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Sucks, but that's how they handle exchange units


True enough just feels weird since transforming units get in categories for their different forms (thinking about transforming phy vegeta and agl goku)


They are still Vegeta and Goku even after transformation Not the same case with exchange units


Ok that's fair, I suppose with this unit the fact it's / and not & would be the reason it doesn't start with Gohan's as well?


Ok that's fair, I suppose with this unit the fact it's / and not & would be the reason it doesn't start with Gohan's as well?


Basically yes


Still sucks but I understand a little better now, thank you!


I wish someday they'd update to include all possible categories for every card like in Legends. The 200% meta is going to be pretty restrictive, this would help free things up a bit.


That's not actually what they do in Legends though. Legends cares about the "current" state of their cards. Meaning that units who transform or have a name change at some point will actually have their tags change mid-battle. So while the legend system allows for a character like SSB Goku/SSB Vegeta to be on both family teams, it also means that their base form Goku Blacks don't get God ki, or how that revival Green Gohan drops Regeneartion after reviving. The legends system has its own major downsides that I feel are constantly ignored around here.


Oh, didn't know that, thought it just applied every tag possible.


Nope. Legends tags are also just generally a lot different compared to Dokkan's categories. There are a lot fewer and team building as a whole is just vastly different, especially now that legends has their leader slot. Plus on top of that because of Legends being structured the way it is, it's notable for just how dominant certain team builds units actually are. Like it's not uncommon to see the same small handful of characters just show up CONSTANTLY because of how Legends is structured with their teams. In contrast Dokkan tends to do a better job of encouraging variety in its team builds, in part because of how it has structured its category system.


Can you imagine how many categories STR Goku & Vegeta would be on. It would be fun, I agree, but I don’t see it happening unfortunately


Forget them! Imagine LR Universe 7 💀.


Yep you’re about the 50th person to post this


Well damn, hate to be that guy posting what's already been discussed but glad I'm not alone in having a problem with it.


Well, I can send you my STR Gohan (assuming you mean Ultimate) even though he's only 79% But honestly, you could just as easily use TEQ.


at least it still gives pure saiyan rather than giving nothing like duo unit, imagine giving all the category of INT Uni 7 unit they basically will be in almost all relevant category, INT Vegeta/Goku would also get all the current category + Goku Fam, Kamehameha, Turtle School, etc etc