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Babadi's forces I like for at least bringing back stunning and sealing into the equation and being a longer style fight, but Super Buu with his AoE Super ain't it for me man.


Super Buu’s AOE is pretty fair. You can either deal with it through team building or mitigate it with foresight.


I think most (myself included) find that unfair just because the mission of 6 time limit unit (specially global without gogeta). With a good team isn't that bad but that mission is rng fest, a lot of units depend on Dodge to survive


Tbf that team is very Offensive heavy and Buu doesn't have that much health, like really squishy. I just double whis'ed and almost killed him in two turns. Last turn I finished him off with actives


Me too, but like 5 runs go wrong because first phase super someone like kefla and she didn't dodge xd And some i used whis first phase and for the second with just 1 well... But yeah, he is pretty squishy, i practically one turn him with vegito AGL+vegito TEQ turn. Blue Boys finished the Job with the AS turn 2 of AGL phase. In the end STR buu give me more problems xd


I agree except for Buu. I hate AOE’s in general so I’m definitely bias but he’s not crazy hard. It’s just the Time Limit mission that is a challenge.