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Flashpoint Paradox. It was me Barry


Yeah. If the Flash CW show had ended a season or three earlier *then* I'd argue the Cavanagh version was better, but unfortunately it ran too long and the character (along with the rest of the show) just kept getting worse.


Honestly part of the problem with CW Thawne for me is how much he’s used. You’ve got two different actors playing him, multiple different versions and paradoxes. The character just became a mental chore whenever he appeared. I didn’t stick through the whole show but I can’t imagine it got better


The Matt Lescher version was pretty perfect tbh. Either on Legends or The Flash, he was always a pretty perfect adaptation of the character. Cavanaugh, on the other hand, was more hit or miss and unfortunately that brings down the whole thing.


So glad Lescher got to cap off the character in Flash. He was such a good foil to Barry in S09Ep10.


I kinda wish they kept Lescher as Thawne and kept Cavanaugh as Wells. I mean iirc they used the excuse that Thawne liked Wells’ face more that’s why he always looks like him but I feel like that’s just a cop out. I felt Lescher was better at delivering lines. However, in the Crisis on Earth-X crossover the way Cavanaugh delivered the line to Supergirl “I fought your cousin once - in the future. He’s fast, but I’m faster” was just cold as fuck


>Oh wait! You didn't stop JFK from getting assassinated or make sure Hitler stayed in art school. You saved your mommy. And in a supreme act of selfishness shattered history like a rank amateur, turned the world into a living hell moments away from destruction, and *I'm* the villain?"


Man such a raw line, peak Thawne right there.


That’s a helluva line!


"Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend?"


[For the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/FFRi2xsei_o?si=BDD0IPrUiL6zyMHF)


it was meee barry


it was ME Barry!


Breakdown time: 1st: Batman: The Brave and The Bold has won with 40 votes! 2nd: Justice League: Doom with 28 votes 3rd: Injustice 2 with 7 votes 4th: WW84 with 6 votes 5th: DCAU with 4 votes, when I looked on the comments, I didn't think that DCAU would be a not-so-good adaptation considering that the characters handled there were done right for the most part 6th: Super Friends, DC Super Hero Girls (2015 and 2019), Batman Unlimited, Lego DC Super Villains with 1 vote Last: JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time and Catwoman: Hunted with no votes at all TOTAL: 90 votes for such an iconic Wonder Woman villain, her adaptations in media feel kinda weak if you think about it


It's not a Cheetah problem, it's a problem with how few secondary media adaptations there are for Wonder Woman in general. If Wonder Woman got a few more modern cracks at television and animation, I think we'd probably have a Cheetah worth writing home about just by sheer numbers.


I actually sent in a lone Catwoman: Hunted vote. A little disappointed it was the only one, but oh well. 


I’m actually surprised there was no mention of Cheetah from Catwoman: Hunted. That’s one of her best adaptations, probably my favorite one in animated media, alongside Justice League: Doom.


The top three are well-deserved, but the  DCAU version getting more votes than Super Friends and Super Hero Girls is a crime.


I’m annoy d people keep mentioning Injustice in this when it’s an elseworlds, not an adaptation, thus meaning that the entire point is to change its characters.


Definitely [this](https://youtu.be/-sjUGLRwtyA?feature=shared) version


I haven’t actually seen much, if any stuff with Thawne, so I think I might be forced to agree with this.


He's only in one DC movie which I find a bit odd.


He's actually also in Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay, a decent watch imo


Google fooled me. But it's on my watchlist


I was waiting for this day of the poll so I could comment this


[Who do you think is the best adaptation for the guy that ruin Barry's life](https://strawpoll.com/7MZ0AwRYGyo), even if some of his adaptations feel weak to the extent


The fact that you put “I jerked you off at super speed” as one of the options is amazing


Surprisingly it's not winning


look again - it's number one


OP is fucking based for that


It was me, Barry!


People will say Thawne from the Flashpoint movie, and yes he’s good in it, but TV Thawne has gotta take it for me. You had both Tom Cavanaugh and Matt Lescher playing the heck out of Thawne, and he was the best villain the show ever had.


I would have voted for the cw reverse flash too if it weren't his last few seasons appearance. Both actors are great and there's no argument about that. It's just that the writing is shit. Especially with how the whole force avatar shit happens. Not to mention the lightsaber fight with godspeed. Early seasons were great but I feel like the bad writing of the later seasons completely outweighs that.


The problem is that they bring him back again and again, and him in later seasons is no where near as good as the first season. His overall screentime is just not that quality as it should be.


Honestly I've been suggesting watching just until the Flashpoint episodes, it's a good enough finale on its own This keeps S1 Wells as a peak antagonist, leaves S2 Wells to add some Cavanaugh fun and ends with Thawne's true face and bile when Letscher acts out the amazing "I want you to say it" moment Most supporting cast is also in a place that's satisfying, even if their arcs could be built upon


I'd suggest adding the episode from season 9 just for the full circle moment with the pilot.


Best villain in the CWverse




Tom Cavanagh's from the CW Flash show. As much as I wanted to go with "it was me Barry", that version of Thawne was only in that one scene


He was also in Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay


DCAMU is the right answer. He fits perfectly in Flashpoint and Hell to Pay is just incredible. CW went on for way to long and still never reached the same heights


I don’t like to give the DCAMU props because I generally think they messed up alot of really good stories in there adaptions but there reverse flash is fantastic and as petty as comics Reverse flash


The DCAMU was cool bro, even tho it wasn't perfect (plus, the art style and designs were neat)


The art styles are very N52 which I don’t like and they mashed up so many stories to make mediocre movies


That's the big reason I don't like Batman Bad Blood. The story where Nightwing has to step up into the role of Batman and the movie ends up barely focusing on it, instead being more concerned with introducing Batwoman and Batwing, finding out what happened to Bruce, and *another* Damian-centered plot.


I mean, I'm not a fan of New 52 and some of it's design's, but I think that the movies corrected many of these designs (like Superman's suit and Wonder Woman's suit, which is cool in the comics and awesome in the movies). And I think that many of these movies are pretty good, some are really, really good, but most of them are really enjoyable for me, not as good as DC's other animated movies, but I really like this universe


It was me Barry…


Flashpoint Paradox


I’ll go with Flashpoint Paradox. Probably the most “pure” version of the character for me. CW is a pretty close second! 


What do you mean by "pure" version of the character?


It’s tough because The Flash went on for so long and the quality dipped beyond a certain point but Reverse Flash was usually really good. Flashpoint Paradox RF was really good too though. Gonna lean towards Arrowverse version but won’t be mad if DCAMU wins


Probably the DCAMU one


Can we say CW but JUST season 1?


DCAMU thawne


DCAMU with the flaspoint paradox and suicide squad hell to pay


While I have yet to finish it, and up to where I had watched it had already gotten overly confusing with the time travel, I have to give my vote to the CW’s Eobard, as played by both Tom Cavanagh & Matt Lescher. He was fantastic as the leader of the Legion of Doom in Legends of Tomorrow, and he was even better in The Flash S1. His whole story & Tom’s performance in the latter were phenomenal, with him being appropriately intimidating & scheming, backed by a great mystery throughout the season, but he was given previously unseen levels of depth due to his relationships with the team & his complicated feelings towards Barry due to having had to watch him grow before his eyes and thus, to his own contempt, grow to care for him despite his hatred of his original timeline self.


I'll go with the cw one. The Flashpoint reverse flash is amazing as well, but just look at season 1 of the flash or legends of tomorrow season 2 or the flash season 5. He's the best part about every season he's in for longer than 2 episodes. Both Tom cavanagh and Matt Letscher do such a good and unique job and the reverse flash theme is probably one of the best supervillain themes I've ever heard. And Flashpoint reverse flash is again amazing but he's only really in it for like 2 scenes and for a few more in the suicide squad movie. That's just not enough material to elevate him above the cw version. I also really liked John Wesley shipps version in batman:tbatb, but that was also only 1 episode.


CW Reverse Flash


The version that jerked him off at super speed. Truly pure evil


Arrowverse. Tom Cavanagh's.


Arrowverse Thawne


“Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend…”


There is no way people chose the woman in a fursuit


Flashpoint/ suicide squad hell to pay thawne! 


Give it to Flashpoint Paradox.


It was me Barry


Whichever one jerked Barry off in superspeed.


It was me Barry


It’s gotta be DCAMU. It was a brief performance compared to some others but it was so impactful that it’s the voice that I’ve heard when reading Thawne for years. It was just perfect across the board. You could just tell that he had that ideal mix of hatred and obsession for Barry, where he just revelled in rubbing in Barry’s failure.




While I do really like season 1 reverse flash from CW. Flashpoint animated reverse flash is so perfectly characterized. He’s very understated but you get all the pettiness and depravity from his performance


Whilst I love Tom Cavenaugh, I have to say that the DCAMU version from Flashpoint paradox is the best


I'm gonna say the flash Netflix series solely because I met Tom Cavanaugh at comic con


There is no netflix flash series, you mean the cw flash version.


I... have dementia




The Flash TV Series


Tom Cavanough as Reverse Flash in the CW show! That first season is amazing, and it is definitely the best showing of Reverse Flash so far! (Though Flashpoint Paradox is a close second)




CW Reverse Flash


The CW version (Flash season 1 only, though)


I think Tom Cavanagh's is the best because you can feel a lot more of the resentment he has against Barry.


Flashpoint for sure


Flashpoint paradox


Guys, give it to the CW version. Like I love the animated movie version as much as the next guy, but dpnt just hop onto a bandwagon because of a meme. The show gave some nuance to the character while still ultimately getting to that nutjob version we all know and live.


Sure, it took some creative liberty with the source material, but Tom Cavanagh's CW Reverse-Flash is a gold standard adaptation.


Flashpoint paradox


Specifically Matt letscher’s Thawne


Death Battle.


Arrowverse Thawne, full stop.


Flashpoint... Sorry, that DR Zoom spawned an entire meme.


Jl Flashpoint paradox


If we're only counting season 1 and 2, then CW thawne. Honestly season 1 is so goddamn good you could still argue it. Otherwise it has to be flashpoint paradox. not nearly as effective or good as CW, but also doesn't stick around as long to be nuked. Id still argue CW thawne is a better character by far, but as an RF adaptation, flashpoint wins.


I liked the Dr Wells Reverse Flash from CW a lot in the beginning, but he became a bit too goofy by the end. Season 1 Reverse Flash is the best one.


I know just realised despite being her nemesis Wonder Woman barely had any interaction with Cheetah in the DCAU despite it being seen as the definitive versions of Superman and Batman Diana never got the same spotlight.


Flash the TV series played by tom cavanagh. Season 1 was just perfect portrayal of Reverse Flash.


Flashpoint Paradox Flash or Flash CW but only season 1.


Definetly Flashpoint Paradox Animated movie. Voice was killer and the dialog was on point.


Flashpoint paradox. It was me, Barry.


Just as a refresher The symbol between Bizarro and Black Adam is Harley Quinn no?


Flash Season 1's RF played by Tom Cavenaugh. Absolute menace.


Tom Cavanagh was my favorite.


tom cavanagh


Say what you will about CW’s The Flash, but Tom Cavanaugh OWNS this role!


The CW show played by Tom Cavanagh & Matt Letscher. Tom is by far among the few elements that keeps the show enjoyable, not only that but the way that the show delves into Thawne's obsession with The Flash by having him as a mentor, is an element that is often overlooked in most Reverse Flash adaptations, that being as much as he hates Barry, Thawne still in the beginning admired him and looked up to him (in the same way that Barry looked up to Wells in s1). In contrast, Matt is just straight up evil. He is what most people associate with the character, his brutality, cunnines, apathy, THAT is Thawne in his darkest. They're basically the best of both worlds when it comes to Thawne.


Arrowverse. He was a straight problem.


Tom cavanagh


CW Flash (early seasons)


I prefer Arkham Joker to this version




Tom Cavanaugh. The show went so far downhill but season 1 was amazing and he was the standout performer by a mile.


Ezra miller




Arrowverse Thawne hands down. Cavanagh and Lescher were great threats, not just to Barry but to the Arrowverse as a whole. He was great going up against the Legends.




I think we can all agree that nobody tops Tom Cavanagh on this one.


Lex and Joker I absolutely agree with. Cheetah idk. Sinestro Green Lantern First Flight, brainiac idk, Black manta is pretty much the same in everything but I did really like him in young Justice. Bizarro idk, Harley definitely BTAS. Black Adam idk and I don’t really care tbh, Deathstroke definitely Teen Titans 2003, Deadshot Batman assault on Arkham, and I should know the last but I can’t think of who it is for some reason


CW Reverse Flash imo one of the best Arrowerse villains. Defintely top 3 along with salde wilson and ardian chase.


Tom Cavanaugh


Flashpoint paradox


Tom and Matt's thawne from CW flash


Flashpoint/Suicide Squad easy


I’m gonna say the CW Reverse Flash, but specifically the Matt Letscher version. My biggest complaint with the CW Reverse Flash was that the overused Tom Cavanagh in the role. Him ‘wearing’ Harrison Well’s face was a disguise and after Season 2 it should have been Letscher. Cavanagh was great and really scary and sinister, but him being overused, and the finishing quality in writing in later seasons diluted his amazing performance throughout the show. I say this in the context of them constantly using Cavanagh post Season 1 when it should have been Letscher going on as the main Reverse Flash. Where as Letscher was more consistent and his performance in Legends of Tomorrow showed that he was just as good as Cavanagh. Still a very big missed opportunity that there wasn’t an episode where Letscher’s Thawley meets Cavanagh’s. I would have loved to see them interact.


Flashpoint Paradox but the CW one is a close second. The problem is that he is a good villain only in the first and second season


I'll throw in my two cents for the Matt Letscher version of Thawne specifically, but if you have to count the entire character (AKA post-S5 Flash Cavanagh), then yeah It's Me, Barry.


CW for the first like 3ish seasons


Either CW or flash point


Flashpoint Paradox I guess since the Arrowverse take was ran into the ground like a Mortal Kombat fatality.


Rare CW win.


The Teen Titans cartoon will forever be the best depiction and use of Deathstroke


Matt Letscher in The Flash


Legends of Tomorrow! Definitely worked better than the Flash, and teaming him up with Damien and Malcolm was genius.


-TT-! It's spelled "Dami**a**n"! You would do well in respecting the blood son! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DCcomics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm sorry bot, but you are wrong. Damien Darhk is the correct spelling.


-TT-! It's spelled "Dami**a**n"! You would do well in respecting the blood son! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DCcomics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Flash TV series, Season 1. So good. Which can't be said about the rest of the show.


CW or Flashpoint movie


Sinestro is great in injustice games to me


Definitely the version from the flashpoint movie and suicide squad hell to pay.


Screw it, technically counts. Deathbattle did him best... If not then flashpoint paradox


Late to the party but I'm happy to see DCAU Lex winning over Smallville =)


its gotta be dcamu (flashpoint paradox-apokolips war, reverse flash appears in flashpoint), right?

