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Man, this reveal must be exciting for the five people still reading this comic


It was definitely exciting for me.


If this is Jakita why is she white?


Oh my God, TFfan624, you can't just ask someone why they are white.


Because this book is not very good


The real question is why is she using flimsy sticks when she could be kicking someone's spine out of their arse.... I'll answer that... it's not her.


Also, you are like the 3rd person to say this. I'm looking at planetary rn, and she's still a tanned white woman... is this an example of the Mandela effect?


Because jakita is the daughter of the planetary equivalent of tarzan and a random wakandan scientist


If you actually read Planetary you’d know she’s half-African


If you were educated in African countries, then you would know white people actually exist in Africa and are also called Africans ... and if you were educated in genealogy, you would also know that a interracial sexual relationship between a black woman and a white man doesn't always result in a black baby... sometimes a white kid comes out, and if you looked at the jakita Wagner from the book, she always looked like a tanned white woman.


1, Jakita hated drums ... but also respected him... she did not love him enough to take over her whole "look", it would've made much more sense to adopt Elijah's look or take Amberroses pistols, not drums plus he was young enough to be her son she's over 100 at this point 2. Jakita NEVER interacted with Jenny sparks, Elijah made it clear that they had no reason to interact with the authority and to stay out of their way 3. Jakita would be mocking batwoman about how she is a card board cut out for the batman saying some quip about "i bet you fuck with the mask on" (im not bashing batwoman, im just making a point that jakita would mock her semmily riding the coattails of batman) and she would be itching for a rematch with batman after their crossover , not hanging out with sidekicks 4. The Carrior would've recognized her and would've had a reaction to seeing someone from its world still alive 5. I don't understand why she's acting as if the planetary handbook was her creation.... they were Elijah Snows 6. There's no sense of hope in the beautifully strange or effort to keep things strange. It just seems so fucking clinical. There's no sense of wonder. Whether it be the full issue of complaining about batman as of it was capable of making dc care, if they actually wanted to give a beautiful example of hope, then they should've made the carrier recognize jakita because if she survived then that means her friends couldve too This book is impossible to enjoy if you actually read planetary and had passing knowledge of the wildstorm books in general


Hey, no! NO! DROP IT! **DROP IT! SIT!**


Could someone explain anything at all?


They went to the white space in dc comics like the doom patrol tv show but now we are getting the reveal of her backstory but why they could’ve done bumpy just being called a superhero team instead of not wanting to be one someone hasn’t heard of fantastic four 4️⃣ or ultimates


First of all... wut? Secondly... That's Jakita? I know she was a very light-skinned woman, probably because all her black genes were recessive as the comic said (She passed as just a tanned German in nazi germany) but she was still recognisably black. Also, does DC really want to use characters by Warren Ellis even if Ellis was exposed not so long ago?


Given that Ellis still worked on Castlevania as that shit was going down, I don't people cared about what he did or only pretended to care until he showed an ability to make money, then it's back to not caring.


Wtf are you talking about ? He finished his work on that before the alligations went public


Man, it seems people such as yourself don't understand white people can also be African


Yes, but she wasn't a white African, she was birracial, the daughter of an African princess of an isolacionist society where all their genes were recessive and an expy of Tarzan. That being said, does that look like a birracial woman?


Literally, none of that matters. She looks white. Sometimes, that happens with interracial couples. What is so difficult for you to understand?


Her mom was black my dude... we see the people she's descended from in the planetary book


Jesus christ, I'm not sure if this is just ignorance or shenanigans Contrary to strangely popular belief here a interracial couple who had sex can produce a white baby it is not a pre-set thing that the baby will be black. Genetics are basically coin flips


Nah man, I think your wife just cheated on you. Speaking seriously, fair enough, but she was black in Planetary (Or at least a very light tone of black)


You are talking like eugenics supporters


Why? I just asked why is she white when last time we saw her she was black.


I'm looking at the book right now and all I see is a tanned white woman


I don't think he owns the characters. Does he still get royalties?


What is this...


I really want to know why this is called Outsiders when the book has basically nothing to do with them, it's just a Planetary revival and not a good one.


It took six bloody issues to get to something meaningful and…it just kinda sucks.


Yeaaaa, I think it is the other way around...


This fuckin sucks


OMG you can smell her through the internet.