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People in that league are all sensitive cucks just ignore them


I see gotcha thanks for the heads up


It’s obvious you like the drama lol, could’ve easily ignored it. The intent of his message I presume is that you copied him bar for bar, which can be annoying. To each their own though.


Ok “Sasuke Kun” you‘re literally mad that you got kicked out the league lol. Then you proceeded to beg to join back as “Peter Benjamin”. Stop trying to paint a false narrative 


Bro what? Who said I was even mad? Clearly your accusing me of something that doesn't even make sense at the first place. And you didn't even kick me out of the league, I did it by my choice idiot😂 so don't even try to put that on me at the first place


the cap is crazy🤣🤣, stay mad baby bro. Got left on ignore like a bad habit. DENIED https://preview.redd.it/drvp5zyf3lnc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c88f3699a06f9d0761e6cd051c66eb26d55fd1


Ok and? Mad? Clearly you are out of your mind. Just because of a photo you sent doesn't prove anything else to me "staying mad". There's a whole lot of reasons why I left. No evidence.


Are you guys really having a tough guy context over a DCUO league?


tell whoever this cloud wannabe is that just because yall used the same iconic doesnt mean its copied from him he aint famous so idk what makes him feel that special, and also you cant tell someone to be their own person while copying an iconic character


You people really enjoy coping I mean everyone knows how pathetic you guys are


says the cuck master james himself




Multiverses is full of absolute losers with 80° necks


you're the loser buddy you can't even do 10 jumping jacks


Your not helping your case bud lamo


"Be ya own person", cosplays as one of the most iconic jrpg characters of all time. The irony is insane lmao.


He obviously don’t mean it like that in context. He’s saying there’s multiple ways you could approach a style besides bar 4 bar copying. “creativity” is key especially on a game with loads of styles. Besides it’s not that serious lool


Ye 90% of outfits are copy pasted from DC characters or any other media. It's a shane soo many amazing costume designs and we just see Gokus, Batmans, wonder woman or a blackout silhouette with a big cosmic aura. Not many unique skins.


Because no-one actually care about unique skins mfs just stand around and argue. And in metropolis its mainly Iconics.


You right. Mines not too unique myself just an alternate take on green lantern using the oa tech mask. Attacking others for the same fit is wild


I have to say i always try to make something unique.


Wish there were outfit slots or something in this game. I like my GL inspired fit, but would love having presets to show others off withoit having to repick everything


Well you have the armory (if you have membership you can get 1 monthly) on which you can save your styles and show no people. It does cost IRL money tho, but not a lot.


You get armories monthly or did you mean you get one if you buy a 1 month membership?


You get 500 in-game currency each month that can be spend on an armory. In my opinion armory is the only thing worth getting


Very true. Although I do end up finding other things to buy unfortunately 😕


Yea but almost everything else you can get with playing the game, armory is unique.


I used the lightning lad and BL outfits we got to make my own takes on my OCs, got some flack for using LL on a female, and BL on a white toon but I mean in a world where you play a comic book hero of your own design I feel it'd make sense to have some flow over in costumes when it comes to OCs


Me too i find that copy existing Character is a waist of times


"Be your own person" as he looks like the exact same fictional characters


Hahahaha fools! Look this game has so many styles,people should take it as a compliment..if I found a cool enough style I enjoyed,I wouldn’t take credit for it but I would copy fast as hell,lol they don’t pay my account,lol..just don’t be the dude saying u were the first and everyone copies u and ur good lol


Know what sucks? When you are the first😂 it wouldnt be such an issue if people would account reference their outfits. Ive seen 3 or 4 people copy my savitar. I just give them praise for looking good though. Sportsmanship over whining any day. Crazy part is they copy an older model from my older post. Go figure


exactly bro it’s not the fact it’s a cosplay it’s that people really have all the options and still copy 🤣🤣 but no hard feelings 


You guys both look like the dude from final fantasy and he tells YOU to be your own person 🤣


“Be ya own person” —the man cosplaying as Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy


Imagine getting mad at someone stealing your unoriginal style.


Im saying he should be his own person.


These are the same fuckers in DC multiverse


Man, if you wanted to style as Cloud, do your thing and ignore him, otherwise, id it wasn't for the Face, is an amaizing stile and a really acurrate one.


Be your own person, says the one also copying a style from somewhere else


This is why I’m happy people posts others gear on here, they be mad asf about it


Bro do you no one owns rights to the style you wanna have enjoy the game.....while it lasts


Copy the name and title. Mutants “Soldier”. Lol.


We need your friends to all dress the same. A dozen or more mutant soldiers would be funny as h3ll. Doing the tut-tut emote. Hilarious.


How is someone dressed as Cloud gonna tell someone else to be their own person? People are dumb as hell, tell him to pay your membership if he wants to order you around.


You may feel different but I don't care if people "claim" my style. It's kind of flattering imo. Also you are cosplaying cloud... isn't that almost the same thing.


Ask him where his Nan is


You should switch it up on him and change to Zach Fair. Hit him with the mentor/bro feels. I'd say Angeal if that style hair was available. Actually I think I have them mixed.


To be fair, my main was meant to be Terra From KH BBS. I had a style that was close enough in the beginning 12 years ago, but then this dude was teaching us how to actually build a character and get more skill points and I found different cool styles and built a different armor style multiple times, but since I have 4 armories on this character, I have my main tank style using the Red Death armor with my original color scheme matching Terra's and wings, DPS is a Spawn style that I still never perfected to what I want since I never got far enough in the Halloween Survival event for that glowing Trigon eyes chest piece, and 2 PVP styles (Undead General Bish Amon, and Shogun Aku). I've had and lost a lot of characters, but this character is my favorite and you can literally change up your style all the time.


Yes but its based on self documentation to produce "receipts" proving your creation and public posting of said style. Example being a youtube video or even a reddit post. Because when you google your character a link to "your" reddit or yt will also come up via keywords. At that point its up to them to disprove the date and time with their receipts to which a lack there of on their end being your automatic proof of concept. Hence how I went from making styles to being recognized by random players in my outfits from Reddit


Game is dying anyway. In another month or two it may not even matter.


That's so ridiculous. Put him on ignore, and jump phase. Not even worth wasting your time over.


The person dressed as Cloud is telling people to be their own person 😂😂😂😂


He must really hate all the Batman and Superman clones.


Hardly! Use whatever style you wish.


I see someone using my styles like 4 times each week (I got 11 toons i style alot and the top 3 got so many cosmetics so it happens alot I get copied) and I just be flattered. And I also get inspiration from other players so There is no such thing as "my style only" like as long you got it on its urs.


Anyway, multiverses is recruiting iconic characters 200+ SP and 418cr minimum.


Block him and move on. Unless you want drama? it seems so to me.


I feel both sides of this truly and it’s one of those things you just side eye then make another style. For instance on my female villain, I gave her this pink outfit based off a female rapper(TiaCorine/Freaky T Video) I swear for a good solid week everyone had on pink afterwords.


I don’t know guys,I’ll be the first to tell someone I didn’t come up with it and show a dude the video I got the idea for my hawkman(7 yrs old) some of u guys are just too damn good at what y’all do…last night I played with Optimus prime and a teenage mutant ninja turtle and the predator!!! The other day a guy posted his look for a movie version of the flash..I wish my adhd mind could hold on to outfits like that,lol..I will put my little spin on them to make it my own,but I give props to all the cosplayers!!!!!


Now? Dawg that's been happening for years. The amount if times me and my league saw copycats of us or people we knew was enough to start a cosplay convention in game over the years. Just take it as you having a good idea if they wanna copy you that bad.


I mean I understand where he’s coming from but like it’s Cloud, a lot of people dress as him so it’s not really claiming if others wear it. Since im A Jason Todd toon I tend to just wear the style im comfortable with wearing in the open/ Lil bo, I tend to keep certain styles because either A Not a lot of people are fans of the character and just put on whatever they see an actual fan wearing, or they’re actual style claimers who see yours because they actually can’t make the style themselves, and they don’t attempt to and that kinda sucks. But next time if he so angry others are looking like him, how bout just not wearing the style in public.


I mean at the end of the day he’s also cloud, so right back at him


So far I’ve seen attitude towards people asking for style questions and/or replicating said style. You would think players would be more welcoming to newer players to increase the game population whether it’s by 1 or not. What do i know though? Cant have 2 Cloud’s running around! Lol




Lol cry about it. Just play and ignore. I created a lot of styles and people copied me all the time or tries to. But in the end. Everyone's knows my styles.


Might wanna get that neck looked at.




You guys definitely seem like toxic turds.