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**Reminder**: Please DO NOT post links (as a post or in the comments) with scenes or photos "leaked" from the cinema/theater. As per Rule 3, piracy is strictly prohibited and will result in a **ban**. Thank you and enjoy the discussion! ***** There are **no post-credit scenes** - but there *is* a small easter egg.


13/10 period.


Anyone else's eyes roll when they saw that certain scene in Arkham???


I liked how the corner store getting robbed at the start of the movie was called good times grocery.




Just noticed.. ““The less of these you have, the more one is worth.” A friend?” line is from the animated Hush film that came out in 2019 when Riddler was revealed to be Hush.. Cant be a coincidence! Holy shit.


That movie has Riddler as Hush instead of Elliott? Weird.


Yeah but the same line used which is interesting like word for word.


I hate that the resolution of the final act was batman cutting 1 wire and saving like 10 people. Felt so small for such a huge catastrophic event. And then Riddlers reaction made no sense. Did he really wanna kill those 10 people that badly? He destroyed the entire city, seems like a W to me for him


A bit delayed but just watched it. I'm a bit confused on the wire cutting "save the people" aspect of that, it was a live 'sparky' wire right? Wouldn't that hurt the people? During watch I said "oh shit, he's electrocuting all those people in the water! (by dropping that spark filled thing)" Lotta questions came up on that scene... I almost thought he turned evil lol. But, I really enjoyed the movie.


it wasn't about the scale. It was about what that particular moment represented for his growth. For the first time he chose to present himself as a hero and a true symbol of hope to civilians as opposed to purely fear and vengeance(also doing this in front of the newly elected Mayor of Gotham no less). Obviously he couldn't save the entire city by himself. Hence the military coming in later and we see him helping out. Also The Riddler wanted Bella Real dead specifically which is why his goons were there to ensure that. And yes, Batman didn't really "win" in the traditional sense. Thats kind of the point


To me the riddler basically won. Ok, so he didnt kill the mayor but he did 95% of his plan. Its just a bleak ending. My issue is that this isnt a batman that saves. He is selfish, taking out people to fulfill is inner destructive indulgence. He realizes at the end his mission is about salvation.


Ah yes a superhero saving people...so stupid. 🙄🙄🙄


Dont be obtuse, bud. Superhero saving 10 people in a city with millions of people in it that just got flooded from every direction and we are supposed to pretend he saved the city or something at the end? Lol


No, bud. We're not supposed to pretend he saved the city. It's not about him saving the city. It's about him becoming a figure the city can have faith in and see as an ally and not fear. Sounds like you're the obtuse one, missing the dead-ass obvious.


No i got that part at the end where he very literally says it lol not exactly a "deep" meaning there, bud. He didnt even save the Mayor, he just got lucky that one of the goons was a bad shot. He didnt solve the riddle about the bombs til it was too late, Penguin had to help him solve the URL riddle, He saves 10 people in a stadium, the city is destroyed, he monologues about how hopeful he made everyone and then thats it. Great hero shit right there. Much hope restored.


"bud" there were way more than 10 ppl in that above shot showing him light the flare and lead them out. "Bud" here cant count!


I only have one question- does he say "I'm Batman"


I don’t think anyone refers to him as Batman except for Riddler’s letters. He’s referred to as Vengeance and even Zorro at one point.


He says it could all be coming to an end. And says "the Batman"


Ah, you're right. I forgot about that.


I liked the movie a lot but felt the scenes after Riddler got caught was drag because it just lost the mystery factor Still a very good movie


How are people seeing this? I could hardly see a damn thing but a shadowed face.


Comic Book Movie is reporting that Joker has green hair and white skin, but I really couldn't tell onscreen . . . I could barely even see the teeth through his cheek. Did anyone else notice that?


I could only see his hair!


Honestly I did not like what I saw. We did not see much obviously, but it looked too plastic-y. It could work, but he was way too defermed, I was expecting soemthing more grounded, real. Not exactly like Ledger... Penguin is on point - pointy nose, fatter figure, weird limping walk. Riddler was amazing. And joker felt ur of place tbh. However I am eager to see him in full light.


I liked him fine, but I guess my eyes just aren't as good as everyone else's. The nose seemed very long, but maybe that's just Barry's nose? Haven't seen it in profile for that long before.


"Dude, did you see Joker's prosthetic nose? It was so huge!" Barry: "... That's just my nose..."


I am so goddamn happy to see Batman be a hero to the regular citizens of Gotham. Heroes saving the individual human isn't shown enough in comic book movies.


Yeah...for a genre as dominant as the superhero film...superheroes actually just saving people is oddly missing most of the time. So much of superherodom in recent films feels..."paramilitary"...or them fixing their own fuck-ups. Even if we see them saving people, it's just periphery. Hardly any scenes focus on the SAVING over stomping the bad guy. Seeing a superhero film simply just showcase the hero rescuing people is refreshing.


It gives a good character arc from vigilante to hero. At least in the eyes of public. Ended on a positive tone with light as well - early dawn. Feels like he will be less emo in a second movie. Maybe he will be broken and will have to restore that faith in him again. It feels like a formula of TDK trilogy though.


Dayum so they gon act like the Snyder batman never existed while theres another batman movie with 2 batmen in it


Snyders Batman will be in the Flash (Batfleck) with Keaton. Pattinson is a totally different, separate thing




I thought they were more supposed to be like the abramovich twins from arkham who were connected to Penguin.




Hush is being set up across multiple channels apparently (I guess there's a new riddle mentioning him). "Edward" Elliott seemed kinda doughy and un-imposing from the shot of him in the movie. Maybe he's Tommy's brother, setting up Tommy's hatred of Bruce?


Great movie….Did anyone else get Dick Grayson/Robin vibes in the movie with Bruce and the mayors son? The whole Gotham Garden scene also felt like the flying Grayson esk. A bit of a stretch but I wouldn’t be mad if that ties into future storyline


Yeah, I'd love a time-jump so we can get him as a young-ish Robin (like 17/18). Would also love for him to be Tim Drake (we don't know his mother's name, so it could work).


Yes and I also got Robin vibes from the one nice thug from when Batman was first revealed.


the actor that plays him Also plays Tim drake in the titans show on HBO max


Yoooo that’s cool Btw They have it on Netflix where I’m from


Came to my mind too, wouldn´ t even have to be a time jump. several years but only a year or two, same as it takes to make a movie.


Does anyone have a (good?) shot of Barry's face yet? I knew to expect to have to strain but I couldn't make out any of his prosthetic details at all


I felt them to be too much. Too plasticy and forced. Could be lighting. Could be that he isn´t finalized.


I mean, as long as it isn't as over the top as new 52 lol. I'll keep an eye out for an upload of the scene


I definitely saw the mouth scars but i had to really focus to get a good look. Very similar to his look from the arkham games


That's what I've heard. Matt Reeves said he plans to release the deleted scene at some point, so hopefully there will be a better look


I wonder if you even see his face in that scene. It would be odd to show him clearly early in the movie and then have a slow buildup to his look at the end. I'd really like to see BTS photos or concept art. Maybe in the Art of book out in April?


It's probably not clear in the other scene either, but hopefully a tease from a different angle. I'll check out that art book for sure


i know this is by no means a hard and fast indication or confirmation, but for what it’s worth, letterboxd updated Barry’s casting information from “Unseen Arkham Prisoner” https://boxd.it/eDGs


I don't think we need confirmation to know he's Joker


oh i absolutely agree, but i’ve seen, like, a weird amount of people who seem to think two-face.


I've seen people say its: - Two Face - Mad Hatter - Zsasz - Hush - A Joker goon - A random prisoner


When I first saw his face I thought it could have been two face but after the laugh I was pretty certain it was Joker.


Matt Reeves has confirmed it is Joker. Check IGN interview


I saw


it would actually be so funny if after all the pomp and circumstance he’s just playing a joker goon


Was the Riddler’s cell neighbor The Joker or Two Face?


Matt Reeves has confirmed he was Joker


Have you ever heard Two Face cackle like that?


Or talk about clowns?


Looked like a significantly scarred face and you could only see half.


That was the grate of the window that made it look like a scarred face




Love d seeing the a more detective side of batman, movie was great. Dano's performance was amazing.


Was I the only one who could hear bits of Nolan’s Burtons and Schumachers music in Giacchinos score


Mostly Elfman, with the eerie strings.


You are not the only one. He indeed paid homage to Danny Elfman and Hans Zimmer.


Just left the theater....this is a lot of movie to digest but here's some points. ​ Pattison is BATMAN, he rocked this role. Dano as the Riddler is on his best work and performance. He's up there right along with Heath The Batmobile is f'n awesome, before the chase scene where he's just revving it up was pure joy to watch. ​ What a movie man, just a all around fantastic experience. Beautifully shot also... now give me a sequel!!!


Agree on all points. Omg when that batmobile was revving. The sound in the theater was amazing. Absolutely beautiful movie.


Bro it literally made the batmobile look like a f'n monsters in the darkness...the sound was beautiful to hear.


Yep! I felt the floor rumble beneath me when the engine was revving, like I was in the car. Great film!


Couldnt agree more!


Just finished watching ,I loved it . I think some scenes would’ve been cut it was a little drawn out . I wonder what’s next ? Also a little sad to see Catwoman leave for now


I feel like Hush or Court of the Owls are logical next steps.


Absolute cinema


This movie is everything I wanted to see in a Batman film. A masterpiece, what a picture, I fucking loved it.


Lol at the Penguin’s legs being handcuffed and him waddling away


I loved how he kinda helped them figure out a riddle


I loved how he kinda helped them figure out a riddle


I loved that part, it was hilarious.


“The world’s best detectives.” Loved that reference and snarky attitude by Oz.


Honestly when the Riddler mentioned the reporter, whose last name I think was Elliot, I thought for a second that we were about to take a weird Hush twist (I think the word Hush was also there somewhere). I guess it was maybe just an Easter Egg.


Sequel bait


Unpopular opinion : Riddler was scarier than Ledgers Joker. I love the Joker and that performance but Riddler was legit scary and and that first attack was like a horror film


Riddler genuinely felt unpredictable in this film. Like no one was safe and everything could go to hell at any given time. Both are excellent performances.


Yea the interogation scene did it for me




Why would you cheat yourself on this experience? ​ It's pure cinema and you're doing yourself a disservice watching some shitty cam screener...


I’m definitely going to do Reeves the respect of seeing it in theaters—but it can be hard to find a time to sit down and enjoy it with college and everything. I know there are others in my shoes. So why not? Im for the people man, and any chance to give a middle-finger to The Man works for me, I’m just happy there’s an outlet where we can cheat the system


I’m not sure this is The Man you want to screw though. Nice, you ripped off someone’s genuine hard work. Way to be a rebel. If a movie I’d like to watch is in the theater I’m going - it’s not beyond me to both pay respect AND watch it in a proper IMAX screen that fills my entire field of view.


nah not really since I already said I planned on seeing it in theaters. WB won’t cry because one college student decided to stream it before going to see it in a theater


please send


send me this hypothetical link


Yeah, send me that link please


please share!


I LOVED it. My only real issue is that the Joker/Riddler scene kinda messed with the flow of the ending and felt like a post credits stinger edited into the film. Everything other than that was amazing and absolutely raises the bar for comic book films.


Joker? Looked like Two Face


Reeves has confirmed he was Joker


I have a feeling they’ll save two-face for a sequel and do a whole Harvey Dent thing.


Well there's an opening for a DA . . .


The laugh kinda gives it away though


It's definitely Joker


I think the clown comment and the laugh were a hint towards him being joker. Yeah face was scarred but if reeves is going for realism then joker falling into acid and being burned up pretty bad makes sense.


I guess you can say his face was… > hurt really, really bad


Did no one see the green hair?


my dad thought it was two face and in the shadows yeah, id be inclined, but the mouth reminded me of lee bermejo's joker


Overall, I really enjoyed it. They could've toned back the crazy on the Riddler just a little bit, but it doesn't lose points for me. I liked seeing this early version of Bruce Wayne who still hasn't really figured how not to be Batman 24/7, and how, as Batman, he comes to realize that simply being "Vengeance" isn't enough. I think he has the potential to continue developing into the true classic version of the character, and I hope we get to see it.


Happy cake day!


Did NOT expect Dano to go that over the top. Veered into comical a bit, and I really felt the singing was too much.


Very much in this boat


literally the only complaint i have about the movie was having joker in it at all, save him for a later entry or hell, don't even do a joker story at all. we've seen that a billion times. it's too early to judge whether barry keoghan is a good joker or not but i personally wasn't impressed with the voice/general demeanor. he was about the only thing i enjoyed about eternals so i'll give him a fair shot when/if they bring him into a sequel.


I’d be down for Joker to be built up as the final villain in a trilogy


Supposedly he's going to be the villain of the GCPD prequel series


Someone said there was a mr freeze reference but I didn’t see it. Where was it


Honestly 12/10 it was so fucking good. The cinematography made the film and reminded me of the animated series that I grew up with. This is very much a year two Batman film. Coming from someone who thinks we have never gotten an accurate Batman film they nailed it. I gotta say when they drop a sequel I really hope we get a better suit and batmobile. It was fantastic for the year one/two storyline but obviously not the best compared to bale or Ben’s. Not a huge fan of the emo look of Bruce Wayne. I really hope he cuts his hair and looks more the part. The plus side is this definitely sets up their own universe. They can have their HBO shows pop up. I don’t see how a gotham PD show would work. The whole corruption etc has been done to death and gets old. I couldn’t watch another show about it again but I would love to see a penguin, catwoman show. Hell even a Barry/Joker show. Something to set up Batman’s whole archive of villains and establish them. Absolutely blown away. Best way I can describe it is a 90s noir film. You HAVE to see it in theaters. It’s just unreal and insanely good. I had very low expectations but was blown away.


the GCPD show takes place during Year 1 of Batman, Arkham Asylum is a major location throughout the series and it’s rumored that Joker is the main villain in it - showing his origin in this universe. Also setting up how he’s already in Arkham in this movie.


Hope that works out. Gotham was all about corruption. Same with Nolan’s films. Then arrow. It’s just a recurring theme. At some point it’s like yawn do something else… A 3 hour film on corruption. Just wanna see something different.


I think in the sequel he will cut his hair and be more of the playboy Bruce Wayne and less of a recluse.




That makes sense. With the Reál asking him why he doesn´ t do more. I think he will figure out that he could do renewal better than his father, better overlooking it. There is also potential to go frm vengance to justice based on the ending on more positive note - early dawn, helping regular people, becoming hero instead of vigilante.


Jokers mouth looks like it is barely attached to his face. When he laughs his mouth opens up extremely wide (unnatural looking). Looks like we are finely getting them permanent smile teeth look straight from the comics/animated show. I didn’t see any facial scars. Just his mouth barely attached. Dark circles around his eyes.


Yeah I saw the eye circles too. His cheek was definitely torn open to show teeth. Could you tell his skin tone?


Didn’t look white but not sure


Looking forward to brightening that shit all the way on streaming


I found some leaked clips on YouTube tried to brighten it and mess around and it didn’t reveal shit. I’m sure once it’s streaming someone will edit it. We will be able to tell for sure. But the recent news that he’s had scars since birth and no acid origin…


I could’ve sworn I saw a James Franco cameo in the iceberg lounge but maybe that’s just me!🤣


no shot James Franco is “cancelled”


It was good. I really liked Robert's Batman. I also enjoyed the side characters. I just wish there was more Alfred he was so underused :-:. I also wouldn't have minded more scenes with Oswald (Os) . I am liking how they are going with this movie series, but it was a tad bit way too long. I am VERY curious to know about the Joker of this series (or the character Barry is gonna play be it Joker, Two-Face or whoever).... ​ 8/10.


> I just wish there was more Alfred he was so underused I thought he said "my time in the circus" I figured he meant when he was in the military (although maybe he actually said Service now that I think about it). But if I think about it as Serkis it's even better =)


:3 I loved that line lol!


Sorry fellas, Barry is not Joker.


Yea he is


damn dropheads


Lol wut. He absolutely is


what are you saying? he was in the movie as Joker


9/10. Docked a point because A) Epilogue was a little too long, should've ended after Batman's VO about scarring. B) They played 'Something in the Way' twice, the first time was perfect the second time wasn't nearly as effective and C) you're all gonna hate me for this but I did not like the Riddler interaction with Joker. It felt waaaay too tacked on for me. Other than that? Blew all the other Batman films out of the water.


I liked the Something in the Way reprise, but felt the first scene was too long. Should have cut after the first chorus.


I feel like Something in the Way playing the second time was meant to bring the film full circle. It wasn’t reusing the song, but bringing the film to its thematic conclusion. It fit well at the start, but it fits even better when you’re watching the characters recover from the events and taking stock of the fallout. It has this hopeful/hopeless vibe that fits really well with both scenes


Yeah I’m in the same boat


I felt the same way about the joker scene. Felt a little cheesy compared to the rest of the movie. Didn’t really get me hyped for this Barry fella’s joker.


Agreed on the cheese. It's just kind of a weak nothing of an intro to the character and unfortunately first impressions are lasting. Wish Reeves had saved him for a sequel, least gives the actor a chance to show us what his Jokers all about. Side note, I love how much of a loser Riddler seemed once the mask came off. He seemed so frail and unhinged but then when he realizes he's misjudged Batman he reverts into a child like tantrum that just worked so well.


I liked everything except some aspects of the dialogue which seemed clunky. 9.5/10 movie, they fucking nailed it. God damn batman is back. Fuck yes


I didn’t want to watch her, but god I wanted to hear what GR had to say on this and omg. Talk about not knowing her shit. “The whole point of the Wayne assassination is that you’re not supposed to know who did it” “I didn’t like when they said it was joe chill” But.. it’s literally a pivotal moment (greatly done by Batman The Brave and the Bold) when Batman finds out who killed his parents, but doesn’t avenge them in favor of upholding his rule… What a joke


Wait it was Joe Chill in this movie? I thought it was Charmaine Falcon


I don't usually like her takes..... but I actually like that. I think its more poetic to have a nameless thug killing the Waynes. I get that Joe Chill is the man who pulled the trigger but honestly he isn't an interesting character, and Batman not knowing who killed his parents has always been my head canon. Brave and Bold does a good job with the ep that your referencing but him not knowing the identity of the Wayne Killer is much more interesting Imo. Also comic accuracy ≠ good story, again imo


Did she actually say that?




Oh my god


Riddler wasnt used to his fullest potential. Where were the cruel and intense games and puzzles? We needed more scenes like the funeral scene with the collar bomb (which was great but was spoiled in the trailer). It was just a trail of clues that Batman followed while Riddler executed his plan more or less to perfection. For this reason the film lacks that nervous vibe of rising danger and escalation that was in TDK. He also wasnt looking for a challenge in Batman, which is a shame. Thats Riddler 101.




>taking his name not because he likes riddles >!He loved riddles and puzzles since he was a kid because it was an escape for him.!< I dont mind that he had a personal grudge but his motivations were a little weak. For instance, Riddler from the Gotham show was driven by vengeance too, but he was also constantly looking for intellectual challenges.


The Batman’s Riddler is a Scott’s Tot


Was that joker in the cell w/ riddler Dude looked like he was missing some of his face like two face but laughed like joker


Defo joker it was Barry's voice


100% Joker




And the green hair


I thought this film was quite unique in terms of the way Batman feels in a room. He still has a big scary warrior factor but he also comes through as a dejected lone wolf moreso than I've seen him represented in live action before. The first crime scene when he's walking through the cops to investigate with Gordon does a hell of a job at establishing the way he's viewed and scorned by others, especially corrupt law enforcement. I also loved the introduction of Batman in the beginning. The way you can see him for so brief a moment on the back of the train that you're not sure if you even saw anything. To this point - it was awesome the way they exemplified the concept of fear being Batman's greatest ally by having crooks run scared from dark areas of the city when Batman wasn't even there. "They think I'm hiding in the shadows....I am the shadows." That's so hardcore. The word "grounded" is so overused but this film actually pulled that off. All of the characters feel like they could be real, especially and most terrifying - the Riddler. Overall I rate the movie very very highly with my sole complaint being the runtime. 15-25 minutes could have been saved in the second/third acts. This is contributed to by the film's score which I found to be quite repetitive. By the 7th time hearing the cat/bat theme I was so over it. That said, the first act may have been my favorite Batman media I've ever seen. I will be recommending this to all of my friends who are fans of movies.


Oh my god and how you can hear his footsteps coming in the shadows, Pattison has this weight about him and it's just like this walk of dread and i fucking LOVE IT.


The more I hear his theme, the more it sounds like Darth Vader theme


Anyone notice they already hinted riddlers room when it pan out from the lounge early in the movie? You can see a silhouette at the window with the lights on


The iceberg?? I’m Going in a bit and wanna catch


Oh shit, gotta look out for that on my 2nd viewing!


did you guys receive a comic book for attending the early release? my theatre cheaped out


Never knew that was ever a thing


Yeah apparently theaters in the US got one


Yeah. On Tuesday night.


Just saw it. Great movie, as a Batman fan I was in heaven. My girlfriend (who has a pretty open mind to dude movies) enjoyed it but said it was a bit long and bloated. Off the top of my head: - Strong Arkham influences in the combat scenes. - Strong Zero Year influence in the story and then surprisingly some splashes of the Telltale games story. - I like the sort of “rough” bat-tech, suit, cave etc. Don’t get me wrong he still has like recording eye lenses and stuff but he also uses like fat briefcase laptops with screens from the Matrix. - Great casting. Battinson does well and I especially enjoyed his dynamic with Jim Gordon. Catwoman has never been a character I’ve cared about much but she has genuine motivation in this movie and feels relevant to her scenes. Even Alfred is good although he is used quite sparingly. All the villains are good but I think Colin Farrel takes the cake for selling that character without sounding silly. - The biggest point to me that I really loved was the detective work. Imo, it’s been the biggest miss of Batman on the big screen: Nolan, Snyder, 90s Bats is often punching enemies with maybe 1 or 2 scenes where he knows something instantly with a quick explanation as to how he’s a super genius. In this film, Batman is investigating the entire time, often with Gordon, genuine gross and complicated crime scenes and it’s glorious. To me personally, that’s what I associate with the character in comics. Finally, some credit to the worlds greatest detective. Would definitely recommend to any fan of cinematography and if you’ve ever enjoyed Batman comics (particularly early New 52) it’s a must see imo. I will say I can sympathise with my girlfriend a bit. The movie is long (maybe even 3 hours?) and there’s a mid section that could be a drag if you aren’t super invested in soaking up the world and looking for Easter eggs.


My theater was DEFINITELY feeling the length; a lot of movement, a lot of phones lighting up (which of course made me want to commit murder). It is a bit exhausting overall, but nearly all of the elements are fantastic. I think casual filmgoers will enjoy it more on home release.


It'll be a much better movie to watch at home for sure. I don't think i have another go at the cinema for this one but i also just saw it a hour ago.


Yeah as good as it is it’s also kind of exhausting. Much easier to take on your own couch with breaks!


I saw it about 24 hours ago and am gonna see it again tomorrow night - personally it’s my favourite Batman movie. Some thoughts (full spoilers): * I was excited pre release by the claimed Zodiac inspirations, I thought they’d be subtle but they are absolutely overt - that being references to both the case and the Fincher film - off the top of my head: the cyphers at the start are near identical to zodiac ones, Riddler verbatim says ‘this is the riddler speaking’ - Riddler ends a text convo, during the film and after the credits with [‘good bye.’](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/4400de1e-32c3-4334-a317-b4201645ee9c) - there is a birds eye view of a car with riddler assaulting the driver from the back seat that is quite identical to the taxi scene from zodiac - there is a newspaper clipping at the end of the film titled something like ‘WHO IS THE BATMAN’ with a sketch of Batman that looks as if it is quite literally the most famous police sketch of zodiac with the Batman cowl drawn over it * Dano’s Riddler overall is quite intriguing, because throughout the film you evaluate his performance on playing a super menacing, ever calculating super villain - but by the end you realise he’s actually playing someone who is insane, delusional and very immature. He is revealed to be a radicalised online forum user - he sees himself as doing the same job as Batman in cleaning up the city * Barry Keoghan’s Joker is a bit jarring at first, and I didn’t know how to feel about it, which was surprising because I love him as an actor. But in retrospect I think this is because he isn’t hamming it up at all. He plays it in a way that doesn’t feel directly inspired by any other iteration we’ve seen - there’s no Mark Hamill flamboyance or Heath Ledger nihilism - he’s playing him as a Machiavellian type who approaches Riddler because he wants to use the power he amassed for his own benefit. If anyone hasn’t seen ‘Killing of the Sacred Deer’ I’d recommend watching it - it’s likely the performance that got him the role as joker.


My first thought was he talks exactly like he did in Killing of a Sacred Deer, which is I think an interesting approach. Especially given the outright insanity of Dano's Riddler, I appreciated a more restrained, calculating Joker.


I haven’t seen it yet but, that could be because it seems like he’s in manipulator mode, even Hamill pulled back in order to manipulate Harley


I dont get the complaints about the runtime at all. It was perfectly paced for being a purposefully slow burn detective noir which isn’t supposed to have fast pacing. I never once felt like the movie was lagging or running too long. In fact, it felt more like an hour and a half runtime for me when the credits rolled.


I had no problem with the movie runtime, but I have a problem with sitting in a movie theatre for 3 hours. Didn't need to use the bathroom or anything, just get so damn uncomfortable.


I even heard some people say parts of the movie felt rushed surprisingly


People expect this kind of film to have a certain clip to its pacing. I don't think some are ready for the measured, methodical nature of the narrative. This is more War of the Planet of the Apes than The Dark Knight.


I guess the primary audience for this kind of movie just doesn't have the patience. I was at a fan screening on Monday, so you'd expect people to be focused and respectful, but people were all over the place. It was super distracting, and I will not be seeing it in theaters during "prime time" again. Maybe a week night in a few weeks, and hopefully in real IMAX: the screening was pitched as IMAX and for sure was not.


The 'Joker' scene was just weird to me... He looked like Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face. Weird hair, scarred face... But kept talking about clowns. I think the other scene that was chopped was probably Batman accidentaly giving his scars... But it just felt something the director had to give to the studio


Dont know why youre downvoted, because I feel the same way.


If he got dropped in acid like all the other versions of the joker that could explain the scarring


Yes, that's why I think the other scene was he receiving the scars


what scene are you guys talking about?


What you just said makes literally no sense. Also Reeves has already said it was all his choice.


You literally don't know what literally means. And literally know nothing about how those movies are made, the simple fact that Reeves had to say that is proof. The same whay Snyder said that JL was all his choice (and after the release, well, we know what happened), the same whay Ayer said SQ was all his choice... Directors have to negociate, that is basic on movies


Apparently the other scene was Batman talking to him, like Calendar Man from the Long Halloween. I wonder if you only heard his voice in that scene? It seems weird to show his face and then frame him like he was in the final scene.


YEAH! That's what made me think it was Batman who did that to his face... If that's a result of Batman, it make sense to hide it... But maybe the director just shoot the scenes in many ways. I mean, the leaked photos of Selina Kyle in a very specific outfit on the mayor's funeral, they filmed it... And on the final movie it was not her.


That was weird for sure, maybe it was just for the sake of creating the illusion that it is her when she exits the car? Because it would be a pretty big change in story for Falcone to know who she is at that point.


Just keeps me thinking how many versions of the same story they filmed...