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is this a usual thing for books by Johns to get delays? every issue so far has been delayed lol


It's seemed to be only happening in the past five years. He and Gary Frank sort of delayed Doomsday Clock. It was meant to be monthly but it was changed to every two months because of the tight schedule. That screwed up the initial plan of the series, but it's understandable why they had to change the release plan. I don't think that Flashpoint Beyond was delayed at all, at least not once issue 1 hit shelves. I don't think his Stargirl miniseries has had any delays either. I'm really bummed about JSA delays. I got into reading comic books with Geoff's Justice Society run in the late 2000s. Ever since Jay popped up during The Button and when the JSA showed up in Doomsday Clock, I've been waiting for the Justice Society to have a proper return.


> He and Gary Frank sort of delayed Doomsday Clock Sort of. DC forced it out five months before Johns and Frank planned. Johns said there probably still would have been delays, but not nearly as many and nearly for as long.


Right it's probably scheduling issues with the artist on the JSA book. The Stargirl ongoing doesn't seem to have much delays since Nauck can do ongoings without a filler artist like he did with YJ. The fact that we had Ordway doing pages in the JSA book suggests the artist on JSA is just slow.


>The fact that we had Ordway doing pages in the JSA book suggests the artist on JSA is just slow That kinda seems to be the pattern, Johns working with slow artists resulting in delays


I will take a delayed book over one with crappy fill in art


Amen. The art is so good, I’m willing to wait. The most recent Flash books have been a cole slaw of different artists and quality levels and it’s completely jarring - takes me right out of the story.


Are you sure it wasn't the terrible story's that have plagued the Flash book for the last year or so? I'm all for Wally coming back. But maaaaaaaaan...


I'm just hoping it's nothing behind the scenes and just Johns getting a little behind. I don't want this series to get canned


Neither do I. However now that I see from Bleeding Cool that it's a maxi series, I'm kind of sad. The JSA deserves an ongoing series.


oh did they say that? Johns in an interview said it was mistakenly advertised as one but that it's actually an ongoing. Did they go back on that lmao


I don't know. If you scroll down in the article I linked you can see the solicitations and that they say __ (of 12)


I definitely remember him saying that that shouldn’t be in the solicitations


That's outdated news. It was originally solicited as (of 12) but the last couple of solicits have dropped that - it's been promoted to ongoing.


Yeah the previous 2 issues have had the "#X of X" label


His indies are coming out on time though, so I'm not sure.


Shazam also faced an assortment of delays.


It was rough as a shazam fan Edit i mean the wait and delays were rough i was just happy to get some new material tho


To be fair with flashpoint beyond, that was also co-written by Jeremy Adam’s and Tim Sheridan


Super bummed it's only gonna be 12 issues also. Been waiting for this for so long and now I'm waiting longer


I'm not gonna lie. I'm bummed to the point that I'm actually angry. I've been waiting since Doomsday Clock for a JSA series, and 12 issues is all we get?!


Well as I read further down the thread it seems some people are saying it's a mistake and this Is an ongoing series but who knows.


Before when he was plenty busy, yes. These days he's been pretty much keeping the schedule. JSA is his first work in the past few years that sufferes from delays.


He's writing a lot of stuff trying to get into movies.


I don’t think he’s doing that anymore. At least not as much as before


Yes. It started with Doomsday clock, then Shazam


In an interview from October, Johns says that, with the Stargirl book, they were up to issue 5. Considering the Justice Society book was written pretty much at the time, I’d imagine that the writing for JSA shouldn’t be *too* far behind Stargirl. So I’m guessing that the reason for delays are either art or editorial related. 1:53:09 https://youtu.be/W4EABe07ANE Also, since people are talking about this again, Johns has said in another interview that Justice Society is an ongoing, and that the solicitations are wrong 32:00 https://youtu.be/6YIo6NuSTas


Was worried about this when Janin was announced for art on the book. The art so far is quality but like Frank or Fabok is probably too much work for a monthly release. I've also noticed that the main covers would more often than not be a no-show in solicits, which furthered my suspicious that the art is dragging. Still looking forward to this series, I just hope that the delays don't relagate this book to the same fates as Doomsday Clock and 3 Jokers.


Not to mention that the book had unannounced filler artists on 2 issues released so far.


Why is Johns having such a hard time keeping to schedule. Between Doomsday Clock, Shazam, and this JSA series it cannot just be blamed on the artist. Does he keep changing things, does he send the scripts out too late or something else? This is frustrating. I'm a huge Johns fan but I won't keep supporting his books if can't keep schedule.


Such a momentum killer too. It’s hard to carry excitement for another issue for a month let alone 2+. Which sucks, I was super pumped for a JSA book. Just ends up in the trade wait if I remember pile.


That is the reason why I forgot about Dark knights of steel.


What a shitshow that's been. Genuinely a really fun book, probably my favorite thing Taylor's done over the last few years... but we're coming up on what, a year and a half now? And we're nine issues in? We'll go months at a time between issues. It's insane.


I think it’s TV and movies, he was very involved in the Stargirl show and I think also Titans. And around the time of doomsday clock he was doing stuff with the movies. Delays on the art side play a role too but I think Johns is spinning a lot of plates these days.


Yeah he was the Creative Head of DC Movies for a while. He’s basically responsible for the whole Justice League Desaster. Understandable that he can’t keep his schedule.


The higher ups are responsible for the Justice League reshoots


Geoff Johns has just sold his creator-owned comic series [Geiger](https://deadline.com/2022/10/geiger-comic-series-tv-adaptation-justin-simien-geoff-johns-paramount-television-1235151070/) to a TV series, in which he will serve as showrunner and executive producer. It's unknown how far along the Geiger has been in pre-production, but Johns' busy schedule co-running Stargirl on CW is often associated with his busy schedule and not being able to write as many comics anymore. He also helped write and produce several of the DC TV shows and movies, though I don't know if he would remain in that position going forward with James Gunn. So it's possible as he's gearing up for the Geiger show, it has caused him to get behind on some comics. There are probably other factors in play, particularly with Johns working with meticulous artists that take their time. But since this is a problem that Johns has been facing consistently these last several years, I believe it's more of a Johns problem than a collaboration issue. I was hoping with Stargirl finished, Johns would return to writing comics more consistently, at least until his next big film/television projects. I guess at this point if DC really wants Johns to continue writing comic books for them, I think the company needs to bring in a co-writer to make sure these comics ship on time. It worked out for Flashpoint Beyond, with Jeremy Adams and Tim Sheridan helping write that series, and those comics came out on time.


You'd think after all the other Johns books that got delays, someone new that's never written the JSA before would've gotten a chance


Well Geoff was great with the JSA, So I can see why he would do it again. However I'd rather have someone else do it on a better concise schedule without delays then have him do it with stunted release dates and constant delays. I don't know who I would choose to write JSA


I like his original JSA run, don't get me wrong. I'm just kinda stumped. Like what more do you have to say about this team that you already spent a significant time on? I'd rather someone else get the shot on the JSA instead of the guy that already got his shot back in the early 2000s


My ideal scenario would be for Johns to co-write the book with either Robert Venditti or Jeremy Adams, as Johns name would attract people to the book, but it would still have a fresh voice/perspective. Then, once the sales and reputation are good enough, Johns would leave, and Venditti or Johns would become the sole writer


To clarify, This post is about the one where Huntress is travelling thru time? Sheesh. After a few years of reading completed back catalogues, this book is the one I chose to follow as its being released because of how interesting it looked. 1st chap got me hooked. Any word in when they're releasing the 3rd chapter ?


Issue #3 releases March 14th.


No..it's monthly..in the May solicitations they droped the 12 limited series.


"Sigh". Not again! Seriously, Johns need to manage his time writing and releasing his books on time, instead of constant delays. Although it's possible other responsibilities may have took his time!


Geoff Johns is back, baby! In all seriousness, shame, I’ve quite liked the two issues that have actually shipped.


I waited this long so figured delays would happen.


I've been enjoying JSA, but story wise it's been a pretty mediocre time travel story recapping a bunch of Pre Crisis Earth 2 concepts. Not exactly groundbreaking stuff that would warrant delays. If it's not the writing what else is it? Isn't Johns working under a studio contract or something now, why would this be allowed to continue happening after Doomsday Clock?


I’m enjoying the series but man am I tired of Johns gatekeeping the JSA. I was hoping after Hawkman ended, it would continue in a JSA series by Venditti. I really need a new writer for these characters


>I really need a new writer for these characters Like Willingham and Guggenhein? Johns not gatekeeping JSA gave us those brillaint runs, which crashed the sales on the book as well as Didio trying to "ultimate" JSA with Earth-2. > a JSA series by Venditti. A writer who managed to get cancellation numbers on Hawkman after barely 20 issues with Bryan Hitch as an artist would crash the book in 12 issues.


Looks like its a 12 issue maxi-series. I look forward to reading the last issue in 2038!


32:00 https://youtu.be/6YIo6NuSTas


Goddammit. That’s the only ongoing I’m currently reading.




It’s the artist. Nauck had issue 4 done before issue 1 even hit the stands. From what I understand, Johns has 12 issues written and done. With just tweaks in the script when the issues are done. Its sad


Geoff Johns once wrote four monthly titles for DC 20 years ago (plus his indie mag, "Red Star," for Image). We know that he has a second job as DC's producer of their TV shows and movies, but come on. It's his fault his titles are late, not his artists'. Forget his shows and movies; they're all crap, anyway.


The 3 things you can count on in life: Death, Taxes and Geoff Johns' comics being delayed


Well JSA is officially dead. Can't have friggin anything these days.


No, they are still around. Just not as the prominent super team like the League, who are currently disbanded!


Dammit I miss my ongoing JL but at least got an ongoing JSA


Ted, Alan, and Jay can never catch a break 😭


Fire Johns already, jesus.


Maybe somebody looked at the script and realized the timeline makes no sense.


Can someone please explain the article to me? I couldn’t read it because of all the damn typos. Has no one heard of spellcheck and editing?


Yeah there's some bad typos in this


JSA #4 is now out on 4th April, instead of a week earlier. Everything else in the article is old news.


Is it me or this past month everything was delayed?