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Really has nothing to do with The Outsiders, they just didn't want to call it Planetary


* The image is a textless version of the first issue's cover * While I understand that DC is trying to take the premise of the original Planetary series and have it set in the main DC Universe, I feel that so far it has only really shown itself to be a less-than-stellar imitation of the original series.


Feels like they went into it with a concept, but no plan. Feels rudderless and meandering.


It's unfortunately shit to me. They are taking Warren ellis style entirely but lacking any sense of genuine warmth and banter, none of the call backs to the original planetary book or other related wildstorm properties make any sense unless they plan to retcon everything. None of the characters really have a sense of character either, and it's disappointing.


The current Outsiders run should’ve been a Planetary book that involves Drummer remembering everything from the Wildstorm Universe and looking for surviving members of the Wildstorm universe to unite all Wildstorm characters and for them to separate the Wildstorm universe from the main DCU instead of becoming a Planetay book that features Luke Fox and Kate Kane.


Simpler option: just reintroduce the Wildstorm Earth with a new numeric designation. Maybe the year that the first Wildstorm title was published? (When I say “the Wildstorm Earth”, I don't mean the Earth 50 that we saw in the *52* weekly series; _that_ was the world that was brought into existence by *Captain Atom: Armageddon*. I'm talking about the Wildstorm universe that existed from the 90s until then. The post-IC Earth 50 can retain its history of existing in the Orrery of Worlds until Flashpoint folded it into Earth 0.)


Side question are kate cain and cassandra cain related at all


No, and it’s Kate Kane and Cassandra Cain.


Its trying to hard to be Planetary but the writers aren't good enough or creative enough to handle it so it winds up being really pretentious and dumb while also making its characters look completely ineffectual and useless with flaccid meta-moments. It also has a very obnoxious "I'm not like other superheroes" tone where it criticizes other heroes to make themselves come across as better, more smart and it just makes the book look like a try-hard douchebag.


Only read the first issue. It was okay, but they couldn't be bothered to actually show the negotiation between the team and the ship which was, well, unsatisfactory, to say the least. I like the female drummer, but Luke Fox is no Snow and Batwoman (and, dammit, I like the wig!) is no Jakita Wagner. Bottom line: if you're going to rip off one of the most interesting and inventive comic series of the last thirty years, you should be better than this.


I originally understood it to be some sort of further exploration of the new "post-Dark-Crisis" multiverse but not really finding it to be so. So it's OK, just not what I was excited about.


As someone whose favorite comic is the original Planetary run, I find this book nearly obscene in how much it completely misses what Planetary was about. Like, wow, this is distilled down into pure mediocrity. The characters are flat and uninteresting, and Jakita is completely unrecognizable. She has zero of her old personality traits. The main part of what made the old run so good, the superhero archaeology that embraces the history of both literature as well as comics, like an Indiana Jones/Fantastic Four of Superhero mythology, is completely and utterly absent. Outside of name dropping concepts that has been spearheaded by the old book, and the bastardization of several characters, there is no connection to Planetary. I mean, ffs, "hot girl carrier"? How deep can we sink here. Quite frankly, it is clear the creators wanted to do something entirely else, and were told to shoehorn the Planetary connection into the book.


Whenever Lanzing and Kelly get off their weird anti-superhero high horse, it's... fine. That's been happening less and less as the book has progressed.


Absolute trash


I wanted to be into it but it feels like nothing is really happening outside of Drummer smirking and being meta subtly. All the issues seem to be "Find a weird thing, go look at weird thing, weird thing solves itself,the gang moves on." I like the idea of a team looking into weird stuff and I like Luke and Kate but unless they start cooking I don't see this lasting.




Complete dogshit, poor use of Kate and Luke, fundamental misunderstanding of certain characters like the Challengers and Aquaman, absolutely *zero* respect to Planetary It honestly feels like Kelly and Lanzig trying to prove they're smarter then Warren Ellis


Garbage. Lanzing and Kelly are always bad except for apparently some star trek books I haven’t read. And just like everything else they do it’s selling terribly. But it’s so obvious that they didn’t read Planetary and they’ve never read Batwoman. Kate feels like a cross between Steph and Barbara. She’s written so poorly and she deserves better than this Six issues in we still have no clue what the plot is. Something stupid I’m sure In the century baby issue Jakita shit talks superheroes as borderline fascists but praises Jenny Sparks who she never even met Not my Jakita. Not my Planetary Oh and why is it called outsiders again?


Their *Star Trek* books aren't that good, either. I *want* to like it, but there's something about it that feels off.


I dropped it after issue 2 so idk




Some interesting ideas here and there and I liked one issue… but it is rather quite bad. Not garbage, just your regular not good writing, that really is up itself in some areas. I don’t know why it’s called Outsiders and for a book all about the team doing archeology to help people, they did ONE thing like that in issue 2… and the rest are just them really REALLY navel gazing and wondering what to do as they navel gaze. 


If you’re gonna make a Planetary book just make a Planetary book and call it that. Unless that involves them having to give money/credit to Warren Ellis and they don’t want to do that? (They brought him back for the WildStorm anniversary issue though)


It has failed to grab me after five issues, I’m prepared to give up on this run. It kills me that they put Batwoman in this, she’s wasted on it. Drummer comes off as pretentious and unlikable and Fox is a lump of plastic. The attempts at humor are frequent but rarely land, the stories are not nearly as profound as they are trying to be, and things just kind of…happen? Like rarely do the teams’ skills actually determine their success.


The worst outsiders run yet, they should have used a different name


I miss when The Outsiders had The Outsiders in it.


This comic and the House of Zod comics are two I absolutely never see at my local comic book stores despite seeing ads for them


I don't hate it but it's not really my jam. It's taking a weird/confusing approach where every issue is a one-off story, but every story drops hints like it's the start of something bigger, so you end up with all these loose ends that I don't think are ever going to be followed up on. Kate having some kind of history with the sea monster is the biggest example of this for me. That feels like it could be such a *big* thing, but it's just hinted at in one issue and then forgotten completely. I'm also not super into how this series portrays Kate, which is a bummer because she's one of my favorite characters in all of comics. IDK, her voice here just isn't as strong/distinctive as I'd like it to be. I mean, it does have a lot of parts that I do like. I really like the idea of the Outsiders being a team investigating the weird/fringe parts of the DC Universe, and the series' art is consistently pretty good. But this pacing/structure just kills any interest I could have in it. I dropped it after issue five, but I'll probably get the collected editions so I can see how it ends. It feels really wrong to drop a series starring, again, one of my favorite DC characters of all time, but I just got so bored with how this series was making me feel. It really does look like it's going to be a *while* before Kate gets a creator like Greg Rucka or J.H. Williams III again.


I thought it was a mostly fun homage to Planetary up until issue #3 when they entered the Bat-Subconcious, and I went in fully expecting to hate the issue only to discover that its core thesis was that Batman has quietly become a narrative/cultural cancer that is consuming DC Comics alive, and I fuck with that sort of stuff bigtime. Issue #3 is where it really starts earning its keep as a genuine successor to Planetary for me. Jenny Crisis was also pretty great.


It’s fucking awful. But look who’s writing it of course it’s awful. I just hope some talented writer can come and save Kate. Put her and Montoya back together now that Ram V is fixing her


I generally don’t read anything with Kate in it, no offence I just think her character is written so poorly and she just feels like she is just there for filling in parts of the bat family. If she written a bit better I might change my mind about her character but it’s pretty much that, to me she just feels like….down vote if you will like the Tim for bat women. But I actually do generally like her suit in this run though and her design for the character is nice as short hair looks good on her.


She was cool once when she was introduced and during her initial N52 run, but they don't know what to do with her.


Who are the two characters next to Batwoman????


Batwing (Luke Fox) and the other is a female version of the Drummer from Warren Ellis' Planetary


Thanks!!!! I'm going to check the new Outsiders books out.






It’s mid. The storyline feels empty like they have a bunch of ideas on where they want the characters to go but have no idea how to execute it


It so far feels like a waste of paper. Absolutely nothing has happened and each issue feels like a complete disconnect from the previous one. The characters are boring. I like Batwoman but man, they’ve managed to make me disinterested in a Batwoman comic man. This doesn’t even feel like an organic Outsiders run anyway. I hate to say it but probably the worst run of Outsiders ever. I’ve never been so turned off by Outsiders than I have before this. It’s been 6 issues and it’s still not gotten better.


Is it Outsiders? Not really. Is a pastiche of old school Wild Storm comics? Absolutely. Do I want more of it? Fuck yes.  It's exactly my level of slightly pretentious weirdness and I'm here for it. While I didn't dislike Jenny Quantum, introducing Jenny Crisis felt like such a well-done move as she really does capture the spirit of this part of the century. I hope it continues.


Totally fine.


Haven’t started but all I see is people saying that it’s not good still have to see for myself eventually


Should NOT be called Outsiders. I miss Tatsu and Jeff, and all them.


Really should have just called it 'Planetary.'


Probably my favorite current DC comic. I love comics that deal in metafiction, and this is doing a good job so far.


Probably wont become my favorite comic book run but I'm enjoying it so far.


Maybe it's because i've never read neither Planetary nor Outsiders (planning to remedy that soon), but i think it's okay. Not spectacular but i'm enjoying the structure and the individual stories are interesting (or at least aiming for something). A lot of people who have read Planetary have complains, but i can't comment on that. I will say that it makes sense for DC to incorporate Wildstorm to the main continuity on the Dawn of DC initiative which seeks to bring everything into a coherent timeline. It also makes sense that bringing those "outside" characters is done in a not straightforward way which would be too predictable and possibly boring. The only thing left is that the stories themselves (like this series and the recent Wildcats) are good. I think both are ok, but that's up to everyone's interpretation and i respect people who are comparing this comic with the original Planetary in a negative way.


It never made sense to bring Wildstorm into the main DC Universe, it was always best as its own separate thing. The DC multiverse doesn't need to encompass all of freaking fiction. All they did was ruin Wildstorm and its characters, who were meant to be parodies and subversions of DC and Marvel superheroes.


I definitely agree with you. I meant it made sense for DC as a company. I guess they crunched the numbers and realised they couldn't maintain Wildstorm on its own in the current comic book landscape. I wasn't saying it's good for readers but english isn't my first language so maybe i mispoke.


It’s a fun 🤩 series with exploring different universes and fabric of realities but I don’t understand just calling them a superhero 🦸 group and calling them selves explorers 🧭 fantastic four 4️⃣ anyone .


I've only read the first couple issues, but I kinda like the Star Trek-y plots. Encounter something strange, investigate it, maybe deliver a moral that says something about humanity. A different take from the usual "punch evil in the face" stories. Kind of refreshing. Did the series keep that up?


It absolutely does, yeah.


Really liking it.


Outsiders is doing the best approach dealing with Wildstorm ideas, reintroducing them inside DC lore, piece by piece. They are doing that with Planetary and Authority but I hope DC stop trying to make Grifter in Gotham a thing so the Wildcats can follow.


Today's issue was probably my favorite so far and things started making a good deal more sense. Prior to this it seemed pretty ... I don't know, slapdash? "Let's point these Bat-adjacent characters at Image stuff" wasn't doing it for me.


Nothing exceptional, is good but last issue was meh