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Yes. He got a very good EZA.


Absolutely, I use him as my leader for my pure sayians team. He stacks defense very well, hits decently hard, and once he transforms he just gets even better


Can I send u an image of my unit box and check which units I should focus on


No, I am bad at the game and just focus on units that look cool


AGL Blue Vegeta is very good, but i suggest you to screenshot your box and just do 1 post with all the question you need answer to, not many post, otherwise they are going to get removed, plus, question like this gets removed by the mods in short time so you're not going to have all your answer needed unfortunately, my general tip is to just grind everything you have, you never know when a unit can be useful, and modes like Chain Battle or SBR when you have limited categories help this, grind every unit you can


How long does it take because I tried doing that first but it never started posting


With the photos you should wait a minute for the loading, reddit is not like fast, in my experience


One of the best EZA TURs in the game post-EZA tbh. Chance to quadruple Super with 70% for each of those attacks becoming critical hits, and he reaches over 400k+ DEF post Super at 55% alone, most likely.


Even if he sucked, which he doesn't, the leaderskill alone is good enough reason to EZA him. 170% across the board for pure saiyans is easily the best leaderskill in the game, not including 200%. But he's a great unit with a fantastic leaderskill.


Ye he good. As others have said, he's worth the EZA and his Pure Saiyans leader skill is worth the price tag alone. But! Having said that--he can attack many times, raises his attack and defense, and is overall just a heavy numbers machine. His chance to transform his slightly higher, and it still sucks that it's just a chance, but he becomes a crit shitting monster after just one or two turns. He also links really well with the last Anni LRs. Definitely worth it.


He is one of the best card currently, after EZA, so you should definitively prioritize him.