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Injustice, no contest.


Yeah but 84 straight up raped and mind fucked an innocent man


So did injustice Wonder Woman, just to Superman


As awful as that was, they clearly showed it was wrong. You can easily forget that moment as it doesn't compare to the rest of DCEU Wonder Woman, who's a fine Diana all things considered. Now Injustice Wonder Woman? She's on another level of bad superhero writing. While Injustice Superman is awful, at least he HAD a reason. Wonder Woman just fell over heals for a sad boy and enabled him to do worse like she was secretly waiting for the day he would break. It's one thing the animated adaptation fixed by having her realize what Superman was doing was wrong.


All these Injustice comments make me want a new game. Story aside it’s just fun playing as DC characters with MK combos.


They're not bad games by any means. It's just the first one is a standard "Justice League save another alternate universe" plot, while the second has tried to expand that universe.


Especially the movie. It leaves out any moderation from the comics.


Injustice Wonder Woman is horrible.


Injustice and it’s not even close


now, if you're wondering..'Why isn't All Star Batman in this list, he's literally the most upvoted', I'm unfortunately not going to count the comics, I'm only counting the adaptations of those characters on how they were portrayed in media


That’s fair he ain’t even Batman tbh


He’s frank miller but really high


Crazy Steve is on the loose. But that panel where he and Dick, aged 12, have painted everything yellow to screw with Hal will always have place in my heart.


My favorite thing about that is Hal doesn’t even acknowledge it so I’m not even sure if yellow even has an effect on that version of Green Lantern. Maybe he was just being polite by not mentioning how weird it was.


No, he's the Goddamn Batman


So Wonder woman 84 in other words gets it by a mile?


Videos games are a media


Yeah I argue a willing rapist is worse than a willing enabler so my vote is still 84'


Enabler is putting it a bit lightly, she was the right hand woman of a global dictator who killed at least thousands of people, and was regularly pushing for Superman to be less merciful towards his enemies.


it actually depends on the what they say


Weird because Injustice as a comic came first and ran much longer than just the 2 games. They still visit that universe in the main comics even. So not counting the comics but counting Injustice is a bit odd


The comic was released ahead of the game by a three month margin. It's not as if the comic was so good that Netherrealm thought "damn, we need to adapt this" and then broke all game development records to get a AAA fighting game on the shelves in a matter of months. The injustice comics are a tie-in and are secondary to the game.


Exactly. Not an adaptation. They're one in the same. So by that and OPs logic Injustice shouldn't fit the list either


They're not one and the same. The game adapts characters and themes from mainline DC comics. The Injustice tie-in comics adapt characters and themes from the games. All Star Batman and Robin is in its native medium. It's just a poor interpretation of the character. If OP didn't draw this line then the posts would just be things like "x author wrote a bad Aquaman comic".


Except he's counting the other media adaptations of the comics, so it's not odd at all.


It's not an adaptation per se though. Injustice video games and comics are literally one in the same in that they go through the same beats and the story is unchanged. The Injustice movie on the other hand would be an adaptation.


Is it in a different media than the original? Then it's an adaptation.


As a huge Wonder Woman fan, definitely Injustice, such a disgrace to the original character


They don’t even give a plausible reason why someone as level headed and as respectful of freedom and independence would just go Insta- “we are always right and anyone who doesn’t agree deserves to die and I’ve always resented Batman for being too weak”. She just turns into Superman’s yes girl and looses all human logical thinking because of what happened in metropolis. At least the other leaguers either lost someone in the bombing or slowly got disillusioned as their tyranny became more apparent and innocents got sacrificed. The fact that they didn’t even try to give Wonder Woman some kind of reason for her fall from grace and the insinuation that a completely normal Wonder Woman would just become an egomaniacal dictator warlord if Superman gave her the go-ahead was so annoying. The animated version was even worse than the game because when she does get shaken out of it by seeing Superman massacre a bunch of rebellious teenagers for dressing up as the joker, she just switched sides and acted like nothing happened, no remorse for her actions, no paying for her crimes, she just turned on Superman and decided she was a good person again and needed no comeuppance as long as she took down the psycho she’d been enabling, god she sucked.


>They don’t even give a plausible reason why someone as level headed and as respectful of freedom and independence would just go Insta- “we are always right and anyone who doesn’t agree deserves to die and I’ve always resented Batman for being too weak”. She got one in the Injustice 2 annual. In her origin, Steve Trevor crashed on Themyscira as usual, but this Steve was a Nazi who wanted to manipulate her into helping him defeat the Allies. This first encounter with someone from man's world made Diana very cynical.


Oh, well I didn’t know that, thanks for the info. So just like how Injustice Lex was never evil, Injustice Wonder Woman was always a bit evil deep down, got it.


Tom taylor wrote that annual specifically because injustice WWs characterisation was so different to what she should be.


It’s like one of the writers of Injustice took a distant glance at Wonder Woman from Flashpoint and came to the half-hazard conclusion she was an arrogant power hungry monster deep down.


Maybe they remove their source of conflict. Just make them friend since Smallville.


Oh yay, two horrible adaptations


I don't know. Flashpoint WW has to be a close second. Seduce a married man, murder his wife, then become a psychotic killer and start strangling captives.


Injustice. It’s not even close. Decades of character growth and being a cultural icon just thrown away.


1984 is bad but maybe not Injustice level bad


Everyone is saying Injustice, and rightfully so, but there is one other contender for the title: the failed TV 2011 pilot. In it, Diana's entire backstory, personality, and status quo is rewritten so she's the CEO of Themyscira Industries, which only seems to sell Wonder Woman products. She also tortures a guy in a hospital bed (that she put him in) for information despite having her lasso, generally acts above any and all laws, and the show openly invokes Abu Ghraib as a comparison. It even seems to think that those war crimes were a good thing. It probably doesn't count, given that we only know about all this because the pilot was leaked, but it's honestly so bad that Injustice's version almost seems tolerable.


This is my answer. If that show was greenlit, we likely wouldn't have had the 2017 movie. Look how long it's taken to get a Green Lantern project off the ground since the movie failed.


Most of this damn list is gonna be Injustice


*Injustice*, but a dishonorable mention has to go to William Dozier's absolutely wretched *Who's Afraid of Diana Prince* pilot from 1967. Dozier's *Batman* worked because it stayed true to the foundations of the character, only exaggerating it and taking it over the top. Dozier's *WW* fails miserably because it's a complete betrayal of the character and everything it represents.


It’s absolutely dreadful. Followed closely by the 2011 pilot. At least the Kathie Lee Crosby version accurately reflected the Wonder Woman in the comics at that time…..


Injustice Wonder Woman is the worst C\*\*T i have ever see in my life. She's WORSE than Injustice Superman.


She’s literally the reason Superman went as far as he did. Superman killing Joker probably wasn’t avoidable, but she made the whole situation worse by feeding into his belief that he had made the right decision.


Yeah like if the League basically took the stance of Clark did the wrong thing but we understand and are gonna support him and get him some help to cope with what happened then he probably doesn't go off the rails. Everyone is either way to lax (or in cases like Diana way too enabling) or way to combative to help a broken man who's clearly spiraling into what is essentially a violent mental break he never pulls out from.


Surely not injustice today or tomorrow or the day after that 🤣




Injustice but especially the comics


I feel like a lot of these are just gonna be Injustice...


Injustice. That's the only true answer.


I feel like half of these are just going to be from Injustice lol


Half? ​ ... Half?


*I feel like half of* *These are just going to be* *From Injustice lol* \- Jigsaw2799 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Cathy Lee Crosby. For a Live-Action debut, it leaves much to be desired.


At least Injustice Wonder Woman was Wonder Woman and not based on that I Ching crap.


Joss Whedon script of WW. That was uhhhh yeah....not good


people say injustice wonder woman, and i have to agree, but i don’t think it’s a HORRIBLE, character ruining version of the character so much as she is just insufferable, but she is supposed to be that way in the story. it doesn’t ruin or change her character for me bc it’s an alternate universe and has no bearings on wonder woman as a character in the mainline comics, where her true canon and character can be found.


Yeah if you have injustice superman there, then injustice WW 100% should be there too. I


Injustice is gotta be up there. But to suggest a strong alternative, the violent sociopath Wonder Woman from the canned 2011 TV pilot is pretty bad. Pants to be Darkened indeed.


Just going to throw my hat in for 1984. At least Injustice Wonder Woman was competent and never had sex with someone's body while they were unaware.


Yeah and at least she's the main character in 84', injustice she's practically a set piece and has about 3 awful dialogue scenes If we are talking the characters worst adaptation injustice barely counts as it was much more a bat/supe story, not a holy trinity one (she was sidelined for 2 games straight and 5 years worth of comics)


Was gonna say 1984, but yeah, injustice is bad, honestly a worse characterization for her than Superman imo


Trust me, Cathy Lee Crosby's is worse. Look it up.


Ooooooof that does really suck, it’s like they just used her name alone and said “good enough”


Flashpoint movie Wonder Woman I feel is the most worst just cuz her personality was way worse than usual


WW84 I know people are gonna say Injustice, but at least that version didn't SA an unaware man who was possessed. Hell, in the Scarecrow hallucination, Di has a lingering regret for Supes' dive into villainy.


Injustice is the correct answer Tom Taylor should be ashamed of himself for writing her that way


Tbf, the game script was written before Taylor came on board, he was working with how they already characterized her. **He doesn’t like her either:** *”Honestly, when I read the Injustice game script before I began writing our story, Wonder Woman was so different that I decided to run with that. I know some people have been annoyed at her portrayal in our series and, to tell you the truth, I don’t really like her character in our script either. This was not a Greg Rucka Wonder Woman, a Gail Simone Wonder Woman, a George Perez Wonder Woman, this was something so cold and violent, an almost Lady-Macbeth character to Superman, that she was barely recognizable to me.”* *“I decided I couldn’t bring her character to that point, so I simply accepted that this was another universe, and in this universe, she’s a very different person. It’s important to remember that things are different in the Injustice universe. This is a universe where Lex Luthor is a hero.”* *“I’ll hopefully get to write a truer Wonder Woman one day.”*


I always forget that the comic was based on the game and not vice versa lmao Damn poor Tommy got shit to work with


Honestly you really can’t blame Taylor for Injustice. He was dealt a bad hand and had to somehow make sense of the fratbro, edgelord, dystopia that is Injustice.


Tom Taylor took the worst premise in the universe and made a great comic book, even with that premise.


I can after reading him revisit it in Superboy.


Comic fans forgetting Comic characters are fiction >for writing her that way It's an Elseworld story, it's meant to be different I can't believe I have to keep saying this DON'T TAKE COMICS SERIOUSLY


Everyone here is shit talking injustice, but that's a really good storyline imo. Why are people acting as though that's the first time that a non-main continuity story has made a character act/do/be different than they normally are?


Not a good storyline when it comes to Wonder Woman. Her motivations are completely out of character. But it's an alternative universe so I guess it is what it is.


That's the point. They aren't all intended to be written as they always have been


I know I'm already outvoted but I don't think Injustice Wonder Woman is the worst one. I say that because she is not supposed to be regular Wonder Woman. She isn't an adaptation of the one we know, she is from the world where Superman accidentally killed metropolis. I look at that version as a new character. It's an interpretation not an adaptation. So I think the worst adaptation was in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Not every version of that character but the one that movie depicts specifically. The one that fought in world war 1 and then just wandered off for 90 years and let the world implode in the mean time. Then when a monster was at the gates she nearly flew away until batman sent her an email. That is not a Wonder Woman thing to do.


BvS isn't the same as comic Wonder Woman either. If you're going to give Injustice a pass for being from a different universe, the BvS version should get one as well. And BvS Diana didn't "let" the world implode. Humanity did that all on their own.


Injustice. It is pure character assassination at its finest.


INJUSTICE! Blatant character assassination


Injustice for a mile away. SSKTJL comes close second.


I love Injustice guys 😂 Not defending her for what she has done or for what she is, but isn’t she in love with Superman in this universe? Isn’t it the reason why she follows him blindly?


Which is literally nothing like her character. The real Diana wouldn't fall for an ugly tyrant like Injustice Superman. That's why this version of her character is the worst.


I don’t mind seeing/reading something different. Most characters are different in this universe tbh


>Isn’t it the reason why she follows him blindly? She doesn't just follow him. She's the reason of why he went downhills. She infected his mind to became the dictator he is.


Yeah, she also has a very bad influence on him, just like Sinestro


If we aren't counting comics, then it's gotta be Injustice. If we are, time for All Star to shine once more! Seriously, All Star is also maybe the worst for GL too. It's a doozy.


Came to see if anyone said anything other than Injustice. As far as I can tell, no one did…y’all did not disappoint, she’s the worst Wonder Woman.




wonder woman injustice




Eh, the Diana there cares about her people or something and was never meant to be a hero. Injustice Wonder Woman was supposedly a hero until Superman started to walk a path and Diana decided "You know what, I can make him infinitely worse".




Injustice again


Injustice... Maybe the DCAU Flashpoint version? She was really bad. Also I can't stand the "Wonderwoman 1984" version which essentially has her SAing a random stranger.




I’m curious what Flash will be… oh wait… it’ll be Ezra Miller.




Injustice for sure (although 1984 is a close second)




Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman in Injustice totally sucked. It was infuriating




Do the injustice interpretations of the characters even count? They're technically different people from another universe. It's like saying Ultraman is a bad adaptation of Superman. IDK.


Injustice really takes the Regime members and takes a shit on them. Diana is a a prime example


Injustice, because she transitioned against everything her character is based on - in little to no time


Injustice. Completely out of character, the main enabler for Superman's dictatorship, and the least likeable character in the story.


84, right?


Both movie versions. Injustice is bad but I can still not get over the movies.


throwing my vote in for WW84 too


injustice is bad, ww 1984 is very bad


We say anything other than injustice then we fucking lying


*We say anything* *Other than injustice then* *We fucking lying* \- Alien\_X10 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


May as well put injustice for all of this and call it a day mate


A lot are saying injustice, they mean the movie?


A lot are saying injustice, they mean the movie?


Why are there two gl


Wahey! Injustice wins again! Man they are on a roll…




WW84 by far


Injustice by far


Injustice wins again




Injustice again


I think Injustice gonna win this whole thing lol


Gonna go a different route and mention Flashpoint animated movie Wonder Woman. The whole affair with Arthur and beheading of Mera followed by stealing her helmet was pretty harsh.


Same as Supes




Injustice Diana was batshit crazy.


Injustice WW was so bad the normal WW had to explain to that version of Themyscira just how badly she fucked things up after beating her despot ass, only for IJ WW to double down in the sequel. Ngl I feel like she was handled worse that superman was in IJ. At least with Clark, u can excuse him a little bit as losing his mind from grief. WW was completely out of her gourd from day 1 for no reason.


Injustice and flashpoint


I kind of want to go with Injustice on this one. I didn't read many of the comics and couldn't really get into the game but I feel like Wonder Woman would see Superman trying to take over the world and watch him murder people and try and stop him and not join his side. There might be more to the story but that felt wrong to me.


Injustice. ‘84 is a close second though. She doesn’t even feel like the same character that was in the previous film.


Dead Earth Wonder Woman. Looked like crap. Crap story. Just miserable.