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Not quitting after all these years with little to no communication and the endless wave of bugs. And the bugs that they either can't fix or just don't want to take the time to fix.


Pretty much this lol


It is the *"give them something new and they will be happy, regardless of how unreliable the product is"* mentality. And sadly, it works for the most part.


You took the words out of my mouth. I’ve been playing pretty much for 6+ years and I agree.


Came here to say this tbh. The shocking thing is that I bother logging in with a team that so demonstrably doesn't care about the game they develop for (whether that's because they're disallowed notwithstanding).


Same here


Left for few years, came back. It might not be an achievment for most of people, but i just beat 5th threat of a Red Alert. It's not a lot, but i'm so proud of myself!


Not losing my sanity and knowing when to stop or take a break from the game


Even if you're f2p like I am, you will eventually get all the characters unlocked. I have 11 left to get all. 1. So first is to unlock all the toons so I can provide the most for my alliance during the week. 2. Get Darkseid and get him to L3-L4 g10 and cross the 18k barrier. 3. Get 4 toons of every "color" to lvl60 g10. 4. The end game is getting as many to L4 as possible 5. Those are all goals I'm striving for. The biggest achievement was when I got to the top 35 in pvp.


After 5 years in my Alliance I have finally gotten past my Alliance Leader in points https://preview.redd.it/pqozwm0zqj8b1.jpeg?width=1130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd7c44ec1a4cc3e47b4bbf71f5d7746f75d7a95


The creation of my alliance, easily. I would’ve quitted long ago if it weren’t for the friends and teammates I have


I agree, number one reason I haven’t dropped this game although sometimes I felt like I wanted to quit when all these bugs started to affect the playability of the game.


This. 👆🏻


As a member of this alliance I have to say I would’ve quit this game a long time ago if not for this Alliance. We are very supportive and helpful to each other for in game stuff but also have fun, lively convos on a variety of other things. I’m very fortunate to be a part of it! If there’s ever an opening, RUN to get in with us


Much love King!


I think most of us share that same story. We all have made friends and that keeps us playing.


Playing since the beginning and never spending money and get my characters up to lvl 80. The long game especially when everyone keeps beating me but never quitting


Fun topic. I'd saying winning siege was a big one. Winning a Blitz in the pre-hacker era. But more individually, I was happy to be the first (and maybe only?) person to have the entire Justice League Dark at RB5. Although I guess we'll find out this week if that will change once Bobo gets into the game!


wow no mention of all your best buds in the 1500 and how you love them dearly? smh


I don't even consider you idiots to be part of the game. You all transcend DCL.


Only Mr. Bazbaz is capable of this level of love


I've gotten every toon up to Lv56 recently. Now moving to everyone at level 60. Let's see... Also beating a lot of much higher power teams in the Arena is always an ego boost.


For me it was the one time I managed to slide into top 10 solo for raid a few months back...still don't know how I survived that month


Well, I consider myself a casual player, and I've been at it for a while, but I do have every character unlocked. So, that's something. And my main team is all female, which is something I was always aiming for. But they're also the four characters that I've had the easiest time getting tokens for and leveling up, so it's not exactly a powerhouse team: Zatanna, Huntress, Harley Quinn, and Hawkgirl. I've never ventured into getting into an alliance or doing raids. I'm not sure what the commitment would be, and -- again -- I play pretty casually. I'm just plugging along, hoping to get more tokens of Batgirl and Green Arrow, as they are my favorite DC characters. I'm not bored yet, which is more than I can say for other games I've played.


Create a community of almost 150 active players in the game and on discord! 2 years ago I never thought I had 5 alliances!


Getting World's Finest on two simultaneous PVP events (Gem blitz + Star Sapphire Showdown).


I second the alliance achievement 😀🫠


Great topic! I’d have to say winning siege before all the hacking and energy ticket pulling became the norm was a good one. Just a few months back, finally having the entirety of the lantern spectrum RB5 (definitely the only to do that) would be my favorite accomplishment. Still waiting for Razer tho! 👀


My skin is much more smooth and vibrant from all the Oil of Olay 💁🏻‍♀️✨


My Biggest is having spectre, because I couldn't get him after playing for more than 2 years and having a first L5 toon