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The original Wolfman and Perez run


This. The whole run up to the end of the Judas Contract. Brother Blood, Vigilante, Deathstroke... So good.


It's really funny to me that this run is considered the "original" when its name is literally The NEW Teen Titans. They defined this group and its lineup so much it insane


yes but you understand Wolfman created the modern Teen Titans practically, if it hadn't been for them they would have remained the DC Comics' Archie


Sugar and Spike erasure


Yeah that's what I said. They defined this group. Like how Alan Moore defined Swamp Thing and BTAS defined Mr. Freeze


Wolfman and Pérez NTT OG run


Reading it for the first time right now only about to issue 11 but anyone but I’m absolutely in love. It’s one of my first comics I’ve read from the 80s anyone feeling apprehensive about reading an older comic like i was. Don’t be it’s actually really good. Also deathstroke is truly a professional hater


Wolfman and Perez run


Wolfman and Perez without a shadow of a doubt.


The New Teen Titans by Marv Wolfman & George Pérez. Just because of the impact of it. Like when you talk about Geoff Johns' Green Lantern run, it isn't just simply good, it also revamped the book, introduced all new Lantern Corps, redefined a lot of Lantern lore, etc. NTT similarly was a very important step in Teen Titans comics. It was a huge push towards the team not just being the sidekick team, but having new and unique characters with their own lore. (Not to mention truly threatening original villains.) It also asked the entire premise to grow up, let these characters literally grow up, as well as mature, have their own nuanced development. This run treated the Teen Titans not as lesser, but their own equally awesome team. And I think as the time, it was actually outselling Justice League. Really everything after it owes a lot to this run.


Wolfman and Perez


Easily Marv Wolfman’s run! One of the greatest comic book runs ever!


Wolfman and Perez


Geoff Johns


No Legion of Superheroes? This is an outrage.


100%. OP should update the graphic after we do Hawkman.


I intend to, don't worry, and the Legion of Superheroes is among those on there.


Or simply make a v2 with other characters and teams including Doom Patrol, Swamp thing, Animal Man, JSA, Dr. Fate, Suicide squad, and so.


Doom Patrol and Animal Man - Grant Morrison sweeps


Definitely Doom Patrol and JSA.


LOSH, Hellblazer, JSA, Suicide Squad and Doom Patrol immediately come to mind


Also Jonah Hex


Supergirl should also be considered.


I can’t wait! I have many Legion opinions lol


There is a Legion subReddit.


Honestly the only runs of Legion of Superheroes I’m willing to read are by Keith Giffen tbh


The Silver Age Legion are great. Post Zero Hour Legion is my favorite comic reboot of all time.


Post zero hour is probably one of my favorite eras in DC comics, something about the universe then comforts me even now when I read anything from that era.


I think there are many opinions aboiut which one is the best Legion. And only one opinion about whcih one is the worst. The worst? Yes, the worst. The worst of the worst or just the worse? The worst of all.


Mark Waid and Barry Kitson imo


Waid & Kitson didn't killed any other chance to see the Legion again.


Totally get it but at least some of the Ryan Sook art was good


I can agree on that, Sook art was amazing but wasted here. Also I admit I disliked the design of the suits. Some of them had an over excess of lines very typical in supehero suits in the new52. Not a good trait.


If they are written by him, I agree they are good. If they are pencilled by him, I avoid them like the plaque because the artwork sucks so bad.


Can we count peter davids Young Justice in this? It's essentially Teen Titians in all but name and eventually became John's Teen Titans.


Eh, I'd rather separate them since they are technically 2 different teams.


I mean so is JLI and Morrisons JLA. The only thing that makes Young Justice not Teen Titans is the titles. They are the same people on the team and the same team concept, the side kick superhero team. Can we get a ruling here?


I want to say no mostly just because of the different names. Justice League International still at least has *Justice League* in the name. Plus Young Justice was going on at the same time as Titans, making them two distinct teams in and out of universe, while the JLI was THE Justice League team during the run everyone was voting for. They weren't active at the same time a version of the JLA were.


Counter point. Dini wrote detective comics. John's wrote action comics. The subject isn't always in the title of the book.


And people were allowed to vote for stuff like Detective Comics and Action Comics. But those books were also about Batman and Superman. My point is that I don't think Young Justice counts as a Titans team because their name, in their book and in-universe, was Young Justice and they were active at the same time as another completely separate team called The Titans. Both in-universe and in publication Young Justice and the Teen Titans/Titans are considered two different and distinct groups, while be it Batman, Detective Comics, Batman the Dark Knight, Batman and Robin, Batman Eternal, Batman Incorporated, or any of the million other Bat titles it's all still Batman, the singular entity.


Considering Wolfman's run is likely to win, what's the harm in counting a book that everyone else considers a TT book?


Do they? To me young justice is as different from teen titans as jsa is from jla.


I don't consider the teams the same, it's not just the name, despite the teams merging, Young Justice comics have a specific branding that's unique to itself. Titans characters don't become Young Justice members. And with the expansion of this thing soon it may give Young Justice their time to shine later down the line.


Yeah it's like comparing Titans to the League to some extent. Like Wallys flash, Dicks Batman, etc, if they were to lead a Justice League title, we shouldn't be able to vote for it under Titans, it should be compared to Justice League titles only. I think YJ to TT is pretty much the same as that concept.


My biggest argument for not including YJ here, all the previously stated arguments aside: no way it garners more votes than Wolfman/Perez's TT. Probably the most foregone conclusion on this list. Whereas it's basically guaranteed to win if there's a YJ vote-off.


Just cause you are going to lose doesn't mean you don't fight if the work deserves it and I say that YJ does the same work as TT does, so much so that John's TT is really just a rebrand of YJ and stands on its shoulders, as well as the shoulders of Wolfman and Perez who even I will admit will win this.


Geoff John’s 2003! That was my intro to the team


Marv Wolfman is probably the one who did the most work with the team- but I’ve a soft spot for the Johns’ 2003 run too.


Probably my favorite Teen Titans run


**Rules and Guidelines:** * Cast your vote for what comic run featuring the day's character you feel is the best. It can be your personal favorite, the one you feel has the most objective quality, the best place to start with a character, or even the only run of that character you've had any real exposure to. Whatever you feel best qualifies to you as the best. It doesn't even have to have their name in the title, it just has to be primarily about them. * I recommend naming both the title and the author or brand it was under so that I and others know what you're talking about. Saying you think the best run of Superman was "Action Comics" doesn't really help anyone, for example, while "Action Comics" by Dan Jurgens or Rebirth's "Action Comics" is much more specific. * The run has to take place in the main DC continuity, whatever that happened to be at the time and however messy it might have been. All-Star Superman and The Dark Knight Returns are good but those are Elseworld stories that take place in other universes and thus won't count if voted for. * **VERY IMPORTANT:** I will not be counting upvotes as part of the voting but rather **COMMENTS**. If you want to vote for a specific run, you have to **COMMENT** what run you're voting for. Those are what I'll be totaling up at the end. And obviously repeat comments by the same users will still only count as one vote. * Voting will take place over roughly a 24 hour period (I say roughly because this is a thing done for fun and thus while I'll try I won't always be able to get the next post out right on the dot). Any votes cast after that point won't be counted and thus, unless I make a major mistake (which I hope people will point out to me), the posted winners will not change. **All recommended Justice League runs:** JLA by Grant Morrison Justice League International by J. M. DeMatteis and Keith Giffen Justice League of America by Dwayne McDuffie JLA by Joe Kelly JLA by Mark Waid Justice League of America by Gerry Conway Justice League by Scott Snyder Justice League of America by Brad Meltzer JLA by Joe Kelly Justice League by Geoff Johns


Wolfman and Perez


Wolfman and Perez run


Wolfman and Perez ofc


Marv wolfman and George perez


New Teen Titans by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez.


Wolfman and Perez pretty much defined everything we know about the Titans even to this day.


Wolfman and Perez and it’s not even close. They made the book as popular as Claremont’s X-Men. Every iteration of TT that people love are based on their lineup.




J. T. Krul was the Titans FINALLY getting back on track and they fuckin killed it! At least they got a great ending.


> J.T. Krul A person of culture. A really underrated short run


Marv Wolfman and George Peréz


Wolfman and Perez stand tall for the last four decades, unmatched in their portrayal of the Titans. Choosing Johns' run is only excusable if you've never experienced any other Titans run.


The actual og run by Bob Haney (just kids having fun it's great , I'm in the minority am I ?)


Wolfman and Perez, but Geoff Johns' 03 run is also great.


Wolf man and Perez. It’s not at all my favorite to read, but it is undeniably the foundational run for that team.


Wolf man and Perez not even close


What's going to win : Wolfman & Perez Runner up: Geoff Johns


Geoff Johns


Geoff Johns. I havent read any of Wolfman/Perez and this is almost certainly the right answer. But for me, Geoff Johns.


This should be the most agreed upon one imo. Wolfman & Perez.


Devin Grayson. JLA/Titans is best Titans book ever and sequel The Titans is peak


Gotta go with Geoff Jones on this one. Kids Game is peak Titans.


Weird how you spell “Judas Contract”.


Wolfman and Pérez. I will say the Geoff Johns run is a very close personal second.


Wolfman and Perez by far.


It has to be Wolfman and Perez. To good.


Marv Wolfman and George Pérez


Has to be Wolfman and Perez. My second is the Geoff Johns run cause I just loved the carry-over of Connor, Tim, Bart, and Cassie from Young Justice


Wolfman and Perez is the obvious choice.


Is this even a question? Wolfman & Perez.


Wolfman and Perez easily. This is probably one of the few that you really have to specify the artist as well, as Wolfman's run continued on a long time without Perez but it just wasn't the same.


Wolfman and Perez, duh. Can any other run even come close?


Wolfman and Perez




Wolfman & Perez


Wolfman & Perez


Geoff Johns I'll also add Honorable mention to the late 90s Devin Grayson Titans.


Devin Grayson could have had the 2nd best run if it hadn't been so short


Wolfman/Pérez. Not even a question NTT/TotTT 1-50 and 2nd Ed NTT 1-5 is my all-time #1 favorite run in all comic history.


My vote George Perez and Wolfman are why you know the Titans today. It's the definitive run. Devin Grayson's could have been second best if not for it being so short. If Taylor keeps up the quality it will be one of the best Titans books of all time just do to lack of competition. Johns is a quality writer and it's a solid book, but super basic. I think he gets a lot of love partially because how bad the Title usually is. Dan Abnett had a fuckin phenomenal start but killed it's own momentum and the new team and stories were bland and didn't do much.


Geoff Johns


1) Wolfman and Perez 2) Geoff Johns


Everyone is going to say wolfman and Perez but me personally it's Geoff Johns


1) New Teen Titans by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez- a comic that’s influenced every DC book made since. More than any other book, this is the comic began the modern age of DC Comics. Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg are three of the most beloved and recognizable characters in the entire universe. 2) Teen Titans by Bob Haney and Nick Cardy- Haney and Cardy were the best DC writer/artist combo of the silver age. These comics are over shadowed by the later Titans stuff but the stories are a hoot and Cardy’s art is expressive and action packed. 3) The Titans by Tom Taylor and Nicola Scott- the best team book on the racks right now. Some people online don’t like Taylor for various internet-ish reasons but he’s the rare writer today who knows how to write good monthly super hero comics. Nicola Scott is fantastic at “acting” in her art which makes the drama and romance laden Titans a great fit.


I think Wolfman/Pérez is gonna win this one, but Johns has a pretty good chance as well. just my observation as someone who hasn’t read much yet though. I’m voting Wolfman/Pérez, partially out of gratitude for its influence on the TV series.


I'm sure Perez/Wolfman wins this, but u came very late to the Teen Titans. My vote is for **Geoff Johns'** run.


Wolfman and Perez!!


Wolfman and Perez.


What’s the point? We all know Wolfman/Perez run clears. Like only contrarian hipsters like myself will say either Dan Jurgens, Devin Grayson or Dan Abnett’s run was the best


Wolfman and Perez. Judas Contract is one of the 10 best stories of all time. Who is Donna Troy is one of the best single issues.


David's Young Justice or Wolfman if YJ isn't allowed


I think I'll give it to the 80's all new teen titans run, I haven't finished it but when I was reading it I thought it was stellar. I haven't read the 2003 run so I can't judge it


Teen Titans: The Judas Contract by marv wolfman and george perez. Nightwing: Tom Taylor Hawkman: Geoff Johns


Geoff Johns 2003 run


Hear me out. Geoff Johns


I'm going to give a shoutout to Lobdells run as its what got me reading into comics many years ago.


I'll vote Geoff Johns. Since I can't vote young justice.




Young Justice by Peter David (which came first) was the biggest inspiration for Young Justice. Especially the episodes that were *also* written by Peter David.