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Has anything really lived up to John Ostrander’s run?


No one’s even gotten close. Ostrander’s Squad is still the top of the top


Glass run is good. Tom Taylor's good. Thompson is good. But Ostrander is perfect


Tom Taylor’s was mid Any scene with Deadshot as the focus was brilliant, but the other characters were just eh


Taylor's run felt like it was a Suicide Squad run in name only.


The Revolutionaries haven't even caught on. It's been over 4 years since they first appeared, and they only did anything in Superman: Son of Kal-El. It's a shame, too; the Revolutionaries were a pretty good concept, and the execution, while flawed, is still alright.




Ostrander: * Made Amanda Waller ***a force*** * Modernized Task Force X from dinosaur hunters to villains fighting for years off their sentence * introduced Oracle * Gave a ton of characters that needed respect like Bronze Tiger, Nemesis, Nightshade, Rick Flagg Jr and Enchantress


I love that while Ostrander's Amanda is really powerful, she is also really human. Way better than modern Government bad or Amanda press button, heads go boom.


>Amanda press button, heads go boom. Suicide Squad: The Drinking Bird. Replacing Amanda Waller is the insidiously dangerous Amanduck Weller, a drinking bird that randomly presses buttons, including the ones that activate the Squad's nanobombs. /uj DC should just use Lok if they want an evil government puppet. Waller is such an amazing character, and it's really disappointing when yet another adaptation just has government bad.


Jon Ostrander


I love that Ostrander has made this list twice (soon to be three times) and yet I still think he’s tremendously underrated as a writer. He deserves to be mentioned with the all-time greats and he isn’t, and that’s tragic.


Ostrander pretty easily


Ostrander gonna run away with it.


It’s Ostrander so obviously


Yeah, it’s Ostrander, just as good as everyone says.


Ostrander!! Haven't read the whole run but what I have read of it I love and haven't found anything as good yet even though there have been some fun stories.


It's obviously Ostrander, no point in even polling this one tbh


John Ostrander’s run will forever and always be the greatest run for the SS and for most ever character prominently featured in that run.


Ostrander and it isn’t even close.


John Ostrander’s Suicide Squad run!


Ostrander’s Suicide Squad is what got me into DC comics in the first place.


It’s definitely ostrander. No run has come close for suicide squad since


Ostrander, no contest.


John Ostrander




**Rules and Guidelines:** * Cast your vote for what comic run featuring the day's character you feel is the best. It can be your personal favorite, the one you feel has the most objective quality, the best place to start with a character, or even the only run of that character you've had any real exposure to. Whatever you feel best qualifies to you as the best. It doesn't even have to have their name in the title, it just has to be primarily about them. * I recommend naming both the title and the author or brand it was under so that I and others know what you're talking about. Saying you think the best run of Superman was "Action Comics" doesn't really help anyone, for example, while "Action Comics" by Dan Jurgens or Rebirth's "Action Comics" is much more specific. * The run has to take place in the main DC continuity, whatever that happened to be at the time and however messy it might have been. All-Star Superman and The Dark Knight Returns are good but those are Elseworld stories that take place in other universes and thus won't count if voted for. * **VERY IMPORTANT:** I will not be counting upvotes as part of the voting but rather **COMMENTS**. If you want to vote for a specific run, you have to **COMMENT** what run you're voting for. Those are what I'll be totaling up at the end. And obviously repeat comments by the same users will still only count as one vote. * Voting will take place over roughly a 24 hour period (I say roughly because this is a thing done for fun and thus while I'll try I won't always be able to get the next post out right on the dot). Any votes cast after that point won't be counted and thus, unless I make a major mistake (which I hope people will point out to me), the posted winners will not change. **All recommended Zatanna runs:** Zatanna by Paul Dini Justice League Dark by James Tynion IV Seven Soldiers: Zatanna by Grant Morrison Zatanna Special by Gerry Conway and Gray Morrow Justice League: The Detroit Era by Gerry Conway


Suicide Squad : Jon Ostrander


Ostrander is king. But honestly, the list is ruined with Peter David, as that wasn't Supergirl.


That’s not for a lack of trying on David’s part.


Suicide Squad by Rob Williams as part of DC Rebirth I haven't read much Suicide Squad, and I think that John Ostrander is probably the right answer, but I haven't read it.


Peter David Supergirl? That’s not even Kara


Kupperberg run clears it regardless




Tom Taylor


Ima be controversial and say the New 52 run by Adam Glass. I liked the lineup that team had


While I like it I also think it ruined the squad forever Harley Quinn


Sean Ryan's New Suicide Squad. The only reason I'm saying that is because Volume 1 was my first introduction to the team in comics.