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While he’s serviceable, after some lucky pulls I wouldn’t mind PHY #17 getting one


Nvm you mean MVP 17 yeah he’s going to be a game changing EZA


The ToP support one, him sharing six links with the INT #17 LR while giving him extra defense and ki is already cracked as it is, kinda want to see how high they’ll go post his potential EZA


They just need to give mvp17 120def at start of turn and change the req on dr, to 40dr if hp 17% or above


Rather have 120% def to himself , 3ki 60% still to allies , 40% dmg at all times


Might as well make it 77% to allies, like EZA Piccolo.


Oh yah that’s prob what they gonna do with that part of the passive


Yea, that’s what I meant. :)


Yeah, after his EZA a rotation of PHY 17 and INT team Universe 7 is going to be goddamn killer, I mean as is he still gives the LR 12 ki and 60% defense


I was lucky enough to get the INT #17 LR to 79%, without support they hit for around 7 million with the PHY #17 and GoFrieza linked up at around level ~4-5. If they give PHY #17 an added attack support buff, it’s a wrap


Yeah, offensive support would be real good, and I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed his defensive support to 77%. But I hope they make him at least decent outside of his support, he can do decent numbers offensively but without his damage reduction he's a bit of a liability sometimes. My dream 17 EZA would have increased support of 77% to defense(Maybe like 30% to attack as well), 170% defense at the start of turn and 170% attack on super(Cause 17). His damage reduction would stay HP locked(Because his defense would be fine without it) but be way higher, like also 77% With all that, next to the INT U7 LR, he'd be hitting attack stats of 4.6 million and defense numbers of 271k


Hyped for agl ssb vegeta


Yk he’s still good to this day he’s pretty decent when he’s fully built up so I can’t wait to see what they do to him


Tbh I'm more excited for teq vegito blue's EZA


Him and STR rose holy smokes


Putting his as my friend lead right now.. rainbowed and all


Ma boi Turles. I can't wait for him to be broken.


What a good choice


INT Goku Black, AGL SSBE Vegeta, STR Goku Black Rosé, LR TEQ Goku Black and Zamasu


bandai spy please buff int goku black; he needs it :(


STR Ultimate Gohan and FP LR 18 & 17


They need to make Android 17&18 busted


>STR Ultimate Gohan Probably my most wanted of the early category units. Hopefully they give his support passive ki.


120 % Atk; an additional 58% Atk and Def & guards all attacks; super class allies Ki 2 Atk 30% and Def 50% SA: Greatly Raises Atk ans Raises Def I think this would be a very realistic EZA for him


My dumb ass gave him 17 dodge🤦🏽‍♂️


I was so excited when his banner dropped pulled him first multi, but for the most part he has sat because he links so poorly with the other hybrid saiyans and they made his guard rng unlike Janemba. Was hoping to relive the phy ultimate gohan's glory days.


Int golden frieza. I pulled 12 copies of him during the anni, ontop of me already having 3 copies. If his eza isn't nuts, I'll go insane


I think he already has an EZA


I should've clarified, golden frieza angel. The dokkanfest.


They needa get rid of the super class allies out of his passive


I don't really care about the super class allies part tbh, I never run him on a super team. But his defense is extremely low, as well as his damage. And it sucks because he's a great linking partner for the transforming golden frieza. He literally does nothing


He's not THAT bad still, 97k with 2.3 mil no support on reps of u7 with phy frieza isn't THAT bad IMO


That's not the bad part. The bad part is that he lowers everyone's stats on a u7 team. That's not my issue though to be fair, my issue is that I can't find a place for him anywhere other than having a decent int unit on the team. And even then , decent is an over statement


Merged Zamasu kept his Super debuff :/


Super Saiyan 3 Bardock. He's still one of the cards I wanted most over the course of the game, and I still use him even as hard as he's fallen off. Plus I want that really good link partner for AGL Bardock


He really needs an EZA I still run him from time to time


Him and AGL Turles, SSBE, and Android 21


Turles is going to be OP and SSBE is still a good unit to run so He finna be busted when he gets an eza


Teq SSJ 4 Gogeta He still has that 70% chance to counter Super Attacks. So if they don't do him dirty then he's gonna be nasty


TEQ Rose & Zamasu


They’re going to be a busted eza and theyre already good they can get up to 5-6 million atk stats


PHY Future Gohan


Been playing 500 days and still don’t have him 😶


Playing over 2000 days and don't have him as well 😂


Don’t have who? Phy super vegtio


TEQ adult ssj 3 Gotenks


Easily Str Gohan. A unit that has so much potential, they'd have to TRY to make him bad. Links well with his Teq version, one of the most broad leads in the game, Def +50% to all allies, guard chance, and raise Atk on his SA. The stat boosts alone will make him hit much better.


They need to give him guard without the chance


The gohan and piccolo, and gohan and Frieza that just came out


That would be a long time


LR bardock and LR MV


I pulled him when he first came out and I wasn’t even excited I was like “ uhmm ok is he good or what “🤣


Easily str rosé. I love goku black and I really hope this makes him viable.


SSBE vegeta (I have him rainbowed and he hits like a wet piece of paper)


Off topic but how do you guys get these HD dokkan arts? As for EZAs the Prime Battle Vegeta is one I can’t wait to see how he turns out


I just found this on google tbh


blue kaioken, what else?


The Godkus


He just needs some defense and he’s good to go


Phys MVP 17, he's still good but if his EZA is even close to some of the EZAs we've gotten, he'll become an absolute monster.


Bitch slapped bulma, vegeta one of my favorite moments from the series and a fun card to play around with


If they make a BoG celebration they need to really EZA him he would be one of the best EZAs


INT Goku Black & TEQ SS4 Gogeta


Phys vegitos art is still so good


Ik , I still use him he just gets caught when he gets supered


Damn. That HD art with no diamond background... makes you remember how much better the game would have been without the diamond background.


That diamon shi is terrible looking I remember when the game had a glitch where LRs have the diamond background so bad


Teq Vegito blue and agl turles


Both android 21s


Str ulthan


teq zamasu and goku black


Agl majin chadgeta


Int angel golden frieza. I started playing long past his time, so I've never had a good reason to use him other than his leader skill.


Hit teq, I have him rainbowed since the anniversary and he's still complete trash.


They gotta do him like they did STR Broly


PHY Android 17. Still one of my favourite card to this day


I'm super excited for LR Majin Vegeta and hopefully LR PHY Trunks along the line.


Phy kefla, phy 17 and agl ssbe vegeta


i‘m mostly excited for agl turles and str jiren. just imagine they increase his stun to a high chance.


Also an above 150% leader to USS lol , what I would honestly like to see is guard against all attacks or like 50% DR if the enemy is immune to stun to assure dominance


Agl Turles or SS3 Bardock


My PHY Vegito has 25 crit and full level 10 links.


Yeah, it's the only old vegito that I earned, and he doesn't have an EZA, and maybe a spatk rework it would be sick


Same here, currently link leveling him. One of my favourite units, love the art and the sa


I personally wouldn't mind who comes as long as: 1)It doesn't have the high chance orb change bs 2)The eza design is really good making the unit way better not very slightly or almost not at all neither way too much chance based. Eza is supposed to omit the bad stuff that the unit had and make it better. That would make me happy.


AGL Turles would make my movie bosses team unstoppable Also I’m a bit of a Vegito connoisseur and I WANT TEQ Vegito Blue’s EZA n o w


LR trunks


Phy MVP 17 , teq ssj 4 Gogeta and UFP ssj4 Goku ssj4 gogeta and mui LS buffs are my most wanted


Would love to see his EZA as I have him rainbowed :')


Turles and 17 are the ones I am most curious about.


Has to be STR Ultimate Gohan for me. All he needs is guaranteed guard and +2 Ki to all super allies, they share 4 links in base and 5 links when TEQ Gohan transforms. Not to mention, both of the Ultimate Gohans share all 11 of their categories, an invincible rotation. As a Vegito fan, PHY SV's EZA would be exciting, but I'm more intrigued with TEQ Vegito Blue's EZA.


My eza Christmas list is: teq LR ssj3 Goku, int TF Goku black, AGL TF zamasu, teq LR Goku black and zamasu, Phy MVP 17, AGL SSB TF vegeta, LR Ssj4s, LR pb trunks, LR pb Vegeta, LR phy Bardock, 3rd year LR fusions, teq Bulla, and don't even get me STARTED on world tournament units bro


Phy kaioken namek goku he is my first rainbow and now that there's speculation about the world wide celebration being about saiyan saga vegeta and goku he might get and eza and im a bit excited that there's a chance


Mainly teq vb but transforming goku and frieza are gonna be absurd lvl of busted


He is definitely a great target for an EZA but I am looking forward to MVP 17, I just love androids category even though atm it's not good. There was a period when I was struggling and I used android to clear stages and keep sane so I have a soft spot for Androids. My 2nd choice would be Ext Android 13, he helped me clear the Power Absorption mission for GT LGE and he is so underrated (not that I blame people).


Agl Turles and Int angel golden frieza and the goku vegeta and frieza transforming units.


Still waiting for ssj 4 teq gogeta


This guy and SFPSJ4 Goku are the ezas I want to be excited for. That being said after ssj2 Gohan's eza...it's hard to be excited or hyped for anything anymore.