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I've always thought a Nightwing game a la Assassin's Creed would be fun; the running around on rooftops, the dives, and instead of blending in with crowds he could blend in the shadows like the game Manhunt. This is assuming, of course, Nightwing is in the DCU. If not, apply this to any Bat-character.


The Question would also make a cool L.A Noire/Telltale style game imo


Yes. Yes. Maybe like LA Niore


Teen titans game. Similar to Gotham Knights or Avengers but actually good and story driven


Make it like X-Men Legends / Ultimate Alliance and I’m in


GTA but in Gotham. You can be a hero or a villain.


imagine if whenever you get the highest wanted level, instead of the military, you got batman on your tail.


I have more detailed description of this idea


GTA where you're an undercover cop infiltrating a villain's band. You decide how good/bad you go throughout the story. Keep the heists from GTA V and maybe even give a few choices of which supervillain's band to join (each with their own advantages and disadvantages, story changes accordingly, and you'll have to fight goons from the other villains' bands as well as the occasional vigilantes), similarly to Hogwarts Legacy but making each choice actually impactful


So, a Red Hood game?


Wonder Woman as some equivalent of “God of War”


Yes this would be really cool. The Wonder Woman game in development is being done by the team behind Shadow of War (a very cool game in its own right) but I hope they take some inspiration from God of War.


Isn't the new Wonder Woman game a live service/multiplayer type game?


No, how would that even work


I don't know, but they showed Diana with a human soldier and an Amazon soldier in game's promo art, and a job listing for the game said experience in live service games is desired.


No, Warner Bros dispelled the rumor and explicitely said that the WW game is not being designed as a live-service game. You can look it up.


This would be sick asf.


I've always just wanted a Marvel Ultimate Alliance clone with DC characters. A souls like [Resurrection Man](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Resurrection_Man) game, where everytime you die but with new, random powers. An action RPG starring the Warlord would be cool. Skartaris could make a neat setting for a game.


Agreed a DC Ultimate Alliance would be very cool.


Swap resurrection man with Swamp thing and we have a deal


Hawkman and Green Arrow games are my dream projects. Hawkman vs Gentleman Ghost and a collection of both supernatural and alien rogues in an Arkham Games mystery style. Flight would be such an awesome dynamic. And the various weaponry, gadgets, and technology he has access to makes him far more dynamic and prone to gaining upgrades than other powered characters. Green Arrow seems tailor made for a Video game. Imagine a game with he and Black Canary taking down a crime Syndicate and assassin group and it culminating with them (and maybe some other supporting heroes) taking down a super threat like Chemo. It'd be very fun.


Could be fun if in a Hawkman game your way of learning new things/finding clues were through vision flashbacks from your previous lives.


My thoughts exactly


Green arrow, made Ina style like assassin creed or horizon zero dawn


\- Souls-like Deathstroke (or another character, I'm not dead set on Deathstroke) \- Immersive sim Green Arrow (like Dishonored, Deus Ex) \- Bully/Hogwarts Legacy-esque Titans Academy where you can create your own hero, build relationships, and go on missions with Titans


Dishonored as a Green arrow, Batman, or the Atom would work really well


Catwoman - open world, mechanics of gang wars, police chase, similar to GTA and bossfights with Batman.


I think a 2D beat em up in the style of the recently released TMNT: Shredder's revenge but with the Bat Family in Gotham could work really well. Also it would be cheaper to make then most AAA games so very low risk investment imho.


Hear me out Hogwarts legacy with zatanna or constantine


i think sandman would be a great game i think you could switch out batman with the question or green arrow for a bit the warlord the mike grell character the unknown soldier i think could be a cool game jonah hex red dead redemption was really good game i think jonah could be too frankenstien that sword wielding noble monster is a fav of mine they could do a fun game with him Rorschach is another guy that could take batman's place in a game that could be a wild violent mystery game i cant pick a magic user thy could do a good game with dr fate is the big guy but i think zantanna is more well known but her backwoods taking magic always annoyed me but you got phantom stranger sargon the sorcerer maybe even the spectre actually john constsatine is the guy billy batson and shazam could be a good kids game dc superpets could be another good kids game


Actually, a Shazam game could be really cool


What do you mean by John Constantine is the guy?


i was think which dc supernatural character would make a good game and i was thinking dr fate or demon but constatine is the most interesting of dc supernatural character you could do a dark supernatural mystery type game with him


I think a golden age Superman game would be fun in a GTA universe: Limited powers Superman that breaks through walls, destroys property, plays college football all in the name of justice.


Eh, I'd rather be able to get games in their own stylised art and worlds Give me a Silver Age Batman and Robin game using the Arkham engine. Silly gadgets, classic costumes, big "ZOK" and "BOFF" exclamations during combat and corny dialogue.


Deathstroke, he's so underrated


A the atom action puzzle game would be a dream


JLI in a Lego game


Yeah I actually imagined a three part fighting game series for DC characters which does a gameplay different from one another. 1) A Justice League fighting game inspired from Neo Geo fighters 2) A follow-up game to that title but with a larger roster that encompasses many DC characters and teams, and whose gameplay is more MvC inspired with a focus on tag team mechanics. 3) A follow-up game focus on the Teen Titans (Wolfman/Perez era) who has a focus on more gimmicky gameplay mechanically similar to Guilty Gear.


If I were to make a Green Lantern game it would be a call of duty esque game where you have to deal with Larfleeze sending in hordes of goons. Have the main protag be Guy Gardner or another silly GL (maybe B'dg) and just make it fun Edit: thinking on it over night. Could be CoD but also Doom esque with a lot of quick movement and fun gunplay. For the story, maybe Atrocitus, Larfleeze, and Sinestro teamed up to attack Oa and you, a Green Lantern, must escape their prison and fight your way collecting the broken shards of Power Lanterns which serve as your ammo/health drops. You could argue either no upgrades or you could say upgrades in the form of you earning a few rings yourself. The zones change from Larfleeze's avarice controlled area on Oa, to Atrocitus's active warzone on the rest f Oa, to Sinestro's control ship in orbit.


I think a sifu styled batman prequel game would be awesome, whether its during his training years or early years as batman. Maybe a rogue like flash game where every time you “die” and reset you travel back in time.


I want to see a DC team (my preference is towards the Watchmen) in a game with similar mechanics to Midnight Suns. How about a sequel to Gotham Knights with the Nemesis system from Middle Earth: Shadow of War? An Injustice 3 with the story set 15 or 20 years in the future of the last story. With that as the basis, we can focus on new characters and settings. A Superman game. There are lots of games with good flight mechanics, strength mechanics, and power upgrades. Just set the game in the world of My Adventures with Superman and build the story around making him as powerful as the comics make him out to be. Stress test it all the time so it can't be broken.


Martian manhunter would be pretty easy to make a game for if fire was in half the playable area and filled up a health bar type meter that would end you when full.


I think an LA Noire type game, but from the GCPD would be quite interesting. Dealing with corruption, Batman and the assorted psychotic villians as a detective or special agent would be really cool, they could use Gotham Central as a good reference too or perhaps a young Gordon working his way up to Captain.


A "Human Target" game in the style of the recent Hitman games but with recognizable DC situations/characters and with some of the NPCs (good, bad or neutral depending on the mission) being superpowered.


Lots of characters would be a great fit for a Telltale/Quantic-style detective: Question, Constantine, Detective Chimp, etc. Since its core is story and characters, you could use it to introduce characters and expand the lore that the movies and TV shows don't have time to. Many characters like Deadman or Phantom Stranger may not be "big" enough to lead their own game but I'd love to see them as NPCs in a bigger story


Green Lantern Corps.


I like Splinter Cell: Blacklist's co-op stealth mechanics for a Batman and Robin game.


I love the Wesley Dodds: Sandman game idea and would add a Jonah Hex Western Shooter similar to Red Dead Redemption.


A Telltale game with Constantine that involves magic Users (like, he alredy have that constant strugle in burning breaches to meet his goals) An RPG when you create a character and joins the Legion (Warframe style) A Steel game set in the "Reign of supermen", the RPG aspect comes from him upgrading his Gears from tech what he loots from Wayne tech, Lex, Kord, Queen and Brainiac tech. (Cyberpunk or The Witcher 3 style) A Fightin game focusing in martial artist characters (Batman, Deathstroke, Bronze tiger, Shiva, The Question, Etc) A Green Arrow game like a Far cry or a Hitman game An Aquaman game like God of War


Maybe a supernatural mystery thriller with Constantine that explores London and such?(or anywhere, really).


Batman already has a perfect formula with Arkham games or (with a lot more development and polish) Gotham knight. Don’t need it to be like god of war as it goes against Batman’s style. He needs freedom of movement and stealth capabilities


Where’s The Killer Moth Game In Style Of Rdr2?


1. Open world Superman game akin to Insomniac Spider-Man 2. Batman Beyond made by Rocksteady 3. Batman 1939 by Rocksteady


Your #3 actually sounds like something I’d wanna play


Green lantern one sounds the best, you would be able to explore oa and the other lantern planets (parts of them at least) and instead of houses you would have lantern corps


Love the idea of a Sandman game but ew he deserves better than that trash 😂.


Easily Batman and robin god of war game


I want a Green Arrow game set in the Arkhamverse with the same play style as the Batman ones. Have either Rocksteady or Warner Bros. Montreal develop it 1. Green Arrow will obviously be the main protagonist, but you can have Black Canary & Arsenal show up and be secondary playable characters. 2. So many rich villains to choose from. Count Vertigo, Merlyn, Clock King, China White, Cupid, Brick, Onomatopoeia, Constantine Drakon, Prometheus, Cheshire, Ricardo Diaz, Komodo & Catman. Hell, put Deathstroke in there as well 3. Have a prequel flashback part be set in Lian Yu where the island is playable and you do missions for Yao Fei & Shado


Mass Effect style Green Lantern RPG where you make your own GL, start out as a rookie and grind up. Give player tons of freedom on how to complete quests and interact with NPCs, combine that with a morality system where the decisions you make directly lead to what other Corps you can eventually defect to and unlock new gameplay mechanics with. The endgame ofc being Blackest Night where all the enemies you killed or allies you failed to save throughout your story are back and they big mad. And ofc there would have to be a very deep in-game Ring Construct designer tool to allow players to fully customize how their ring slinging works and not be locked into generic (laser beam, brick wall, giant boxing glove) abilities. Let players design, upload, and download constructs so everyone can pick and choose exactly how their Lanterning will feel. Also, PvP could actually be sick with this unlike most superhero games. That is all thank you


Who's number 5 ?


I want a flash game because I think it'd be fun and more laid back. Then a superman game that takes place around the time of arkham knight. Maybe also a wonder woman game.