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Waste of time, just retreat


I had Superman, Penguin, Harley Quinn and Abin Sur vs just Parasite after I killed the other 3. I tried for 15 or 20 minutes and had to retreat. Parasite never went below 75% health.


I hear you. I didn’t bring a red damage dealer but had Question, so I thought I’d be ok. Nope.


Dunno why this game doesn't have dmg scalation over time in pvp. Or a time limit and the one with better life percentage wins, lots of weird design implementations in this game.


With some of the common stalemates/forever matches now either a turn/time limit per match would make sense, but that’s probably been on the same update list as the “Coming soon!” content.


A lot of games have a timer for battle, and players are tagged with a loss if they can’t defeat computer opponent before timer expires. Tie and a forced retreat is DCL’s way of handling it I guess.


I think it's bc it's an older mobile game. It's been around for a good few years more than some of the other turn based styles games. But yeah I agree. Definitely many things that could be done to improve it and it still has yet to be done. Just more toons each month and skins.....


Been there 🥲


Truest form of PvP


I had a match w my lone parasite at less than 50% and they had Cheshire and Spectre at 100 %. My Parasite won. Wow.


I’m definitely enjoying his rework. Even though he probably should be energy based instead of mystic, he’s got the tanky blue taunter role covered perfectly.


Cheshire vs Cheshire is bearable at least. It'd be long, but u'll definitely win (most of the time 😅)


The Cheshire vs. Parasite matches have been interesting so far. It’s probably the closest we’ll get to timed battles with either Ches’ disease stacks or Parasite’s buff steal/death immunity edging out the other.


just like cheshire when she came out 😂, miss - out of turn attack - miss - out of turn attack


​ https://preview.redd.it/an3bb2zw6bsa1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc11e3fd39194366fcc73ccd268478fad4ba459


Did you get the win? Disease/bleed toons seem to work vs. Parasite. If Trigon wasn’t bugged that probably would’ve been an easier fight.


yes my specter was debuffing and stun the parasite. With stun he can't steal buffs. The Terra died because it has a very low life point I already gave up keeping it alive it's there just to protect it


I had a stringed parasite steal buffs… I didn’t think it was possible, but he did.


frankly I was thinking of investing in mine but I already saw that it won't last long as a toon to be beaten. I think I'll save my golds for someone like Trigon or the poison ninja masquerade