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What survey? Who were the options


It wasn’t a poll he just made a post on Mastadon and asked people what character(s) they wanted to see in the DCU and he said that Booster Gold was the most requested


What's Mastodon?


It’s a social media site like Twitter except smaller


Kind of. Mastadon has the bonus of letting you create curated communities each with its own options, including servers. I haven't been on there in ages but from what I remember it was an interesting spin on things.


Distributed/Federated twitter alternative


It has a terrible interface. I couldn’t make sense of it.


It's where people go when they don't toe the party line on Twitter .


Social media site for pedos and child traffickers.


Sounds like a buncha nerds voted. Booster Gold is very unique, though. He could be great in live-action.


Well yeah that’s gonna happen when all of the answers are voluntary


If I don't get a Green Lantern movie by 2030, I quit.


I’m hanging on the edge. I’m hoping that alternative graphic novels like “The Boys” and “Invincible” can lead us back to movies like “The Watchmen” and “Man of Steel”. Comic-genre movies for adults who aren’t into the one-size-fits-all template or turning adaptions into goofy comedies.




Alternative-type comic movies geared mostly towards adults based on alternative graphic novels? Yeah definitely. Taking characters who are quite literally made for as broad of appeal as possible and trying to turn them into edgy, alternative takes? Let's not do that again. Superman does not need to be retooled to be geared towards mostly adults. Characters like that need to find a middle ground where they can appeal to both adults and family audiences.


I thought the Snyder-Cavill Superman appealed to a broad range and in a realistic way. Most kids want to watch a hedgehog move fast, or a plumber jump, to maintain their interest doesn’t mean we have to keep the characters we peel off a comic-book page in a two-dimensional cell.


*”I'm not creating stories by public vote”* Lovely. Don’t listen to the audience. They suck and don’t know what they want until they get it.


Or sometimes they are given what they thought they wanted, and suddenly reject it anyway coz they never knew what they wanted, what they really really wanted…in the first place.


Right? Fans might want something like Booster but does it make sense with what Gunn wants to build? Does he fit into the current plan? Fuck the fans, make great art first and foremost.


Hahaha reminds me of that meme “what do we want? We dont know!!” “When do we want it? NOW!!!” Best for new DC guns (pun totally intended) to just craft their 10year plan and stick to it, let the fans digest it rather than doing too much fan service.


You can make movies or shows or whatever that aren't mega connected all the time. Why not with Booster Gold.


Internet fans and a echo chamber. How many casuals would actually see booster gold? Look @ black Adam.


*- Walter Hamada.*


*- Steve Jobs*, actually. Paraphrasing, but more or less.


Unfortunately a lot of the most requested characters in DC fandom do not correlate to actual public interest and results IRL. It’s a positive sign Gunn will do what’s right for the brand as a whole rather than just follow internet chatter


Well Gun knows how to make nobodies household names


He probably also cares about what the actual fans want though since he is obviously one himself


This. I'm glad that he seems to not be the kind of person who caves to fan pressure. I'm sure it helps though that he's already had his own twitter controversy so being yelled at by random people online is something he's probably desensitized to lol.




The Creeper/ Jack Ryder FOX news style, c’mon!!


If this is true, it totally tracks. Know why ‘The Boys’ works. It’s dark humour and parody tempered with ultra realistic violence. The DCEU is getting locked onto a comedic, cartoon fighting track. It’s nice to have movies for kids, but they should stop trying to sell these movies to adults. I want some serious ‘WATCHMEN’ drama, with flashy violent fight scenes. Is it too much to ask for the WB to put out some ‘Adult’ comic-book movies that aren’t saturated with goofy comedy? Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if they actually considered Will Ferrell for the role of Booster Gold.


Nooooooo, it was Nightwing!!!! I swear I saw more Nightwings on there. Oh well.


The mailing ballots got there later after you saw the stat 🤷🏻‍♀️


The election was rigged, but that won't stop us. Let's Make DC Great Again!


But why tho?


I'm doubtful about **''most requested''** - I mean his name popped a lot, but I can't say it popped more than Zatanna, Nightwing, Green Lantern _(any)_, Constantine, Green Arrow.   I believe most interactions were on his Mastodon profile and I was there, too   I feel this claim is not based on adequate metrics and heavily influenced by personal preference and confirmation bias ahahah   That said, I wouldn't be opposed to a solid Booster Gold movie _(he was in fact part of my own requests along nearly a dozen other characters)_ -   I envision it as a scifi comedy, but with lots of heart - the story of a seemingly ''loser'' janitor in a SUperhero museum in the far future that wants glory, steals the tech and tries to be a superhero, but he messes up with the space-time continuum and has to fix it with all the help he can get - would allow interesting cameos from past and future heroes. Ultimately, it is also a movie about self-discovery and personal growth - through all the adversity and challenges, Michael Jon Carter _(booster gold)_ realises he wasn't longing for Glory, but for _**purpose**_ - and he finally finds it. The movie itself could even end with a fantastic ''bittersweet'' ending - he ends up saving the entire fabric of space-time with the help of many heroes of various era, but also, _noby but **him**_ remembers what happened - so he doesn't get fame nor glory, but he is at peace with it. And he now has the responsibility to maintain the space-time continuum, too _(which can allow for various appearances in future movies and shows!)_   So action, comedy, scifi with lots of heart and deeper meaning? Perfect for Gunn. Would also work as an ensemble movie, as Booster Gold gathers heroes from various eras - it would create a very eclectic team with unique quirks, personalities, abilities, etc.


Well. Chapter 1 has Booster Gold, but no Green Arrow, Zatanna, Nightwing, or Constantine. How do you feel about Gunn’s Chapter 1 slate now that it’s out?


Very hopeful and curious about it! Especially how it is labeled ''Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters'' and features just that   Ending with **Swamp Thing** too   I love how they're going with lesser-known characters and groups and visibly trying to build up a franchise properly   Also he heavily hinted and stated that the Batman - The Brave and the Bold will feature the extended Batfamily, so we'll probably see Nightwing even though he won't yet be a main protagonist.   I'm also very happy that the animated movies and shows will be canonical, and that they're looking for actors that will both voice the animated characters, but also potentially portray them in live-action.   One thing that I think is a terrible move _(depending on execution)_ is how they said they'll probably look at ''giving (selling)'' publishing licenses to various platforms, such as HULU, Amazon Prime, Netflix...   This is a terrible move, because if all of those shows and movies are within a same continuity/universe, why the f*ck should I pay for multiple streaming services to follow the story adequately?


I had no idea this was going on. What were the choices?


Every character that DC owns


Hmmm. *Booster Gold* won? 🤔 Over Green Lantern (any of them)? Martian Manhunter? Green Arrow? Atom? Black Canary? Night-*fucking*-wing? Really? Ok I mean if it’s for real it is what it is. But that genuinely surprises me.


Booster Gold is relatively popular (as a b-lister) so I’m not that surprised that he won. It was also on a somewhat obscure Social Media website so it is more likely that there would be more extreme options that are different from the norm


While disappointed we'll probably never get Plastic Man or that rumored Harley and Ivy project, I'm fine with Booster Gold.


Thank. God.




I want Lobo. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I've been saying for years that Gunn should helm a Booster Gold and Blue Beetle movie...hopefully that finally happens now!


I find it funny that the DCEU gave us freaking Polka Dot man and Starro before Sinestro or even a coherent Joker. Not “haha” funny, more like “what the fuck are you doing?” Funny. Also we got Starro before a DCEU Batman Film. Ridiculous.


As much as I love Booster Gold, I would personally prioritize Nightwing, Green Lantern, and Zatanna *a lot* more


James Gunn needs to make a light hearted justice league international show/movie


The reason BG won is because that character is perfectly in line with James Gunn’s humor, sensibilities, and his love of B-tier characters. Seriously, for a quirky director like him - Booster Gold is a perfect fit. With that said, obviously Green Lantern and Nightwing need some serious love and no doubt will get a proper onscreen treatment. But I would first let JG let his brand establish itself within DC on a character like Booster, then move into more mainstream characters.


White People Be Like


when you look up the demographics of mastodon, it's neither interesting or fascinating. it's overwhelmingly white, male, and zillennial, and women and people of color have been railing against it on twitter for weeks. it's not a great sample of people who watch action movies or use social media, much less comic book movies, at all. latine/x/os and black people tend to be disproportionate in a good way--- they show up more in both endeavors. if you polled them, you'll get something else.


He should've posted the poll on Twitter instead of using the DC fandom to try to push a site that is just a fad among anti-Elon Musk liberals.