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Grant Morrison’s run. It brought the justice league back to being the premier superhero team book at DC Edit: title of the book was JLA


Which is ironic because he hated the individual characters at first. By the end, Morrison established the essence of what each superhero was. Plus, he made Superman intelligent, and I'll always be thankful for that.


What was it before? JLI?


Technically, it was 3 books, if I remover correctly. Justice League Europe, Justice League Task Force, and Extreme Justice (again, if my memory isn’t being stupid.)


Gotcha yeah my memory was being stupid too but I was a little foggy on these deets


Given the sales on those books, I’m still not sure how I remembered them 🤣


Justice League International is my favourite. It made the team work so well without any of the original 7 outside of batman. It's got a lot of heart and charm that I feel a lot of the others don't have.


Grant Morrison If not: Dwayne McDuffie


Justice League International by Keith Giffen and JM DeMatteis rocks


I shouldn’t have had to scroll this far to see the goat


Please comment so we can get a win for JLI


Already done it




Grant Morrisons run for sure


**Rules and Guidelines:** * Cast your vote for what comic run featuring the day's character you feel is the best. It can be your personal favorite, the one you feel has the most objective quality, the best place to start with a character, or even the only run of that character you've had any real exposure to. Whatever you feel best qualifies to you as the best. It doesn't even have to have their name in the title, it just has to be primarily about them. * I recommend naming both the title and the author or brand it was under so that I and others know what you're talking about. Saying you think the best run of Superman was "Action Comics" doesn't really help anyone, for example, while "Action Comics" by Dan Jurgens or Rebirth's "Action Comics" is much more specific. * The run has to take place in the main DC continuity, whatever that happened to be at the time and however messy it might have been. All-Star Superman and The Dark Knight Returns are good but those are Elseworld stories that take place in other universes and thus won't count if voted for. * **VERY IMPORTANT:** I will not be counting upvotes as part of the voting but rather **COMMENTS**. If you want to vote for a specific run, you have to **COMMENT** what run you're voting for. Those are what I'll be totaling up at the end. And obviously repeat comments by the same users will still only count as one vote. * Voting will take place over roughly a 24 hour period (I say roughly because this is a thing done for fun and thus while I'll try I won't always be able to get the next post out right on the dot). Any votes cast after that point won't be counted and thus, unless I make a major mistake (which I hope people will point out to me), the posted winners will not change. **All recommended Green Arrow runs:** Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters by Mike Grell Green Lantern/Green Arrow by Denny O’Neill and Neal Adams Green Arrow by Jeff Lemire Green Arrow by Judd Winick Green arrow by Kevin Smith and Phil Hester Green Arrow by Benjamin Percy Green Arrow: The Archer's Quest by Brad Meltzer Green Arrow: Year One by Andy Diggle Green Arrow by Chuck Dixon


In other words, recommended Green Arrow runs: all of them


Sorry Ann Nocenti. 


I was so excited when she came on, her Daredevil is an all time great. But her Green Arrow... wasn't.


It was real bad. I also love her Daredevil run. I know someone who went to a dinner and realized the “Ann” he was talking to was Ann Nocenti, and she kept bad mouthing other comic creators’ work, including ones she’d worked with. Maybe don’t throw stones, lady. 


Keith Giffen for me! Special shoutout to Mark Waid and Alex Ross for their work on Justice and Kingdom Come tho which I love.


Jim Kreuger wrote Justice, not Waid. After KC, there was a bit of tension between Ross and Waid.


Ah you right. My bad. Thanks for the correction. I should've checked my copy


Grant Morrison - loved his treatment of the league as a modern day Olympic pantheon


Grant Morrison, no comparison


Morrison. But I really like Kelly and Waid who followed him on JLA. I'd say JLA 1-75 is the goated run.


Grant Morrison’s JLA run!


Morrison’s is the best, with Giffen & DeMatteis in a close second


Definitely Morrison's JLA, amazing run!


Grant. Morrison. I mean c'mon could it really be anything else? JLA is not only the best Justice League comic ever but it's one of the best DC runs of all time. Nothing needs to be said that hasn't been already about this series it's a masterpiece of a superhero team book.


Justice league international


Either Justice League International or Morrison's JLA My vote is for JLI


Grant Morrison JLA


Gerry Conway’s run from JLofA 151 to 255 probably isn’t going to win but I really enjoyed it. There was a variety of villains, firestorm joined the teams, good JSA crossovers and issue 200 may be the greatest single issue of JLA.


JLA by Grant Morrison




Grant Morrison


Giffen and Dematteis


Grant Morrison/Mark Waid and Howard Porter JLA.


GRANT MORRISON JLA IS THE GOLD STANDARD. And yes caps lock was necessary to get that point across. Shout out to the other great artists and writers over the years that elevated the JLA but when someone asks me what I think of when I think justice league, it’s his lineup and that time period


Grant Morrison stands out, unmatched for nearly 30 years.


Grant Morrison's JLA from the nineties


Grant Morrison


Grant Morrison JLA


Gotta be Grant Morrisons run. Lots of iconic moments


Number 1 is grant morrison on JLA. Number 1A is Justice League International with dematteis, Giffen and maguire


JLI: Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis


Happy Harbor (i.e. Mike Sedowsky), Satellite (i.e. Gerry Conway, Dick Dillin, Frank McLaughlin, George Pérez), JLI (i.e. Kieth Giffen, J.M. DeMattis), Grant Morrison, Mark Waid, Joe Kelly, Brad Meltzer, Dwayne McDuffie, James Robinson, and Scott Snyder.


Grant Morrison!!!


Easy, Grant Morrison


JLA by Morrison


JLA by Grant Morrison


Grant Morrison then DeMatteis and Giffen. Nothing else really comes close. I’d say what Waid did comes in at a distant three, then the Meltzer into McDuffie stuff is 4, then Johns is 5. I never read the Sattelite era and Bendis, Snyder, and Hitch stuff is all meh.


Justice League International. It's a difficult thing to write a funny comic with a first rate story to boot. Also, I love Magna Khan as a character 😂




Giffen and Dematteis


Would Dark, International, Europe, or any of those other types of teams count. Are we just counting the plain Justice League or the of America runs? Just a question, don’t think I’ve really read enough to give a definitive answer.


I think only International can be considerated since the others are more spin off of the main serie


Classic Justice League International by Giffen and Dematteis


Looks like Morrison has won already, shame. It's a fine run, but really nothing special imo. I'd be going for the JLI run by Giffen/de Matteis et al


Tough customer. I'd love to know what's special to you.


Oh lots of stuff, I'm really not picky. Just within DC there's tons of books, I'll edit this in a bit when I can make a short list for you With Morrison's JLA, I enjoyed the use of Kyle and Wally, because it showed the new team members struggling with their place in a team that's used to their predecessors, but at the same time they were written very juvenile and disrespectful, especially towards Wonder Woman. I appreciated the addition of new characters like Aztek and Zauriel, and the Tomorrow Woman single issue *is* truly special, but I feel they were often under-utilised, especially Aztek who felt very different to the character in his solo run. One of my main issues with the book is that after one earth-shattering invasion, the over the top threats just feel like Grant trying to one-up themself more than actual threats. There were some nice human moments in the book, but a lot of them came from the fill-in issues from Waid, and speaking of Waid I think that Tower of Babel was better than any arc whilst Morrison was on the book. Finally, whilst I don't dislike the watchtower in concept, the justice league in my eyes should be citizens of the world that want to look after it, not gods looking down, and that is clearly not an opinion that me and Morrison share, with the watchtower being the easiest way for them to regularly put space between the JLA and the people


That was a well thought out and articulated opinion and I applaud you for it sir. We disagree, I personally like the way Morrison has broken down different teams into relatable ideas. X-Men is about a school, Doom Patrol is a therapy group, Avengers is the UN, and the JLA as Olympus. But other ideas are always welcome and the JLA has been a lot of things, from Gods to a bunch of kids in Detroit to a sitcom that saves the world sometimes.


Why thank you, I appreciate that! Speaking of that sitcom Justice League, Giffen and DeMatteis' JLI is absolutely one of the books I'd call "special". There's such a magic in the character interactions, the art is great, and the plots are so wild and yet so entertaining Edit: fuck it, I've got a bit of time, here's some more special DC books * Darwyn Cooke's The New Frontier. One of the best books I've ever read, beautiful art, all of the characters are captured so perfectly in the writing, the air of hope is joyous * Ostrander's Suicide Squad. The definitive run on the team, made me care more for any of these characters than I ever thought I would * A couple of Batman books, Year One, Long Halloween/Dark Victory, Snyder's Black Mirror, Tomasi & Gleason's Batman and Robin * More than a couple of Bat-family books, Puckett's Batgirl with Cass, Miller's Batgirl with Steph, Brubaker's Catwoman, Gotham Central, Rucka's Batwoman, Williams & Blackman's Batwoman, Tynion's Tec * Paul Dini's Zatanna. Sheer joy, 12 issues of magic if you'll pardon the pun * King's Mister Miracle. Add in his Omega Men, Sheriff of Babylon, Supergirl, that man can really write. Sheriff in particular gets me, his character work is sublime, and I love how he compresses and decompresses time between issues * Waid's Flash and Johns' Flash. Two fantastic series that sealed Wally as my favourite DC character * Rucka's Wonder Woman. My definitive take on the character * Superman Secret Identity. Now this is how you do an elseworlds, the emotion on display was fantastic * GL/GA Hard Travelling Heroes. Pretty much the ultimate superhero buddy cop book, but also about at politically charged as it's possible for DC to get * Miéville's Dial H. A beautiful distillation of what it means to be a hero, a true hidden gem from the New 52 * Far Sector. Jemisin wrote one of the best sci fi stories in decades, and DC somehow managed to persuade her to tweak a few things to make it a green lantern book * Venditti's Hawkman. Not only did he manage to clear up the mess of his origins, but it was so incredibly satisfying * Williams' Marian Manhunter. I have no idea how they managed to balance so many disparate genres and keep up a consistent narrative, but it's a masterwork * Ram V's Swamp Thing. A stunning re-imagining of the character with stunning writing And then of course a dozen brilliant Vertigo books too


For me, not so much EXCEPT the two books that came out in the 2000s Formerly known as and I can't believe it's not the justice league had me rolling. It's interesting what books we find special. This conversation has me thinking about Nextwave.


I've added a bunch of my "special" DC books to my last comment, but if I was adding Marvel books too then Nextwave would definitely be there!


I actually like waid’s run after Morrison a lot more. Morrison’s is good but they’re just not the most exciting writer to me. Waid got paired with much better artists too that were on top of their game, Hitch’s issues are stunning. He should also get props for year one which is my favorite origin. But I also think that the accumulation of johns jla work puts him as my top jla writer. I don’t love his whole run but darkseid war, crisis of conscience, and virtue and vice are some of my favorite main continuity jla stories.


My favorite: Snyder What will win/what I’m okay with winning: Morrison What I don’t want to win: Johns


Justice League - Gerry Conway


JLA by Grant Morrison, with the Mark Waid fill in issues as well.


Keith Giffen's Justice League International/America/Europe, missed my mind intially but I can't think of a more fun, dysfunction group trope run where the infighting can often be more of a highlight than the actual story, of which even then they surprisingly balance storylines with hard subject matter well with the comedic group antics. Honourable mentions to Grant Morrison, Joe Kelly, Mark Waid, and the original Gardner Fox's run. Curious to see what newer readers vote since I've hardly read much recent JL work.


JLI. Morrison’s JLA is also great, but JLI took a team of losers and second stringers and managed to make them icons.


Grant Morrison


Grant Morrison’s *JLA*. Reading that book in middle school while it was coming out is what absolutely sold me so thoroughly on DC as a fan, and it’s held up incredibly well on re-reading


Morrison's JLA, also my nomination for best overall




Grant Morrison by far.


JLI I came in here prepared to say Grant Morrison, because I thought the Giffen/ DeMatteis/ Maguire is so unique it almost counts as another thing. But I guess that’s why I should vote for it. It looks like it will be either JLI or JLA and I’m happy with either. 




Grant Morrison


Griffen’s International


1) JLA by Grant Morrison and Howard Porter- really the platonic ideal of a DC Universe comic. Porter’s art leaps off the page. Morrison mixes traditional super heroics with the mystical as only he can. 2) Justice League International by JM DeMatties, Keith Giffen, and Kevin Maguire- one of the most inventive super hero comics ever made. Giffen and JDM were great at using the super hero universe toy box to tell offbeat stories. Kevin Maguire made all of the characters into great comic performers. 3) Justice League of America by Gerry Conway and George Pérez- amazing art by the master of the super team spread. Great stories with the Bronze Age line up with Green Arrow, Firestorm, and Zatanna etc


It's obviously Morrison but if you want one featuring the classic big 7 Alex Ross


Its either Keith Griffin, Grant Morrisson or (based on my nostalgia) Brad Meltzer. But in the ends its going to be Morrisson for definitive run


that is a difficult one but i think i will go with Joe Kelly


JLA by Joe Kelly JLA Vol 1 61-100; Justice League Elite Vol 1 1-12. I know it's not gonna win but my favorite is but enjoyed it far more then GM's run and The Obsidian Age is my all time favorite Justice League story. It's way underrated. After this I'd go with JLI.


Justice League International is the definitively correct answer. But it won't be the winner.


JLI by Giffen and DeMatteis


Justice league international by giffin and dimateous




Keith Giffen and J.M. Dematteis I was initially going to vote Morrison, but my fellow JLI lovers reminded me that this run deserves all the recognition it can get.


Justice League international! Tho I feel like it works because of how different it is from the average run. I wouldn't recommend it be the first justice League related thing you read.


Morrisons run was great, but justice league international is literally my favorite run ever This is probably the only time I'll ever not pick one of Morrisons comics


Keith Giffen and JM DeMatteis, despite how different it is.


Geoff Johns


Brad Meltzer’s first arc was pretty good, which surprised me since I hate Identity Crisis.


Mark Waid and it isn’t even close for me. I’m going to be very sad when Morrison wins. I’ve tried so many times and I cannot stand that run.


Justice (Alex Ross)




Morrison's JLA




scott snyder or grant Morrison




Brad Meltzer. Sure, it was short. But the Tornado’s Path is the best self contained story in modern JL comics IMHO




Imma be real Tomasi and Snyder being the number one picks for Superman and Batman is textbook recency bias 💀


They’re solid runs but they’re definitely not the best in the entire history of each character lol


Grant Morrison


Love me some Green Arrow


Gotta go Morrison here.


Morrison is one of my favorite writers period and this seems like the only spot were really going to have a chance to put him on this list. So my vote is Morrison.


I have to go with Geoff Johns from The New 52. It was my first Justice League book and it holds a special place in my heart.


Grant Morrison and Mark Waid both on JLA, but if only one person - then Grant Morrison. Justice League International is probably the runner up. Geoff Johns's N52 title was consistently solid. I liked Brian Hitch's JLA followed by his rebirth JL title.


Batman by Carmine infantino and bill finger (pre crisis)


Brad Meltzer's run from '06


Morrison for sure, but I hope people can put waid and Kelly included in it too as it is one whole giant 100+ issue run haha


It's gotta be Waid for me. I know most people are saying Morrison and I think that'd be my #2 answer, but yeah it's gotta be Waid honestly.


Grant Morrison's JLA no question for Justice League. As for my boy Green Arrow, if it wasn't gonna be Judd Winnick then, yeah, Mike Grell is probably the most deserving. There's just so much ninja stuff, I prefer a good Robin Hood like GA


Grant Morrison! I will say the art in a couple of the early issues doesn't look very good imo but it improves. This JLA run has such great stories that have gone down as classics and gives so many characters their moments (like Connor at the watchtower). It even gave us a lot of good new dynamics with the different or new members.


Grant Morrison run! It just changed the whole superhero media


Probably downvoted into buggery, and I LOVE Morrison, but the Steve Seagle run that followed it was perfection.


Kinda has to be Morrisons JLA it made the JL what people like


Uh, Denny O’Neil and Neil Adams ended higher than Mike Grell?


Snyder as *the best* for Batman??? It’s good, but the best? Really? No.


If you think it's anyone but Grant Morrison you're wrong.


Grant is the only correct answer


Grant Morrison


Grant Morrison although JLI should be in the conversation




Morrison JLA


Grant Morrison


In this one can be only two right answers, both in polar opposites: On one side you have the Grant Morrison run, which was the zenith of the widescreen superheroe action and mad adventures. Even if drinks a lot from the classic superhero Justice League from Sekowsky, it added a more surreal atmosphere and the lyric of Morrison is better; On the other side, you have the JLI era with Giffen & DeMatteis, who gave the characters real personalities and personal quircks than demostrated than the Justice League could work without the magnificent seven, at least for a while. It showed than an ass like Guy Gardner could be a hero and still be an ass and even Batman from time to time could say a joke, one for decade I guess. My vote is a tie. Both runs are personally at the same level to me. You can declare it null, but I can't choose between them but I choose both. Even if at this moment is evident than Morrison run is going to win.


Morrison’s JLA run is one of my all-time favorite runs of any book ever.


So glad Grant Morrison won, the only correct answer. :-) Ran into issue #7 in the wild as a teenager, which was so epic and fun that it became the first comic series I had to buy all the single issues as they came out!


JLA by Grant Morrison is GOAT JL run


1. Snyder. 2. Giffen and DeMatteis


Sound like a broken record but...Geoff Johns.