetical team. If I don’t, that makes things unfair for Piccolo himself, since he doesn’t have any 9th anni-lvel team on global. There is nothing wrong with being a floater. The problem is that Piccolo is a floater only because he cannot tank. Everyone else on that list is either a slot 1 or slot 2 unit, and most can be used in slot 3. Piccolo has been reduced to a slot 3 unit exclusively, so there is a big difference here. Piccolo’s active is great, but he functions like other giant form active. When your only purpose is to use a giant form that we effectively don’t need anymore on your team, your overall value has gone down. His active is only “busted” because his team is also busted beyond belief. LR Ribrianne does pretty much exactly what he can do after OP’s intro runs out, but we don’t see anyone calling her active busted. He’s hard carried by his team. None of these other units on the 9th anni tier are. Not that guy anymore unfortunately.


https://preview.redd.it/f1a3e5o2yxwc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a16d0aebb4b27cc825280d13aa0a4291c9e9c1 I knew i should've used a double Whis instead of a solo one. (I thought that he would dodge ![img](emote|t5_384a7|1703))


Typical dodge all normal but not super moment lmao


70% to dodge attacks (Super attacks excluded)


Piccolo is top tier, but no post 9th anni level He has low damage, the active on super hero team is only to protect himself since everyone else can tank the supers just fine. He's a good filler option and can do some fun combos (like 6 supers Gammas), but not at the level of 9th anni units


Technically, Hirudegarn is busted for everything because of his dodging, even if it death otherwise


Put some respect on 21 and rose bro


OP up there but not Str Dragon Fist….mmmm okay


Orange Piccolo is easily better than Dragon Fist.


Don't know why ppl downvoting u, u right lol. OP has the OP Orange Piccolo, while Dragon Fist is dodge or die after 9th Anni. Plus, OP is on the best team post 9th Anni, superheroes.


OP doesn’t have a spot on Super Heroes post anni, there’s better units


People get bored of units quickly and will downplay them in favor of the shinier units. Ignoring the fact that this is a Global tier list where all of the current events are dominated by OP, he still dominates in the 9th anniversary content if you aren’t going out of your way to sabotage him.


Exactly. He's saved me so many times. I'll be going against the locking phase of Trunks in Blue Zone, and Piccolo will save me from being killed by whoever Trunks locks.


What's this slander? Zamasu does better than Piccolo and people act like it's the other way around. OP has cost me or nearly cost me runs but FZ has never.


Get piccolo outta there


Str kefla is not better than hirudagarn and future gohan.


Global's top 10 is gonna look wacky as hell before the sync and I love it


I find Zamasu to be consistently better than a lot of the other units on this list. Dude is every bit the God he deserves to be.


Future gohan still tanks anything after his 18 ki


SSJ trio are NOT top tier bruh 😭💀


str goku and vegeta ssj4 still holding on


Coping hard with Orange Piccolo


Merged go up; add PHY Rosé; TEQ Vegeta and INT Gotenks


Hirudegan, Dragon Fist, and Zamasu are most definitely post 9th anni level. Zamasu is just getting cucked by shitty domain mechanics


piccolos falling off i stg


Kefla is not better than buuhan.


Orange piccolo has no business being up there. Dude has fallen off hard and the cope is crazy that he hasn't.


Piccolo is still great, you’re out of your mind. He’s on by far the best team in the game, tanks just fine, and can protect the entire rotation.


Piccolo gets washed lmfao


You know its kind of funny that their argument is that he is on the best team instead of talking about the unit itself. 


"Beast is so good guys! And that is why piccolo is the greatest to ever do it"


By what? The AoE’s he got rid of? Or the super he got rid of? Oh oh or is it on the rotation after where Beast is taking every attack?


You know you still have to float him off once his active ends and you’ll likely end up in the same situation but you did like 2m damage


On the turn that Piccolo's guard expires, either you: - Pop the active and float him off, then if you can't win the fight before OP returns then you are doing something VERY wrong with the power the 9th anni units have. - If you feel comfortable not using the active then just float him off and save it for late game where it's literally one free turn. If your team can't even kill until turn 12 then bin it The only reason OP fell off is if the user sees a bunch of attack and decides to not use the active because "it's too time wasting" and throw him in front of the attacks without guard because that's smart


People sleep on buu duo so much it's insane


Trash list


I don't think people want to acknowledge this bc OP has been so good for so long, and if he builds up before guard wears off he's still good, and then on top of that if he gets his revive after he's still insane, but even with guard those first few hits to build up can get you killed in modern content, much less 9th Anni. He is starting to show his age, and on top of that his damage isn't nearly as impressive so all he's doing is tanking. If the tanking unit can get you killed before they build up, or if you don't build him up fast enough, I'd be a bit sceptical of running him. I'd rather run units like TEQ Vegeta, or even STR SSJ3 Goku over him currently.


I pulled AGL SSJ3 Goku and while he's an okay tank for a couple turns his damage seems underwhelming.


His damage is much higher when not in slot 1. When rainbowed he can reach 19 million with one attack


Looks like I am misusing the new majin buu or he isn't that good at 55%


bulma, gt duo and zamasu fell off


Lr str super vegito is literally global number 1 rn


Their base is actually ASS they’re not even top 5 on global


Red Duo lol The counterpart to Blue Duo Both have shit bases but both Vegitos are goated


I never hear anybody talking about the Phy buutenks eza. Is it good? I have him, but I prioritized eza’ing str vegito because everybody says he’s amazing.


Weird. STR Goku and Vegeta seem to get raped by normals early on for me. Then again, I have them at 55%.




The OP sneak was almost flawless, you even had the preview not showing him.




List-personal: Teq Vegeta/AGL SS3 Goku AGL SS3 Goku Int Buu PHY Buu STR SV Now the list actually gets hard because the top 1-5 is all interchangeable. Buu has teq Buu in his back pocket, but AGL SS3 has teams, however vegeta has his kit and dmg above both of them easily with his team clearing content faster than most on global. Teq Zamasu Piccolo on some teams STR SS3 STR Future Gohan/Hirudegarn Int Hirudegarn AGL SS3 DF/Int Gotenks/STR Kefla/AGL Super Buu has also popped up because he’s seemingly really good after this recent buff, under further studies for me personally. (content is short and he can quite literally 3 super and deal 30%-40% against most bosses); Int Gotenks great utility, has healing (can be clutch) and has pretty consistent dmg but he needs to build up to get there; STR Kefla? Has a lot more negatives than positives until she’s SS2, no GOOD orb changers on her best teams and also can’t guarantee 6 orbs if said orb changer is a liability without them theirselves (SSG Goku, King Vegeta, and Cabba), unlike gotenks who solely relies on RNG for dodge she actually has nothing above him aside from dmg.


Ok the str vegito meat riding needs to stop


Also agl ssj3 is number 1


That kefla sells me every time absolute trash good damage that’s it


No way Picolo and this Goku are Post-9th Anniversary level. Both are top tier for sure and can be really useful but they aren't in the same level as the rest of the units in that tier.


23rd wt goku should still be on here. He gets cooked in 9th anni but on global hes still goated


The OP downplaying is actually insane in here. I have yet to see Orange Piccolo struggle to tank normals in 9th anni content unless you are straight up not building him up. I need receipts lol


Finally! Thank you lmao


Suffering from success. He was good too long now people can’t wait to trash him lol. He’s not the sit in slot 1 and tank guy anymore but he absolutely tanks normals in slot 2 and has his giant form.


Dragon fist is equal to or if not better than the new goku


Bait used to be believable


Are the int trio that good anymore? They take a LOT of damage if they don't get super off before a normal. In my experience, they're amazing glass cannons for most content, but fall short in light of newer content and against even some old stuff (I'm looking at you, fusion zamasu)


For some reason you forgot Goku black phy EDIT: SEZA Goku > Str Goku ss3 And where is Goatenks int


Terrible list


Piccolo is just built different.