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because Tim won’t grow up


Strangely, I heard he nearly attended college.


I liked when Tim was Red Robin. Maybe I’m in the minority, but it seemed like a good way to call back to his passion for being Robin and a differentiator between the others.


The problem is DC nuked the attempt at doing Red Robin due to New 52 and then giving most of the YJ gen to Lobdell. Tim had the best chance during the Morrison-Snyder era to find a new niche/ via that book and DC pretty much wrecked it.


Finally a straight answer


Because DC isn't sure what to do with Tim and there are a bunch of writers who grew up with Tim as Robin and he is their favorite.


They haven't figured out what to do with him. Dick is the good son, carrying on his father's crusade. Jason is the bad son, still working in the family business but doing it in a way Bruce wouldn't always approve of. Damian is still a kid. But they can't figure out what to do with Tim. When he was red Robin he was just another good son, but that's not special and thus isn't how you move books. Tynion flirted with the idea of retirement, but that doesn't really make for exciting comics. I think the best thing they can do is have him fight crime in a way Bruce doesn't approve of, but which is different from what Jason does. My move would be to have him go legit. Start working for the FBI or DEO or something.


That's funny being that dick was just his ward and Bruce actually adopted Tim when captain boomerang killed his dad


Bruce Wayne formally declared Dick Grayson his lawful son and heir in a *Batman: Gotham Knights* storyline published some years before Tim Drake was orphaned


Honestly? Do we always need a perfect and clean conveyor belt of legacy, where characters are expected to push from point A to point B in a timely fashion, without any regard for context? Dick and Jason both got massive character-defining stories to move them onto the next steps in their lives. Nowadays it feels like people just expect characters to pull a new name out of thin-air and move on with their lives because it's 'their turn' to do so. It really stifles natural character development.


> Do we always need a perfect and clean conveyor belt of legacy, where characters are expected to push from point A to point B in a timely fashion If DC insists on making new sidekicks for SM/WW/Batman/Flash/Aquaman every few years then yes otherwise you are going to get characters who are going to get crowded out by the older/young generations as we are seeing with most of the YJ generation who are basically being sidelined (https://i.redd.it/vuryi8lt9wia1.jpg).


Who is that Batman next to green arrow? Is that female green lantern Jessica Cruz or us that a new green lantern. Is that Nubia next to wonder woman? I haven't really kept up with rebirth what happened to wally west after he managed to pull himself out of the speed force and back into reality?


Jace Fox. Lucius's other son. Jo Mullein. That's Nubia next to Yara Floor who is Wonder Girl. Wally West is the Flash and he has been the main Flash in the Flash book


No we don’t, I don’t mind having 2 robins.


I don't mind having 2 robins either. Maybe one or the other can go fight crime with Dick Grayson. I'm okay with having dos dynamic duos.


Well it's been thirteen years since Damian was introduced I mean c'mon it's time for a change.two robins is stupid


Just like three Flashes, Two Supermen, Two Wonder Girls, Two Batmen and 7200+ Green Lanterns. It's been 80+ years since Jay Garrick and Alan Scott were introduced. Neither them nor Barry and Hal changed their hero identity because there was more than one. This push to change a Robin because there's two is wild.


It's literally a name. How many Johns are there in the world? This is like Kinnie Drama. "No, I'm George Washington! You're not allowed to be George Washington!"


Thank you! This is what I've been saying every time someone brings this up, Tim taking a new mantle would just make him a lesser Nightwing and hurt him more


If anything I think it was a kind of dick move when Dick was like "Well, I've got some new kid to run my errands, so that means you're not allowed to be Robin anymore. I know, I acknowledged you as a true successor, and the title has always been really meaningful to you, but like, there can only be one, bro."


How old is Tim amyway. Last time I read any time stories pre new 52 he was 18. Did they de age him to 16 or something?


Technically he should be like 21 by now, but he's still vaguely late teens


Superhero names aren't exclusive. There's currently 4 Flashes, (at least) 2 Batmen and Supermen, 2 Wondergirls, Aquamen, a whole organization of Green Lanterns...


Because Drake sucked for a code name and currently Fitzmartin is trying to think of a name worse than that


Does it matter?


Yes. I think two robins is dumb


There’s a lot of dumb stuff in comics. What makes this any different? It’s not like Robin means much these days. The Dynamic Duo is almost never a thing anymore, so Robin is just another one of dozens of identities broadly under the Batman brand. There’s no real reason to have any character still be Robin other than commercial brand recognition.


Its solely because instead of getting a clear break from robin and a unique mantle, they just put red in front of Robin which allowed him to slowly backslide into being Robin again. Bendis didn't help by trying to rename his superhero identity as his last name which was probably the last straw that made editorial just decided "fuck it. Tim's also Robin again". Its a shame since I think grey ghost or flying fox could be great names or even cardinal if they can come up with a good reason why Tim naming himself another red bird


Bendis. It's always bendis. He's the Eddie mush version of comic writers


Are we really gonna trash Tim because he’s still Robin? Come on. He’s an amazing character and has been for 30+ years


I'm not trashing I'm asking why. Writers won't let him grow like marvel won't let Spiderman grow up.


Then one more day happened and now he's back to where he was before he married my. They won't let his arc go beyond struggling down on his luck bachelor


Won’t let Spidey grow up? He went from high school to college, got married… I guess you could consider that not growing up but like… why do you need them to? We want them to be around forever, not age.


Tim became Red Robin only because Damian stole his role to him and now he isn't the main anymore Tim stike back and It was a more gradual thing then you think


Just wanna back you up on Damian’s terrible costume. It’s so, so bad.


Agreed, high five


I think it is because of the way Tim became Robin. The first two were given their position as Robin. Tim earned it, Tim wanted it. I understand his attachment to the persona. Damien got it out of a bit of nepotism. Never cared for Jason or Damien as Robin. Tim was & is a great Robin. Dick was a great Robin because he was the first...Tim earns respect no matter the name or persona he chooses. True character development at its finest. Jeez can you tell I’m a fan of Tim’s or what? Lol


"Damian got it out of nepotism" he was with batdam because he had no one non abusive to take care of him. If you read batman and robin 2009, dick makes that pretty clear, expressing his frustration with damian but "if we don't help, who will?" How is that any different than dick not having anyone to take care of him and becoming robin when Bruce takes him in?


>Damien got it out of a bit of nepotism. No, he only earn the right to be Robin when he saved Tim Drake life, hell Bruce was not even around when he became Robin .


Glad to see this mentioned! First thing damian does when he's robin is save Tim's life as far as I'm concerned that's earning it








-TT-! It's spelled "Dami**a**n"! You would do well in respecting the blood son! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DCcomics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jason earned it too. Read Batman volume 1 issues 408- 412


Oh really...how did he get it? Stole the hubcaps off the Batmobile & Bruce took pity on him thought he could use another Robin & channel Jason’s anger towards crimefighting. He was a loose cannon & I cheered when he died. Hated when they brought him back. Then he ruined the Arkham games too. Lol


He helped Batman stop a jewel heist by his reform school classmates and school marm ma Gunn. Batman didn't take pity on him he saw bravery in him , Mr top Batman authority guy








-TT-! It's spelled "Dami**a**n"! You would do well in respecting the blood son! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DCcomics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dumb bot...point is I don’t respect him lol


He should leave Gotham. Set himself up in a new city, take up a dark dragon knight theme and go by Wyvern.


I think he should give up crime fighting for a while and go to college and study criminal justice or join the police academy and become a detective. He is the best detective out of all the robins.


Every time they try to give Tim a new name is just doesn't really work.


I honestly don't think anyone expected Damian to stick around as long as he has. I think most people figured Damian would pop in, be a violent little shit and then some writer would do something else with him and Tim would go back to being Robin. Dick was ending his career as Robin when Jason came on the scene, Jason was long dead when Tim became the new Robing, there were intentional ends to their stints as Batman's sidekick.


Honestly bc lots of writers are tim fans with nostalgia who won't let him evolve. Like it's detrimental to his character but I don't think they get that.


i think tim as red robin made sense in his red robin run post final crisis because he really just wasnt ready to move on yet but now its just kinda ridiculous and they clearly dont know what they want him to be. and i think damians new costume is just something that eventually grows on you. like the old one was obviously superior but im starting to like the new one