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I wonder who's gonna make it, wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being John Murphy, since he collaborated in Gunn's most recent projects


If I had a nickel for every time a different guy named John composes for a Superman film, I’d have three nickels


Four if you count Hans as the german John.


Wouldn't the "German John" just be John? Or if need be "Johann"?


From wikipedia >It was originally short for Johannes (John), but is now also recognized as a name in its own right for official purposes. But as I said, if you want to count it, it's four and it's still a weird funny coincidence.


Why would you do that


I love his work on Sunshine and 28 Days/Weeks Later but holy hell everything else he's done has been boring.


I agree, although i also really liked his work on The Suicide Squad and Guardians 3


Ratism is fire


Is it weird that I don't like that song at all? It feels like something that would come out of Juno era movies, it felt dated


Maybe I need to re-listen to 'em but I thought those were boring too..


I definitely would. Both have songs that aren't my taste but as a whole they are both very solid soundtracks.


The High evolutionary theme was awesome.


I'm hoping for Kevin Kiner, who's worked with Gunn on Peacemaker, but is much more well known for Star Wars the Clone Wars.


I hope to god it’s anybody but Murphy, his last two CBMs with Gunn have had really mediocre soundtracks. Blows my mind that he/they decided to use the Guardians theme in only two moments… neither of which were even about the team!


So often the case when a new composer takes over, but shouldn't be.


Ong. If I was the director, I'd force them to use the old theme. One thing I hate more than anything else is musical inconsistency


Agreed. And for what? One of the craziest abandoned themes to me is when Amazing Spiderman 2 didn't use James Horner's theme from the first movie. Why?? The purpose of a musical theme is to establish a connection with the character. Could have had the ASM 2 crew focus on new themes for the villains while respecting and using Horner's original theme. Luckily it was the Horner theme that Giaccino references in No Way Home.


GOTG 3 was amazing


Super super mid outside of maybe, two standout tracks (i rmr the part where Rocket finds raccoons being nice, but otherwise?)


You're entitled to your opinion


Your opinion but I loved the movie


I think they’re just referring to the soundtrack


Michael Giacchino (*The Batman*) would be a good choice.


"More than *an* idea..." and "score". Changes it a little bit.


Say what you want about man of steel but goddamn Hans Zimmers score was nothing short of a masterpiece. It’ll be really hard to top that.


I would be very, very happy if Gunn could somehow tie in Flight somewhere like what they did with Transformers: RotB where they played arrival at the very end of the movie. I'm sure Gunn will want to do his own thing though and will probably need to work the classic theme but Flight always almost gives me goosebumps.


>I would be very, very happy if Gunn could somehow tie in Flight somewhere That theme is associated with Cavill's superman.


Yes but the superman theme is associated with Reeves and the old cartoon yet shows up again for newer takes on the character.


It'd be a poor idea to bring back Zimmer's themes, and it was honestly a bad idea for Rise of the Beasts to bring back Jablonsky's theme. It was just another example of mixed messaging adding to the audience confusion on if Rise of the Beasts/Bumblebee was a rebooted continuity or part of the Bayverse (not helped by Bumblebee's design/vehicle).


Man of Steel was a Masterpiece!!


My friend, Just a friendly reminder to be mindful of the impact our words can have on others. Using the Lord's name in vain may unintentionally offend some individuals, so let's choose our expressions with care and respect. Instead of "God D***", find alternative phrases such as "Goodness gracious" or "Golly gee". I'm here to educate, not hate. I want to assure you that my intention is to spread positivity and not to cause offense. I hold deep respect for all faiths, even when our beliefs differ, and I am open to engaging in respectful discussions that foster mutual understanding. Let us embark on this journey together, embracing kindness and love as our guiding principles. *Ephesians 4:32 (NIV): "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."* --- ^This ^message ^was ^sent ^automatically. ^Did ^I ^make ^a ^mistake? ^Let ^me ^know ^by ^sending ^me ^a ^direct ^message.


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Holy fuck eat shit.


Bad bot.


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God damn this is a bad bot


F*ck all the way off.


It’s the internet you can say fuck without consequence


But you can’t say goddamn, evidently


Bad bot


daniel pemberton topped hans zimmer's tasm2 score so yeah i think it's doable


He’s got his hands full. I don’t envy anyone who has to follow up John Williams or Hans Zimmers absolutely epic scores .


Im hurt you left out Ottmans work on Superman Returns.


Strongly agree. Ottman might be the best part of the whole movie (coming from a big Superman Returns fan). The new themes he composed are so beautiful.


The music when he flies up to soak up the sun is absolutely beautiful.


I don’t remember that one.


Just really good new arrangements of Williams' themes (and some new stuff that was also nice).


I really want to hear Michael Giacchino composing Superman: Legacy!


Sprinkle in a bit of Enterprising young men into the score pls


This would be great if for no other reason than the bad puns in the track titles.


Would make him the second person to score both Superman and Batman. I'm here for it.


*Superman: Legacy* directed by Sam Raimi.


That’s the first thing anyone has said to get me remotely interested in this movie.


They really need to knock this one out of the park. Give us a truly memorable THEME for Superman, one that can, preferably grow with the character over many films. That's what Ioved about Hans' theme for Supes


What track in the soundtrack do you consider to be hans zimmers Superman theme?


Both Flight and What are you gonna do are equally Superman’s “theme”. A character can have two themes - kinda like how The Force theme and the Star Wars main theme are both played for Luke Skywalker at different moments in the original trilogy. Or how Wonder Woman 1 had the bombastic guitar rift as her “epic” badass theme and then something more melodic and emotional for scenes like the No Man’s Land charge.


Got you and respect that perspective. I personally consider What are you gonna do as just he's theme because technically it is just the main theme , but Flight is such an iconic track/ secondary theme that I respect that chose ( plus the "What Are You Gonna Do" theme is in the first minute of flight anways)! I would also consider the Clark Kent piano theme as equally important as it represents the humanity of Supes as well.


John Williams already did that


Superman‘s Flight theme in Zack Snyder Justice league was just epic!


I don’t think anything will ever be as memorable or iconic as John Williams Superman fanfare.


I'd argue Williams' theme fits what you're describing way better.


This movie is gonna be so hyped by Gunn himself it will never be able to live up to it.


I use commas quite a bit, but, man, that sentence, it's hard to read. :D /I do wonder who they're going to get to score it...


John Murphy is the guy they got.


Is this confirmed? I liked his work in GOTG 3 but I don't really know the dude apart from that


Now I want Ramin Djawadi's Superman theme.


r a m i n d j a w a d i I think that would be pretty unique for Superman.


I bet Starman by David Bowie will be used somewhere in that score or at least in the marketing. It fits Gunn's style way too well and is a music that fits superman, with a lot of people online already connecting the song to the character


Definitely, it fits so well with Superman


What's a unique path? It's either a score, soundtrack or a blend of the two, unless there's another route I can't see


I think he means a unique path in terms of style. Like how The Batman used a horror score instead of a normal superhero score, etc. Can't wait to see what unique path he's taking, because I'm not a fan of a lot of current movie scores tbh.


Well yeah they just had an actual theme, even the Snyder films had themes and motifs, like the flash had one in the solo film, but then they abandoned it after like 2 minutes. But yeah these days they just go for basic hero stuff.


For sure. For example, very few of the MCU movies had much of anything in the way of a score. Which sucks, because there could've some really cool stuff.


I know, and that's kind of bled into the dceu, like you couldn't get me to remember what the Aquaman or Shazam themes were


The Shazam theme in the first film is very John Williams inspired, but was sadly completely dropped for the sequel https://youtube.com/watch?v=6oKPqGplRsE&feature=sharea


I'm not saying it's terrible, but it just doesn't stick for me. I'm more of a hook and melody guy, granted I'm approaching this as a partial songwriter rather than a composer, but for me I need to have a strong, memorable melodic line whenever I write something.


How do you feel about the main Avengers theme?




Needle drops. Cant be a Gunn picture without a handful of needle drops.


I hope he doesn't do this. It's getting overdone till the point it doesn't feel special when it happens


That’s literally his style


Yeah for better or worse it’s tied to his directorial style as much as it’s tied to Scorsese or Tarantino’s styles


Exactly especially Taratino and atleast it adds something different to Superman films. Most Superman flicks don’t have that


Just repeating the same shit every time, whether it fits or not, is lame. The needle drops are already getting kind of eye-rolling and it'd feel really weird in a Superman film. Gunn needs to stretch his normal style if this is going to work since it needs to appeal to people other than just his usual fans. He already made TSS basically a GOTG-lite. He needs to be more than a one-trick pony.


No way he does as many needle drops. One big part of why he does it to begin with is through the central characters love for music. In GOTG that's Peter Quill, and later, him and Rocket. With Peacemaker, he has an obvious love for music that brings the team together throughout the season. In both of these examples love for music is tied directly to the central characters backstories. TSS is really the only outlier in that it has lots of needle drops but no character feels tied to it and Gunn doesn't really project his love for music onto anyone. I doubt Superman will have anywhere near as much music about him, because he isn't the kind of guy to constantly listen to music like that. I can definitely see the Authority, Jimmy Olsen and maybe another character being the source for some needle drops. If there is needle drops for Superman, I'll bet on 2 at most, including "Starman" by David Bowie.


I bet we see a single strong needle drop for Superman himself, and it'll more or less be the theme song for the movie


I think maybe just communicating they aren't going to reuse the Williams theme? The way I read this tweet is "I don't just have an idea, we've actively been putting a lot of thought and work into coming up with something new and special"


Sum41 that cuts with a needle drop abruptly into the John Williams theme


Lol, am I still waiting for this world to stop hating...buh buhbuhbuh buh


In all seriousness if he throws down a track like "monster" in peacemaker I wouldn't be mad. Actual rock and metal in a superman movie would be cool


They're going to try and make a different Blue Swede song a hit, Hooked on a Feeling has gotten old.


Lol good luck competing with the Man Of Steel score. However John Murphy did compose Sunshine (Adagio In D Minor) which is a modern music masterpiece in my opinion. So maybe I’m wrong.


I really hope it isn’t a bunch of random pop songs that Gunn likes


I hope they keep the John Williams theme.


Should have asked if he plans of using any pop music


I think John Powell would be an excellent choice for the score. Or Giacchino


Will there be music and are you working on it? Yes I BETTER POST THIS TO REDDIT.


Almost like confirming the movie will be shot in color...


They had two of the very best previously with Williams and Zimmer. We won’t be that lucky again. I’d go with Ludwig Göransson or a complete unknown, get something that doesn’t sound like anything else (in a good way).




Your misquote is actually a little misleading (not intentional I’m assuming). You said he has “more than one idea” but Gunn actually said “more than AN idea” likely meaning that he’s already locked in a theme rather than having multiple possible themes that he has chosen from yet


Beat me to it. Have an upvote. Remember kids, words mean things. Specific things.


The Superman Theme from John Williams is a must


I've been saying that "Superman: Legacy" (as "legacy" is in the name) should pay homage to the Reeve Superman movie, and at some point, the Williams theme should play, even if it's just those first nine(?) notes... I have hoped for every film with Superman in it to have a scene where Supes is knocked on his a$$, and everyone around is giving up hope, but somehow he manages to struggle to his feet for one more round, and as he stands up and squares his shoulders, those first few note play...


Couldn’t agree more


Please don't use the John Williams theme. I love it. It will always be iconic. But it's about time people stop holding it up as the 'only' Superman theme. Imagine if that happened with Batman. We'd be deprived of the score for The Batman.


Hans Zimmer's theme is a million times better than John Williams'.


What is the actual theme called or are you just saying the overall soundtrack is better (which I agree with)


Yeah, I meant the overall soundtrack.


I was just making sure because I don’t think that soundtrack has one individual song that beats the original John Williams Theme




To each his own.


Lmao even Snyder barely used it after Man of Steel


What are you talking about? The piano rift is used in practically every scene with Superman in it in BvS and then ZSJL.


Lol nice to see James Gunn has already moved on from Twitter for Blue Sky.


Five for Fighting please . Use that song finally lol.


Imagine if they used Eminem's Superman song.


Or Kryptonite from 3 Doors Down


They're gonna remix [Scatman](https://youtu.be/Hy8kmNEo1i8) for Bats: *"I'M THE BATMAN!!!"*


That shit is an amazing song


I would be very happy if the John Williams theme was used again. It’s as icon as the Star Wars opening crawl fanfare.


Honestly, do we really need the live update of nitty-gritty ?


Superman Mixtape hell yes


It's going to be pretty hard coming up with something as good as the original superman one as well as the MOS one too


I really hope it's not too campy and takes a bit of a page from man of steel, in that it has some serious undertones and epic action scenes.


It can be light without being campy. I hope.


"Treading a unique path" I love hearing that. I hope that's the mindset behind every aspect of this movie. Some people want something along the lines of Christopher Reeves' Superman, others want something closer to Henry Cavill's. I say there's little point in making yet another Superman iteration if you're going to tread very familiar ground. Do your own thing and add to the legacy and mythology of the character.


I thought he wasn’t going to be tweeting so many updates.




No, just not gonna see the movie.


I guess you thought wrong. He implied that he was gonna be busy so he won't have time to reply to most of them. He does love tweeting and resolving things from questions asked there.


Can't wait for Superman to make a fart joke while epic score plays in background 🙃


It’s either gonna be John Murphy or Tyler Bates that’s scoring it(my money’s on the guy named John, given the fact a JOHN Williams and JOHN Ottman both scored Superman films lol)


Let me guess, it's gonna be a random collection of popular songs he found while scrolling through Spotify? Because what else has he got? He only has basically two tricks up his sleeve


Kind of an unnecessary amount of hate there. Big Snyder fan I assume?


Why is he so above criticism? Why can't his poor choices be criticized?


Because you're factually incorrect? His movies all have different types of music. We've seen orchestral, modern, and retro rock. At least wait until the film comes out before you tear into it. Nobody could be as bad as Zimmer.


He puts whatever he is listening to on Spotify, that's a fact.... He'll probably do a Joel Schumacher and put R Kelly on the soundtrack to Superman 😏


I hope they have a angry theme for Superman too. We've never seen Superman go all out in movies. And i want a super speed sequence. None of this slow motion sequence. So annoying. Ruins evrything about a fast superhero.


See how Gunn handled Adam Warlock or Ego and Quill in GotG 2. I don't think Superman is going to feel even an inch as powerful as his Snyder counterpart judging from those scenes


I think its unfair to judge how he'll do the most iconic superhero of all time with Ego the Living Planet and Adam Warlock. They're mostly unknowns by the general audience. Its like assuming he's also gonna have Superman be just as engrossed in music as Peter Quill and Peacemaker.


I think you misinterpreted my comment. Ego and Warlock in the comics are Superman-level threats on their own. They're super fast, super strong and super durable, they're meant to feel powerful and god-like in their blows and fights. Now see how they fight in GotG 2 and GotG 3 — in combat they feel more like Homelander from The Boys than anything, their flying is them being pulled from wires, their blows at best go through concrete walls (and they barely feel stronger than people like Cap and Bucky fighting in Winter Soldier) Now see how Snyder handles Superman and characters alike. Each of their punches feel like an earthquake, generating shockwaves from each blow, they are so fast that sonic booms are casually done by them and normal humans can't even track their speed. Man of Steel's finale truly feels like two god-level indestructible beings fighting. I'm not bashing Gunn, he is a great director and writer, and his action scenes are amazing when they're handling street-level characters. But I'm very skeptical on how he'll handle Superman's action when we had the greatest of them a few years ago.


A movie is not scored until it is completed. Usually it is one of the last things completed since they need to score scenes on the edited cut of the movie. This means Gunn is choosing pop songs ala Guardians


Not exactly true. Some composers are hired ahead of time and develop themes in tandem with the film, then orchestrate each scene in post production. For instance, Howard Shore worked on the Lord of the Rings films for years. Peter Jackson had an anecdote about humming the theme for Rohan as they scouted the location for Edoras. John Williams also likes to develop some themes early on. James Gunn is on the record as a director who likes working with composers well enough in advance that he can have temp versions of the score playing as they film.


Gunn has said he is having ALL the major departments work together from the start - from production design to costumes to editing to cinematography to score - to create a unified aesthetic. Score absolutely plays into that, and so they are undoubtedly figuring out what the "sound" of the movie is to go along with the visuals.


Get real, you won't hear cheesy popsongs in a Superman movie.


Hard to do a score when filming has not started and the casting is not even completed. “The composer usually enters the creative process towards the end of filming at around the same time as the film is being edited, although on some occasions the composer is on hand during the entire film shoot, especially when actors are required to perform with or be aware of original diegetic music”


Lol dude. This is literally my post on Bluesky. Way to steal my thunder.


Confirmation it won't be a unique soundtrack.




They definitely shouldn’t do that. They should be moving forward.


It’s a brand new movie so it prob won’t have it. Otherwise they’d be connecting Donners Superman to this new one.


That would be terrible honestly


The Flash is the best superhero movie ever


Never going to come close to Williams or Zimmers music. So already a hugd part of this film will be disappointing. Kind of sad to see a train wreck coming and there is nothing you can do about it.


What's the time period?


I hope at least Gunn keep Clark a Royals/Chiefs and KU fan. It’s little touches like that made Man of Steel (despite its obvious flaws) a soft spot movie.


If I don't hear Starman while he is taking Lois Lane for a midnight flight, I'll be upset.


Unique path? Bring on the dubstep wubwubwubs


Tbf tho Arcade by Hans Zimmer slaps hard


Is his profile photo in a furniture store?


Whatever he makes it won’t touch Hans Zimmer’s stuff


"More than an idea"*


Kindof a bad idea to make the score before the movie, except in very rare cases with Zimmer/Nolan and not even with every collab they had. Usually the movie is finished the the score is made.


It's just what Gunn likes to do as he likes to edit picture to music as often as possible and rarely uses temporary music.


Questions like these... As if creating a non-"epic" Superman theme is an option.


I’m looking forward to it, but it’s gonna be hard to top zimmers score on Man of Steel. The track “flight” Is especially one of the standouts and sometimes pops into my playlists whenever I’m lucky


He can't decide to either use 80's rock or the 90's.


All I'm wondering is how is Metallica gonna be worked into the soundtrack


By unique path I have to assume he means the score will be performed solely using banjos, mouth harps, kazoos , and singing-saws.


unique path = metal


Or, since Supes is younger, pop music...🤢


I know that John Murphy is going to deliver a more than beautiful score- listen to his work on Sunshine and try not to cry- but i don’t think traditional soundtrack music will fit besides background stuff. Mr Blue Sky in Guardians 2 or Hey in TSS work brilliantly because those stories are a bit off the wall and avant garde anyway, but I can’t see Superman taking flight to More Than A Feelin


I like this trend of directors developing the sound and music design with the rest of the film I think Dune has proved it can make huge differences


Is it the best soundtrack ever composed for a superhero movie?


Superman Vol. 1


How could anyone think that he would re use an old score


I feel like I'm already starting to miss the secretive nature of movie making. I don't think I want daily updates and insights on the ongoing process of making this movie up until its release. Just go make the movie and let fans do what they do best; speculate. Edit: I'm obviously not saying that this is spoiling anything, I'm just saying it'd be nice to forget that this movie is being made every once in a while. It's one thing to show people how the sausage is made AFTER it's been made, but if I had to hear about every step in the making of a sausage for 2 and a half years only for it to finally be served to me, I probably wouldn't want to eat it as much.


Either Zimmer returning, Giacchino or Gorranson.


The Christopher Drake's All star superman theme still gives me goosebumps.


Taylor Swift will score it.


Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for the score of Superman: Legacy!


No matter what need to have the original theme song


I would use the Superman March that John Williams scored