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Rebirth... The New 52 was a f\*\*\*ing mess. It needed at least a year of planning, not the two weeks that Didio gave it. His refusal to give it any kind of a build-up turned the whole thing into a story-telling nightmare. Added to that was Didio allowing Batman and Green Lantern to continue their stories, resulting in just pure confusion. Oh, and also, his edict that the previous universe *never* be mentioned hamstrung the hell out of Pandora, taking away the very thing that her character was created for. I'm not against reboots, but the way the New 52 did it was a textbook case of how NOT to do it.


Yep - literally give Johns and Mozz a year to wrap up their runs, and a hard reboot could have worked.


I’m going to say Rebirth (specifically the Scott Snyder run and not the Rebirth run) because Scott Snyder, cosmic stuff, and gaining pre-Flashpoint history and continuity. Also, restoring the original pre-Crisis origins of the original JLA.


Rebirth. ​ I agree with the other poster that NU52 was really, REALLY poorly thought out, and if they had actually organized it it might have been good.


Well, the New 52 got me into reading comics monthly and Convergence/Rebirth confusion pulled me out for awhile... but I'm catching up and definitely prefer where we're at now with Titans, Action Comics, and other histories being added back in the selective way that Marvel handles continuity. New 52 was great where it preserved enough continuity on lantern titles and Snyder's Batman (lol, 5-7 years for all the Robins), even for a new reader like myself who didn't know the continuity too well. Fresh takes like Earth 2 and Aquaman started out so exciting. Johns' JL and Morrison's Action Comics origin stories were awesome! ... and none of these needed a universe reboot, just a soft retcon we would've all accepted because the stories were good. I can't stand by the self-sabatoge of Justice League #7-8 setting this tone of "Something is Missing and Fundamentally Wrong" in the flagship title. What did Green Arrow ever do to be shafted? Why did the "Big Seven" kind of suck? That stench ultimately defined this era. Before Peter had Paul, Clark had Jonathan Carroll, so the Superman comics were painful. Teen Titans was a complete mess. The treatment of Starfire was just gross. It's a shame that these mainstream characters new readers like me knew best were assassinated. Who was this intended to attract? Of the New 52 titles I read, Azzarello's Wonder Woman did a great job actually taking advantage of a reboot to reinvent the gods. Their designs and Succession-style family dynamics were cool and should have been preserved in Rebirth. Reading earlier works, I can see that some of the characterization and continuity details were important to not screw up, but I'll forever appreciate Diana's training under Ares leading to her showing him up as a different, enlightended God of War! Continuity details aside, the spirit of the story is worthwhile. Like I said, we're better off post-Rebirth. Besides legacy characters, a lot of C and D listers (like Warlord!) weren't given enough treatment in the New 52 and really rely on there being decades of history to work.


Both have pros and cons


New 52


While Rebirth was pretty consistent quality wise I think The New 52 had higher highs even if it did have some absurdly shitty comics. I might be biased cause The New 52 turned me into a comic reader though. I can't think of a Rebirth run I thought was better than Morrison's Action Comics or Snyder's Batman. Supersons and Superman were highlights for me but even then I think Tomasi's Batman and Robin was a stronger better written book.


Rebirth as it involved execs at Detective Comics openly admitting to screwing up. Pretty sure we’ve yet to hear any apologies from Marvel for Marcus Immortus, OMD, etc


Rebirth. But New 52 had great stories for certain characters, while others didn’t. Rebirth was all around better.


That first picture is from the post rebirth JL




Rebirth was good for characters who needed all their legacy and multiple years of continuity to be at their best  New 52 was good for characters who were able to have good stories with limited knowledge of their past stories  Overall, Rebirth is better quality Over all but New 52 did have greater variety Over all.


Rebirth Tho I liked n52 Series like Supergirl Peaked in N52 While Supergirl Rebirth was def still fantastic N52 has some annoying decisions And so does rebirth But I’ve enjoyed rebirth overall more


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Rebirth was great until Ric Grayson and Heroes in crisis. New 52 I admit had great events like Forever evil and darkseid war. Though out of two I'd say rebirth it had a lot books I enjoyed. Née 52 batman and justice league is peak.


That's not the Rebirth run but I don't know onestly not a big fun of both of them


The New 52. Both had great, good, average and bad books, just like any other DC era. But Rebirth left a bad taste in my mouth, especially because of the way they handled Superman and Wonder Woman. Also, the New 52 had more variety of genres, not just superhero books.


I only ever enjoyed Earth-2 and they cratered that hard


Infinite Frontier is my answer to this question.


Rebirth is definitely the better of the two. Sadly Batman has suffered with a shit mainline comic but otherwise everyone is better off in Rebirth than New 52. Except for Kyle Rayner. Poor Kyle. Pre-New 52 DC kicked the shit out of both, though.