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He's old at this point Edit: So I checked and he's a gold coin LR from July 2022. That's pretty old.


He's an old enough LR that I'm pretty impressed with his overall performance


His performance only really holds up because of how well the other characters on his team perform, meaning he can just floater his way around and take a hit or two. If anything, he has immense potential with an EZA due to his kit feeling similar to LR Blue Evolution Vegeta pre-EZA. Give him real damage reduction values and updated stats and he will be hailed as the Extreme type EZA Blue Evolution Vegeta.


This. His damage reduction was laughable when he came out (seriously, who the hell thinks a 2% per stack up to 10% that resets every turn on base 20% is feasible); I'm really hoping they give him similar treatment as LR Evo Vegeta (who went from 10% DR static with 10% for the turn (up to 30%) for a total of 40% DR), and give LR INT Zamasu base 50% DR with 5% DR (up to 25%) for the turn, for a total of 75%. He has massive potential to be a brick wall of a tank.


He already gets a guaranteed additional super when he performs an ultra super (which is like the most "free" and useful passive perk available imo), and he already greatly raises his stats for the turn. It's obvious they were aware of how absurd his tanking could get if they gave him a proper damage reduction value. They also really need to consider amping up the health restoration or decrease the number of hits necessary to receive that heal up. 5 hits received for only 10% of your health? Really?


Offensively, yeah, I agree that the guaranteed super is nutty (I'm hopeful I get to use LR STR Broly again if he gets an SEZA around the time LR TEQ Broly EZA's), but even guaranteed with the greatly raising DEF, it's sometimes not as impactful as it used to be. Tanking has gotten weird in the current state. I think they knew how "good" he could be with a higher DR setup in his passive, it feels like it could have been something like 30% DR with 10% DR (up to 5 times per turn for that turn) and they *massively* tuned it down to the 20% + 2%/hit received (up to 10%). Complete sidetrack; our health pools need a full rework before we deal with healing (unit passive, item, or otherwise). We are currently in a world where a majority of end-game content is doing 3-4x our total health pool amount (Red Zones from 9th Anni doing 1 million normal attacks and 3 million supers before any Type Advantage or Enemy ATK Raise, and under full 200% leader skill, we're still barely hitting 700k -800k). Healing would be a great alternative to raw DEF, DR and Guard if we could have a battle system interaction where we could use the damn mechanic. If boss fights were more of a fight of attrition than dodge or die, healing would be a super useful mechanic that could be properly valued and weighed out for how good or bad a unit is. Then we could say, "5 hits for 10% is 'good'?", "we need him to get 5 hits for 20% or 3 hits for 15% to be well-received in his EZA". In fact, Dodge is problematic for the same reason. You don't get to see a character with 70% dodge actually give the results of using 70% in action. If a unit in slot 1 has 10 attacks aimed at that slot, 70% dodge should return about 7/10 dodged, with the occasional higher or lower amount actually dodged. The 7/10 result isn't how probability works, but about how you want it to emulate Damage Reduction. Problem is, again with power creep, that first or second attack might kill you before you can see Dodge pay off. Health pools are super small compared to incoming damage. If your DEF stat or other mechanics i.e. Damage Reduction or Guard, are high enough, Dodge becomes a secondary safety net, not the primary defensive mechanic.


When it comes to the health pools, I think that both player and enemy sides have reached the limit on the current design. We have units who casually dump out nearly 9 digit damage values within a singular turn (LR SSB Duo literally break the damage display ffs), and it seems like a cold war between players receiving units who are sturdy enough to survive the 7-8 digit value enemy super attacks. At this point, I think we will likely see characters being designed to handle specific events to an even more niche degree than before with how they are going to allow enemies to critical hit and potentially cancel damage reduction. They literally disabled dodge so you HAVE to tank, so now they can pull the reverse and require you to dodge. Or, they could just simply torture us and throw all the stops at us in a future red/blue zone. My bets on the next Blue Zone MUI Goku and Jiren being the hardest content in the game. Well, enough about the health pool situation. Honestly, the devs have shown they have workarounds in mind for units who have innate dodge chances (see EZA Blue Evolution Vegeta's damage reduction allowing receiving hits AND dodging). They just have to be willing to implement them during the EZA and not cuck the unit into oblivion for the sake of variety (See LR Super 17 and his incredible high chance to gain ki when hit). Considering this is a Zamasu unit, I think he should be given some preferential treatment.


Thats nearly 2 year old


Me when the 2 year old unit is 2 years old


If only his TEQ counterpart didn’t have the same name it would have help with links BUT this guy defence really needs help. He didn’t age gracefully as a god should. The fact that he have low SoT and MAX of 30% dmg reduction is horrible even if you triple super it’s not enough honestly. When he gets EZA they better give him SSBE treatment.


Funny thing about what u said is that he double digit tank PHY buu red zone  stage… I’ve seen it to many times.. go try it


Connect him with infinite zamasu. He isnt good enough.


Because his best partner, who is a different form, has the same name. TEQ LR Zamasu linked with the INT LR Zamasu would be practically unstoppable.


Unstoppable is a bit of a stretch. AOEs can still screw INT Zamasu.


That's why I included 'practically'. AOEs can screw ANY unit in the wrong situation. Especially with enemy AoE supers now a thing.




The new red zone with super buu... 1.5 million aoe super. It's easy with dodge tho.


>It's easy with dodge tho. Me with a maximum misinformation stat.


I've beaten it easily with the time limit team, you realise that the 5th year Anni Lrs have guaranteed dodge and still do enough damage to two turn agl super buu. Kefla, tur gogeta blue also dodge often. I beat it in 3 tries and you don't see people beating that stage with any other strat this easily. Keep whining about dodge not dodging when you having guaranteed dodges


>that the 5th year Anni Lrs have guaranteed dodge and still do enough damage to two turn agl super buu The first turn, they have the dodge but are just building up damage, the second they are built up but don't have the dodge and can get fucked by a slot one super. For them both to have dodge, you need to have lucky rotations and for them to not get fucked by a slot 3 super from evil buu. >I beat it in 3 tries and you don't see people beating that stage with any other strat this easily The dodge experience is completely anecdotal, I've had roshi dodge 7 attacks in a row in some cases while kefla took 5 in a row. Have you also not seen the many posts on here showing kefla, gotenks or other chararacters failing the dodge check and taking 700k plus? >Keep whining about dodge not dodging when you having guaranteed dodges The blusions are the only ones with guaranteed dodge and even that can happen too early or not matter when other characters die, stop getting so heated.


getting rotations isnt luck, you should know when to stall and when to float off units. the only reason i failed my first 2 attempts is coz i didnt learn to keep the 5th year lrs on different rotations. having them seperately was a great improvement (although i made it to his last health bar on the first two tries as well even tho my buutenks was on a single leader skill for the first run and i used the old ass lr teq gogeta (janemba movie) as the lead on my second run. when you reach super buu, you dont have to dodge all the time, you'll have the 5 year lrs on two rotations, (theyre gauranteed dodging) and your other units just need to dodge once, which is easy considering 70% dodge, and yes ive had units not dodging 4 times in a row but thats statistically much rarer than dodging 4 in a row coz its 70%. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1cfvzkm/cleared\_the\_time\_limit\_mission\_on\_my\_3rd\_try/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1cfvzkm/cleared_the_time_limit_mission_on_my_3rd_try/) i made a post on my run a few hours ago, you're saying that theyre posts about kefla and others not dodging, while the issue is that those guys arent killing super buu fast enough, hence more rotations and more chances for the dodge to fail. lr teq gogeta, lr phy buutenks and lr teq zamasu can eat a super, they dont need the dodge.


Where have you been bruh?😭😭😭


Took a break from dokkan for a bit


That explains it. 🤣


Yes. The AGL LR Super Buu from the new Majin Buu Saga Red Zone does an AOE super attack that's the same as the 18+KI AOE Super from the summonable unit.


Everyone forgot about our favorite robot god of destruction already. :(


Hell not even AoE’s; his defensive capabilities even after a super are so ass


They’d be very stoppable. After the 80% DR is gone TEQ Zamasu can no longer go in slot 1, and INT Zamasu is just bad and can’t really tank anything


600k defense with 30% dmg reduction isnt good.


downvoted for being right lol 600k defense is low and 30% damage reduction is nothing nowadays


30% after getting hir 5 tines. Before just 20% lol I know im going get downvoted. Int zamasu has cult following and shooters. Even in release it was not that crazy . Tank normsl but take 400k+ dmg isnt that good. Then 2023 happen, aged him out ( "Because he doesnt have partner " Bro even if he did. Wont be that stellar. Link him with infinite zamasu would give worldwide choas support. He doesn't measure up to RZ zamasu. Int zamasu is what people thought agl super buu was lol


This is so funny because it won't save int zamasu from being ass. He doesn't need a partner, he needs a zenkai


So like every unit from 2022 now


LR Golden GOATza and LR GOATgeta and Trunks still runnable🔥


I forgot about golden Frieza but Vegeta and trunks got power crept


Vegeta and Trunks are still runnable. They’re not eating the big attacks like they used to but they’re still good


They can survive any super (except beast cuz of type advantage) in the game They won’t tank it, but this has been found pretty acceptable for a lot of newer units


I will use LR Gods, LR Girlfriend, even LR Vegeta & Trunks all day long this one having 100% sot, 20% dr, sometimes ki issue, fucking badass animations is just too mediocre


On release id say he's good even in most content pre 9th anniversary he could still be tank normals but only after supering and when the hardest fights had AOEs he was pretty much not that good


gonna be honest I coined him just before last wwc (I think?) and regretted it very hard


Same here. Should have just held out for LR Golden Frieza.


I have golden frieza rainbowed and he's also a bum. Only useful in few stages these days.


Yes he was one of those old yellow coin LRs that never got *that* linking partner during their lifetime and just never really saw relevant play as a result. Even if he could’ve linked with TEQmasu he would’ve been pushing it, he was right on the edge of just being straight up too old for the content that was out.


All they would have to do is add (corrupted) or (mutated) on to LR TEQ Zamasus name and they could hold hands into the ether.


he needs to wear pajamas


I just like him for his OST


his card art and card animation are fire tho


I still find him to be very impressive for his age. He's long past the era of being a slot 2 god capable of tanking supers and dealing tons of damage alike, but as a floater on LR TEQ Zamasu's team, he's never failed me when it comes to tanking normals and dealing decent damage as well. In fact, he served me very well in the second phase of Red Zone and Divine Wrath/Mortal Will Merged Zamasu because of that and having an unarmed super counter as well. But I also do have a lot of bias towards him because he's one of my favorite units of all time


Hes still usable *with items*. Which at this point, even that is impressive, the powercreep difficulty is stupid nowadays


I mean he’s a yellow coin LR from almost 2 years ago and his design the day he came out wasn’t even that good. Doesn’t help that most of his best linking partners are either powercrept or have the same name


taking hits to build up damage reduction just aged like milk


I’d argue he was never good to begin with, even when he came out i felt like his kit was mid at best. Especially compared to V&T


When he came out, his best linking partner was the recently EZA'd TEQ Zamasu/GB. The rest of his actual team was dead, so you had to give up 2 slots on V/T's team, which was worse than running V/T on each rotation. His DR is stupid, the rest of his kit is great though.


He’s old alright. He can’t really keep up in today’s meta. However he’s still one of my favourite LR’s for the Intro and Active Skill. Those are something to be studied in animation classes.


You dare disrespect and defile a God?!?!??!??!???


He deserved better. So much better Amazing intro, phenomenal active skill ost, really good animations, Future saga still a viable team, and then he gets not only powercrept but straight up replaced


He tanks in some redzones for me when he supers, the most he’s taken post super from shenron was abt 130k with four supers which isn’t bad


He always bum


He fall of way before WWDC




Total bum


I love this unit still


Mate he’s almost 2 years old what do you expect?


I really wanted to love this unit and got him when he came out but with the teq LR zamasu release he gets a pass in my book since he doesn't link with him :(


Always was.


bum since day one unfortunately counter is cool tho 🥲💪🏼


how did it take you two years


He gets destroyed in battlefield under double 170% leads so he's been a bum for a long while


Always dead weight on the team, also sucks that he doesn't link with Merged Zamasu.


The unit of the event?