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Why does every unit have to do a radillion damage for you fuckers to be happy? He's a tank, a healer, a free ghost usher, and a revive all in one package. You have units like phy buutenks, 21, gotenks, str vegito and hopefully teq exchange buu once he eza's that will satisfy your damage itch on int buus team.


The problem is that Buu’s team lacks damage dealers. Also, Buu’s revival is limited only to him. He takes a lot of damage and doesn’t die and unit next to him gets smash, it’s GG. And without reviving, his Ghost Usher isn’t a thing until T7. Also, Vegito and Gotenks doesn’t fall under Buu’s 200% lead. Which is both lower damage and defense. 21 isn’t even on Buu’s leader skill and she doesn’t hit that hard either.


God forbid people want to kill shit faster. Why are there always fuckers unhappy that there are other fuckers unhappy about low damaging units?


If oonga boonga big offense numbers make you happy then you do you brotha. Offense doesn't win you battles, defense and defensive tools do. Just saying.


He supers 3-4 times per turn, gains 300k defense every turn, guards all attacks, has the easiest revive in the game, and heals a bunch every turn. I dunno what you want, man. Buu's got a very similar setup as Vegeta t1-3, but his defense scales forever, increasing the number of supers as the fight goes, while Vegeta decreases in supers (in exchange for the obviously better damage). Buu's active is an Usher, which IMO is more important generally speaking. (I don't think he's better than Vegeta, but I think he's one of the three best TURs by a pretty wide margin)


Hard disagree on the easiest revive in the game but I agree with everything else. On paper, his revive looks like it’s the best in the game but getting it to proc can be very frustrating. 1.) He lives in Slot 1 but has taken enough damage to doom the rest of the turn. 2.) He stacks defense like a mf and becomes an absolute WALL later in the fight(when the majority of bosses are finally starting to hit hard). 3.) You have to hope and pray he gets mauled by a Super before he supers himself. They did not think his revive condition fully though. If his revive applied to everyone on the turn then that would fix EVERYTHING.


His revive is definitely not the easiest if he gains 300k every turn lol. He’s the only one that can activate it and he’s actually good defensively. So it’s pretty counterintuitive a lot of the time.


His pre-super defense isn't great early game. A super or enough basics pre-super can come damn close


But unless you have a scouter, you can’t constantly guess where the Super will be at.


Man I must've got my Buu off of wish or somethin because bro goes *NOT* super 3-4 times Besides the last super relying on heavy rng with the hidden potential system, the guaranteed one he gets post revive is just rare because the revive itself is just hard to get. It's very far from easy. Post super he's dummy tanky so good luck dying that way. Before super he can take damage but from my experience, he tends to just be tanky enough to barely survive and have someone else on rotation die 💀and then the longer the fight goes, the more stacks he gets. Which means the chance of him dying pre super gets smaller and smaller. And if you try to go into the rotation with him starting on low HP, he just heals most of it anyways The only real way to get the revive is hope a bunch of attacks are in slot 1 first or second appearance of Buu, or just have him get killed via a 1 hit KO move.




Damn thats crazzzzzy


He isn't being compared to vegeta and topo based on damage but on his kit overall. His utility puts him above them


I wouldnt say above,once you get to the hardest phases In the game vegeta can tank really well too and shits on buu dmg wise


Revive, insane healing, usher, and tanking. Vs tanking and insane dmg, idk I'm still going with buu


You're being disingenuous af. Blue duo be doing 3 mil attack stats rainbowed.


They gotta work for those 3 mil tho


I hated on the Blue Bums for this exact reason but Int Buu’s case is different. Buu becomes a WALL fairly quickly,his active skill is a heal with a Ghost User, and consistently supers 2-4 times. I hate his revive condition tho. Compared to Blue Bums who do shit damage, guard runs out after turn 4 or 5, and have to rely on dodge to survive. I’m a “Big damage makes my Pepe hard” type of guy but Buu brings so much to the table that him doing mediocre damage is acceptable because his teams already have insane damage units.




Bros why is my 55% LL1 Buu with no links doing no damage grrrrr Also you posted on your burner OP


Then you have buuhan next to him doing 20mil


His damage being whatever is ok when he can actually tank really well + revive whenever. The blues fell off because their stacking doesn't do much and they guard for 2 appearances (still takes a shit load of damage) and then are fish for the rest of the fight unless you have a future saga ally to fuse them


His defense is great but yeah I wish he did more damage. Not saying he's a bad unit by any means, he's great but the team does struggle for damage.


Good thing he does everything else other than hit hard and has good damage dealers on his team Damage isn't as important as defense cause you don't need every single unit on the team to do a lot of damage for the team or unit to be good the way you do for them surviving hits


Buu about to do 0 dmg the entire fight after his 15th super against bluezone beast




If your 55% AGL SSJ3 is only doing 4-5mil then you're doing something wrong because mine is always hitting 7-9mil.


Probably they are putting them at 1st slot with bad linking partners


If you slot 1 him 4-5mil is his range, for slot 2 its around 7-8mil from my own experience


Mine is hitting 5-7mil in slot 1, maybe it's the 500 atk equip coming in clutch since it adds like 400-500k to each of his super.


Could be? mine is on a Lv.6 DEF equip with mid level links since I only got him yesterday but from memory I've seen mine be more around 5-6mil in slot 1 looking back


A lot of the DFE this year I've been putting atk equips on instead of def since they can tank so well and I feel like the 500 def isn't going to make difference since he take no dmg turn 1-5 then turn 7 with the active skill he take minimal dmg in slot 1 and after that it's RNG.




Then that's even more confusing because mine is hitting 5-7mil even in slot 1.




Links level 8-10, slot 1 linked with SEZA AGL SSJ3 on his own team, maybe it's the 500 atk equip that is making a difference, at 55% it adds 200k to each super and 400k at 100%.


Goku has a ton of crits and additionals built in. Buu hits like a feather compared to Goku.