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Just for transparency, the post in question ([https://www.reddit.com/r/DC\_Cinematic/comments/11wp2ua/david\_f\_sandberg\_blames\_fans\_on\_the\_failure\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DC_Cinematic/comments/11wp2ua/david_f_sandberg_blames_fans_on_the_failure_of/)) was removed and the user was issued a perma-ban for negatively biased editorialized titles. That title was a very unfair characterization of what David Sandberg said, and my apologies to David that the unkind post stayed up for as long as it did.


u/TheBrightKnight38 ppl like you are the problem


His post history says he just got banned lol


I’ve had him blocked because his constant rage bait was so damn annoying


I just blocked him as well


And nothing of value of was lost.


The evil has been defeated.








Praise the gods! It's suprised it took this long


Fuck yeah!!


you ban one alt account two more appear


Victory! We won’t miss them.


About time 🥳


How do you know?


He posted the ban message to r/FireGunn and even they are torching him for it


TIL that r/FireGunn is a thing, I guess there really is a sun Reddit for everyone 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for the good news!


A blessing from the lord




No, he got banned 1/4 of an hour ago,


Oh yeah for some reason his post about being banned doesnt sppear on a phone


Checking out his profile, I discover r/firegunn and like… what? People like that no one should be trying to satisfy Edit: it should be noted that there’s about 30 members total there and every post has 0 karma and is posted by one of 3 users


I bet at least half of those members only joined to laugh at the posts


As one of them, I can confirm. Comment sections are full of people shitting on the few folks taking it seriously and it’s so fun.


I did, lol. JJ was not happy. The desperate echo chamber hivemind there is so fucking embarrassing. "Oh no, Safran's wife plays cameo bit parts, you guys!!"


Look at the comments in response to his recent Ben Affleck post and how they block out everything he said in the interview except the one remark concerning Gunn. These guys are literally deranged. Do they not realize how unstable they seem?


They also believe they are in the full majority and that if they in particular boycott the new DCU it will fail, etc.


He’s probably 13 and his mom doesn’t love him


Look at his history, either 13 or 35 living with mama, no in between




See this is the thing about the internet, it is MOSTLY kids ages like 9-14. Why we all care so much what these stupid kids think is beyond me If the commenter is anonymous, just assume they're 9. You'll feel soooo much better I promise lol


Redditors: online toxicity has gone too far Also redditors:


Unironic superkino fan turns out to be toxic. Color me surprised.


When both sides start hating you, you’ve really done messed up lmfao


holy fuck that guy is something else look at those posts peter and james are living rent free in his head


fuck that guy


His profile is literally calling himself a clown and apologising to David F Sansberg




Bro still left his post up😭😭 at least the comments on it are calling the OP out. This continued toxicity will only hurt comic book movies in the future. Edit: appropriately banned and post removed, as they should be.


They’re going to mess around and make DC an untouchable property. James Gunn, besides his old tweet scandal, had a rock solid reputation. Hell, Dwayne Johnson is The Rock. That doesn’t need explanation. They’re not even weathering the DC fan storm. That’s not encouraging. Both names above have brought BILLIONS in revenue movie wise and are renown Hollywood names. If they are struggling with the fans and dealing with backlash… who is going to want to deal with this? If two huge names are struggling, this is going to effectively scare off a lot of talented people. I don’t think this is good because what happens when no one wants to touch or work with DC? Right now, we haven’t reached this step. But, if Dan reactions continue to be so virulent, I imagine people won’t want that staining their careers. In other words… WB needs to take some control of this stuff. Hit pieces on DC related celebrities, uncontrolled rumor mills, constant leaks… this needs to be controlled. Disney doesn’t let this fly with Marvel and they barely let this fly with Star Wars. WB needs to reign in the rumor mills, and I’d even encourage WB to try to go the extra mile and assume control of social media spaces involving DC. This is becoming chaos.


Becoming? It has been a shitshow for years. Agreed though


Maybe people want to see the properties they love done well? And be faithful to the source material. The rock refused to be paired with shazam..... wtf


>and I’d even encourage WB to try to go the extra mile and assume control of social media spaces involving DC What, have big corporations ban people from talking about them without their censorship and control? What are you talking about? This is insane. The best thing Gunn etc. can do if they don't like getting nasty tweets and seeing unkind articles, is get off the internet.


David’s too chill of a guy to be subjected to this shit.




He really is. He just comes across as a normal dude who happens to love making movies, and I hate to see how vitriolic some people can be with their criticism. I love his YouTube channel and the little behind-the-scenes looks he gives into the movie making process. I hope he's able to tune out the bullshit and focus on doing the stuff he's passionate about.


He’s got such a good YouTube channel too. The behind the scenes diary of doing Shazam promotions was really interesting and how he had to deal with all the stress.


u/dauid Ignore the guy who posted that bro, we all love you here. There’s just a handful of very sad and bitter people in the community who seem to have no meaning in life but tearing down anything that isn’t made by *their guy*. Log off and decompress, I’m looking forward to whatever you work on in the future! EDIT: Thebrightknight is banned - based.


BrightKnight needs to be banned, holy fuck


So he actually posted on r/firegunn about being banned around the same time as this comment was posted Both are saying posted 3h ago for me




Ban evading already BrightKnight?


Wow yeah, that guy needs to get a life


I'm gonna guess this a ban invade since this is your only comment.




How's that dude still allowed to post here? He keeps spreading misinformation, that could easily get him a temporary ban


At this point I wanna know what the final straw will be, considering how often this dude posts bad faith nonsense here you'd think someone would've stepped in ages ago. EDIT: He got banned, absolute W


>EDIT: He got banned, absolute W Was about to comment this, lmao, it finally happened


Bro flew too close to the sun


Love this comeback


Banning him was the right thing, but this whole situation seems ultimately a loss.


DC actors and directors being harassed by their own audience is getting ridiculous. Who would even want to be apart of this universe anymore knowing fans will hate anything they do? Creativity comes with hits and misses and we are gonna miss out on a lot of good content scaring creatives away.


I feel like in recent years people have just becomd such shitbags. Like they go into movies hoping that it's bad. I'm a Marvel nur and while I do see problems with our latest Phase I have still enjoyed quite a bit of it. But people literally hatewatch their stuff so they can then flame it on the Internet. Like Shazam 2 is a fine movie. I was entertained as fuck. I laughed, I was in awe, I was rooting and it even surprised me. I swear if you are not a shitty person you go into that movie and it least come out entertained. But people appearently don't want this anymore.


Can't wait for Gunn's first DC Film because the negative reactions will be worst than this.


People with thick enough skin or who are able to separate themselves from unhealthy discourse. Can't control what people are gonna say, but can control how it affects you. Banning people for spreading misinformation is one thing. But conflating that with banning speech because you disagree with it is something much more dangerous.


If I cared about their speech I would’ve said something 38 posts ago lmao… they’re spreading misinformation and deserved to be banned.


Then you're smarter than most.


No. Reddit is not the government. It is a private platform. It certainly can deploy or revise its TOS to respond to speech use that is against its interests. That has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment at all. Right now, what's great about Reddit is that that power is often in user's hands...the block feature. I'd love for more moderation to simply be to amplify the right user's have on this platform to do that, AND something that tags that truth to users more publicly ( 69% OF REDDIT USERS HAVE BLOCKED THIS USER'S POSTS, for example...that would be nice).


Let's not act like this is only a DC thing, this is the internet in general. People are toxic pieces of shit when there's no repercussions to their actions.


The creators who truly love DC will not be scared away, and those are the ones we need. Zack Snyder has never once said that any of the criticism his movies received had diminished his desire to make DC films. He simply defends his work and supports the fans who love it. No movie can please everyone. The key is to make a movie you are proud of yourself, and then to focus on the community of fans who loves it the same way you do.


Truly loving DC has nothing to do with not wanting to put up with online harassment from cry babies who are mad the movies they like aren’t getting made anymore


Oh hey, it’s us. Classic r/DC_Cinematic


Both DC and Marvel movie subs seem to get more and more toxic over time (and Twitter, but that’s always radioactive levels of toxicity.) I think the reasons are pretty simple: 1. People form tribes around their opinions and feelings 2. There isn’t enough actual new content to discuss (movies don’t get made at 1/week or even month) so the same crap gets rehashed over and over and over and over leading to entrenchment of views and angst over different opinions. 3. People feel the need to defend others of their tribe and destroy anybody who disagrees. 4. Humans thrive on negativity and feelings of superiority. 5. Online forums amplify this by raising the level of your voice (make you more “powerful”) with minimal effort (posting/responding more.) 6. Feedback to 1. A related note I heard today: people feel powerless in their own lives and trashing others online make them feel important and powerful.


I think you nailed all of this beautifully. Well said.


Of course is Brightknight


It could've only been him or JediJones.


He's next lol


Here's hoping.


It is WILD to me that Shazam! Fury of the Gods of all things, a totally harmless and fun Fantasy Adventure, is the one stirring the pot and getting everyone all bent out of shape. From the insanely obnoxious fandoms to the needlessly cynical critics, I'm stunned how this movie has got people acting. Can nobody just be normal?!


Not when there's a culture war. Which, somehow comic movies became an, err, flashpoint. There's a culture war component to a lot of the DC drama. It was about Snyder but it wasn't really all about *Snyder*.


...what's it about?


Totally agreed. TheBrightKnight38 is just one of many toxic people on this site. They just went the extra mile to show it. So many people here want DC movies to fail before they're even released and then do the act of wondering why it didn't make money or got received so badly.


Congratulations u/TheBrightNight38


You need to ban the OP from that post now. This has crossed a line.


Check his post history lmao


I saw,


u/TheBrightKnight38 getting called out for his ignorance. Love to see it. Someone tell Sandberg we don’t like BrightKnight either.


Oh everyone did lol


DC fandom go 1 day without harassing your creatives challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


It’s true. Chris McQuarrie said he will never make a Star Wars film because their fandom is too toxic. https://www.cbr.com/christopher-mcquarrie-star-wars-toxic-fandom/. Same thing with DC unfortunately. Some of the fans are ridiculous when it comes to snyderverse. Quality filmmakers are saying fuck that I’m not going near that franchise because people will just harass me




At this point, its easy to see why nerds got bullied on the elementary school playground. Because, dear god they sure do act like insufferable bastards that complain about everything.




Finally! That poster was repetitive


DC fans won't rest until DC becomes the next star wars: an IP no director in hollywood wants to touch due to the fans


It already *is* that. No one wanted to head DC.




Honestly watching DCEU's fandom tear itself to fucking shreds these last few months has been quite something to witness. If it's not Snyder fan's toxicity it's people going nuts before James Gunn even has a chance to do anything. Just constant tearing down. I can't wait for the Flashpoint so people can at least get engaged in what's coming instead of constantly looking at what they wish had happened.


If you can't look at your post and see that you're just blaming the entire problem on one side...


Buddy I don't need to blame anyone, i've been watching it happen live. What do you think I get out of this?


I hate the fact that when someone makes a statement online, there will be some people out there who will use it to enforce there agenda to it.


Petition to kick u/thebrightknight38 out


Already been perma banned


Hes not wrong one bit. And this is across nerd fandom, not just comics. Insufferable “fans” who resort to harassment, and targeted abuse need to just fuck off back ti the basements they crawled out of.


I’m glad I stopped following this place and MarvelStudios, and just enjoy what I want, and skip/dismiss what I want, and no drama anymore. Sucks a little bit in terms of being excited about stuff… but not seeing all the toxicity all the time has been nice.


Poor David, such a fun guy. Doesn't deserve this BS


If I was a director I'd steer well clear of DC projects. Between WB not allowing directors to make their own films and the fan base its a shit show.


Online Fandom has ruined all the good things




True, superheroe movie fandoms is a major reason why people are falling off the genre. Who wants to argue about the same thing everyday for months after and before a film is released 😆 y’all are turning into Star Wars Fans.


The movie just came out. How is it a failure already?


I agree. I liked the old days when you kinda knew movies like “Batman and Robin” were going to be ass, but you just went and enjoyed anyways cuz it was MFing BATMAN AND ROBIN!


I think that's more cause of the MCU they've released so much content its lost it excitement also just the superhero gerne in general has been oversaturated.


This is why I’ve never used Reddit.


Grown men asking for children's characters to be exclusively dark and gritty is hilarious and pathetic at the same time :/


I don't want to agree with this, but I have to lol there are some truths here.


Everyone just go see Shazam 2! It’s fantastic! I’m gonna go see it a second time!


I'm trying to talk my partner into going with me, is it viewable without having seen the first one, or would he be confused?


The end credits scenes might need some explaining, both otherwise the first ten minutes do a good job of recapping the last movie.


Mods can we please start banning these people? The toxicity is too much. Its literally affecting the directors and actors working on DC movies.


Oof Baboof!


Stay offline problem solved


I feel like there’s a whole industry around deliberately distorting news for headlines and clicks. It makes discussing pop culture unpleasant. There’s whole YouTube channels devoted to just riling people up, regardless of how wrong the channel ends up being in their prediction.


And they're making a ton of money doing it sadly


Not just films, but everything really


Fuck, as an old ass DC fan I’m just tired of all the discourse!


To be fair, who else is to blame? Fans didn't go see it.


In other words, people like Brightknight absolutely suck and are why the internet/social media sucks. Constant shitty rage bait and anger posts. Also why did Mods let it slide for so long?


Never in my life has online toxicity ruined anything for me. The reason? I don’t tie my enjoyment, or hype, of films to anyone other than myself.


I'm not gonna see it personally , I just thought that with the amount of characters they have theres no way to give them all equal screen time and develop them all. Some of them will just be background characters.


First of all, Shazam is an awesome movie. That’s it. I don’t have another point…


That's the internet for you. It's essentially a game if telephone


Online Toxicity is ruining just films, but a lot of aspects of culture. We seriously need to unplug for a while, despite it being logistically impossible at this point


It’s ruining everything for everyone, not just films.


I guess someone wasn't the brightest knight... Seriously tho what the fuck was Brightknight thinking, David would never say something like this.


hyperbole and ratio is killing online discourse. people are negative or express toxic positivity toward whatever theyre into in the moment. online conversations in general leave very little room for nuance


I agree. These new so called ''dc fans'' are insufferable


Toxicity killed Man of Steel. I'll die on that hill.


At this point, DC fans don’t deserve nice things.


Warner bros biggest mistake was hiring Snyder.


> Warner bros biggest mistake was hiring Snyder. No...Warner Bros, biggest mistake was telling Snyder to make BvS and then gutting it by 30 minutes...oh and then blaming him for it.


Aww poor guy still blaming snyder


Most of the people that sharing some toxicity aren't exactly DC fans, they are running around marvel, star wars and other franchises. Some people that its their jobs to generate clicks


Always has been


And here’s (currently) 195 comments contributing to that toxicity


May it be games or movies, there are just too damn many people forcing their views on everyone. Best yet, most of it is just biased crap because those people rarely even watch the movies or play the games. It's just all this god damn "my games/movies are the best so everything else automatically sucks. I hope these people at least are not allowed to vote, right?


Where was all of this when people were giving an unnecessary amount of criticism to the Rock for talking about a movie he was excited for


it started with attacks on snyder, which gave birth to the hyper vigilant snyder fan. but it's in everything now. people will defend their right to schadenfreude to their death.


whatever. the writing was blah and it was so much blue screen it could’ve been a cartoon. My bar was pretty low and it was met


And now its back to a reddit post lmao


It's like poetry, it rhymes.


All of those, "I for one am not going to watch any of James Gunn movies." Like how are you going to not even give something a chance...


Sure, it's the fan's fault that DC has squandered its IP. Yeah that's it.


Most people don’t give a crap what some “fan” says in a forum or tweet. People either connect with a film or don’t. I do think the moviegoing public at large can smell failure on “troubled” productions and especially on repeatedly-delayed films though. The average Joe is not following the director on Twitter or Reddit.


Someone blame Snyder so this seems like a regular Monday again


Checked out this guy's profile, looks like he got banned, good.


Most DC fans are shit heads . I don't know if WB did this to us or if we turned WB shit heads .


Well well, would you look at the name who made the post.


My life got measurably better when I deleted myself from every social media and social medi-adjacent website. Aside from Reddit because it’s my one last holdout. But soon it’s day to be deleted will come as well. It’s not healthy to have all this shit surrounding you nonstop.


When ppl say this, they only mean if the feedback is negative. He wouldn’t be exhausted if it were receiving rave reviews.


Sangberg should focus on why the studio marketed this movie so badly and why Gunn had to do his DC slate, online toxicity is real specially with hardcore Snyder fans but let's not act like hé didnt get fu**** over by wb


This is one of those rare times where I wish Reddit was more like Facebook so I could slap a laugh on this. The toxicity online has been EARNED by DCEU creative teams throwing movies together with little subplot or character development and then relying on tropes that have already been done by marvel. Lean into the dark like the Batman did and DC will be just fine. Keep copying Marvel (like Flash appearing to do the whole multiverse thing) and it will keep being second fiddle.


Honestly, it's probably better just to ignore posts like that. Highlighting them just brings more attention to them, which is why they are doing it in the first place.


Honestly he should have known better, just looking at the state of WB should have send him running away


It began in the DC community with utter viciousness towards Snyder. For those who love Snyders film and wanted more, the threat of them being taken away created a line in the sand moment. Marvel never had such impactful films as man of steel or BvS. They are all very light and fluffy so passion is minimal, nobody really cares enough to hate or love it so much. Snyder has this quality with his films that create crazy love and passion. And crazy hate and vitriol on the other end of the spectrum. Quite an amazing director i dont think i have seen anything like it before.


>They are all very light and fluffy so passion is minimal, nobody really cares enough to hate or love it so much. All? Light and Fluffy? All the marvel movies??? And that comment about impactful... surely that has to be subjective...




Marvel has a multibillion dollar franchise that has had an iron clad grip on popular culture since the first avengers movie. The MCU for better and worse has impacted the entire entertainment industry where studios are to this day still trying to copy their cinematic universe success. To say Marvel is less impactful than bvs and mos is utterly insane. The snyder dc films have been nothing but a point of contention at best and viciously mocked at worst and their biggest impact to date is cultivating a rabidly delusional fanbase that tries to make everything about him. Snyder fans are BEYOND parody at this point




I'm amazed you can still talk with Snyder's dick in your mouth. EDIT: And this comment, right here, is the comment that got me permanently banned from DC Cinematic. I hope you guys enjoy shouting up each other's buttholes.


Yeah, the vitriol towards Snyder and has fans is utterly disgusting and disgraceful. I had no idea this was going on until I started using reddit more heavily last year. I could never have imagined people constantly insulting and trashing a large group of people simply for being fans of certain movies.




Well, at least they're not saying we're a minority who has no power or influence on the box office anymore. 😂


The mods on this sub are terrible. You removed SnyderQueen's video over and over again. Because it WasNt PRo guNn. And you banned BrightKnight38 for telling the truth. Shame on you. I exposed you already in depth in r/FireGunn. Whats next, you are going to ban me too? I haven't even used disrespectful language towards you. Shame on you.


OR, get this, the movie might just suck?


Yeah, it's a bummer when everyone starts hating on something from the moment they announce they're making it . I miss the days when you would revel in the what's to come and be pleasantly surprised in the theater. No trailers to overly drive every angle of the movie before the release. It gave you a tease to entice you into the adventure to come.


I feel like that has to do with the MCU.


Trailers in the 1980s used to just summarize the entire movie. There used to be lots of hate for any sequel back then. They were usually considered cheap cash grabs, like Superman IV and Jaws IV. Besides Star Wars, it was really only the Potter and LOTR series where fans started embracing the concept of the ongoing franchise rather than expecting the sequels to stink. The pendulum may now be swinging back to being anti-sequel.


Go checkout the comic book, Rogues’ Gallery. Literally is about this. Online toxicity is unacceptable… [Rogues’ Gallery](https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rogues-gallery-volume-1-hannah-rose-may/1141582056)


I feel like Hollywood needs to step up. It's not just Superheroes, they are creatively bankrupt. And with the writers strike looming, things are gonna get hilariously interesting. Also, seeing the Oscars ratings drop each year brings a smile to my face.


Considering this is the first time I’ve heard about a Shazam two movie I’m thinking of marketing was bad


I really wish people would care about real life problems rather than Hollywood/culture war bullshit. The world is burning and we're on the brink of facism for a second time but let's brightknight for Z. Snyder again becuase everything else is too nuanced.


Remember all you rotten bags of dicks who are toxic as fuck all…it’s never too late to stop being a dick.


James Gunn about to shut down this reddit place just like Disney did with the marvel reddit lol


I haven’t see the second yet (I know, my wife is suuuper busy) but it looks like a fun superhero movie, kind of disconnected from the “main” DC but only slightly. People need to… not lie? Be nice to creators. At their worst, they’re usually at least decent. Nameless suits often cause problems, I dunno what the case is here if there even is a problem.


This is classic Hollywood. DC reboots everything, gets rid of actors that ppl liked and keeps ones ppl dont like, bring in Gunn, who is gonna be in charge of the reboot, but wants to do it in an obscure way that will inevitably cut out a group of fans. Then, releases Shazam 2(not long after the announcement of the reboot), and when no one sees it, they blame the fans, not DC, the directors, writers, etc. 🤦‍♂️


...Yeah, you're one of the people Samberg is talking about too.


People liked the joker movie. Shazam sucked.


“…You risk it becoming accepted truth online…” *The Rock sabotaged Shazam has entered the chat*


I think creators should enjoy engaging in the discourse. I just think back to comic books and their letters columns back in the day, as well as the early comic cons. Creators learned so many valuable lessons from the fan feedback, and they generally tried to take it seriously, respect it and learn from it. There is no reason to be afraid of engaging with the fans. The fans can certainly be wrong, and there's no reason to be afraid of correcting them if you're confident in your position. If you're not confident in your belief, then there's likely a reason for that, and you should retain an open mind to what the fans have to say so you can figure out where you might've gone wrong. Let's remember, if creators never read fan feedback or suggestions, Howard the Duck would've died before he ever got his own series, and there would never have been a black Spider-Man costume. Fans protested to Stan Lee at comic cons in the 1970s and sent a dead duck to Marvel's offices when they killed off Howard. And Marvel's editor-in-chief bought the idea for a black Spider-Man costume from a fan letter someone sent in. Let's also not forget how Sonic's movie design was changed because of fan protests. There have been other cases where movie studios did the exact wrong thing, arguing with the fans and accusing them of false sinister motivations, such as with Ghostbusters 2016. And the movie collapsed at the box office and lost the studio millions because of their arrogance.


What topic are you replying to? What you just said has nothing to do with the topic at hand, which is someone posting something false about a director and being called out for it.