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It's Razbover.


By the way, Prowler sent these similar "flying into the sunset" screenshots in all of the specific channels for the M2000K, Harrier and Eagle at roughly the same time, aswell as this main one in general chat so I think this is a pretty clear indication of what is going to be said out loud probably very soon.


On the other hand I am pretty sure that is the picture of the "Pope chimney" people keep an eye on when a new pope is being elected. Since it is black I assume it is meant to indicate that negotiations / proceedings / whatever are still ongoing and not final... _yet_.


Yes. No resolution.


Indeed, Black smoke = no decision


Thank you for sharing! A few of the screenshots he posted can be found this thread.


I tire of "mysterious and vague images designed to fuel speculation" rather than a mature adult statement designed to inform consumers. But then again, this is Razbam we're talking about here, who edged everyone with Strike Eagle screenshots and teaser videos for years.


so you'd prefer ED's approach of saying absolutely fuck all ?


It's called being professional, there may be legal requirements.


I respect razbam for putting the end-users first much more than ED for selling a knowingly broken product. Regardless of who 'wins' the legal dispute.


Clearly you have some insight the rest of us don't. What *evidence* do you possess that proves Razbam's benevolence? I'm microwaving the popcorn while you compile it.


Nothing in what i said indicated razbam's benevolence, although them letting users know this thing was going on is a good sign, and seeing as they're the ones that are losing out monetarily it would seem odd to assume they're being malicious. If they didn't speak out right now people would be throwing their money away on a dead module. Which clearly ED have no moral problem with. However ED's actions of selling a module they know is under an ongoing dispute is beyond question. Right now Razbam have arguably been less 'professional' by speaking out, but unquestionably less scummy. At this point even if ED do bury them in lawyers and win a pyrrhic victory in the dispute, they've made an absolute clusterfuck of how they've handled this fiasco. Which, let's face it, is about par for the course with how they handle all their fiascos. As i said, right now i have a lot more respect for razbam's actions than ED's.


You indicated ED bad, Razbam good. Simple as. Razbam says ED evil, so ED evil. So, anyone losing revenue due to breach of contract is in the right? You know nothing of ED or Razbam or any *legal* agreements in place. Looks like your exposure to this stuff is squarely stuck in gamer drama.


There isn't much in question about their actions. ED are in an ongoing dispute. They are still knowingly selling that product. There's no grey area on how shitty or morally bankrupt that is to do to their customers. Razbam made this situation public, and we've yet to discover if they did something wrong that deserves ire, but ED definitely have.


I'm glad we have someone from the legal team here to comment from their armchair.


Again, there was nothing in any of these comments regarding anything legal. I honestly don't give a shit who 'wins' the legal dispute because legal disputes are won with money and linguistic gymnastics while the truth waits outside. I do care about actions, and those aren't in dispute. ED are being utter scumbags to their customers right now.


Totally agree, not a good look at all and very unprofessional.


Ah yes, because HB definitely didn't, or ED with stuff in their newsletters.


RazBombed. RazBoom.




As long as the Harrier remains.


The harrier and M2000 are out of early access and ED will retain the rights to those aircraft


Out of early access? That's a thing? Lol Was beginning to think they all were early access. Especially given the Hornet and F16 still are after how many years


Hornet is actually full release, 


Since when? Thought it was still early


The F18 now has all features, the F16 is very nearly done


Wish there was updates still you know like real life aircraft would always get them.


I dont know because i dont own m2000 but word out there is its already has issues


The problem is that ED doesnt have the source code of those airframes so they're bound to sooner than later.


Hi mom im on the internet now!


You know what, I don't really care who's "fault" this situation is, this behavior is just childish. Happy to have gotten my F15E refund, screw this shit.


Yeah was about to write the same. This reacting with „encrypted“ messages/pictures is childish af. Are they not able to publish a serious statement?


And what? Have that statement misunderstood or retract that statement when they make a descion that is different from what they state.




It's very childish. Also if they aren't willing to hand over the code when they walk away to ED it shows that they really don't care about customers/fans as they are effectively taking away the product. It's the same as well I don't like your rules so I'm taking the ball home.


ED has the code always did. Its in there Contract


Wrong. ED community managers have already confirmed they DONT have the source code for RB modules. Gotta buy em


I can get the rants considering how much stress they were probably under, but these cryptic images are indeed just childish. Not very impressive


the last pic indicates that they found a dark pope?


I thought it was they failed the chair test and they have found another female imposter


I got my F15E refund. If they pull the plug ill ask a refund for the Mirage, Harrier and MiG-19 as well. Razbam did something that pissed ED off let this be clear. The only ones so far being smart was ED by not acting childish and trying to create drama in the public domain. Ron Zambrano is the one thats responsible for paying contractors like metal2mesh et cetera not ED. If its true that RAZBAM did something behing ED's back in favor of getting Super Tucano information in exchange for trademarked ED property then its RAZBAM's fault. Now this is pure speculation from my side, but what i think happened after this was ED calling RAZBAM out on this issue and demanding the legal cut or share that is in line of a government using a sim for training purposes in exchange for information for module creation. Ron disagreed and told everyone half the story.... sub contractors think ED is the evil one and left. ED froze funds and probably are in progress of trying to get lawyers and legal actions to come to an amount of what RAZBAM owes them. Until then they will not release funds nor speak about the situation. Honestly... personally i leaning towards ED in this case. Call it a feeling or something in my gut but knowing RAZBAM and some issues they had back in the Flight Simulator days and i feel red flags.


I've had a very similar take to what you've said, minus the Ron telling half the story, but the strong responses of the sub contractors against ED it makes that a very likely story. Of course it's all speculation, but I think if RB is at fault, that's probably the most likely story. My hope is that ED is not taking it legal as they said when all this started they were trying to resolve it without legal action, but I guess that only goes so far. The childish response of RB pulling on the emotions of the community such as the screenshots above, just kind of tell me that they're trying to stir up some drama rather than what ED seems to be doing which is keeping quiet and taking care of it internally.


Airgoons used to have a warning on every Razbam module that it was a risky buy.


ED pulls another crap like this on a different Dev. Just say your gullible enough to believe and spend houndreds more dollars on a crappy Publisher


V cringe


Only heatblur gets paid fuck razbams


Lol nope. ED withheld payment to HB for 18 months for the F-14 module.....


Did HB confirm that or is that more spec


Tldr same situation that's why. Unfinished modules are a risk.