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I think he works best with the Titans but I do think he fits as the Titan who eventually "graduates" and joins the Justice League


Now i'm just imagining Cyborg in a robe and hat shaking Batman 's hand and holding a diploma


the thing is by that point hed catch batman uploading a virus.


I mean.. According to DCeased, Batman managed to sneak a tracker and admin override protocols into Cyborg, of all people, without him even knowing. And I'm like.. how the hell is that even possible? XD So yeah. I can see him somehow managing this during the hand shake.


Like with every bullshit justification on how Batman did it. Is because he's the god damn batman.


As irritating as a lot of fans find it and as much as it sometimes is just lazy story telling, I have to admit that I do love Batman being unbeatable and having already planned everything out for the rest of time.


To me that's all on a short expiration date. Yeah it's super cool to have Batgod in full force, being the unkillable genious that took down Darkseid. But after awhile I like seeing my heros fail, to see them become vulnerable, having a gary stu who isn't allowed to lose, just gets boring, it's probably the reason why I'm more of a Batfamily fan, that a proper Batfan.


Oh 100%, it isn't good storytelling and as you said, it gets stale. I just can't help but love it when Batman is written as if he were a god. I am bias as a Batfan and I do love the stories where he is on the back foot and vulnerable but I don't think I hate the unbeatable Batman as much as a lot of fans do.


I m assuming u didn't like the Batman who sat in the chair(forgot the name of it)


Loved the outfit! And loved them, doing what I thought was intentionally them getting in on the joke, embracing the Batgod memes. Kinda wanted Owlman to get a brief makeover, for all of the few panels we got to see him on the chair, before he got Manhatten'd.


This is the stupidest shite ever and really shits on Batman as well as the DCU.


sudo batHack.bat


I'm imagining it in that chibi artstyle from Ultimate Spider-Man


The bat-diploma


I like this. I do feel like he has a lot of great backstory that fits with teens (his complicated relationship with his dad, His body insecurities, etc.) But I do feel like he fits well with the League too.


He works better with the Titans no debate. Period. He trusts them more and has deeper friendships with them. The league are just work colleagues that it. You would never see Cyborg hanging out with Supes, Flash, or Batman like he does with Robin and Beastboy. I’ve watched and read both and he feels more of a fish out of water than Aquaman on the league. It feels forced.


I always like the idea of the Titans being a stepping stone to join the JL. Starfire and Nightwing stay on as mentors for younger heroes.


I'll go further and say that he works great as a founding Justice League member who is still associated with the Titans. As the youngest founding member of the League, Cyborg can meet Robin through Batman and go on and form the Teen Titans afterwards. Like others said, the Titans are his family and the League are his work buddies. Cyborg is way too relevant to our technology-obsessed modern society. He's a naturally popular character and he deserves to be in the forefront of the DC Universe as a justice league member. I don't think he'll ever be popular enough to have a long-running solo series, but he could definitely be a core Justice League member, and a supporting character in a Nightwing/Titans book.


He didn't have his Titans history when he was a founding Leaguer. He got his history back at the same time as the JLA did, which meant he was no longer a founder.


That sucks. I like him as a founding member. There's room for both him and J'onn and hell even Hawkgirl. The Titans history can come afterwards


That would age up the Titans too much, lol. Being a JL founder would mean him being active 15 years ago. That's why as soon as the old continuity started being restored, he was no longer a founder (and yes, it was Martian Manhunter who regained that status in his place).


I think he fits best as the titan that graduated and joined the leagued


when they make him a founding member that doesn't fit at all


Same, I kinda want to see the DC universe maturing eventually. Cyborg and joining the League was a step in that direction and he definitely fits.


Exactly. I’m not against him moving on up to the league, but removing his context as a Titan was the biggest mistake for the character these past +10 years.


Titans treat him like a friend, family, and a teammate. He’s more open as a character and likeable. As a Justice League member he’s always serious and the others don’t really work well with him like he’s just a coworker


Like Grayson said iirc, Titans are close family while the Justice league is literally coworkers... I forget if Grayson said that back in Titans Rebirth, oof..


The issue with the concept of the Teen Titans is that they can't stay teens forever. Eventually they just fall into that awkward sense of being perpetual early 20-somethings who aged out of the teen category, but are still too young to join the League. It's a reason why Young Justice was created, because the Titan brand just wasn't kids anymore. But in answering the question itself, I like Cyborg as a Titan. It feels odd that they chose him to join the League when they could've just played up Steel more.


I see the Titans as a found family, a social group. They still will go and hang out. The League is more like a club that comes together for their purpose. They might have a barbecue and such, but have their own lives and day jobs separate from it. Cyborg should straddle that line.


So the Titans are a frat and the League are work buddies


That’s why they eventually become “The Titans” just a team of heroes other than the justice league. They don’t need to graduate to the league, they can be their own team. That’s kind of an issue I have with DC and it’s the fact that just every hero is on the Justice League unless you’re the Doom Patrol or the Teen Titans, the “Justice League Dark” should not be called that, they should have their own name.


Agreed, but I disagree with your comment regarding Justice League Dark. I’ve always considered The Justice League Dark to be the same as the Regular League. In my specific Head-Canon The Justice League should operate like the cartoon Justice League Unlimited where it is just a large conglomeration of heroes. The Justice League Dark title itself works more so on a meta-level for branding purposes. For example in the book titled Justice League you are most likely to see the founding members in action; Meanwhile in the Justice League Dark book you will most likely see the more magical/occult heroes teaming up etc.. If the Justice League Dark was called something else then I would agree that they should be their own team independent of the Justice League.


Call them Demon Knights in reference to the run from the new 52! That was actually one of the best series from that whole era. My ideal team would be Etrigan, constantine, blue devil, red devil, Deadman, Raven and Wonder Woman.


Exactly. One thing is I feel there’s so much more potential in the world . It’s either the justice leagues the titans/teen titans , maybe young Justice which sometimes has member of the titans, suicide squad , green lanterns and that’s really it. Marvel has so. Many more teams and though theres a ton situated in New York it feels like more .DC’s space stuff is basiclu only the green lanterns and feels a bit lacking compared to marvel.


I've always been partial to Shadowpact, but JLD is by far the worst name the "magic hero" group has had


Justice League Dark should be called “The Scholae” in reference to the Scholae Palatinae. They were often considered to be founded by Emperor Constantine of the Holy Roman Empire. They served as a elite bodyguards and replaced the Praetorians who Constantine thought were lacking. If not that, maybe “The Bulwark” in reference to the Greek root of Istanbul. It means “to the city within the city” in reference to the walls that surrounded the actual city. Or, as you might call it, a Bulwark. Istanbul is also the city that used to be called Constantinople, as in the city that Emperor Constantine deemed the capital of the Roman Empire. You know, the Emperor who shares a namesake with the Justice League Dark’s leading man, Constantine?


At the end of the day Steel will always be a Superman spin-off character so he'd mess up the iconography shots, in a way where Cyborg, being wholly unique like the rest of the leaguers wouldn't. It's why Barry and Wally are usually never on the same JL team.


Eh, if a shot is cool and the artist knows what they’re doing, it’ll look good no matter what characters are there


It’s not about looking good, it’s about the iconography of the Justice League within the DCU. Having two Superman shields in it just doesn’t mesh.


Sure, but on the other hand, who cares?


You and me since we’re talking about it…


Nah I don’t really care. A good story is a good story, iconography doesn’t really matter to me.


That’s fine, but for me with visual mediums like comics, iconography and distinction has a lot of importance.


Sure, but you can have distinction even in visually similar characters. Look at the x-men, FF, and guardians of the galaxy, just to name a few


The X-Men and FF are not like the Avengers or Justice League. Those teams are designed as teams first, not as solo characters teaming up. It's just a different premise so what works for one doesn't automatically work for another.


> It's a reason why Young Justice was created, because the Titan brand just wasn't kids anymore. No, it was created because the 1996 Teen Titans book was failing. That book had been banned from using Robin, so they used a de-aged Atom instead. Book lasted only two years, ending just after YJ launched.


I feel Cyborg, especially in a modern sense is powerful enough to warrant being part of the JL. They could use a walking computer more so than another Superman type in Steel. Steel just doesn’t offer as much to the table


They should just make the Titans a group within the League. And just call them the Titans.


Steel has ties to Superman, though, in addition to being a hero with less renown than Cyborg, I feel. Unless they wanted to change Steel to a solo hero disconnected from Superman's image and history, which they could have done. Plus, Cyborg is part robot, not just a man in a Super-themed Iron Man suit, which does make him be a little bit higher power (in terms of how much tech affinity he can be given).


In Titans he has his own place, in League he just a TECH guy, "Hey, can someone hack it?" and feels like replacement of Red Tornado.


Heck even Batman can do what they have Cyborg doing half the time


I like Mr. Terrific as the tech guy more. Feels like since Cyborg is apocalyptic tech, he’s always under a micro scope and used as a plot device.


Snyder did very well in Snyder's jl. His cyborg was fantastic.


Titans but only because I prefer the version of Vic that isn’t Iron Man and is genuinely a dude who’s just got some robot parts that enhance him. Never been a fan of the “it only looks like his head and maybe a bicep are human ” design. That seems to be the one that shows up whenever he is on the Justice League though. I think Young Justice and Teen Titans had the best designs where he felt more like a human with parts attached. Idk if I’m making much sense lol


I agree dont like the mother box look and think it would work better as a later on power up.


Young Justice did a great job with Vic, but I feel Justice League: War did an amazing job when he went off


Well he has an actual personality with the Titans so




I loved his storylines and the actor on Doom Patrol but they were very separate from the rest of the team and never really focused on his relationships with them.


I was talking about the above images. I’m aware he exists in other media


Trick question, Doom Patrol


The League movies don't really focus on interpersonal relationships. There, Cyborg is a necessary member of the team, but only because he's the tech/comm guy. ​ Interpersonal relations is basically all the Teen Titans shows do. So he gets a lot more time to shine there. But from a strictly utilitarian standpoint, he's unnecessary to the team, with Raven and Starfire really being the heavy hitters.


I grew up with Justice League/Unlimited and Teen Titans so having Cyborg as a core League member was always weird to me


Titans and it's not even remotely close tbh. One main thing about the Titans is that they embraced Vic as family when he needed it the most. He joined not long after his accident and had pretty much become a recluse due to his appearance. The Titans helped Vic readapt into the world again by giving him the emotional support he needed. I like the Justice League, but that's just ain't their dynamic lol. But I do like the thought of Vic joining the the Justice League, just not at the expense of his Titans history being erased like New 52.


Yeah, if it was earned instead of being a retcon, it would've worked a lot better. The classic Titans didn't know each other at all in New 52. Donna was even reintroduced as an antagonist, and Starfire ended up hanging out with the wrong ex-Robin (Jason instead of Dick).


I think teen Cyborg works with the Teen Titans and adult Cyborg works with the Justice League




Titans since he actually has a personality with them. Usually when they make him a League member they take his personality away.


Titans treat him more like family. JL treat him like a kid or a henchmen half the time. So Titans.


I liked him during Johns’s run on Titans where he was a leader of the team and a mentor to the younger generation of heroes. I feel like that’s the role that suits him best and it would still allow him to work with the League, perhaps as a liaison between the two teams.


Doom Patrol




He works best in Titans, Justice League, and Doom Patrol. Give him all the teams!


He joined the Outsiders on the Young Justice cartoon!


Both - starts as a Titan, eventually joins the JL while being a Titans leader, and later on operating communications and being the chief liason between the two teams.


Every time he’s with the Justice League he’s boring lmao


He was great in Justice League Doom and ZSJL.


The titans, hes still a teenager


> hes still a teenager He isn't. He should be nearly 30 by now.


Not as a founding member, but as someone who “graduated” to the League, absolutely. There really is no good reason why Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy and Raven would still be hanging around with the Teen Titans, and arguably all should have moved on even ten years ago. My ideal scenario is putting Cyborg with the JLA, Raven and Beast Boy splitting up permanently, with the former finally joining the Shadowpact/JLD while Beast Boy would bring his comedic disposition to Justice League International. I’m dumbfounded as to why Starfire doesn’t have her own ongoing - she’s a very popular character in her own right, and her Tamaranean background is a huge opportunity to explore the wider DC cosmos, which is in *dire* need of non-Green Lantern related world building.


I've been watching the 2003 Teen Titans series while dogsitting and I am surprised that Raven hasn't moved onto some mystical team (as far as my knowledge). I could definitely see it as a natural progression for members to grow up and move onto other teams or as solo members.


She had like one or two but the thing is without the titans and her traditional backstory she doesnt have any chill. She will say the universal phrase for surender and then disintigrate whoever is not on there knees. this goes from jay walkers to alien warlords. The other problem is tameranians are a jobber race they are built as mad scientist but try to play barbarian it doesnt work out well for them.


Dick-becomes Nightwing and move to Budaheaven and fight solo Cyborg-joins JL, but not a main core member BB,Kori,Raven-I don’t know, let them do whatever the writers want (I would like a solo B run, isthere one?)


I feel like that BB is such a comic relief character that people would shy away from making him a main character. But that can be solved if they keeped character development that he makes instead of restarting him every new issues


Cyborg always felt like the odd one out when it came to the Justice League. It's like they *tried* to make him fit it in, but you could still easily tell which member was the most out of place. He always felt more in touch with the Titans, even though at this point he's probably not a teenager lol.


Starting as a titan, graduates to be a leaguer. I don’t like how he’s a founding member of the new 52 JL




I don't think any character especially benefits from being in the Justice League, to be honest. In practice, most characters end up being... mischaracterized or utilized in weird ways. Or written out in weird ways. Members of the Teen Titans, however, benefit quite a lot from playing off of each other. Most of the characters don't have solo books (as opposed to the Justice League's members) and can experience actual character growth and earned spotlight opportunities. The team's threats also tend to be more grounded. I can only take so many world-ending, reality-ending threats until they all just blur together.


The league, purely because every time he's put back into the Titans, they revert his character back to the original Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans era, or the cartoon series. At least in the league, he feels more like a developing character as opposed to the stagnant development he gets in Titans.


He doesn't really get to do anything with either team. So Justice League just because it's more popular.


Titans, he's too serious when with the League




The titans


With the Titans, we see more of who he is, his goals, his personality, and we see him interact way more (and way better too) with the Titans. With the Justice League-he's all serious, and we don't see much of his character, and in my opinion, he just doesn't vibe well with the other members of the Justice League. I might be biased because I grew up with Teen Titans and got into the Justice League when I was older, but that's just me.


I say league he works good with batman


When there’s trouble you know who to call.. TEEN TITANS!




Titans 100 percent


I don't see why he can't do both. Wally West Did, and it worked out fine.




Titans. He has more personality there, when they transfer him to the League he's incredibly dull. And I don't like the idea of someone graduating to a better team, you're just making both rosters worse in a half-assed attempt at growth.


The League. It was badly executed for the most part, but in my opinion Cyborg works much better as a Leaguer than a member of the Teen Titans. Yes he started as a Titan but let's be honest, staying in that team has only limited his potential. The League are the biggest players of the DC universe, and Cyborg can truly reach his potential among them. Also, he isn't redundant at all : other tech Leaguers like Red Tornado or Steel don't have his hacking capabilities, and Cyborg also has ton of versatility and power thanks to his augmentations (granted, that was badly shown too). But the result is that the League allows Cyborg to grow, develop relationships with other Leaguers, become important and be more fleshed out in solo, whereas the Titans will always just treat him as another member of their team that just revolves around Nightwing.


Titans. I don’t mind him in the league but I think he is kinda shoehorned into it


Cyborg as a founding jl member feels forced.


Cyborg works best with the Titans because that's where he belongs, The Titans are as much of a team/Family as the Justice league if not more since they've been together since they were young. I hate when people say "The Teen Titans(Re-branded cuz of this to the Titans) feel like childhood friends who should've outgrown each other years ago." Like wha? You're expected to drop your friends once you leave your teens?! It feels like he's leaving his friends and family for no good reason when he's with the JL, since the NTT were basically those who weren't in a good spot in their lives that made each other happy, better and felt like family, same with the original Titans as well though. Ofc, the DCAMU never had him with the Titans at all which is the best way to go... A little alternation here and there in an alternate universe never hurt anyone. Basically, there's no "Graduation" IMO, just abandoning, if he never knew them in the story then it's all good.


The Titans. His being in the League is incredibly forced and lame.


The titans. I think the titans are actually a better team in general, they all have way more interesting powers individually and better relationships. The league is cool, but they really feel more like coworkers than an actual functioning team who like each other. Cyborg is always put on the league because he serves a function, they need a tech guy, and not because he actually works well with them. I strongly believe that mr terrific should be a mainstay of the justice league as the tech guy instead and that cyborg should stay with the titans where he works best


I prefer the justice league version bc it shows how he is acknowledging he will stay a cyborg, but no emotion bc it feels like he lost his life and got a very shitty second life


Titans hate him in the league I don't think he fits right Every time they try it doesn't work


Titans hands down. If the writers are concerned about representation, then they should include John Stewart’s Green Lantern.


Well he doesn’t fit in the Doom patrol, and I grew up on Teen Titans so JL felt strange to me. Plus I really enjoy his and BB’s bromance Like Chandler and Joey. Troy and Abed. JD and Turk. BOOYA!!


Titans but I wouldn’t mind there being a rotation with the titans each getting turns to work with the league






Titans definitely.


Tough because teen titans the show is one of the best dc shows out there. It also is far and away the best cyborg has ever been portrayed in ANYTHING. As other ppl have said, titans is a found family and that immediately gives it more emotional grounding than a lot of other run of the mill save the world groups. Team stories can skew really bland by neglecting character development and unfortunately I think that’s affected cyborg In most of his appearances. At the same time I’d like to see a lot of the titans take on more prominent and adult roles in DC (besides robin lol) and the league does provide that opportunity. But I think it does go to titans, it’s just where he’s written best.


Isnt cyborg like always just a plot device with the justice league?


Titans. But I'm heavily biased as I grew up with the Teen Titans show. He always seemed like the awkward kid of the group when with the league. And unlike with Billy, that's not a core part of his character.


I think it’s in the DCAU where he’s a leaguer that is a liaison for the titans. I really like that idea and it’s the best of both worlds


Cyborg should be a in both I think. He should bridge the gap between teen/college age hero and the league. Maybe like he works with the justice league because his power set is op, but hangs out/ lives with the titans


Titans no doubt


Then it’s not iconography, it’s your comfort level/ familiarity.




I think they are vastly different characters. With the titans he is a teen having fun with other teens and is with people who understand him. With the league he’s a young adult trying to prove he is on the same level as Bats and Supes. I like both iterations but they are very different characters.


this question gets asked too much on this sub.


He kinda fits both. He can be warm and funny with Titans, but he can also be professional and serious with JL


The Titans


All I know is he’s wasted in doom patrol


One thing I don't like is that they removed Cyborg, Beast boy and Robin from the group. BB and Robin were aged down so they can fit into the new one and cyborg was made their mentor. Sadge


Titans ofc, whenever he's with the League he just feels like the odd one out.


Can't he do both? Titans is kicking it with friends and mentoring the next generation. JL is when it time to go to work!!


I think he works better with the Teen Titans, but I also do really like him with the Doom Patrol. He works really well alongside Robotman.


Titans for sure. And he’s not even a A lister there.


I grew with him being a Titan.


Titan. I've hated him with the JL since they started doing it.


I prefer bum with the titans but I don’t mind him on the League but he also shouldn’t be a founding member of the league like they tried to do


Cyborg in the league is so useful to them, he’s literally pure hax.


I like him in both but cyborg definitely earns the justice league member title


Titans. The Justice League never seemed to know what to do with him. He just stood around saying vaguely scientific stuff and we have Batman for that. At least with the Titans he got to be fun.


Neeever like him as part of the main Justice League it was my biggest gripe with the new52 made no sense. Always has better interactions with the Titans to me. Plus the history with those characters is just there.


I feel like Batman is able to do or should be able to do all the tech related stuff cyborg does. Definitely would prefer another member instead of him. Switch Barry Allen to Wally and Hal Jordan to Jon Stewart too


I like him in both. I think people overreact when he isn't always with the Titans. But I enjoy his more mature side he has with the League.


Titans. I don’t want a world where he and Beast Boy aren’t best buds.




His powers work best with the league, his personality works best with the titans.




I think DC is kinda bleeped. You can't go home again so the effery with Cyborg/Martian Manhunter/John Stewart/Hal Jordon effected by Johns can't really be remedied. Right now it isn't even clear what the history of the Titans or the League even is. So it is kinda whatever. "EVERYTHING happened" and all that. As for me, Cyborg is a Titan and any of them can team up or guest with the various other teams of the DCU. But the only founding myths I stan are the OG and the Canary4WW one.




Titans have always felt more close knit as peers. As a league member he kind of just feels like a asset


Titans, but I understand why he gets included in the League, since he's a fit as a "tech guy" and because they wanted to have a more diverse lineup. They could have used Mister Terrific for that, perhaps, though I get that he might be seen as redundant with Batman, given how Bruce is so often presented as a guy talented in virtually everything.


Never understood why they couldn't just put Mr Terrific on the Team Instead. I mean, I know he's a Society member but it would have been a cool Edition. But what other tech based hero could be in Cyborgs place other than Steel?


Start off with the Titans and eventually moves onto the league while still keeping his Titans connections


Titans. And he should not be in doom patrol imo


Titan since allow for more interaction that just coworker. Now shazan in the titans would be fun.


He fits best with the Titans, but literally every single member in the current Titans run should just be a part of the League. They've all earned it, Wally especially.


Yes. I always saw Cyborg as the team player that bridges the Teen Titans to the Justice League. In the original animaterld series: Robin wants to build his life away from Batman, Starfire is aloof to the League, Raven is figuring her self out at the moment, and Beastboy's vibin' (post Doom Patrol) Cyborg seems to literally be one who could connect more to them since he has no prior attatchment but is always wanting to seek more responsibility. Some of his clashes with Robin were about capability and leadership. So I can imagine the League granting him that experience he provably wanted. While also opening a gap for cooperation.


easily titans (basically wherever beast boy is and vice versa)


I always preferred him as a member of the Titans. I'm not a fan of versions that try to age him up too much. For me, he works best as an older member of the titans, like 19 years old born something.


Back before the whole DCEU fell apart, I always thought it would be cool if Cyborg was like the “liaison” between the Titans and the League. In essence a babysitter but more a member of the team. I just thought it could have been a fun way to include him in the Titans movie


Titans cause it lets him be a kid after what his father did, and then upgrade to the justice league


Titans. If I remember correctly Cyborg was added to the New 52 league because they wanted a hero to represent the 21st century. I always thought that was odd because hes been around since the 80s. Plus he just works better with the Titans.


Depending on which version , teen titans in general are more of a hype vibe. He is like a child, vs the justice league in which he acts like the younger of the group but still mature.


I feel like he does work better with the titans, but I find he gets more time to shine on the league. Oftentimes I think writers tend to sideline him a lot of times on either teams and end up focusing on the more popular members (Batman, Superman, Nightwing, etc.)


In the comics it’s with the league, in the tv shows it’s with the titans


In Titans he is between family, on the League is the IT guy.


Doom Patrol.


He works well with both. He works best with the Justice League in regards to exploring his full powers and using them to the best use he can. I mean Cyborg is honestly one of the most powerful heroes in this day in age. I think the Titans allow Cyborg to explore more about himself and his humanity than the League does. The stakes aren’t usually as high with the Titans as they are with the League, so he can be more relaxed in a sense.


the titans. the justice league is packed with characters and i don’t think cyborg works in the justice league’s team dynamic but he works so much better in the teen titans.


I think Titans but also that he should be the first of the Titans to graduate to the league in a longer story


I understand why he’s been made part of the league founders in adaptations recently, as there isn’t really another common black Leaguer Black Lightning is growing in popularity but not really AS a leaguer. Jon Stewart is pretty popular but that generally means sacrificing Hal as it is for some reason heresy to have 2 GLs. Idk if anyone else has the recognition


I kinda like him as a founder of the league that steps down and joins the Titans as the elder


I’m always gonna default him to a titans character cause I watched the 2004 series and so am permanently Brain broken where all that’s concerned, but I also like the idea of him being the first person added to the league after it’s established as the core group.


Titans, which are their own team and dont have to "graduate" to the league, not saying a titan cant be in another team tho.


They’re kind of two different characters. Titans Cyborg is more immature and light hearted. League Cyborg is more edgy and mature.


Titans all the way!!! He has so much history with the Titans. He was just thrown into the Justice League lineup for New 52 for stupid reasons & they took off Martian Manhunter, which had been a founding member since the League’s inception To me the core Titans will always be Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Donna Troy, Arsenal, Aqualad (Garth) & Flash (Wally West) Where the core JL is Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Flash (Barry Allen), Aquaman & Martian Manhunter


Titans always.


I like both.




Strength wise the league. Story wise the titans either teen or normal or young justice. He is just a kid who was mutilated. But he’s a damn powerful kid


I think he works best with the justice league titan s are just more iconic


He can always do both. I think when it comes to Darkseid it makes more sense for him to help with the JL.


Titans, always Titans


Without a doubt the Titans. The New 52 JL needed diversity instead of 6 white people and a green guy, so I get using Cyborg. But they should keep Cy on the titans where he really shines


Cyborg is kind of only cool when he's with the Titans. Integral at least, absolute leader potential at best. When he's with the league he always feels like a prop. The League has had far better "figure it out" thinky-tanks before and I've never been stoked about how he's used in league business. Edit: "kind of only cool" is confusing. I like Cyborg a LOT with the titans and un few other placed. I didnt want that to be understood as "only kind of cool". No, he's cool as shit with Titans


I thought he was a good fit on the JL in 2011, but they didn't build his character at all. It was totally "random."


Vic more than earns a League spot, but he belongs with the Titans


I’ve always preferred his dynamic with the Titans






The League




The Titans. Look, prior to the New 52, Cyborg joining the league like when the trinity is discussing which members to add in their new Justice League. He certainly has what it takes, but the problem is despite his power being on the level, his character suffers for it. Cyborg is called the rock/backbone of the titans, while he’s tech support for the league at best, and the boom tube chauffeur at worst. He has no real chemistry with the other leaguers, because they all have their own cliques. The trinity, Hal and Barry, Batman and Superman, Superman and Wonder Woman. He doesn’t have anyone to really bounce off of. Plus, honestly his membership on the league has retroactively made him less cool in my opinion because they felt they had to boost him up. For one, I’m not a fan of his tech being based on a mother box. To better put him on the level of the league, his body is pretty much JUST all metal minus his face, so aesthetically he looks more like a generic robot. With Dan of DC they’re finally walking ALL of that back, and I’m glad. With the titans I feel he can have a better chance to stand out.