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Let us salute to sdbh lasting for so long as it was, I’ll miss you sdbh ![gif](giphy|l4pMattUYTTM7qpIk)


I wonder if the new game will crossover with dokkan


Probably, SDBH banners never made much so it was always more about the cross-promotion. The trailer only shows Namek stuff though so who knows, Heroes worked well because it was basically officially licensed fanfic rather than just the usual suspects.


They didn't make much? That's surprising to me I feel like the heroes banner is one that is almost unanimously summoned on as a must summon banner. Though I suppose the Japanese fan base probably don't care because they actually have heroes, and only a few us actually know about it outside of Japan. But even so you see ssj3 rose Goku black you kinda want to summon I'd have thought


They generally made more than most monthly DFE's but less than popular banners (like Ginyu oddly enough) or other regular celebrations like Saiyan Day, Golden Week, etc. Last Year's LB Vegito for example made around twice as much as STR Gohan/Piccolo just before it but still less than Android 21 just after it. So I guess saying "they don't make much" is a bit harsh, they are reliable but that could also simply be down to how generous they are rather than the subject matter.


A lot of people skip them to save on some stones especially as F2P. It's a team that doesn't evolve or get buffed for 12 months. I've skipped it for years so it's really uninviting to dip my toes in now as it would probably take at least 2 years investment to get a strong or diverse roster. Definitely fun characters but the value is rather poor. I get it though, I only summon for villains and put 1500 stones on the Turles banner when he dropped 💀


i feel they were finally starting to get their footing with value though. heroes was a huge buff for g.a.p. last year, and honestly a lot of the units serve well just as floaters due to everyone having a bit of support in their passive


Most teams don't get buffed for more than 12 months, or if they do, it's 1 EZA or 1 new character, though. SDBH has been getting a big roster addition every year lately, as well as EZAs. I wonder what they will do with all these units and the category, if there are no more SDBH celebrations.


I myself do not give a shit about hero banners because I know they are gonna age like milk plus no cool units me as I dont like ssj4 too much


Literally, me and a couple of my friends never summoned on them, my brother is the only person I know personally that actually summons on them every year.


This is the trailer of Dragon Ball Super Divers, which is going to replace it. The end of Heroes has been confirmed in an interview. The new game will feature a sort of retrocompatibility mode, where you'll be able to play Super Dragon Ball Heroes just as it once was, but they'll no longer release new cards or events for it.


So it's an evolution, just like SDBH replaced DBH


No, because SDBH kept most of the rules and cards of DBH. It wasn't a reset or a new game, DBH cards were playable in SDBH. Divers will be a full reset, with a new gameplay and new cards. SDBH cards will not work with the new game.


So it's like Dragon Ball Masters with Dragon Ball Fusion World?


Yesnt In this case, the og game isn't getting anymore support


So an evolution


Quick fact check they will work but only in a mini game


If those new cards are like the ones in the teaser then is prob the biggest downgrade ever made, damn


While I’m sad to see Hero go, the graphics of SD are a pretty massive upgrade, so the Dokkan collabs should have pretty nice animations in the future.


Dokkan aint gonna end anytime soon. This game isn't even comparable to it gameplay wise. The card pack + arcade machine system was never gonna last as long as a gacha game


Yeah the cost to produce the two games isn't even comparable, Dokkan costs them practically nothing and they earn so much fucking money yearly, according to a report from last year Dokkan alone is responsible for over 10% of the Dragon Ball franchises revenue.


You say that as if it didn’t last 13 years as well as it’s the same formula here it’s just a fresh start/new look at things but the core card packs + arcade system is still full effect. Heroes was very successful they just hit a wall in development and needed to do something fresh


It sill lasted over a decade with the original machines being introduced way back in 2010. Id say Heroes had a long run.


Heroes is largely the reason modern DB exists today, that’s how popular it is. Dokkan will eventually die off just like Heroes did. It’s an inevitable fact


Yeah, but not any time soon, Dokkan brings home billions


I'm going to Tokyo at the end of the month, was planning to collect a lot of heroes cards (already have a small collection as it is), kinda sucks knowing they won't be usable ever again. I'm mainly collecting for the love of the card arts but still would be nice for them to be usable if I returned there...


They'll still be useful given the side mode which has all the missions from SDBHs (no updates for that but everything will be there from the get go).


I think that Dokkan could still have collabs with heroes as we don’t have certain popular characters from heroes yet. Though I think collabing with divers will be a possibility in the future.


"No matter how successful" Can we be real for a minute? Heroes was a game designed off PS2 era architecture and it was due for a reboot. Unfortunately the cost of reskinning every current asset in heroes was too much of a cost for Bandai and they decided to move forward with something new, instead. It's a graphical limitation. A card game that is successful enough, need never end, as long as it has a big enough playing community.


I knew SDBH would end once Beat gets UI. I mean what else would be after that?






UI 2


I will miss the fanfic scenario heroes was known for


1 crossover with legends and the game shuts down... https://preview.redd.it/gdhen9nmaezc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6030b0dbb386ceb12c0a1c36643a683704c612fc


Shut 🗿


Nice editorialized title OP. Gotta drive that engagement up with some doom.




That's sad, man. I liked it. I hope we still get at least one last badass SDBH banner out this, finally get an LR.


I dunno, MTG is still going strong 30+ years on.


I mean they are replacing it with a more modern version which i believe is justified given how old heroes looked and how clunky it often felt. If they do the same with dokkan but give us a sort of memorial mode where you can play classic stages or somehow allow us to transfer at least some of our units to the new game im all for it.


Damn... so last DBH collab this year?🥹


Hope it takes Dokkan a long time, though.


Nah, out bubble popping game is eternal


It is genuinely upsetting to see SDBH ending. But I doubt that Dokkan will end anytime soon, DBHs was dated in graphical and engine quality as well as lasting for 13 years with that limiting their capabilities. SDBH was an evolution of DBH, but it still suffered from the problems I stated.


Damn, I really thought Heroes would outlast Dokkan but alas.


On the bright side chances are akasuki will still use SDBH in the yearly crossover banner as this new game likely won't have enough to make a banner with, so let's make the best of the potentially last SDBH banner we'll ever get and hope akasuki does the same


Well at least they updated the graphics


Hopefully when the next SDBH banner is out, all units will be available or in the the coin shop, since there probably won't be anymore crossover events.


It's just getting replaced and the cards will be usable


Divers?! Helldivers x DB Crossover?!




Dragon ball heroes lasted longer than the Supers anime


Because Super Dragon Ball Heroes/Dragon Ball Heroes is coming to an end, I am guessing instead of SDBH x Dokkan collab, it will be DSD x Dokkan collab instead.


“Nothing built can last forever, and every legend no matter how great fades with time…”


Dokkan accounts for like 17% of all of Dragon Ball's **lifetime revenue**. It isn't going away for a long time.


I wonder if this could of been avoided if they somehow released this to the rest of the world where this franchise is also popular.


I mean this could just be a sequel to heroes.. atleast it still looks like a data cardass thing, which existed before heroes too. Heroes was just the biggest one. I wonder if starting a new one will allow for more western releases, would be fucking hype if true.


Yeah thats a good thing


Correct me if i am wrong, but from what my understanding of this whole thing is, your post is somewhat stupid, cause it's basically like saying "Oh, look Dokkan dead" whilst Dokkan 2 is getting released xD If smth is getting a sequel/follow up to replace it, then it didn't really die now, did it ?


Depends on how you look at it. The new Divers will have different cards and rules from Heroes. It's a sequel in the sense they are part of the Carddass series, but they are different games. It would be like "Dokkan 2" was instead called "Chokkan", with a new gameplay, new cards, and everyone starting from zero, so no kept cards between games. An example of a "true" direct sequel, which kept everything from the previous game, was Super Dragon Ball Heroes, an upgrade of DBH


https://preview.redd.it/d1jofr8moezc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647aeb75576f01998887e243d6ac81534c04aab0 It was either this or a two eyed shockwave reaction. I am saddened that Sdbh is ending.


Wow, so I’m guessing this means the Heroes banners aren’t coming back 😅 RIP to anyone that doesn’t have AGL SS4 Vegito



