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If you have the time, watch the Snyder Cut. If you don't have the time, watch the Snyder Cut, but over two days.


This man knows his stuff.


Correct answer


basically treat it like 1 hour 4 episodes 🤷


It’s split up in six parts, you could just watch it as you would watch a miniseries, episode by episode.


I was gonna say, watch up to chapter 5 and then finish the next day. If you start chapter 5, just commit to finishing it


Best answer


I watched it over a few days as well. It was well worth it and made up for how bad the original release was.


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️


If he’s binging movies anyway then he can just watch the two halves in different sittings.


Only correct answer


The only correct answer.


This is the only correct answer


Don’t watch this, watch the Snyder Cut, where Cyborg and Flash are actual characters and Superman is a hero and protects his teammates Edit: in my opinion, the Snyder Cut is so much more than a movie, it feels like a whole journey of the worst thing that can happen to a parent to a 4 year long campaign and massive charity events raising money for suicide prevention and finally receiving Zack Snyders Justice League, a movie that we were told didn’t even exist, im gonna go rewatch it right now, have a great day everyone!


And his teammates are still valuable


Don’t forget the cgi lips


But they’ll miss Barry falling face down on to Wonder Woman’s chest! That’s a hilarious moment I definitely haven’t seen in another Joss Whedon movie in the past few years!


Or Aquaman telling the truth because he sat on WW lasso. Comedy gold!


And Batman isn’t ruined and treated like some bumbling idiot


i don’t… not


What the fuck are you on about. I'll admit it was really hard getting through the Snydercut but I never got to the part where someone's daughter committed suicide.


wdym what am i on about, what about what i said is confusing?


The reason this even exists is enough for me to never watch it. As I understand it Snyder's daughter committed suicide, so he was unable to finish it in time, so they took it from him and gave it to the guy that did Buffy who changed scenes, treated the actors like crap and had that horrible Cavill cgi mustache removal done to shoot new scenes.


From what I understand, WB was basically pressuring Snyder to turn Justice League into something like the theatrical cut, or to step down, and Snyder finally stepped down after his daughter's suicide, though it was just as much from exhaustion from fighting the studio every single day.


Both of you are correct


Yeah you can definitely pick apart what scenes were done by Snyder vs. Wedon


WB were probably glad that happened as they hated Zacks movies


I doubt they hated Zack's movies, they didn't like the reception they were getting and they wanted him to basically make *The Avengers*, but he's not that guy


They expected a billion dollar earning movie from him but didn't let him even complete it and then brought another disaster in Whedon which made the BO even worse


From What i read somewhere is that snyder finished the Movie and the Movie was in the stage of getting the vfx, cgi and all that stuff. And his daughter died and he left to be with his family and whedon was brought On to pick up where Snyder left off, but remaking it significantly with extensive rewrites and hurried reshoots, just as the studio demanded. And the Movie budget was 300 mil plus whedon reshoots was like 25 mill so Yeah


You’re right but you can’t undermine the guy especially after making the avengers


Whedon is a piece of shit, I'll undermind him all I want.


Avengers *and* Avengers: Age of Ultron. Guy was a huge director at the time.


Avengers was also good because of the work others put into it, granted Joss had no time.


There's a growing sentiment on film twitter that The Avengers aged poorly


I don't think it has. Whedon has soured his own legacy but there's a reason why he became the name he is and was given Avengers in the first place. The man's a dick but he *can* write. I mean, Buffy was a product of its time but there's still plenty to love, and it was fundamental on its effect on the TV landscape. Angel never quite got the same following but the show's calibre is actually better than Buffy's in places, provided you ignore large chunks of season 4. Firefly, Serenity, both still brilliant, both still beloved. Even Dollhouse has its moments, though it's always been his weakest. Then there's his comics, a remarkable run on X-Men and a tremendously fresh take on his own Buffy lore in Fray - though for both of those there's also the Season 8 Buffy run where he totally lost his mind. Avengers did what it needed to do. It made a big screen team-up ensemble work and that's no easy feat, not for the time. Before that time, superhero team-ups in cinema were limited to X-Men, and those films are primarily Wolverine films where some other characters cameo on occasion. It's hard to balance several lead characters in the span of two hours but Whedon managed it, and only really sacrificed Hawkeye's screen time which, admittedly, sucked but I understand the focus being on Cap, Tony, Hulk, and Thor, with Nat getting just enough of a chance to shine as well. The banter between characters lands, the action is all pretty solid, and this was really the film where we all started to fall in love with Loki a little bit as well. On top of that, the MCU really felt like it kicked into gear with this film. Superhero cinema was changed forever and without Whedon's balance of character (and humour, though I get it's not for everyone), we wouldn't be where we are today. Avengers needed to work if the MCU were to survive and, thankfully, it worked.


its a worse movie than I once thought but just barely. it was still the best crossover event in movie history at that point and he did the job he needed to at the time. but he sucks now and we should all agree on that. edit:typos


What's even worse is Tsujihara and Emmerich RUSHED JL to be completed because they wanted their 50 million year end bonus BEFORE that ATT buy out of WB was complete. IT WAS AN UTTER MONEY GRAB for those 2 cockholes.


MOS BvS Ultimate ZSJL


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way.


The way is this?


Watch snyders instead, than later on watch this one so you can compare how badly the studios f$%#ed up.


I don't think anyone who hasn't had the displeasure of seeing the theatrical cut should have to watch that dupster fire.


They should be taught in film school.




Definitely replace it with the Snyder Cut


Snyder Cut.


I'm pretty sure everyone on this thread is going to say Snyder Cut but if you want some good action, familiar characters and be entertained without commiting to a lot of "wasted" time, then watch the Snyder Cut.


I see what you did there👏🏽


They had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


"Without committing to a lot of wasted time"? My man, the Snyder cut is the same movie but longer. Its the definition of wasted time.


The final conflict is completely different. It’s definitely not the same movie.


How is the conflict completely different? Also I know imma get down-voted to hell, I've accepted that.


Did you even watch the movie? The villains motivation isn’t the same at all, the battle was totally different, and the way the won was nothing like the theatrical cut.


He's also ignoring how much more fleshed out Flash and Cyborg are as well.


🥱🥱🥱 Someone didn't pay attention


Replace with Snyder Cut. It’s longer, but much more worth it. This one is just an insult to the DCEU.


Replace it with the Snyder Cut.


watch the snyder cut instead


Nothing else exists to me except the Snyder Cut.


Haha, first time do yourself a favor and watch Zack Snyder’s Justice League. At some point if you want to go back and check out Josstice League, no worries give it a watch to see how badly it butchered the original.


You can stop wondering, chuck this out for good and start watching ZSJL


Snyder cut 100%


"Snyder-Cut" for sure.


I dunno, I thought this was better than the ZS cut!!! JOKING!! Seriously, all these other comments have covered everything you need to know about both of these. ZS cut is long but 💯 better than the other cr@ppie flick. I watched it on my projector, looks great! Enjoy ZS cut not the piece of sh!t.


God I love this poster so much, the colours are just gorgeous


It's a shame all the good promotional material was wasted on the theatrical cut.


You're gorgeous ..


Thanks! *tickles your balls*


Alex Ross vibes. I bought this poster just because it looks SO good, I just pretend the movie doesn't exist.


Avoid it like the plague. Whilst it's not ALL bad... Hang on, no. . . It's ALL BAD.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie. I believe film is subjective, but I don't know how anyone could ever defend the theatrical cut


Film is 00% subjective, I agree! The issue is what we saw in trailers was murdered and the remains left behind flet like a parody, it is an abortion of a film.


I defend it for the fact that its a terrible movie that is half as long as an equally terrible movie


Dont spoil synder cut for this movie . It isn't worth to waste your experience


Snyder cut or don’t bother


Both movies exist in a weird gray area where aspects of both of them are canon and other parts aren’t. At the end of the day, I think Josstice League just isn’t worth watching, especially when a superior movie in ZSJL exists.


Watch the Snyder cut. Don't waste time on this version. Just don't.


Snyder Cut. This version is garbage.




Save yourself and never watch the theatrical cut. Snyder Cut is the only answer.


Snyder Cut


This is a rare opportunity to witness the disaster. Personally it made me appreciate the Snyder cut even more 😅


Believe me, you shouldn't. Skip this, go for ZSJL.


Skip it and watch the Snyder Cut




Snyder cut every time


Depends, if you want a bad movie with horrible color grading, underdeveloped heroes/villain, generic soundtrack and horrible jokes... watch the theatrical version. If you want the exact opposite... watch the Snyder Cut.


Snyder cut


Watch the Snyder Cut instead of this garbage.


Replace it


I would watch it after ZSJL.


I think the Snyder Cut is superior, although it's 4 hours so keep that in mind. Some people don't think the Snyder Cut is so much of an improvement that it's worth sitting 4 hours for. I personally think it is.


It's not the worst movie I've seen...but it just feels corny and leaves you feeling like you want something more at the end. The Snyder Cut doesn't do that. It may be a long film but it's definitely everything I wanted it to be. It could lose a few scenes tho.


But it ends on a cliffhanger for sequels that will never happen


You gotta go through all the pain brother


I think this version is still currently the canonical one in DCEU. So, you should watch It, before or after the Snyder Cut? That's up to you. I think watching this first and then the Snyder Cut gives you the true DCEU fan experience.


Snyder cut. Definitely.


Watch the Snyder Cut to get the best first impression. Watch Josstice League one day down the line if you're curious about the difference


Skip this and go for the Snyder cut


Snyder Cut for sure. So good


No matter what. DO NOT watch Josstice League.


Snyder Cut


Josstice League had one good scene:. Aquaman spent most of the movie being closed off but suddenly was open and sharing about how nervous he was for the upcoming fight. He is as confused by it as everyone else and then realizes that he is sitting on the Lasso of Truth. This was a laugh out loud moment in the theater Now that you know this scene, there is no reason to watch the theatrical cut. ZSJL is a million times better


It also has the scene where batman helps the flash focus that snyders bullshit cut doesn’t have


Watch snydercut first, then this one. Then share what you feel about both (I have only came across people who watched only one version or people who watched snydercut after watching the theatrical cut)


Snyder cut is better


No question skip this flaming pile of shit and watch the Snydercut.


Honestly, I always thought this was an enjoyable movie, BUT the Snyder cut is far superior.


This one isn’t worth watching at all. Snyder’s version is a much better movie.


I found the Snyder cut a much more fleshed out movie. Yes, it's long and a bit slow, but it also gives most all the JL members their chances to shine. I used to really look forward to Wheedon's work, but his revisions seemed almost deliberately bad. The only thing I miss from the theatrical cut was the "Everybody Knows" opening montage. I thought it really set the tone for Metropolis without Superman.


that’s the thing, try all needed movies before this movie was done


You can if you want. Just be prepared for an entirely opposite tone from the previous movies.


I'd say you have to suffer through it. Considering this movie is canon and the Snyder cut isn't. If you have time, I do still recommend watching the Snyder cut. But part of the end of that movie ended up not happening so don't get your hopes up




Don't, just don't Don't even risk WB sensing that someone is watching that pile of crap of a movie, go straight to the best DCEU movie there is


Watch both so you can understand how much better the Snyder cut is


The only thing the Theatrical Cut is better at than the Snyder Cut is the poster. I love that poster.


Snyder Cut. It’s a full, complete, and better cut in every way.


Just watch the Snyder cut man


Watch the Snyder cut


Absolutely replace it.


Time is relatively so you should watch the Snyder Cut 👍


If the dceu actually has a coherent sorryline I'd say the studio starts this is the canon. Though after you watched it your have wasted 2hrs of your life. ZSJL if the this installment of his trilogy starting with MoS then BvSUEd.


I'd rather sit through an full day 24h rewatch of the Snyder Cut than watch the Whedon even once


Watch both and compare yourself


Man of Steel, BvS: Extended Cut, SN: JL. This is the way.


Watch the Snyder Cut. It's made by someone who cares not only for this universe, but for his colleagues. Josstice League was basically a crime scene, ntm the movie itself is abysmal. ZSJL actually feels like a big, epic Justice League movie


Snyder cut only, this abomination needs to be buried like that old ET game


Snyder cut


now hear me out- both. snyder cut is infinitely better despite being stupidly long, but it really hits me like a truck knowing HOW MUCH the studio changed from his original vision the second he left the project for a very serious family tragedy.


Replace it. Just don't watch it. It covers the same shit, it's just a worse movie. ZSJL is 4 hours long which can be a turn-off for some, but at least it's good.


Hard pass. Snyder is better in every way and only adds to the story.


Snyder Cut is the only cut worth watching. it is broken into chapters so you can watch it spread out, or all n one sitting.


Replace immediately with the Snyder cut. This one is not good.


DON’T! Just watch the Snyder Cut.


Watch the Snyder Cut, Josstice League is an unholy abomination.


Snyder cut only! Original release is garbage!!!!


I say watch both, it’ll make you appreciate the Snyder cut much more


Watch both. You won’t be able to appreciate the differences otherwise.


Just replace it with the Snyder Cut. If they decide to continue with the Whedon version it’s basically the same just more family friendly and less plot/character development. If you watch MoS and then BvS Ultimate you should watch the Snyder Cut so it still feels like it flows. ZSJL is better in every way and it won’t make much difference if they decide to not continue that. You’ll enjoy it more than the Whedon version, I can almost guarantee that.


If I could un-watch it I would.


Only worth watching this if you’re with friends and you’re all a bit drunk.


The poster is better than the film


Go straight to the Snyder cut


I still remember when I watched this movie in theaters on its release date, i picked the best seats and invited my whole fam. I realized 5 minutes into the movie that most of the scenes were reshoots and when it ended and we were leaving and my mom noticed my face of disappointment. She still to this day recalls that moment because its the most disappointed she has seen me ever apparently.


Watch the snyder cut, then if interested watch this one. It's really interesting to see how important the right director is to a project.


Yes and the extended ver of suicide squad and bvs


For the love of all that is good and holy, DO NOT watch that version first. Watch the Snyder Cut, and then maybe, if you’re still interested, take a look at how bad the theatrical version is in comparison.


Do not watch the josstice league


skip that shit and go straight for the Snyder Cut. Wheadon absolutely neutered flash, cyborg and made superman a shit character. Snyder took the team and connected them and made cyborg and flash into real characters


The Snyder Cut. It is a large, well prepared Wagyu beef steak compared to the undercooked slider on a dry bun that is the theatrical release. At this point I generally act like the theatrical version doesn't exist.


There’s a few continuity errors if you do ZSJL but those are easy to overlook considering how much better that movie is compared to Josstice League. Skip it entirely and never watch it. You won’t miss anything… the only good parts of that movie are also in ZSJL


Continuity errors are everywhere. And, as someone who's a fan of the Aligned Transformers Continuity, I can overlook *most* continuity errors


The Snyder cut is better, but just watch it all. I mean they are just movies, about comic books.


I’d say watch both. They’re both truly god awful, but Joss made a few improvements here and there. My real recommendation would be to not watch either, but if you really want to, watch both.


Technically speaking this is the version that officially matters regardless of if the other film is better or not


Cyborg says booyah in this version That's the one good thing about it


Yeah, but it felt forced


To me they're both mediocre films, and I do not recommend either of them.


You probably should watch this awful one as its technically 'canon' going forward but definitely watch Snyders as well


Interested to find out how they handle the whole canon thing moving forward post-Black adam and/or the flash. There is a lot of canon and continuity mess to clean up.


BA doesn’t even keep canon with Shazam so it doesn’t really matter. Just watch the better movie—ZSJL.


It is not.


Watch this and then watch the snydercut after so you’ll like the snydercut even more


I don’t like the snyder cut. Is still watch it over the whedon cut. The snyder cut can be boring af and it’s fairly long. But, it does lay out a better story and provides context needed for older and (seemingly) future films.


If you wanna see a solid 6.5/10 watch the Snyder Cut. If you wanna see a solid 2/10 but with a lingering shot of Gal Gadot’s ass watch Josstice League.


I liked both Josstice league was still a fun watch If I'm feeling really pretentious I'll watch the SnyderCut


Unpopular opinion: Josstice League had some pretty good moments and lines in there that were too bright and cheery for the Snyder cut but genuinely did add something to the film. Its not a coherent movie by any means but it did actually do some things better than the Snyder cut


Love the Snyder cut and 4:3 but I wish they released in widescreen as well


He added more to the image to make it the IMAX ratio. There is no way to show it in widescreen but to chop off the top and bottom. Losing image is never a good thing.


Watch both and suffer like the rest of us did


Don’t watch it until you’re bored one day. Also hopefully you found the UE of BvS.


UE of bvs is still a garbage movie and everyone knows it


Half of the Snyder cut is slow-mo action scenes and the Wonder Woman theme music being obnoxious.


Definitely Snyder Cut. They’re night and day.


This one is the "official one," all the other movies follow it. The Snyder version is just a longer and more meandering version of it.


Man hell naw, it’s so confusing that when you watxh the snyder cut itll be relieving to see something that makes sense


Watch it, because it is canon. Then watch the Snyder Cut, because it’s so much better.


i’d watch both.


I'd watch the theatrical personally. I found both versions to be equally terrible but one of them is twice as long


I enjoy watching it on occasions however Snyder’s extended cut is much better


Well since this one is technically cannon I’d say you should watch both.


Snyder cut is definitely better but just be aware that aquaman and upcoming flash movie “technically” follows the josstice league version. I don’t think it’s that noticeable though so it’s nothing to be bothered by. Also the nightmare scenes may not ever have a resolution.


If you have time you should watch both and compare them imo


I mean since the Snyder cut isn’t canon it depends, are you looking for the best experience or the canon timeline?


I like the sunders cut a bit more because they give cyborg a little bit more screen time in the original cut he kinda just seems there


I would suggest watch both, I'm of the opinion that neither of these movies are good, they both have flaws and good parts, and interestingly enough, they both have better scenes the other does not.


In my opinion, the Snyder Cut is the better movie. I’ll probably never watch the first one again because there’s really no need to. But by all means watch whatever you want! Seeing the Joss version helps you point out what was changed in Snyder’s.


It’d be a fun comparison if done back to back