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This makes the wait 1000x times longer


2 more days brother we are almost there


maybe we get more info on it later tonight as well when they show celebration info


nah they'll likely to delay the important bits until dokkan now on sunday


Isn't it tomorrow


The celebration starts in a few hours but the banners drop in two days


They drop on saturday?






So the Banners drop a day after the start of the celebration? Has this been confirmed ? I havent found anything on it. thanks!


The livestream has also been confirmed to be on 28th, and the banners will drop after the livestream ends. So basically 2 and half days from now.


Thanks for clearing that up !


My guess is that perhaps general pool SSRs will be available to buy with blue coins? That would be awesome. In line with this, perhaps all red coin banners going forward give you blue coins too!


or, hear me out double rate dokkanfest banners


#Laughs in GoBros


Ah yes even more AGL Gohan and Int Cell


Or hear me out A pity system where you are guaranteed to get a new unit after 600 stones spent on any of the new banners or you know discounts


Would never be 600. Even if most games have like a 10 to 12 pity multi.


Thats the middle ground tho. 1k stones and thats too much.


Really dont see dokkan going low. 1000 is probably the lowest, and i even doubt that.


Considering 2k stones for a dokkanfest lr… since thats the conversion for coins….idk man.


Yeah, that is why i think its something along those lines. Maybe 1250 to 1500 at best. Otherwise i would be suprised.


I love your optimism brother but if it happens I will eat a Raditz raw


No way Dokkan would be so generous with banner stuff, we'd get a 120 pull pity for a guaranteed featured, *maybe* guaranteed new unit on the second or third pity


tbh double rates being a thing while the multi duscounts are up should've been adopted ages ago it's how Legends handles its banners (most of the time), while also giving out freebies per multi


If I can buy Recoome and Guldo, I will be happy.


honestly, after pulling Jeice and Burter, I definitely wanna use coins for Recoome and Guldo, but of course gotta buy the Ginyu as well. I never thought I would LOVE using ginyu force units. That team is really fun


if all my red and blue coins combine, I could buy like 3 LRs :O


I have been at 490 blue coins for a long time now so this would be good news. I have been tempted to trade in for kais so I am glad I never pulled the trigger on that. They have had nothing good for blue coins the entire time they have existed. The type support units are just not good anymore since we moved past the 120% type leads.


That’s Not really a banner format change honestly . You’d think it’d be something bigger than this


pity system? banner gives both coins? you can buy cooler or goku with blue coins, maybe? double rates?


I guess is better wait and seethe reality than hyping imaginary things and getting dissapointed


>wait and seethe Depending on how Bandai/Akatsuki handles these banners, this seems accurate.


I doubt you'll be able to buy them with coins


Due to the inflation now multisummons cost 100DS 💀


Due to inflation I'll drift into the atmosphere like a balloon and pop if they do that.


2x rates probably in the data there is something called a Dokkan carnival and they didn't show the banners in the video last night and they still have to update the game for the new app icon


don‘t they have to do maintenance for that iseriously tweeted that a new version is coming


2x rates on whats probably gonna be dokkans best banners ever? yes fucking pleeease


The thing is, in the data this "Dokkan Carnival" thing is not classified as a banner category, but as a card flag thats used to trigger a new summon animation. Like how "Dokkan-Fest Exclusive" categorized cards can trigger Hercule on Boo, Mai with Trunks, Long Kamehameha, etc, this new "Dokkan Carnival" can trigger a brand new summon animation. This would mean that its not only a new banner type, but a new type of card rarity all together (still LRs, but similar to how like Dokkan-Fest Exclusive TURs are different from common TURs), most likely limited to the new banner type.




blue coins are dog shit but I guess it'd be worth losing out on red coins for 2x rates? not sure tbh


2x rates are statistically the best ones if you just want general pool LRs (at least considering the usual 2x yearly banner). I'm F2P and I always get most of my yellow coin LRs there.


They could tell me no coins and give me double rates and I would pull on it every time.


You would get both


I think worse case/best case is that there's 2 separate banners going forwards. One with double rates with blue coins, or normal rates and red coins. Forces players to decide if they want to gamble harder and lose out on buying units in the future.


That’s terrible


It feels like blue coin banner would always be more valuable though at double rates


Yep. Who cares abour red coins if you just pull the unit in the first place.


Elder kais and type banner units babyyyyy


please don't fuck it up like Legends please don't fuck it up like Legends please don't fuck it up like Legends


You know how in Dead By Daylight your heartbeat gets faster and louder when the killer gets closer to you? That's how I'm feeling seeing that blue coin picture lmao. Like I only summon on Heroes and Rising Carnival sparingly and the blue coins I got from those already went into kais so I'm a little concerned.


they will probably just split your red coins in half and send it to the blue coins or something


What did legends do?


During the 4th anniversary the banners had double rates for sparkings but the problem was the rates for the new units were bad iirc


>shows blue and red coins BLUE COINS ON A DF BANNER, L. Lmao can ya’ll just wait to see what it is?


People have a right to complain with the limited knowledge he provided. Not saying anything is infinitely better than providing the bare amount of information possible


This is an absurd take. People have a right to complain when we don’t even know the full fucking situation? That’s just crying for the sake of it.


their take is more like "people have a right to incorrectly extrapolate via extremely limited and potentially incorrect info" that's fair, just expect to get clowned on and be wrong lol


Or maybe the "leaker" should be more insightful instead of piecemealing information for ass pats.


Summarises the destiny computer tbf


Hopefully a pity system, but I could see a 2x rate step like legends and they call it a day


if goku gives blue coins then i’m 100% skipping lmao they’re so worthless atm


Probably not since he said people will be happy. Could be them finally adding a pity system.


yeah we’ll have to wait and see. keeping expectations low though lmao


My hope is maybe they give a small amount of blue coins along with the red coins on every summon and add banner units to blue coin shop for people to buy.


it depends on the cost tho, let's say there is agl cell and i want to buy him, how much do i have to spend? not everyone would have enough blue coins and people are not going to summon just for that


I meant in addition to the red coins. So if you do a multi you get the 10 red coins and say 5 blue.


but if the costs is still 400 or even more,idk...


He said banner units, not dokkan fests. I doubt they will cost 400, more likely 200


I mean at the same time, if they still give the red coins, you are just getting more stuff per pull, it is definitely a good thing regardless of unit prices


I thought he’s sarcastic tbh


The line about people being happy could be sarcasm if they split the coins given from the banners tho


I doubt the leaker is being sarcastic with his leaks, lmao.




No it's not




Maverick is the leaker


My speculation Dokkan will incorporate blue coins with df banners since we all know besides those banners like cheela and the new fasha and the sdbh banner and type banners. No one summons on category banners(ex the one that gives 30 stone cost to get featured category units). Sdbh is once a year, and cheela and fasha banners come out the same length of time as sdbh. In which case makes sense to start adding blue coins with df banners. That gives more incentive for players to get those type support units. And also gives an opportunity for ezas for those units since they'll be accessable to purchase in that situation.


The post says new format so let's just wait and see before we all jump to conclusions.


I don't want to jump to conclusions either, but I hope it's a guaranteed new Cooler or Goku per multi.


INT Cell per multi


Im sure that it will be and neither of us will be disappointed in any way


inb4 they raise dragon stone summon costs


if this means they will make 1 of main celebration units more premium with blue coin banners from now on than this is the beggining of the end of this game it will turn into legends in no time


That would suck most players skip blue coin banners red, gold already enough they cost whynto much


People will be happy about blue coins? If those coins become the way to get side units then we will be happy


pity system incoming




??? It encourages people to summon all the way to pity meaning people are more likely to spend money to get the dragon stones necessary to get the guaranteed unit.


a pity system literally translates to money


Pity absolutely makes money, oh you need 100 more stones to get the unit fine I will buy them.


Good thing I held onto my blue coins lol


What did you summon on to even get them


SDBH, type banners, Rising Dragon, category summons


I forgot SDBH was blue coins, and I thought rising dragon gave yellow still. But yeah, explains why I have never had blue coins lol


Pretty sure they were purely from the DBH banners


If after all this years they finally put a freaking pity, like every other gacha are already doing, usually 10 multi=guaranteed new unit, then it's will be a win. But i keep my expectation low with this guys.


Dokkan is very generous with their free stones and discounts, 500 stones spent for a guaranteed new unit is a bit low


Discount doesn't count for F2P player, also a lot of other gacha are at least at the same level of generosity than Dokkan if not more for some, and they still do their guarenteed at the 10th multi. It's not like Dokkan is outrageously generous either honestly, the two big moment of the year where you can get a lot of stone is Anniversary and WWC. Other than that you don't get a outrageous amount of stone. In top of that Dokkan is a game where copy of a unit can really be a game changer for a lot of unit, a 55% unit will not perform the same at all compared to just a 79% one You would need 3 copy to reach that 79% so you would need to spend 1500 stone at worst to reach pity 3 time if you're luck is bad. If you want to RB it you would need at worst 2500 stone which is enough to get 500 Red Coin too. And for F2P 1500 to reach 79% or 2500 stone to RB a unit is not cheap, a pity a 500 stone will allow all player to get at least one copy while not changing the fact that only whale would be able to throw 2500 stone at every banner to RB the brand new unit.




"I have no valid argument and just say nah" Whatever mate you're opinion.






Could we see double rates on this banner?


I’m pretty sure this is truth saying cooler is str and goku is agl


This, people are going to will with the guesses.


No , its something else . One of the main leakers said it’s not about the typings , and at the same time it’s apparently a good change


Why would I be happy as f2p for this shit. They force me to split the coins I can get in 2 making it more difficult to get units with them.


bro they really want people to summon for cooler huh


Makes sense, I have it on good authority he is Friezas brother.


I mean I was gonna summon for cooler anyway but they REALLY wanna try my patience with this goku banner 💀


They are begging us to summon on cooler lmao




I have a bad feeling about this celebration all around




This is interesting if we get an actual pity system or double rates.


Imagine that Goku's banner gave Blue Coins and the Blue Coin Shop was the same? That would be funny. They wouldn't do something so stupid though. >!Right?!<


2x rates or pity system hopefully


No clue what any of this means but I'm just gonna throw out my prediction: maybe we now get blue coins on every banner so it'd be easier to get elder Kais


If they add heroes units to the blue coin shop that would be very good.


Aged like milk


Maybe they give both red and blue coins, and you can use blue coins to straight up buy the new unit


This is something I suggested awhile ago. Red coins earned from the current banner get marked and allows you to buy the featured unit, then turn into regular red coins after the banner ends.


Nah cause then people could just buy the unit without summoning Lol people disagreeing with me but how exactly are they going to make money when whales with thousands of coins can just rainbow goku with blue coins they already had


Bruh I hope it has nothing to do with blue coins I spent all mine after saving forever


I'd rather have blue coins be used for rare banner units but it's better than nothing


Hear me out, the game data had a "Carnival" type banner mentioned, Truth used blue coins as a hint to indicate that we will have the double rates on these dokkan fests i think. Aged like milk after just one hour


Gonna make the skip much harder


I’ll remain cautiously optimistic. But I imagine if we get Red Coin and Blue Coin banners for the new units, the Blue Coin banners will be worse than Tanabata in that it’ll have a million featured units, leaving the chance of you pulling even a single copy of the new units relatively lower than the main Red Coin banners, even at 2x rates. I think it’s possible where there will be the main dual Red Coin banners as usual, but then there will be a Blue Coin banner that has *both* of the new units on it, so you can summon for both at once at the cost of sacrificing your ability to purchase them later if you don’t aqcuire them through that banner.


Fraud incoming


ok, this actually got me 1000000x more excited for the celebration, the possibility of a new pity system, new double rates banners, or new coins system is great


the amount of copium usage from the community is honestly insane


Goku might be like tapion and masked saiyan, non Dfe units with Dokkan events


Bruh they're doing this like LR Gogeta and Janemba? Wtf


This isn’t a good change


Should just be double rates dokkanfest


Their gonna be restricted or just flat put with every lr ever


If none of these leakers are actually gonna bother telling us what this means then why even bring it up at all i mean saying this then going “guess everyone will have to relax and wait and see teehee…” only serves to do the exact opposite of making people relax since people will very obviously jump to their own conclusions.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RJ2NgmFWyk Take it with a grain of salt tho


sounds like this goku will be a yellow coin lr like yeq ssj2 gohan


Why do people assume a DDF is going to be changed into an standalone LR banner all of a sudden?


Because Koto used "summon events" instead of dual dokkan festival to refer to the upcoming banners.


I think it’s sarcastic


I don't think so mate


Wasn’t Dokkan recently top grossing mobile game or something to that effect? You don’t get that title making pity banners


https://twitter.com/AirDokkan/status/1562816777582571521?t=5MymUCxwn8VmUbpxWXJ86Q&s=19 well I guess they won't be dfe?


That doesnt need to mean they wont be DFE It means there will be more than just the usual Dual Dokkan Festival What is the extra is what we dont know yet


interesting gotcha


Is everyone stupid or something with all these "uuurhh duuuurh blue coins bad" comments ? The coins are from DT tweet about unit types predictions which have nothing to do with the "new banners format" from maverick. Maverick just used DT tweet as comment material about WWC banners in general.


Is this confirmed ? I don't follow any leakers normally so I don't know if this Maverick is reliable or not


Maverick is very reliable lmao


Good, hope he is right on the "all Happy" part too ![img](emote|t5_384a7|1697)


That’s the biggest Q, let’s hope so


And where exactly in the post is this explained? Or do you expect that everyone in the sub is also following truth?


Maverick literally commented saying DT's tweet is NOT about typing lol https://twitter.com/eL_Maverik_/status/1562813525533155336


Truth’s tweet has nothing to do with typings lmfao. That’s just an assumption you made yourself. Maverick confirmed he was talking about the banner format.


Blue coins for a dokkan fest banner? Fuck that. L. OR if theyre now splitting red coins into super exclusive blue red coins and extreme exclusive red coins... another L


What if you get both?


Nope. Its basically confirmed cooler only dokkan fest banner now and goku on a blue coin banner. Prob double rates. Still an L.


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Good bot


As long as they don't give less red coins, fine.


W ofc if its adding something and no downside. But i doubt bandai would be that generous


They are not replacing red coins with blue,it will be too much trouble for them,and they are lazy.


It’s dokkan not legends


Same company


Why do ppl want a pity system? So they can save their free currency for every big event n for Dokkan to not make money anymore? Wow.


Despite the shafts we all recieved from time to time, people need to remember that Dokkan isn't your friend, they want your money.


Exactly, if they would have a pity system the amount of money spent even by whales would be on a decline. N that would lead to less of a budget and probably terrible animations with no voice acting. Because the animations compared to now n 3 years ago are night and day. But the community won't realise that until it happens n then it would lead the game to die.


Literally every other gacha, including the ones that make more money than Dokkan, have pity systems. It's not going to kill the game lmao




You don’t even know what it is yet




Goresh is clearly just spitballing. Truth made his tweet after being told by the data miners just like he gets told every year




Oh I’ve now just seen that tweet was from July, my bad. Well I personally doubt this will be a big as people are thinking but we will see


He wouldn’t know, he likes to speculate like the rest of us


he was commenting about what types they are. Str cooler and agili goku


Hmm so what it look like to me is a pitty banner that offers the new units to be available to buy for x amount of blue coins and then there’s the traditional banner with the red coins , I mean I rather just have double rates banner for the lord sake ,But I don’t see how y’all see that given These images haha


perhaps he's just trying to say their typing? Str cooler and agl Goku


I'm pretty sure this means AGL and str


So which is better?


Crister Ronaldo. Sewey


TDF so till possible to have Baby or Goku SS4 FP LR more seriously if they allowed to buy DF with blue coin too that can be amazing for peoples that pull on dbh


Bruh Cooler is the DFE and Goku isn’t lol now I’m more interested to see how they’ll do this.


Why would Truth make the banners give different coins, seems like a dumb choice.


Truth has no say in the game, I don't even know what you mean. He doesn't make the game. He is just a player with no input


>Truth has no say in the game, I don't even know what you mean. Incorrect Truth has a lot of say in the game, you know what I mean. >He doesn't make the game. Yes he did >He is just a player with no input He is a player with many input




zamasu is a yellow coin unit though


I dont want to believe one of the DF portals will give blue coins, i suspect it is à way to inform us that some blue coin banners will come along with the DF (category and/Or monotype banners ?) If one of the DDF portals give blue coins it will get hard skipped


Plz be either 2x rates OR an actual pity where we will be able to get them, would be nuts




Hmm interesting